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WordPress vs Weebly – ¿Cuál es mejor? (Comparación)

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¿Estás tratando de decidir entre WordPress vs. Weebly para construir tu sitio?

WordPress es una opción muy popular y alimenta el 43% de todos los sitios web de Internet, pero Weebly es otra solución que te permite crear tu sitio web, blogs y tiendas de comercio electrónico.

En este artículo, compararemos WordPress vs. Weebly enumerando los pros y los contras de cada uno, para que puedas decidir cuál es mejor para ti.

WordPress vs Weebly Comparison

Nota: Este artículo compara Weebly con sitios autoalojados en, no con blogs en Consulta nuestra guía sobre cuál es la diferencia entre y

Plataforma de alojamiento frente a alojamiento propio

Weebly es un servicio completamente alojado. Esto significa que tu sitio web reside en sus servidores, y tienes que cumplir con sus términos de servicio.

Si decides cambiar de plataforma, el proceso de migración es extremadamente difícil. Su área de administrador tiene todas las herramientas que puedes utilizar para construir, editar y gestionar tu sitio Weebly.

Por otro lado, WordPress es un software gratuito que puede instalar en su propia cuenta de alojamiento web.

Esto significa que usted es propietario del 100% de todo su contenido, y WordPress hace que sea muy fácil cambiar a una plataforma diferente si decide hacerlo.

Puede consultar nuestra guía sobre cómo crear un blog en WordPress (paso a paso).

Ganador: WordPress

Weebly vs WordPress: Características y plugins

Weebly viene con una buena selección de herramientas integradas en su plataforma. Puedes utilizarlas para añadir una tienda online, un blog, un porfolio, un sitio web empresarial o personal, o una página de eventos.

Sin embargo, si necesitas una característica que no está disponible en Weebly, entonces estás en problemas porque no puedes contratar a un diseñador o desarrollador para que te la añada.

Weebly ofrece diferentes aplicaciones gratuitas y de pago, pero la selección es limitada y no tan amplia como WordPress.

Apps in Weebly

Por otro lado, WordPress tiene todas las características que puedas soñar, como tiendas online, formularios de contacto, galerías, porfolio, SEO y mucho más. La mayoría de estas características no vienen preinstaladas, pero puedes añadirlas mediante plugins.

Hay más de 59.000 plugins gratuitos disponibles en el directorio oficial de plugins de WordPress. Por no hablar de los innumerables plugins premium disponibles en sitios web de terceros.

Si se le ocurre una característica, es muy probable que ya exista un plugin para ella. Por ejemplo, si necesitas crear un formulario de contacto sin editar código, puedes usar WPForms.

Además, si desea optimizar su sitio para los motores de búsqueda, crear mapas del sitio y enlazar enlaces rotos, plugins como All in One SEO (AIOSEO) son extremadamente útiles.

Ganador: WordPress

WordPress vs Weebly: Opciones de estructura / disposición / diseño / plantilla

Weebly destaca en diseño, y la característica más deseada de Weebly es su editor de arrastrar y soltar páginas.

Tienen numerosos temas que puedes personalizar usando sus herramientas de arrastrar y soltar. Es muy fácil de usar y muy adecuado para principiantes.

Weebly website builder

WordPress no incluye un editor de arrastrar y soltar para crear páginas. Tendrás que utilizar un maquetador de arrastrar y soltar de terceros como SeedProd para crear páginas de destino, próximas páginas, etc.

Sin embargo, WordPress incorpora un personalizador de temas y un completo editor de sitios que le permite realizar cambios en el diseño de su sitio en tiempo real.

Dependiendo del tema que utilices, puedes cambiar los colores de fondo, editar tus menús, widgets, ajustes de la página de inicio, añadir CSS personalizado y mucho más.

Para más detalles, puede consultar nuestra guía detallada sobre cómo utilizar el Personalizador de temas de WordPress.

WordPress Theme Customizer

También hay miles de plantillas prediseñadas que ofrecen la función de arrastrar y soltar.

Muchos de ellos están disponibles de forma gratuita en el directorio oficial de temas de Otros temas se pueden comprar en tiendas de temas como StudioPress, Themify y ThemeLab.

WordPress también tiene temas de arrastrar y soltar creados por Themify que hacen que sea súper fácil crear tus propias estructuras / disposición / diseño / plantilla.

Drag and Drop Themify themes

Ganador: Weebly

WordPress vs Weebly: Precios

Weebly ofrece 3 planes de precios premium desde 5$ al mes hasta 25$ al mes. Obtienes certificados SSL gratuitos, un dominio personalizado y 500MG de almacenamiento. También ofrece $100 de crédito de Google Ads, carrito de compras, pagos en línea a través de Square y proveedores de terceros, y más.

También existe un plan Weebly gratuito que incluye 500 MB de almacenamiento y seguridad SSL gratuita. Sin embargo, tendrá la imagen de marca / marca Weebly en el nombre de dominio.

Por otro lado, WordPress es una plataforma gratuita y de código abierto. Lo único que necesitas para empezar es un servicio de alojamiento web y un nombre de dominio. Sin embargo, el coste total de crear un sitio web con WordPress depende de tus necesidades.

Por ejemplo, puedes conseguir alojamiento de dominios por sólo 2,75 dólares al mes, junto con un dominio y un certificado SSL gratuitos. Además, hay muchos temas y plugins de WordPress gratuitos, con lo que el coste total ronda los 10 dólares al año. Sin embargo, si necesitas más características y utilizas plugins premium, el coste podría superar los 500 dólares al año.

Ganador: WordPress

Weebly vs WordPress: comercio electrónico y negocios

Weebly te permite abrir tu propia tienda online. Sin embargo, sus características son muy básicas. No hay mucho que puedas hacer para personalizar tu tienda.

Weebly cobra una cuota de transacción del 3% además de la cuota que te cobrarán procesadores de pago como Stripe y PayPal. Esto significa que estás pagando el doble en cuotas de transacción.

Sin embargo, puedes actualizar a su plan Business por 25 $ al mes para eliminar la cuota de transacción adicional.

WordPress tiene varios plugins robustos de comercio electrónico que le permiten crear sus propias tiendas en línea como WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, iThemes Exchange, WP eCommerce, y varios otros.

WooCommerce es una de las plataformas de comercio electrónico más populares para WordPress. Funciona en más del 40% de las tiendas online. Lo mejor de una tienda WooCommerce es que es gratuita, fácil de usar para principiantes y muy flexible.

WooCommerce blocks in block editor

La mayoría de las plataformas de comercio electrónico de WordPress también vienen con docenas de temas prefabricados. Puedes añadir cupones, personalizar recibos y, básicamente, todo lo que quieras hacer en tu tienda online.

Además, no hay cuotas de transacción adicionales. Lo único que pagas son las cuotas del procesador de pagos que tendrás que pagar con cualquier plataforma.

Ganador: WordPress

WordPress vs Weebly: Portabilidad de datos

Cuando alojas tu propio sitio web en una plataforma de código abierto como WordPress, puedes exportar fácilmente tus datos a muchos formatos. Puede exportar su sitio de WordPress como un archivo XML, exportación de base de datos, descargar sus archivos y contenido.

Puede migrar fácilmente su sitio WordPress a cualquier otra plataforma que desee. Esta libertad te da el control total de tu sitio web, y este control aporta tranquilidad a muchos propietarios de sitios.

Por otro lado, Weebly te permite descargar tu sitio como un archivo zip, pero este solo contendrá tus páginas HTML e imágenes.

Si tiene un blog, no se exportará. Si tuvieras presentaciones de diapositivas u otras características, entonces no funcionarían en el sitio exportado. Básicamente, es muy difícil mover un sitio fuera de Weebly.

Por suerte, hemos decidido solucionar este problema y crear un Importador de Weebly a WordPress gratuito. Para obtener instrucciones completas, consulte nuestra guía completa sobre cómo pasar de Weebly a WordPress.

Ganador: WordPress

WordPress vs. Weebly – ¿Cuál es mejor?

Weebly es un bonito servicio más adecuado para sitios web pequeños. No es una solución ideal para crear un blog o gestionar una tienda online. El brillante maquetador de diseño puede parecer atractivo, pero no es oro todo lo que reluce.

WordPress ofrece más herramientas, libertad y flexibilidad. Todo ello te permite crear un sitio web a tu medida.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a comparar WordPress vs Weebly y a elegir una plataforma para tu siguiente sitio web. También puede marcar / comprobar nuestra comparación de Squarespace vs WordPress y cómo elegir la mejor plataforma de blogs.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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  2. Ana says

    A quick correction: WordPress has free plug-ins, but you have to pay more starting at $300/yr to be allowed to use plug-ins on your site.

  3. david says

    I had a client who paid for a nice, dynamic WordPress website with nice clean polished look. Worked great on mobile and responsive. The client felt it’d be cheaper to have an in-house person maintain the website, they realized WordPress was to much for them and switched to a Weebly account with a Weebly designed website. The website is no longer coherent, does not allow them to make it work as nicely as it did when it was on WordPress, it’s obvious the designer doesn’t know how to take control or Weebly doesn’t allow as much customization.. Needless to say the new website is god awful compared to what it was, and the users of the gym have not been thrilled with the dozen extra steps to sort certain pages… I’ve looked at Weebly before I jumped into WordPress, frankly Weebly might be fine for the individual or small business who knows nothing and doesn’t care about the small things or even big things and are okay with just the basic actions, a waste of money and time, but they are able to convince those who don’t know better and those who are cheap to go with their service. pos in my opinion

  4. karel says

    Do not use Weebly for a European website!
    I made a capital mistake by using weebly. Not at the start but afterwards I realised following:
    -They do not connect to European payment methods and do not want to implement this. Unbelievable.
    -Not an efficient solution for translations
    As weekly was not willing to solve these blocking issues I had to go through the tremendous effort to move my website to a new platform. Please do not make the same mistake as me if you are based in Europe.

  5. Howard says

    I am totally confused. I was ready to take weebly for blog/web use. I read huge articles how is more ideal for everything; except the learning time and support maintenance. Now I see themify and headway give you an EASIER drag/ drop solution with WordPress!! I don’t get it? What is the learning differences between WordPress and headway vs. weebly, square space, etc. besides all the attributes I know come with understanding how to use WordPress and the time…. It takes to learn the darn program? ( it’s work enough writing good content which is why I opted to try, FINALLY , to try weebly after racking my brain for a month???????

  6. Suzanne Naranjo says

    I have used Weebly to build simple websites. I am scared of WP. Weebly is easy as long as you pay for at least the Starter version. Don’t bother w the free version. Whatever you want to do in Weebly, go to their support or google your question. Follow the steps, and you will be able to do a lot.

    Weebly doesn’t have their own calendar. If you want a calendar, you have to create one, for example using Google. Adjust the Google settings to share the calendar. Then go into Weebly and tell it to use the calendar as a page. Your viewers won’t be able to tell that the calendar is separate.

  7. Faye says

    I just started working with Weebly and to say that it’s a nightmare is putting it lightly. I’ve worked with WordPress, Joombla, Wix, and some other smaller template site but non gives me as much grieve. Weebly is SOOO simple that it became “hard”. I can’t seem to do ANY customization that should have been an easy thing to do in any other platform. You either 1) don’t do any customization at all, just plug in the theme and drag drop that’s it…so basic a 10 year old can do. OR 2) you have to be a programmer of sort to get into all those codes to change things manually from a theme…there just seem to be no in between. I know some codes but it’s still quite difficult. I’m seriously thinking of reverting back to WordPress…if my client hasn’t already purchase a theme from Weebly I wouldn’t even bother.

  8. Hemang Rindani says

    Nice article.

    Weebly is a CMS with drag and drop functionalities that can create websites and E-commerce stores easily. It comes with user friendly dashboard and that even a non-technical person can use and design a god looking website. The scope of Weebly is limited as it has few modules and doesn’t suit large scale custom development process.

    WordPress on other hand is a powerful content management System that comes with number of modules that suits any complex business scenario and has the ability to make your digital dream a reality. WP importantly provides framework that makes a consistent design and have responsive modules that works well with any device. There are number of plugins that supports the design and with a little technical knowledge they can be further customized to satisfy business needs. WP is considered as one of the most user friendly CMSes and rightly so as it comes with a dashboard that can handle anything from a single screen.

    No Doubt that WordPress makes it a great choice for a full-fledged websites.

  9. Ji Choi says

    I think what this is really saying is Word Press has more features to optimize your webpage, however Weebly makes things a lot easier. So if you are very technical or have a lot of money to hire people to do things for you, go with Word Press, but if you’re starting out and want something you can personally work with, go with Weebly.

  10. Anty says

    This comparative is unnecessary because the difference is so obvious and even no any common sense to compare them.
    In case you want comparation here is mine:

    Think on this as comparing Car and Public Buss where WordPress is a Car and Weebly is a Public Buss.
    With WordPress (Car): your own comfort, you choose your way, you can customize your way….
    Weebly (Buss): You have just a seat in the buss, you can just pray driver to stop the buss or your pants will get wet…

  11. Matt says

    This is not necessary aimed at the article, but rather a commentary on the whole web design/build community and my thoughts on WordPress vs Weebly.

    I’ve heard if you know code you shouldn’t use a website builder for clients for various reasons but the main one seems to be that if I use a website builder that they can just do it themselves.

    And that is absolutely true! Why pay someone when you can do it yourself.

    Here’s the thing though, people/businesses don’t necessarily want to take the time to learn, they don’t mind paying someone to do it for them and they don’t care how you get it done or the platform you use – they just want it to look good, do what they want it to do and not worry about it.

    Often for clients on a budget I use weebly. I know it well enough that I don’t need to spend a lot of time on code, and can spend the majority of my time creating and implementing their content and features and I can charge less than I would if I had to work with wordpress.

    WordPress Definitely has more features, flexibility and control over content and plug-ins, but some of my clients are scared of plug-ins or have heard horror stories of the plug-ins not working right, breaking, not being updated, etc. Or they plug-in they want costs money.

    The way I work it is if a client is interested in editing themselves at some point and has some knowledge of wordpress or if they wish me to do edits and updates and they have a budget that is within my price range, then I use WordPress.

    If a client knows nothing about websites, but wants to edit it themselves and only needs a few features, or doesn’t have a lot to spend on their site, but just wants something basic, I use weebly or another comparable site.

    Again, for me it’s all about what they need, their price, and their overall goal. Platform is definitely important, but it’s just one portion of the overall train.

    I think as Web Curators (be it developers, designers, or Content Managers) we tend say things like “WordPress is easy” without really gauging with who we talking to. At least I found myself saying that and then realizing when a question arises that maybe it’s not as easy as it looks. Every platform has some kind of learning curve, and I try and remember that with wordpress, weebly and other things as well. Sure WordPress can be learned with time and patience, but the same can be said for many other skills.

    I also really wish my hosting had the one-click installation when I first started on wordpress. Then again kind of glad it didn’t because I was able to learn FTP. :)

  12. Robbin Block says

    Most of my SMB clients are fairly non-technical, and they’re just getting started or evolving to the next level, so Weebly makes a lot of sense for them. They don’t have a big budget for maintenance, and rather than having to learn how to use WordPress, Weebly’s drag and drop functionality fits the bill.

    I recommend WordPress for those who know it or are willing to learn it, and especially if their business revolves around blogging. It’s hard to beat for that. And there are a huge number of third party designs available. Unlike what you mention, Weebly is weak in the template area. However, it’s highly customizable, as they provide simple tools for changing colors, fonts and layouts. You can also access the CSS and it allows for easy embeds for additional functionality.

    As for ecommerce, for the most part I’d recommend an integrated platform with ecommerce built in from the ground up, like Shopify. Plugins can work on either WordPress or Weebly; you just need to find the ones that work with each platform.

    And let’s not forget Squarespace — elegant designs, relatively easy to manage, however with their most recent upgrade I’d say it’s getting more challenging to use. I wouldn’t recommend it for ecommerce.

  13. Suzanne Conyers says

    Hi there. You had said that you are not able to customize weebly sites. Well, you totally are. You can add code anywhere you want making it completely customized. I didn’t see how long ago this was written so maybe that’s something weebly has changed.

  14. Mushfique says

    Thanks for sharing information. I don’t have experience about weebly may be it should be good.
    But as per my experience in WordPress is best for blog and also ecommerce website. WordPress is more flexible about customization and developement. A large community of Open source community is still working in wordpress for better improvement for wordpress as well as plugins development.

  15. Anthony Smith says

    Thank you for this. I actually did redesign my website. Coming from Weebly and rebuilding it in WordPress, I am VERY happy with the look and the functionality. If you would like to take a look at it, please visit. The only issue that I seem to have is my galleries take a while to load. Maybe if I switch the slide show, then it may work better. But again, thank you for this article. WordPress to the world…….

  16. Nick Jubrey says

    Thats like comparing vacations to Mondays! Seriously though it’s nice to have the info. When clients tell me I’m out of their budget I like to give them options instead of hanging up the phone.

  17. Chuck says

    Thank you for this post. Your first stamen about migrating is to me the most important part of this whole post. So many hosting co’s have invested in so much in hardware they are looking for anything that will keep customers tied to their systems. Much like .net, weebly is hardware dependent and really is a way for hardware investors to keep people using their hardware. I try to explain this to customers all the time and it is a hard concept for people to understand. But once I mention the same thing you did about not being able to move from hosting platform to another hosting platform they start to get it. I am not a huge fan of word press my self because I prefer to straight code, but out of all the CMS systems I think Word press is by far one of the best and is supported by a wide variety of people and in large numbers. This makes it easy to get help with out paying for it. Nice article.

  18. Jason Witt says

    Stop comparing WordPress to site builders. WordPress is a CMS platform not a build your own website App like Weebly. The cannot be compared at all.

  19. Todd Lohenry says

    I was intrigued by Weebly a couple of weeks back. To your list I would add no support for xml-rpc which means no external blog editors like Windows Live Writer, etc. and no blogging via email or phone like Those issues are non-starters for me…

    I will say the ecommerce integration was attractive, however, for beginners. Tech support — lacking at WordPress — was also good. I might consider putting lower skilled clients or those who don’t have plans to really engage in content marketing.

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