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How to Install and Setup Yoast SEO Plugin in WordPress

Are you wondering how to install and set up the Yoast SEO plugin properly in WordPress?

Yoast SEO is a popular WordPress SEO plugin that offers a good set of features to optimize your website for search engines like Google.

However, many beginners are unfamiliar with the SEO lingo and find it difficult to decide which plugin options they should turn on.

In this guide, we will walk you through the complete Yoast SEO plugin setup in WordPress to give your website an SEO boost.

Properly setting up the Yoast SEO for WordPress plugin

Note: We have switched from Yoast SEO to All in One SEO for the WPBeginner website because it has far more powerful features. AIOSEO is used by over 3 million websites, and you can follow our guide on how to install and set up AIOSEO for more details.

Here are the things we will cover in this article:

Yoast SEO Features

Yoast SEO is one of the most popular WordPress SEO plugins, with many built-in tools and features. Here is a quick overview of some of those features:

  • Change the post’s SEO title and meta description on a per-post basis.
  • Title and meta description support for taxonomies (e.g., categories and tags).
  • Google search result snippet previews.
  • Focus keyword testing.
  • Meta robots configuration:
    • Easily add noodp and noydir meta tags.
    • Easily noindex or nofollow pages, taxonomies, or archives.
  • RSS footer/header configuration.
  • Breadcrumbs support, with configurable breadcrumbs titles.
  • Advanced XML sitemaps.
  • .htaccess and robots.txt editor.
  • Ability to verify Google Search Console, Yahoo Site Explorer, and Bing Webmaster Tools.
  • Schema markup support.

Plus, the premium version of Yoast SEO comes with even more features:

  • A redirect manager that allows you to set up redirects easily.
  • Ability to use multiple focus keywords.
  • Internal linking suggestions.
  • Ability to export focus keywords.
  • Video tutorials explaining different features.
  • Priority support.

For the pros and cons of the plugin and detailed analysis, you may want to see our comparison of Yoast SEO vs. All in One SEO.

How to Install Yoast SEO Plugin

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll notice a new menu item labeled Yoast SEO.

Yoast SEO first time configuration wizard

Upon clicking on it, you’ll be prompted to run the ‘First-time configuration’ wizard.

Simply click on the link to run the first-time configuration wizard.

How to Set Up the WordPress SEO Plugin by Yoast

Yoast SEO comes with a basic setup wizard that will guide you through the initial setup.

If you are setting it up on a new WordPress website, then you can skip Step 1 and directly run Step 2 in the first-time configuration wizard.

However, if you are setting up Yoast SEO on an existing website where you have previously used some other WordPress SEO plugin, then you need to import your existing SEO data first.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Import your SEO Data

If you are setting up Yoast SEO on a new WordPress website or blog, then you can skip this step.

Other users who are installing the plugin on an existing website may have been using some other WordPress plugin for SEO, like All in One SEO for WordPress, RankMath, or a theme framework like Genesis for dealing with your SEO data.

If you want to use Yoast SEO properly, then you need to make sure that all of your previous SEO data has been transported across before you deactivate the other plugin.

Luckily, Yoast SEO comes with a built-in SEO data import/export functionality.

Head over to the Yoast SEO » Tools page and click on the ‘Import and Export’ link.

Yoast SEO tools

This will bring you to the import/export tool.

From here, you need to switch to the ‘Import from other SEO plugins’ tab.

Import from other SEO plugins

First, you will be advised to create a full database backup. We recommend using the Duplicator plugin, which is the quickest way to make a full database backup.

Note: There is also a free version of Duplicator, which will get the job done. But for automatic backups, secure cloud storage, and other features, we recommend upgrading to a paid plan.

Under ‘Step 2: Import’, choose the SEO plugin you used before from the dropdown menu.

After that, just click on the ‘Import’ button to fetch SEO data.

Next, you can edit a blog post or page and scroll down to the Yoast SEO section. There, you can see if the plugin correctly imported SEO data such as the SEO title and meta description.

SEO meta data imported

If everything looks good, then you can switch back to the ‘Import’ tab.

Step 4 will ask you to run the first-time configuration wizard now. We will show you how to do this in the next step of this tutorial.

After that, switch back again to the ‘Import’ tab.

You need to select your previous SEO plugin under ‘Step 5: Clean up’ and then click on the ‘Clean up’ button.

Clean up old SEO data

This will clean up the database and delete the old plugin’s data. After that, you can safely deactivate and delete your old SEO plugin.

Step 2: Run the First-Time Configuration Wizard

Yoast SEO comes with a first-time configuration wizard. To run it, go to the Yoast SEO » General page and switch to the ‘First-time configuration’ tab.

Launching the configuration wizard will allow you to set up some basic SEO settings for your website.

The first step in the wizard is ‘SEO Data Optimization.’ Go ahead and click the ‘Start SEO data optimization’ button to run the analysis.

Yoast SEO configuration

Don’t worry because the optimization process will not change any content on your website.

Once the data optimization process is finished, simply click the ‘Continue’ button to proceed.

Next, you will be asked to provide information about your website. This includes whether it is an organization or a person, your website name, organization name, and organization logo.

Site presentation- Yoast SEO configuration wizard

After entering this information, you need to click on the ‘Save and continue’ button.

This will bring you to the next step.

Here, you need to enter social profiles associated with the organization or business behind the website.

Social profiles - Yoast SEO configuration wizard

After entering your social profiles, click on the ‘Save and continue’ button.

Next, you will be asked to enter your email address to receive the weekly Yoast SEO newsletter.

Personal preferences

You will also be asked to opt in or out of usage data tracking.

You can select ‘No’ if you are not comfortable with sharing your usage data with the company behind Yoast SEO.

Now, click on the ‘Save and continue’ button.

That’s all. You have successfully run the setup wizard.

Configuration wizard finished

Next, we will walk you through the rest of the plugin settings. This will help you set up the plugin properly for optimal SEO benefits.

Step 3: Yoast SEO Settings – Site Basics

First, you need to set up basic SEO appearance settings. Go to the Yoast SEO » Settings page and switch to the ‘Site Basics’ tab.

Here, you can change your site title, add an alternate title (optional), provide a tagline, and choose a title separator.

Yoast SEO basic site settings

The title separator appears in the browser’s title bar. You can choose any of them, but the dash symbol is the most commonly used.

Below, you can provide a site image. The recommended size for this image is 1200 x 674 pixels.

This image will be used when your website is shared on the internet (not the individual articles, as they can have their own social sharing images).

Add a site image

Under ‘Site preferences’, make sure that the option next to ‘Restrict advanced settings for authors’ is turned on.

This ensures that authors cannot set up redirects or block search engines when working on an article (Editors and site administrators can still access those options).

Don’t forget to save your changes when you have finished making changes.

Step 4: Site Connections

The next step is to add your website to search engines. All top search engines allow users to submit their websites and track their search indexing and performance.

For more details, see our complete Google Search Console guide to learn more about these tools.

Yoast SEO makes it easy to verify your website with all top search engines.

First, you need to sign up for the Webmaster Tools program for each search engine. After that, you will be asked to add a meta tag to verify your website ownership.

Now, go to the Yoast SEO » Settings page and open the General » Site Connections tab.

Site connections

Simply add the meta code you received from the different search engines in the respective fields, and don’t forget to save your changes.

Step 5: Content Types

Next, you need to switch to the ‘Content Types’ tab in the Yoast SEO settings.

From here, you can set the default options for how different content types will appear in search results.

1. Homepage

First, you need to enter an SEO title and description for your home page.

Content types in Yoast SEO

If you are using a custom homepage in WordPress, then Yoast SEO will use the SEO title and description from the custom homepage.

Below that, you can provide a social media image. Optionally, you can also provide a separate description and title for social sharing.

Homepage search appearance settings

2. Posts

Next, switch to the ‘Posts’ tab under Content Types.

From here, make sure that the toggle next to the ‘Show posts in search results’ option is turned on.

posts search appearance in Yoast SEO

Below that, you can use variables to set a default format for SEO titles in your posts. This comes in handy if you have older posts without an SEO title or forget to manually write an SEO title for a post.

In the Meta description field, add %excerpt as the default variable.

3. Pages

After that, switch to the ‘Pages’ tab and ensure that the toggle next to the ‘Show pages in search results’ option is turned on.

Page search appearance

Below, you can use the ‘Insert variable’ button to set up a default SEO title scheme for your pages.

In the meta description field, you will need to use %excerpt to select Excerpt as the default meta description.

Step 6: Categories & Tags

Next, you need to configure the default search appearance option for categories and tags.

Switch to the ‘Categories’ tab and then make sure the option ‘Show categories in search results’ is turned on.

Below that, you need to provide a default meta title for your categories using the variables.

Categories search appearance

For the meta description, you can use %category description as the default meta description for categories.

Next, switch to the ‘Tags’ tab and repeat the same steps.

Tags search appearance

For the meta description, you should use %tag description as the default meta description for categories.

Step 7: Advanced Settings

This part of the Yoast SEO settings offers advanced, technical SEO features.

They allow you to further optimize your website by cleaning up unwanted options and making it easier for search engines to crawl more of your content.

1. Crawl Optimization

As a website owner, you want Google to crawl more of your pages. However, WordPress generates several pages and RSS feeds that are not important for your website but consume a lot of the crawl budget.

Crawl optimization allows you to fix that. For more details on this topic, see our guide on fixing the SEO crawl budget issue in WordPress.

The first option is to ‘Remove unwanted metadata’. This is data WordPress adds to each page on your site and some of it is crawled by search engines.

Remove unwanted meta data

The plugin provides a description next to each option. You can turn the toggle on to remove each item.

After that, scroll down to the ‘Disable unwanted content formats’ section. From here, you can disable unwanted RSS feeds generated by WordPress.

Disable unwanted content formats

Lastly, you can disable unused resources like the emoji script, which is only used for very old browsers.

You can also disallow end points to the WP-JSON API.

Disallow unused resources

2. Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are great for internal linking because they define a clear path or trail to the page you are on. These breadcrumbs also appear in search results, giving your site an extra advantage.

Example of breadcrumbs used in search results

The default settings for Yoast SEO are highly optimized and should work for most websites.

However, if you want to change something, then go ahead and make your changes.

breadcrumbs Yoast SEO

After that, scroll down to the ‘How to insert breadcrumbs in your theme’ section.

Here, you can turn on the toggle next to the ‘Enable breadcrumbs for your theme’ option.

Enable breadcrumbs

Tip: For better breadcrumb navigation, you may want to look at All in One SEO for WordPress. You will get full control of how your breadcrumbs are displayed and you can create custom breadcrumb templates for your specific needs.

Take a look at our tutorial on how to display breadcrumb navigation links in WordPress.

3. Author Archives

The next option in the Advanced settings is ‘Author archives’.

If you run a single-author blog, then you need to disable the author archives. This is important because your blog archives and the author archives will have exactly the same content.

So, search engines may penalize your website for duplicate or low-quality content if you don’t disable these archives.

Disable author archives

4. Date Archives

WordPress also creates archives based on dates. This creates more duplicate content issues.

Under Date Archives, you can turn off the switch next to the ‘Enable date archives’ option. This will disable those archives, improve the crawl budget, and avoid duplicate content.

Disable date archives

5. Format Archives

Post formats are WordPress theme features that allow developers to add support for different formats. These can then be used by a post type for styling and appearance purposes.

However, this feature didn’t catch on, and many modern WordPress themes don’t add post format support.

These post formats have separate URLs in WordPress, which can be crawled by search engines.

You can safely disable those URLs by going to the Advanced » Format Archives tab.

Disable format archives

6. Special Pages

This is where you can provide an SEO title for the internal pages like the WordPress search result page or the 404 error page.

SEO title for WordPress search and 404 error page

7. Media Pages

WordPress creates an attachment page when you upload an image or media file to a post or page.

This page only displays that particular image or media file with little to no information. This wastes your crawl budget, adds low-content pages to your site, and impacts SEO negatively.

In the Advanced » Media Pages tab, you need to disable these pages.

Disable media pages

When you disable media pages, Yoast SEO automatically redirects users to the media file instead of the attachment page.

8. RSS

Yoast SEO allows you to add content to RSS feed items. By default, it adds a link back at the end of each RSS feed item to your website.

You can leave it as is, or you can add anything you want here, and it will appear in your RSS feed.

RSS before and after content

Bonus: See more tips to optimize your WordPress RSS feed.

Step 8: Tools

Yoast SEO comes with built-in tools that allow you to perform advanced tasks. Most beginners may not need to use these tools. However, we will show you each tool and what it does.

First, you need to go to the Yoast SEO » Tools page to see the available tools.

Yoast SEO tools

1. Import and Export

We have shown you how to use this tool to import SEO data from other SEO plugins in step 1 of this guide.

However, this tool can be used in other ways too. For instance, you can also use it to import and export the Yoast SEO plugin’s settings and use them on a different WordPress blog or website.

Import and export Yoast SEO settings

2. File editor

As your WordPress site grows, you may often come across tutorials asking you to add some code to your website’s .htaccess file or robots.txt file.

Both are configuration files and have a huge impact on your website’s SEO. Yoast SEO allows you to edit both files directly from the WordPress admin area.

Yoast SEO file editor tool

3. Bulk editor

The bulk editor tool in Yoast SEO allows you to quickly add SEO titles and descriptions for all your blog posts and pages.

In the ‘Title’ tab, you will find a blank field in the ‘New Yoast SEO Title’ column where you can add your new SEO title for that blog post. After that, click on the ‘Save’ link to store your changes.

Bulk edit SEO titles

To add descriptions, you will need to switch to the ‘Description’ tab.

Once again, you can add a description for each blog post or page and save it.

Bulk edit SEO description

Step 9: Integrations

Yoast SEO has partnered up with a couple of premium SEO platforms to provide more features. It includes two free integrations: Semrush and Wincher.

These integrations are turned on by default on the Yoast SEO » Integrations page.

Yoast SEO integrations

Note: You will need to create free accounts for both services to use them and you will only get limited features with a free account.

Below that, you will find integrations with other premium WordPress plugins.

Paid integrations

For instance, if you are using Easy Digital Downloads, then you can unlock that integration by upgrading to Yoast SEO Premium.

Step 10: Optimizing Your Posts and Pages With Yoast SEO

Just installing and setting up this plugin is not enough. For you to maximize the benefit of Yoast SEO, you will need to customize the settings on per per-post basis.

Let’s look at maximizing the benefits by optimizing each post/page in WordPress.

Simply edit any post or page, and you will notice a new Yoast SEO meta box below the post editor.

Yoast SEO metabox

You can start by adding a ‘Focus keyphrase’ or keyword. This is the main keyword that you think your users will type into search engines to find this post.

After that, Yoast SEO will check your post content for SEO and a readability analysis. You can view the analysis to improve your article further.

Sometimes, your post title and your SEO title might not be the same. Every time, you should write a custom SEO description because the excerpt generator only picks up the first paragraph, which might not be the most important one.

Pro Tip: The SEO and readability analysis report in Yoast SEO is quite helpful for improving your content. However, don’t stress yourself out over it, or you might spend more time following the analysis instead of creating better content for your users.

To learn more about on-page optimization, see our article on how to optimize blog posts for SEO.

Step 11: Optimizing Taxonomies for SEO (Categories and Tags)

Just like your post and pages, you can also override the SEO title and meta descriptions for category, tag, and author archive pages.

Simply visit the Posts » Categories page and click the ‘Edit’ link below any category.

Edit category SEO details

On the category edit page, scroll down to the bottom, and you will see the Yoast SEO meta box.

From here, you can provide an SEO title and meta description for your category.

Optimizing a category in Yoast SEO

You can do that for all your categories, tags, and custom taxonomy archives.

Related: See our guide on taxonomy SEO to learn more about how to optimize your WordPress category pages.

Step 12: Optimizing eCommerce Products

Yoast SEO provides basic support for online stores and eCommerce websites using WooCommerce.

This allows you to optimize your product pages just like blog posts and pages.

You will find all eCommerce SEO options when adding a new product to your website. You can also edit an old product and optimize it by entering a focus keyword, SEO title, SEO description, and more.

Yoast eCommerce

If you are using WooCommerce, then you will need to purchase the Yoast WooCommerce SEO add-on for extended eCommerce features.

Alternative: All in One SEO for WordPress has full eCommerce support even with the basic plan, which starts at $49.

Step 13: Monitoring and Tracking SEO Performance

Now that you have successfully set up Yoast SEO, it is important to start tracking your performance.

First, you need to add your WordPress site to Google Search Console.

Google search console

This shows you how your website is doing in search, which keywords you are ranking for, and which pages are not doing so well.

Next, you need to install Google Analytics in WordPress so that you can see your website data from your WordPress dashboard.

The easiest way to do this is by using MonsterInsights. It connects your WordPress site to Google Analytics and shows you how much traffic you are getting, as well as what your users do when they are on your website.

Most importantly, it shows Google Analytics reports inside WordPress and in a human-readable format.

MonsterInsights reporting dashboard

This helps you understand your target audience and make smart decisions to grow your business and improve SEO.


Yoast SEO is a great WordPress SEO plugin. However, it lacks certain features which could truly help you take your SEO to the next level.

That’s why we recommend using All in One SEO for WordPress instead (We use it on all our websites, including WPBeginner). It comes packed with features, including a link assistant, SEO statistics, advanced XML sitemaps, and more.

For more details, take a look at our detailed All in One SEO review with pros and cons.

We hope this article helped you set up Yoast SEO properly. You may also want to follow our WordPress speed optimization guide since speed is an important ranking factor in SEO or see our expert picks of the best WordPress themes for SEO experts.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff

Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Prateek

    thanks For This Wpbegginers

  3. jackson

    \my yoast is written on the dash board

    The following file(s) is/are blocking your XML sitemaps from working properly:
    Either delete them (this can be done with the “Fix it” button) or disable Yoast SEO XML sitemaps.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It seems that another plugin has added a sitemap.xml file to your website. You can need to find out which plugin added it and disable the plugin. Alternately, you can connect to your website using FTP and then locate the sitemap.xml file and delete it manually.


  4. Anubhav

    So here is my issue. When I am sharing my website on facebook, it automatically shows a thumbnail of a random shop product and a random product description. I did make that change under Social->Facebook and added the appropriate image and description, still nothing has changed. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

  5. alison

    will this plugin properly work with Genesis theme?

  6. Bisham

    How to solve 500 internet sever error

    • Raja Sharma

      Simply check Your htaccess file For Any Wrong Code

  7. danu adji

    please help, why the blog description still does not appear, whereas I had to apply the existing arrangements in this article

  8. Tara

    I’ve just got wordpress, the free version which says you can’t add plugins.
    Can you confirm that if I upgrade wordpress then I will be able to use yoast SEO?
    I can’t seem to find that piece of information!

      • Tara

        Yes i have free
        and I have a domain and google apps
        … and I really don’t know what these do! The google apps – is that just email management, or are they my domain (website)?

        I’d like to migrate to but don’t want to pay for web hosting twice
        please advise, thanks!

        • Tara

          I mean is google apps hosting my website?

        • Praveesh

          Hi Tara,

          Got your Query resolved?

  9. jasmine

    thanks for the detailed tutorial.
    i would really appreciate if you share FREE video sitemap creator.

  10. Ahmed Nasr

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Hi, thank you for this post

    i have one question

    i’m using Yoast plugin in my site but i want to entry meta code

    meta name=”Googlebot-News” content=”noindex, nofollow”

    to some posts to Exclude it from Google News

    how can i do it

  11. Josh

    For XML Sitemaps (Step 8), should we disable the ThirstyLink options?

  12. Brenda

    Thank you SO much! For reasons like this article, you are the first “assignment” I give new clients when they are WordPress users.

    Google wants me to verify all the versions of my URL (http, https, www, -www). Where would I put the verification codes for all these different versions? Different “alternative methods”?

    Many thanks indeed!

  13. Jaswinder

    I am using All in One Seo Pack.

    Actually I tried both, but I like All in one Seo Pack more than Yoast Seo.

  14. Louay


    Great info.

    How do add og:image for the home page?


  15. Nicole

    Thanks so much for your help!

    I have installed Yoast on my wordpress site however am still battling with trying to clear up my ‘tags’ pages on Google. How would I go about this? I think that the numerous tag pages relating to my site might be related as to why Google Adsense keeps getting disapproved. Please could you advise me?
    Thanks so much :) Nicole

  16. Rashed

    your post is more descriptive for the beginner which seo plugin is the best for seo ultimate or yoast please suggest me which one should i use

  17. Rithika

    Thanks for sharing information on Yoast ,but as i am using genesis theme for my blog, So is there any extra features you know which is not there in genesis .because these features are i think there in genesis.

    Thank You..!

    • WPBeginner Support

      We use Genesis Framework on WPBeginner, but we still use WordPress SEO. While the SEO features in Genesis are quite adequate, Yoast SEO is a much more powerful and robust solution. As soon as you activate Yoast SEO plugin, Genesis will automatically hide all its SEO settings.


  18. sugiharto

    thanks for your info, can ask related Yoast SEO
    am install Yoast SEO plugin win my blog, but i chek in google have problem in Robots.txt fetch and Search Console – Yoast SEO code is different in my google webmaster hot to fix it

  19. Emily Johns

    Thanks For Sharing This. but in Yoast SEO plugin, we can put only one Keyword and in All in One SEO, we can put as many we want, so Here I am confused that which one is exactly the best. Does Yoast plugin drive more traffic to my blog than All in One SEO????

  20. Val Archer

    Hi – I installed yoast and am trying to find a box where I can enter each post’s meta tag description. You mention:

    >On each post and page editor page, you will see this new box called WordPress SEO that has tons of fields like SEO Title, Meta Description

    I have “Yoast SEO” checked in ‘Screen Options.’ Below my post window is Yoast SEO with 3 icon options: Content, Advanced, Social.

    Under ‘Content” is “Snippet Editor”, ‘Focus Keyword’ and ‘Content Analysis.’ Content Analysis complains “No meta description has been specified” BUT I can NOT find a box/field anywhere for me to enter the meta description. You say “tons of fields” but I see only these 3 under Content.

    Please can you tell me where I can enter the meta description uniquely for each post? Thank you! Alternatively, do you have any code for functions.php that will add a meta description box to the post edit window? So in the dropdown under Custom Fields, I’ll see “Description” and can give it a value there? Then I can uninstall yoast because I really don’t like it.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yoast SEO has changed the meta box UI since we last updated this article. The description field is in the snippet editor just below the title. You can edit the title by clicking on it. If the description field below it is empty then just click on the empty area below the title and it will become editable. You can then enter your post’s description.


      • Val Archer

        That’s funny. I definitely don’t have any empty area below title. Will email you a .jpg

  21. Ayoola Abolaji

    Thank you so much. this is the best SEO walk through I’ve found so far

  22. Peter Wright

    Great post – certainly has helped tweak my Yoast plugin

  23. febx

    Thank you for the post, It will help all of those newbie bloger included me

  24. Patrik


    How do I set up Yoast SEO plugin to work with Advanced Custom Fields?

    I have searched all around the web and can not find any help/tutorial or information about how to get Yoast SEO WordPress plugin to work with other fields in WordPress, in this case I have a website (or several) that use Advanced Custom Fields to store a lot of content and Yoast can not sense these fields. Yoast have an extra plugin for this (what I’ve understand): YoastSEO.js , but I have no idea how to get this to work.

    1. How do I set up YoastSEO.js plugin (is it a plugin?) to work with Advanced Custom Fields in WordPress.

    Would you at wpbeginner be able to write a proper bulletproof tutorial for dummies about this?

    Patrik from Sweden

    • WPBeginner Support

      We will try. Meanwhile you can try support forums for Yoast SEO plugin on


  25. Kelsey

    Hi! Great Post.

    I just downloaded Yoast SEO onto my website, but I now have a message that says this:

    Your theme contains a meta description, which blocks Yoast SEO from working properly, please delete the following line, or press fix it:
    <meta name="description" content="”>


    The Header and Footer plugin(s) might cause issues when used in conjunction with Yoast SEO.
    Both Yoast SEO and Header and Footer create OpenGraph output, which might make Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks use the wrong texts and images when your pages are being shared.

    It then has a button that says to deactivate my header and footer.

    I do have a header and footer plugin by Stefano Lissa. Will I mess up my website if I deactivate the header and footer?


    • WPBeginner Support

      You will need to deactivate header and footer plugin. We cannot say what kind of effect it will have on your site. If you were just using it to add Facebook open graph meta data, then you can do that in Yoast SEO.


  26. Akshay Hiremath

    In the google search results I want my organic listing to appear like a box with product name & prices in it. Saw this on the search results and want to apply the same for my business.
    Please Help me with this.

  27. Jiten

    Hey Sayed / Editorial Team,

    I am using All in One SEO plugin, since 2 years for my health blog. I am getting good visitors. I want to change the plugin to SEO by Yoast. Will it affect my rankings? Do i need to rewrite all Meta Title & Description again if I uninstall the older and activate Yoast SEO plugin?

    Awaiting for your reply.


    • WPBeginner Support

      No it should not affect your rankings. Yoast SEO has built-in importer, that brings all your All in One SEO settings into Yoast. Simply go to SEO » Tools » Import/Export and then click on import from other plugins tab. You will find the option to import from All in One SEO plugin.


    • Mikael Andersen

      Have you checked all the new rewievs in the plugins reviews. Until 3 days ago I would recommend Yoast SEO. Today I am about to find another plugin, because of all the bugs in the newest update and because a lot of functionality is away and instead you will find a lot of buttons for paid extenstions.

  28. Mikael Andersen


    After Yoast have made a bunch of errors in their new update, can you then recommend an alternative Seo plugin, that is a bit similar to Yoast plugin.

  29. Zuber Shaikh

    Dear Sir,

    I can use this tool in my website and also all my WordPress Clients Sites. Really Good tools. I m Web Developer and also Internet Marketer last 4+ Years.

    Thanks Regards
    i m Zuber

  30. thousan

    Hi Wpbeginner support team. I am a newbie to wordpress and website. I have a website on a free hosting service and I did install SEO by yoast and I tried to config the setting as in your video. Yet I still can not find my website and my content in google search result. I don’t know what wrong with this. I hope you can help me to solve this problem.

  31. bisot

    it help me to deal with the setting , thank you verymuch :)

  32. sumit

    Do we need to remove tag and categories from sitemap.

  33. JC

    Great tip. I switched from All in one SEO to Yoast and keep trying to optimize this tool.

  34. Hari

    how to optimze a .net website

  35. Jitendra Mahato

    Hi there,
    I have installed this plugin in my site before 1 year but there is one problem us my site. There is working very good in my site as well. But the breadcrumb is working just in the post or page. It is not working in the google search engine snippet like other. May i why? it there something special to do for that…… I want to have displayed breadcrumb in search engine…….. . I am waiting for your response.

  36. brian

    thank you for your instructions.

    in this document you wrote, “The next option is to remove stop words from permalinks. Stop words are common words used in plain language. Yoast believes that by removing these, you will create cleaner URLs. While it does make the URLs smaller, we disagree with Yoast. This is why we have left it unchecked.”

    But, the screenshot indicates that the, “Remove stop words from slugs” is checked.

    If possible, can you please clarify if you meant it is advisable to leave it checked (default) or remove the check?

    thank you.

  37. Marcia

    I just watched the video and feel like I went through a maelstrom. It was so fast that it raised my blood pressure trying to keep up with it. Therefore, it wasn’t very useful to me. I’m not a beginner. Were I a beginner, it would have been even worse for me. Thank heavens for the printed words that follow it!

  38. Anna A.

    Hi. Great article! I am just a little confused on 1 thing. I will have a blog with categories. Under each post I will have tags for them. The tags will then become the archived pages for the posts. My question is for these archived pages, will Yoast have the correct canonical? Or will I need to go and manually change something there to refer it back to my category page??

  39. sai krishnan

    i am getting this error on installing the plugin please help

    Installing Plugin: Yoast SEO 2.3.2

    Downloading install package from…

    Unpacking the package…

    Installing the plugin…

    Destination folder already exists. /home/content/p3pnexwpnas08_data01/85/2727085/html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/

    Plugin install failed.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Seems like you have either already installed the plugin or a previous installation failed to complete. Go to the plugins page and see if you have WordPress SEO or Yoast SEO plugin installed. If it is already installed, then you just need to activate it. If you cannot see it on the plugins page, then connect to your website using an FTP client and go to /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Delete the WordPress-SEO folder.


  40. Nelbin

    I am getting this error message when I try to upload the plugin
    ‘The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT(-10): invalid archive structure.’

    Please help.
    Thank you!

  41. Bj aka Bill Brown

    You make no mention of the noodp or noydir.
    What is your opinion on using / not using these?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We don’t think that these settings are relevant or affect most sites. However, both of them are harmless if you want to opt-out from ODP or Yahoo Directory descriptions.


  42. Sacha

    Very, very helpful post a video WPBeginner.

    I have been using All in One SEO Pack plugin for a long time a finally decided to switch and I’m pleased I did.

  43. Rich

    Help me please. I’m another beginner. Them main advertising content of my website is the photos in my gallery showing the work that we can do (a picture paints a thousand words), but the images do not show up in Google. Looking in the Sitemaps it appears that the images are listed with a value of zero. I have done much internet searching and can find nothing conclusive. I am using Nextgen Gallery.
    Any help appreciated

  44. Kregg Hill

    Question? On the “Edit Page” tab, Yoast SEO section, under “Page Settings” there are 5 Tabs…one of which is SEO where there is a place to input “Keywords”. Is this essentially where you add all keywords for that page, and if so, can you add long tail keywords, is there a comma required after each entry, and is there a lmit to how many search keywords or terms you can add there?

    Sorry, I’m a newby!

  45. Jennifer McNeil


    Well, I must say that your tutorial was very comprehensive and most informative!

    Now all we have to find out is if it all actually works, since I have been ‘fighting’ with our Website,, since last November, trying to get it to rank even a little bit! From all the numerous scans I have done with endless software, it is full of flaws and errors (apparently many of them in the actual code of the THBusiness theme we are using). Will following all your instructions in this tutorial fix these problems, or do I need to look elsewhere for remedies?

    Also, all Pages are showing absolutely horrible Google Page Speed Testing too. All are in the 30’s and 40’s for both Desktop and Mobile and we can’t figure out why!

    If you have any suggestions at all, I’d sure be open to receiving them, as admittedly, I am a bit of a greenhorn. Many thanks in advance.

    Very best regards,
    Jennifer McNeil

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you believe that the problem is with your WordPress theme’s code, then we would recommend you to consider changing your WordPress theme. You can also temporarily disable all plugins on your site, and switch to a default WordPress theme like Twenty Fifteen. After that test your Google Page speed. If this improves performance significantly then it is your theme or one of the plugin’s fault. To further analyze, you can turn on your plugins one by one, take Google page speed score after each plugin. Do the same for your theme. This way you can find out whats causing low page speed score. Hope this helps.


  46. Riju

    Nicely composed post about seo by Yoast. It will help all of those newbie bloger included me, who like to add this powerhouse seo plugin on their wordpress blog. Now it’s look like that I can easily proceed to setup Yoast. Let’s see…..

  47. Manoela


    Following this tutorial, I’ve just migrated from All in One SEO to WordPress SEO by Yoast! I simply love the analysis function, but there’s something I’m missing: can’t I set keywords for my posts and pages? Isn’t that worse for my SEO? I thought it was a good way of getting the post found by robots. What would you recommend?

    Thanks a lot.


    • WPBeginner Support

      Actually the author of Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin believes that Meta Keywords are no longer important for SEO. However, we believe that even if they are not important, they are still pretty harmless. If you want to use them on your posts and pages while using WordPress SEO plugin, this is what you need to do.

      Go to SEO » Titles & Metas and click on the Other tab. Check the box next to ‘Use meta keywords tag?’ option and click on the save changes button. You will now see the meta keywords field in the WordPress SEO metabox below the posts and pages.


  48. Ibn Adam

    Thank you for the post. Webmaster Tools and Titles & Metas sections helped!

  49. kim

    Just want to say THANK YOU! Absolute a life saver for this learning lady!

  50. Ralph D. Klonz

    Yoast is used so much out in SEO Land, but this is really the best how to if seen so far. Have watched a many videos but your blog drives it home. There are still some thing I don’t fully understand. But that’s not the plugin, it’s my limitations.

  51. Tommy

    Hi guys!
    I have a problem after editing posts using yoast plugin. I can’t then see what I saw before, i.e. my post with gallery only – I can only edit it in text mode. everything else is disabled, and even invisible.
    Same issue with sites – only text editor possible.
    Any ideas?


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