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Más de 12 cosas que DEBE HACER antes de cambiar de tema en WordPress

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¿Se pregunta qué debe hacer antes de cambiar de tema de WordPress?

Al cambiar de tema de WordPress, hay algunos pasos muy importantes que debes seguir para asegurarte de que el proceso se realiza sin problemas y de que no pierdes ningún dato importante.

En esta lista de comprobación de WordPress, compartiremos las principales cosas que debe hacer antes de cambiar los temas de WordPress.

12+ things you must do before changing WordPress themes

Nota del editor: Si busca instrucciones paso a paso sobre cómo cambiar de tema, consulte nuestra guía para principiantes sobre cómo cambiar correctamente el tema de WordPress.

Cambiar de tema es una decisión importante que todo propietario de un sitio web toma al menos una vez cada varios años.

Por supuesto, tienes que decidir tu razonamiento de por qué estás cambiando, y elegir un tema que se adapte a todas tus necesidades.

Tenemos una lista de los mejores temas WordPress multipropósito y los mejores temas WordPress para blogs que puedes marcar / comprobar si estás buscando recomendaciones.

Una vez que hayas elegido el tema al que quieres cambiar, es importante que sigas la siguiente lista de comprobación para asegurarte de que no pierdes ningún contenido o dato durante el proceso.

1. Tome nota de cualquier tema de WordPress Personalizadores

Algunos propietarios de sitios web WordPress personalizan sus temas añadiendo fragmentos de código directamente a los archivos de sus temas. Los fragmentos de código pueden ser una buena forma de añadir nuevas características a su sitio web que no formen parte del inventario / existencias del tema.

Pero si añades esos fragmentos de código directamente a los archivos de tu tema, es fácil perderlos de vista.

Si usted o un desarrollador web ha realizado estos cambios, asegúrese de revisar los archivos de su tema actual y anote todo el código adicional que se ha añadido.

Para añadir fragmentos de código en el futuro, siempre recomendamos utilizar un plugin de fragmentos de código como WPCode. De esta forma, puedes conservar esos fragmentos de código incluso si cambias de tema más adelante. Para más detalles, consulte nuestra guía para principiantes sobre cómo pegar fragmentos de código de la web en WordPress.

2. Obtenga las métricas actuales de rendimiento del tema de WordPress

Antes de cambiar de tema, deberías comprobar la velocidad de carga y el rendimiento de tu sitio web actual. Así podrás comparar las diferencias en el tiempo de carga de la página después de cambiar de tema.

Dado que la velocidad y el rendimiento de WordPress desempeñan un perfil importante en la experiencia del usuario y en el SEO de WordPress, debe asegurarse de que el nuevo tema sea más rápido que el que está utilizando ahora.

Puede comprobar fácilmente las métricas de velocidad actuales de su sitio web utilizando una herramienta de comprobación de velocidad de WordPress como la herramienta gratuita de comprobación de velocidad de sitios web de IsItWP.

Para más información, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo realizar una prueba de velocidad de sitios web.

3. Anote las barras laterales y las áreas de widgets del tema actual

Las barras laterales se utilizan para añadir diferentes widgets a su sitio web, como formularios de suscripción a boletines por correo electrónico, botones de medios sociales, entradas populares, etc.

Dado que cada tema tiene diferentes áreas de widget, tus widgets pueden moverse inesperadamente o desaparecer de tu sitio si cambias de tema.

Por eso es importante que anotes qué widgets estás usando en tus barras laterales de WordPress y en cualquier otra área de widgets de tu sitio web antes de cambiar de tema. Así podrás replicarlos fácilmente después de cambiar.

Si ha añadido algún código personalizado o shortcode, asegúrese de copiar este código y guardarlo en un lugar seguro para poder utilizarlo con su nuevo tema.

4. Copiar los códigos de seguimiento de WordPress existentes

Muchos usuarios añaden el código de seguimiento analítico directamente a los archivos de su tema. Algunos temas de WordPress también permiten añadir códigos de seguimiento directamente en el panel de opciones del tema.

Es un error común pasar por alto estos importantes códigos de seguimiento.

Asegúrese de copiar todos los códigos de seguimiento de su sitio web que esté utilizando para análisis, publicidad, etc., para poder añadirlos a su nuevo sitio web.

Si quieres ponértelo fácil, te recomendamos que utilices un plugin como MonsterInsights para instalar Google Analytics en WordPress.

Al utilizar MonsterInsights, puede estar seguro de que no habrá interrupciones en su análisis o pérdida de datos. También desbloqueará el seguimiento de bonificación como enlazar clics y seguimiento de clics de botón, categoría de WordPress y análisis de etiquetas, autor de seguimiento, y mucho más.


Para el resto de códigos de seguimiento, puede utilizar el plugin gratuito WPCode. Para más detalles, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo añadir código de cabecera y pie de página en WordPress.

5. Haga una copia de seguridad de su sitio web actual en WordPress

Siempre es una buena idea hacer copias de seguridad de tu sitio web con regularidad. Antes de cambiar de tema, haz una copia de seguridad completa de tus entradas, páginas, plugins, medios y bases de datos.

La forma más sencilla de hacerlo es utilizando un plugin de copia de seguridad de WordPress para crear una copia de seguridad de todo su sitio.

Te recomendamos que utilices el plugin Duplicator. Te permite crear fácilmente copias de seguridad automatizadas y programadas y guardarlas en servicios de almacenamiento en la nube como Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.


También existe una versión gratuita de Duplicator para empezar. Para más detalles, consulta esta guía sobre cómo hacer una copia de seguridad de un sitio WordPress.

Esto te ayudará a recuperar fácilmente tu sitio web si algo va mal al cambiar de tema.

6. Ponga su sitio WordPress en modo de mantenimiento

Cuando realice cambios en su sitio web, siempre es una buena práctica ponerlo en modo de mantenimiento. El modo de mantenimiento le permite mostrar un aviso fácil de usar a sus visitantes.

Maintenance mode page example

Así evitará que sus visitantes vean su sitio web a medio terminar o en construcción.

Para ello, recomendamos utilizar el plugin SeedProd. Es el mejor editor de arrastrar y soltar páginas de WordPress utilizado por más de 1 millón de sitios web.

Le permite crear fácilmente páginas personalizadas en modo de mantenimiento, páginas de destino, próximas páginas, páginas 404 y mucho más.

The SeedProd page builder plugin for WordPress

Para más detalles, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo poner su sitio WordPress en modo de mantenimiento.

7. Pruebe toda la funcionalidad y los plugins de WordPress instalados.

Una vez que tengas un nuevo tema de WordPress activado, necesitas asegurarte de que tienes la misma funcionalidad que antes y que todos tus antiguos plugins funcionan con tu nuevo tema.

Puedes empezar añadiendo de nuevo los fragmentos de código que copiaste de los archivos de tu antiguo tema de WordPress. Para más información, consulta nuestra guía para principiantes sobre cómo pegar fragmentos de código en WordPress.

A continuación, dedique algún tiempo a utilizar las características de su sitio que funcionan con plugins de WordPress. Si experimenta algún error en este momento, consulte nuestra guía para principiantes sobre cómo diagnosticar errores de WordPress.

8. Pruebe el nuevo tema de WordPress en todos los navegadores / dispositivos

Las pruebas entre navegadores le ayudarán a asegurarse de que su nuevo sitio web se ve bien en distintos navegadores, tamaños de pantalla, sistemas operativos y dispositivos móviles.

Es probable que la mayoría de tus visitantes utilicen Google Chrome para visitar tu blog de WordPress. Sin embargo, otros navegadores web como Firefox, Microsoft Edge o Safari, entre otros, siguen siendo utilizados por cientos de millones de usuarios en todo el mundo.

Si su nuevo sitio web no funciona correctamente en uno de esos navegadores, está perdiendo visitantes y tráfico.

Por suerte, puedes utilizar todo tipo de herramientas de pruebas entre navegadores para ver cómo se ve tu sitio web en distintos navegadores y dispositivos.

Para más detalles, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo probar un sitio de WordPress en diferentes navegadores.

9. Borrar plugins de WordPress que ya no necesitas

Algunos temas de WordPress preinstalan plugins cuando instalas el tema. Algunos de ellos pueden ser útiles, pero otras veces no los necesitarás.

Simplemente vaya a Plugins ” Plugins instalados para ver si su tema ha añadido nuevos plugins.

List of installed plugins

Ahora también es un buen momento para revisar toda tu lista de plugins para ver si merece la pena borrar alguno.

Si está buscando plugins de alta calidad para utilizar con su nuevo tema, consulte nuestra selección de plugins imprescindibles para WordPress.

10. Informe a sus usuarios de que su nuevo sitio web está activo

Una vez que esté listo para lanzar su nuevo tema de WordPress, puede desactivar el modo de mantenimiento.

También debería ponerse en contacto con sus lectores para informarles acerca de su nuevo sitio web. Así preparará a su público para que no se sienta confundido por los grandes cambios de diseño, y también contribuirá a que sus suscriptores sigan participando y vuelvan a su sitio para ver el nuevo diseño.

Este es un ejemplo de una entrada que compartimos en Facebook acerca del rediseño de nuestro sitio web.

Redesign announcement example

Le recomendamos avisar a su público a través de su boletín de correo electrónico, medios sociales y avisos instantáneos.

Si busca más formas de promocionar su sitio, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo compartir las entradas de su blog con los lectores.

11. Pruebe la velocidad de carga de su nuevo tema de WordPress

Una vez que tu nuevo tema esté activo y hayas seguido los pasos anteriores, es hora de hacer otra prueba de velocidad. Lo ideal es que tu nuevo sitio web sea más rápido y obtenga mejores puntuaciones en el test de velocidad.

Para ello, sólo tiene que utilizar la misma herramienta de velocidad de sitios web que utilizó anteriormente y comparar los resultados.

Si el nuevo tema es más lento que el anterior, asegúrate de realizar varias pruebas, desde diferentes áreas, y comprueba si tienes algún ajuste de caché o cortafuegos que pueda estar causando el problema.

12. Supervisar su sitio web WordPress tasa de rebote

La tasa de rebote es el porcentaje de visitantes que llegan a su sitio web y lo abandonan sin pasar a una segunda página. Una tasa de rebote alta significa que no ha convencido a su visitante para que permanezca en su sitio el tiempo suficiente para realizar una acción.

Después de cambiar de tema, es importante supervisar la tasa / tarifa de rebote. Algunos temas ayudan más a los visitantes a navegar por el sitio.

Si tu tasa / tarifa de rebote ha subido desde que cambiaste de tema, entonces querrás trabajar para bajarla. Puedes hacerlo mejorando los menús de navegación, añadiendo un widget de entradas populares, enlazando más páginas internas, etc.

Para más detalles, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo aumentar las páginas vistas y reducir la tasa de rebote en WordPress.

13. Escuche los comentarios de los lectores para mejorar su sitio web en WordPress

Por último, es importante que escuche las respuestas / comentarios / opiniones de los lectores después de cambiar de tema. A algunos lectores les pueden gustar o no ciertas partes de tu diseño.

No tiene por qué escuchar a todos los lectores y hacer los cambios que le sugieran. Pero si hay un grupo de lectores con el mismo problema / conflicto / incidencia, probablemente merezca la pena estudiarlo.

Puede recoger las respuestas de los visitantes añadiendo un formulario de contacto a su sitio web o realizando una encuesta para conocer la opinión de los lectores sobre su nuevo diseño.

La forma más fácil de hacerlo es utilizando WPForms. Es el mejor plugin de encuestas para WordPress del mercado utilizado por más de 6 millones de sitios web.


Le permite crear fácilmente atractivos formularios de encuesta con el editor de arrastrar y soltar.

Además, la sección de informes crea automáticamente bonitos informes para ayudarle a analizar sus resultados.

WPForms Survey Results

Para más detalles, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo crear una encuesta en WordPress.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a saber exactamente qué debes hacer antes de cambiar de tema de WordPress. Puede que también quieras ver nuestra guía sobre cómo elegir el mejor alojamiento para WordPress y nuestra selección experta del mejor software de chatbot de IA para tu sitio web.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Descargo: Nuestro contenido está apoyado por los lectores. Esto significa que si hace clic en algunos de nuestros enlaces, podemos ganar una comisión. Vea cómo se financia WPBeginner , por qué es importante, y cómo puede apoyarnos. Aquí está nuestro proceso editorial .


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

210 comentariosDeja una respuesta

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. ArParvez says

    hey, iam using supernews theme by acmethemes. its good but i cant find page option it only show older post to go next page. i have used wp pagenavi plugin but it same. it dont show pages number. pls give me a solution, or tell about a good newspaper theme

  3. William says

    I changed themes and there seems to be some code from my previous theme in some of my posts on the new theme. Is there a way to delete or suppress all of the previous theme editor codes across the board or do they have to be done manually?

  4. Michael Echekoba says

    Hi WPBeginner Support
    I have just updated my theme and failed all the rules you suggested.

    Everything seem to work but I can only view coming soon pages on other computer.

    What do I need to twick?


  5. Michael Echekoba says

    I have just updated my theme and failed all the rules you suggested.

    Everything seem to work but I can only view coming soon pages on other computer.

    What do I need to twick?

  6. Laurie says

    I was getting the 500 error message. Your advice on removing plugins and slowly adding them back was a great help. I have used those plugins for a long time but maybe they do not like my new theme. Thanks for the help.

  7. Tzachi says

    Hi there

    First of all, great post.

    I’m looking for a theme that can support 2 writers, do you know a theme that can give this use?

    Thanks :)
    Tzachi – His side her side

  8. Jaswinder says

    I am using Spacious free theme for my Niche Blog-Ease Bedding. But now I am planning to change theme to pro.

    Is it going to effect my site or not?

  9. Ahmed LAHMAR says

    Thank you for sharing those valuable tips with us. Migration from a wordpress theme to another is not as easy as one might think espcially when it comes to complicated themes that require certain skills.

    It took me one week to migrate to my current theme and those are the steps i followed:
    1- backing up database and files (wp-content folder).
    2- importing the database and the files to a localhost to explore the new theme.
    3- restoring backup after making necessary changes to the server.

  10. Sarah says


    I am considering temporarily changing theme as my theme (free theme Virtue) for whatever reason doesn’t give access to the header or footers and I need to add some code to have my site verified. I have tried everything – also uploading the file using filezilla and that was also rejected! I would rather not change theme if I can avoid it as I like a lot about Virtue – but can you tell me what the effects of changing theme temporarily and then changing it back – (of course, I would back everything up) but would it cause an issue for the site to change, put in the code – get verified and then change back – or would I find a lot of things changed when I get back!?!?



  11. stephanev says

    Hi, i cannot see the Theme that I activate. It shows another menu and layout. Is there a change to make, something to select or deselect on the Page section? widget? Menu?

    Thanks for the help

  12. Steve says

    Great article. Thanks for list.
    I’m a total beginner in coding and WordPress. My current WordPress site (non-responsive and Genesis Prose theme) was done by a developer (no longer use him). I find that Genesis is too hard for me. Now I want to change the theme something that is easy for me to install and update without an experienced web developer, maybe like GeneratePress. If I change theme, will I lose all my Google search indexing that I’ve accumulated over the years?
    Thank you again.

  13. Karen says

    Hi Thanks for the article. I have a word press zerif-pro theme “shared on wix-theme. I have had alot of people tell me they can’t open my website on there iPhone and I am wondering if this is a server compatibility problem. I also have run into problems with not being able to carry out automated deliveries through my PayPal plugin on the site even though I have filled it all in correctly. I was told to take it out of the wix theme and buy it directly to possibly fix these issues. Have you heard anything like this before? Plus how would one take it out of wix theme and just pay for the premium site? I had some one from fiverr do it for me originally . Thanks for your time and your site!!

  14. barun says

    Sir I am facing a problem with my self hosted WordPress site that I kept my website in maintenance mode for few weeks to change my theme…. My site is fully approved by Google adsense… But now after deactivating maintenance mode, my adsense ads are not showing… I thought it may take some time so placed the ad on side bar…. But after 2 days, it still not showing any ads…. I am a newbie to blogging so please help me out…

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Please refer to the troubleshooting section in Adsense support website. You may want to test if the Google Adsense bot can crawl your website. You may also want to check your site in webmaster tools to make sure that Google crawlers can crawl and index your website.


  15. ahmet lika says

    Hello,i costumized my theme i af posts and i putted the ad code in my header,then i clicked get starting on godaddy settings,i pressed personal website and then i choosed a theme there,then it shows “your websitr is under construction” then all my posts were gone and i think my ad code is gone too,what ca i do?

  16. vicky says

    hey bro i just changed my theme from (SETRA) to (SCHEMA) why did i lost my visitors? there were 550 to 650 regular but now i jxt have 160 visitors?? plz help how do i go back and bring my visitors?

  17. Srimoyi Kundu says

    I really love this website. It offers so much helpful guide for anyone working in wordpress. I never used anything such as maintenance mode, I am going to use it now onwards. Thanks

  18. Maria says

    Great article! I’m thinking to change my theme but I have a a question: What happens with my blog posts images if I change theme? Mine have a specific size at the moment. Should I change each of them?? Thanks!

  19. Madhav says

    My biggest concern is losing the Yoast SEO data after migrating to a new theme. Since the interface in the new theme is going to be so very different than my current theme, I think I’ll have to manually re-publish my pages in the new theme keeping in mind that the new pages retain their old “SEO Title” and “Meta Description”.
    Whats your take on it??

    Thanks a lot!!!

  20. Prem says

    Hi I have changed the my website theme 2 days back.. My theme is not getting loded properly when i search from Internet.. But when i login to wordpress and see everything is looking fine.. how to resolve this isue

  21. Tor Ivan Boine says

    nice checklist.
    But, what should I do so I dont loose the facebook and google+ likes and plusses? Is it enough to copy the code i wrote in the header?

  22. Julie Parker says

    We are currently using Classifier on our community based site and after a trial run are considering switching to FacePress…any idea how time intensive this switch could be? And would it require a shut down of the current site for longer than your suggested 20-30 minutes to implement the change?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      We would recommend creating an staging environment on your localserver first. Once you know what needs changing you can export those settings (Depends if the theme has theme settings export/import feature) or make a list of changes to implement. The actual time may vary. Each site is different and you may come across an issue that would require more time in fixing.


  23. Imran Faisal says

    I am beginner and I have already install WORDPRESS using XAMPP/localhost. Now I have a question about wordpress Footer…. If i change the copyright section or powered by section of any WORDPRESS theme. Is that OK ?

  24. Maddy says

    I have just registered with hostgator and have changed my theme to Hiero. However, I can see the changed theme only when logged in as admin. Otherwise, its just the old Twenty Twelve theme.
    Please advise

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You probably have a caching plugin like “WP Super Cache” or “W3 Total Cache” installed on your website. If this is the case, then you will need to disable the caching plugin and then visit your website. You can reactivate the plugin later.


  25. Tali says


    I am wanting to change from the Modernise template that has a child theme to the Advocate template. Is this as simple as just changing the template? Do I have to disable the child theme? Create new child theme? All I really want to retain is all the content, and a couple forms. Any help appreciated!!

    Many thanks!!

  26. femi iyaomolere says

    I really love this forum. I am new to wordpress and I need mentors to look up to. I am working on a theme called corpo from I have almost finish the project then I started having issues like. When I paste content and save or update it won’t appear in the font end. Then recently some when I click on some of the pages it will bring up. 404 msg that the page cannot be found.
    Is it a hosting problem or theme problem

  27. Kara says

    I just found your article which came at a great time because I’m thinking about switching from WP Twenty Twelve to a Genesis Theme. But I’d like to know whether my posts that I already have on my blog will be automatically updated when I make the switch. Or, do I have to manually update and publish each post when the new Genesis theme is installed?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Switching a theme does not affect your posts in any way. When you will switch theme WordPress will automatically display your posts with the new theme. In case if you don’t like your new theme, you can always deactivate it and reactivate your old theme.


  28. Nargis says

    I am NARGIS,
    I’m trying to learn something about WORDPRESS –
    After WordPress installation I have successfully INSTALLED THEME ZIP file that (NOT IN FREE SITE) in an own hosted site,
    but some of the contents, such as original MENU / original IMAGES / original IMAGE SLIDER are not showing in any browsers!
    Where is my fault/mistake …! Or do I need to do some work …!
    I wanted to show WordPress theme originally that it’s look a like.
    If you do have suggestions or tutorial from that I will be helpful !


    • WPBeginner Support says

      Sometimes premium themes display images and sliders in their demo which are actually not included in your theme. You have installed your theme correctly. Please contact the theme developer for support.


  29. Bel says

    Hello there,

    I am so glad that I found your blog. I am new to and I’ve never used their software before. Although I am a bit familiar with but since joining wordpress it’s a big transition.

    I have just hosted my sites with hostgator and I really like their customer support and the cPanel.

    Anyway, my main questions are the following:

    1) I am about to start building my blog on wordpress but because this will be a long term investment and I wasn’t sure whether to select one of the free wordpress themes that allows me to customize once installing them or buying a wordpress paid theme. However, if I decide to change my theme in future (e.g: if my site becomes successful and if I’ll be able to monetize) I might want to change to a paid theme. Is this going to be a hassle changing from a free wordpress theme to a paid theme? If this can be done in future, do I have to backup all the time? My hostgator package will back up my sites everyday. Is it necessary for me to back up still on BackupBudy before installing to a new wordpress paid theme? Obviously, I don’t want to lose any of my contents.

    2) I am also worried about using the wordpress free theme because I’ve read everywhere that whenever wordpress updates its software the current free theme that people are using may not be compatible with the new wordpress update. However, I went to there are quite a few reliable free themes that provides support and developers are also up to date with their themes to keep up with the compatibility with wordpress and therefore wordpress users are satisfied too.

    To conclude, would you suggest that I would use wordpress free theme for now (as I am still a beginner and still trying to build my site on wordpress) and change to a paid theme later once it becomes successful? Hostgator backs up my contents all the time, do I still need to backup before changing to a new theme? That’s all for now, thank you very much for providing these information. It’s very useful for newbies. :) I hope you can reply to my questions above as soon as you can.

    I am your new reader from now on and will be bookmarking your site.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Bel, welcome to the WordPress community.

      1. Backup. Yes you should still backup your site. If you do not want to invest into BackupBuddy right now, then you can create a complete WordPress backup for free with BackWPup. However, BackupBuddy comes with premium support and we highly recommend it.

      2. Free themes can be very reliable too, themes in WordPress theme directory go through extensive testing before getting approved. Create a child theme to customize your WordPress theme so that when there is a new version for your theme available, you can update it without loosing your changes.


  30. Blackie Swart says

    Thank you for an excellent resource. I took the plunge and started building my site myself at the beginning of this month. You were an awesome help as I am not all that PC literate. I am now seriously considering changing my theme as my initial goal with the site has changed since getting a feel for word press. I suppose that ones goal should determine the choice of theme? Therefore asking for advice on cool themes may be a waste of my time? Should I rather concentrate on functionality than looks?

    • Editorial Staff says

      Functionality always trumps looks in our eyes. Yes asking for cool theme suggestions is a waste because beauty is in the eyes of beholder. Also you are the only person who knows exactly what you want in terms of functionality.


  31. Scott Webster says

    I recently changed my theme and didn’t take note on my google analytics code. So now every time I look into my analytics it comes up with a flat line on zero. What can I do to retrieve my old code?


  32. Dice says

    I am hoping to change my theme to ‘Made’ theme this Weekend.

    This article is really good. I hadn’t considered many of the issues you have raised.

    Thank you for coming up with such a useful guide.

    Many thanks.

  33. David Price says

    Currently going through a WordPress one-on-one bootcamp with a seasoned WP developer. I’ve hit three of his WP-Black-Holes and “Changing Themes is Easy” is the third one. Changing themes is easy if you have a simple theme with minimal customization BY THE DEVELOPER. If a theme has 8 custom admin areas for sliders, additional menus, special content areas within the post area or sidebar, etc, and you switch themes to something you think “looks nice” you are in for a nightmare. DEFINITELY not “just a few clicks.” “Changing Themes is Easy” is a total myth. Just read this article and ask yourself, “Does it sound like just a few clicks?” Really?

    WordPress would be better if there were more honesty from the development community about the realities of using it as a CMS. Still a great checklist for what to watch for when changing themes.

    • Editorial Staff says

      Any developer that tells you that changing themes is easy is probably NEW or do not understand the reality themselves. Blaming the entire community based on your experience with a few is not fair. We created this article for this vary reason.


  34. Divyansh says

    Great read!
    One more thing to keep in mind is to check the behaviour of theme by testing it locally using something like wamp server, to be sure that the end product is user friendly

  35. Carmen says

    I just downloaded a new theme, but can’t install unless it is a zip file. How do I do this. I tried by selecting all and compressing, but nada. thanks.

  36. Anurag Rathod says

    A nightmare has happened to me when I changed my popular theme to a new theme.
    Most of my nice sidebar widgets are gone forever and I have to again create them.

    Still I am missing lot of them.

  37. jamielee841 says

    Can you elaborate more on the RSS portion of this? I redirected I thought..but I went from 1500 subscribers to 500ish. Initially it went down to 47 but then I used a feedsmith plugin and it went up to 500. I’m at a loss for what to do and could use some help! :)

    • wpbeginner says

       @jamielee841 You have to make sure /feed/ of your domain name is pointing to the feedburner feed. Other than that, not sure why u r losing subscribers.

  38. Harry says

    Really helpful suggestions! Some of them I really overlooked. I use Lubith in order to design and change my wordpress themes so most of the compatibility problems I haven’t yet encountered. It’s a very flexible and intuitive editor, you work directly in the browser which means you can test immediately the compatibility between the editor and your WP site or between your theme and your browser and you can quickly make the required modifications.

  39. designbuddy says

    Thanks for the checklist…will prove helpful tomorrow when I change my theme. I am a bit concerned that old files from my older themes will linger when simply changing themes. Does anyone know if this happens or does switching themes wipe everything clean? I just want to make sure I’m starting with a clean plate.

    Also, you mentioned “WordPress SEO” by Yoast. Is that better in your opinion than “All in One” or “Platinum SEO”? Thanks for any response.

  40. ChristopherAnderton says

    Just one word of advice on using some of the Maintenance plug-ins. Some of them (be sure to check out WordPress forum feedback) tend to bog down servers, resulting in unreachable WP Admin, and in the worst case scenario have your host shut down the account or charge you extra.

  41. BGR says

    i read somewhere that theme change kills google rank. If installed correctly like from twenty eleven to thesis, and GA code intact, should there be any penalty for changing a theme?

  42. Liz Bismore says

    Wow is THIS helpful! I’m getting ready to change themes on my new blog already! It took actually using WP for a few weeks before I knew what I was looking for in a theme and now I see that I need to plan wisely before switching. Thanks!

    • wpbeginner says

      @Jal Images are eye candy… when you read sites that doesn’t have them in longer articles, it looks dead. Just trying to keep the article lively.

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