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10 Important Metrics to Measure on Your WordPress Site

Are you wondering how your WordPress website is performing?

Measuring important website metrics can help you find out what’s working and not working in your business. You can then tweak your content strategy, try new ways to increase website traffic, and optimize your site for higher conversions.

In this article, we will show you important metrics to measure on your WordPress site.

Important Metrics to Measure on Your WordPress Site

How to Measure Important Metrics in WordPress

When running a successful business, it’s essential to know your WordPress website’s performance. However, many business owners use their ‘best guesses’ to make decisions instead of working with data.

This is where tracking important analytics metrics can help you make informed decisions and grow your website with confidence.

You can see which strategies are working, which content your visitors like, where they are from, and how you can improve your traffic and WordPress conversions.

The easiest way to measure important metrics in WordPress is using MonsterInsights. It’s the best WordPress analytics plugin and is used by over 3 million websites.

MonsterInsights makes it super easy to properly set up Google Analytics in WordPress, show important stats inside your WordPress dashboard, display popular posts, and use advanced tracking features.


You can read our complete MonsterInsights review for more details.

To start, you’ll first need to install and activate the MonsterInsights plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: if you want to unlock advanced tracking features like eCommerce tracking and more dashboard reports, then you’ll need the MonsterInsights Pro version. There is also a free version of MonsterInsights that you can use to get started.

Upon activation, you’ll be taken to the MonsterInsights welcome screen in WordPress. Go ahead and click the ‘Launch the Wizard’ button.

You can now follow the steps to configure the plugin and connect Google Analytics to your WordPress site.

Set up MonsterInsights

After that, simply head over to Insights » Reports from your WordPress admin panel.

From here, you can view metrics and get insights to grow your business.

MonsterInsights dashboard reports

That being said, let’s look at some of the most important website metrics to measure on your website.

1. Sessions

The first thing you should measure is your website traffic. To do that, you can look at the number of sessions. A session represents a single visit to your site, and it can include many pageviews.

In MonsterInsights, you can easily view the number of sessions by navigating to Insights » Reports and seeing the ‘Overview’ report.

Overview report in MonsterInsights

The graph shows a trend from the last 30 days. Simply hover over the graph to see the Unique Sessions on a particular day. You can use this website metric to see how many people visit your site and if your traffic is increasing or decreasing.

For example, if you have a WordPress blog, then looking at sessions can show whether the number of readers is rising. If it’s not, then you need to find more ways to increase your blog traffic.

Besides that, you can also look at the average session duration and total users to get more insights into user engagement.

Reports overview

Having a high session duration means people enjoy reading your content and spend more time on your website. Meanwhile, a high bounce rate means users didn’t find what they were looking for and left your site.

2. Top Referrals

The next metric you should be measuring is Referrals. These are websites that link to your content and send traffic to your site, also known as referral traffic.

Top referrals

Since these websites are linking to your articles, it means they are providing a backlink. Backlinks are important Google ranking factors, and they give a vote of confidence for your content.

Having backlinks from high-authority sites means your content is excellent, and you can see a positive impact on your keyword rankings.

Using the top referrals metric, you get to see which websites are sending visitors to your website. This helps find similar sites to get more backlinks and boost your WordPress SEO.

Similarly, you can also uncover which guest posts are driving a lot of referral traffic. This helps with choosing the type of content and topic to cover for future guest posts.

3. Top Countries

Ever wonder which country your visitors are from? In MonsterInsights, you get to see which region drives the most traffic to your site by looking at the Top Countries metric.

Top countries

Using the data from the Top Countries report, you can uncover new content ideas.

Let’s say one region that’s sending the most traffic is India. You can write about the best web hosting services in India if you have a tech website or 5 places to visit in India if you have a travel blog.

Besides that, you can also create personalized marketing campaigns and provide a custom user experience for people from different regions. For instance, you can offer free shipping or discount offers to people for a particular location.

You can also check out our ultimate guide to geolocation targeting in WordPress.

4. Top Posts and Pages

Do you know which landing pages and blog posts drive a lot of traffic, engagement, and conversions on your site? A simple way to find out is by measuring the top posts and pages metric.

In MonsterInsights, you can uncover your most viewed pages and posts in the Overview report.

Most viewed pages and posts

If you are using the MonsterInsights Pro version, then you can unlock the Publishers report and get more insights about how people interact with your most important pages.

Simply head over to Insights » Reports and click on the ‘Publishers’ tab. Next, you can head to the Overview tab and see the Top Landing Pages report and how many visits your pages get, along with visit duration and bounce rate.

Publisher overview report in MonsterInsights

Once you know which articles are performing the best, you can create more content on similar topics and grow your traffic. You should also check keyword rankings for these top pages and see if you can improve their rankings to reach the #1 spot in Google.

On these top pages, you can also place your newsletter subscription form and convert visitors into email subscribers to build an email list. If you’re selling products or services, then you can optimize your high-traffic pages to boost sales and conversions.

5. Outbound Links

The next analytics metrics you should measure are the outbound link clicks. These are links in your content that are from other websites. When a user clicks on an outbound or external link, they’re taken to another site.

In MonsterInsights Publisher’s report, you can see the Top Outbound Links. Do note that Google Analytics doesn’t track external link clicks by default. However, with MonsterInsights, you get link tracking out of the box.

Outbound links report

Measuring which outbound link gets the most clicks can help you create new partnership opportunities.

For instance, you can reach out to the sites that you are sending traffic to and ask for a backlink for your blog as well. You can also build partnerships and join their affiliate marketing program to earn more money.

Aside from that, tracking outbound links can also help you better understand your users’ behavior and come up with new content ideas. Since people are clicking a link to view content on another site, you can create a better version of that article on your own website.

6. Demographics

Another important web metric to measure is user demographics. It helps you better understand your audience. You could then offer products that your users might prefer or write content based on their interests.

With MonsterInsights, it’s straightforward to track and measure demographic information. You get to see the age, gender, and interests of your visitors in WordPress.

Demographic reports

Demographics help you find hidden WordPress user data that you can use to make business decisions.

For example, let’s say you have an eCommerce store that sells shoes. If your audience is primarily females, then you can add more women’s shoes to your store compared to men.

Similarly, if you are writing blogs about the latest tech and one of the top audience interests is smartphones, then you can create more content about smartphones compared to other categories.

7. Top Google Search Terms

Do you want to know which keywords your users use to find your website? You can quickly uncover this insight by measuring the top Google search terms for your website.

MonsterInsights brings your Search Console report inside your WordPress admin area and lets you see the top 50 keywords people use to look up your site on Google.

You can see our guide on how to add your WordPress site to Google Search Console.

Search console report

By measuring the Google Search Terms metric, you can see which keywords drive traffic to your site. The report shows clicks, impressions, CTR, and average position for each search term.

From the report, you can select keywords that are close to reaching the #1 position in Google and optimize them.

The report also helps identify low-hanging fruit, which are keywords that can easily reach the first page on Google with a little tweak in meta titles, internal linking, and keyword optimization.

Besides that, you can also find new keyword ideas to target on your website. For instance, look for similar search terms that are already performing well and optimize them in your content. As a result, you’ll grab keyword rankings for different search terms and grow your organic traffic.

8. Form Conversions

Forms play an important role in running a successful business, whether you are running a WooCommerce store, a blog, a membership website, or a company website.

Forms help you keep in touch with your visitors. You can easily get feedback from your customers and resolve their queries through contact forms.

However, simply adding a form to your WordPress site isn’t enough. You should track its performance and see how well it is converting. This is where measuring the form conversion metrics comes in handy.

With the MonsterInsights Forms addon, you can easily track form conversions in Google Analytics. It works smoothly with WPForms, Formidable Forms, and any other WordPress form plugin.

The best part is that you get to see the report inside your WordPress dashboard. Simply head over to Insights » Reports » Forms to view the report.

Forms report

The report will show the total number of impressions, conversions, and conversion rate for each form.

Using the information from the report, you get to see which forms get the most conversions and which don’t. You can change the low-performing forms’ design, layout, questions, and other elements to improve their conversions.

On the other hand, placing your highly converting forms on the most important pages or in the sidebar can further boost their conversions.

9. Site Speed

Site Speed is another metric you should be tracking in your WordPress website. That’s because Google now considers your site’s loading speed as a ranking factor.

If your website is slow to load and doesn’t provide a great user experience, then Google will not rank your content higher and instead prefer other sites that are faster.

A simple way to measure load time is by using the MonsterInsights Site Speed report.

Site speed report

The report shows an overall site speed score for desktop and mobile, along with other analytics metrics to measure page speed. You also get recommendations on how to improve your site’s load time.

You can go through our detailed guide to boost WordPress speed and performance.

10. Custom Dimensions

Custom dimensions are additional pieces of information that you can use to understand how people use your website. They help uncover things like content types, SEO performance, user engagement, and more.

Using the MonsterInsights Dimensions addon, it’s very easy to set up custom dimensions in WordPress. You can track popular authors, post types, top categories and tags, and more.

Popular authors dimension

For example, if you are running a multi-author website, then you can track your most popular authors using custom dimensions. You can also uncover which post category gets the most traffic so you can optimize it for conversions and find new content ideas to cover.

There are more custom dimensions you can set up with MonsterInsights. The plugin lets you track logged-in users and see which post type your audience likes. For instance, if your readers prefer guides and tutorials, then you can create similar content to get more traffic.

Logged in user and post type

If you are using the All in One SEO (AIOSEO) plugin, then you can track the TruSEO score of your posts and pages using custom dimensions.

Similarly, MonsterInsights also lets you track Focus Keyphrases that you’ve set for each post and find out which keyword gets the most traffic.

Focus keyphrase and TruSEO score

We hope this article helped you find important metrics to measure on your WordPress site. You may also want to see our guide on why your WordPress visitors aren’t converting into customers and our expert picks of the best email marketing services for small businesses.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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6 CommentsLeave a Reply

  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Jiří Vaněk

    I’ve been using Google Analytics since the beginning of my website, and it’s a very powerful tool—except for one thing. It’s quite complex, at least for me. However, after installing and starting to use Optin Monster, the world of metrics opened up to me like magic. This plugin took a complex tool and translated all the numbers into an easily understandable language that I can grasp. I want to thank you for writing in this article about which metrics are important for website owners and what I should be tracking. Many thanks!

  3. Mrteesurez

    Are you telling me Monsterinsights can be configured to measure and track all these metrics, that’s really cool.
    That means I have not seen the power of Monsterinsights yet, I have to explore it more.
    For the speed, is that screenshot still come from Monsterinsights ?
    Can I use the free version of Monsterinsights to track all these ?

    • WPBeginner Comments

      Yes, that is the MonsterInsights Site Speed Report.

      Some of the features listed in this article are included in the free version of MonsterInsights. Other features, like the MonsterInsights Site Speed Report, require a paid version.

  4. Damien McDonnell

    One thing that I think is a glaring omission from this list is Desktop / Mobile traffic.
    I’ve worked with over 50 clients in the past 5 years and knowing how most users view your site will be a huge decision maker in how paid ad campaigns are created.
    If 90% of your traffic is coming from mobile / tablet users then most of your focus for paid ad campaigns, and UX development, should be on mobile.
    It can be very costly and wasteful to have expensive campaigns running on a platform that is not generating leads or conversions.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks for sharing that recommendation for users who are focusing on ad campaigns :)


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