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Cómo corregir el problema de demasiadas redirecciones en WordPress

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¿Está intentando corregir el problema “Error demasiadas redirecciones” en su sitio web de WordPress?

Es un error común de WordPress que puede estar causado por un plugin o por ajustes incorrectos. Sin embargo, deja a los usuarios bloqueados en sus sitios web de WordPress, lo que lo hace especialmente problemático.

En este artículo, le mostraremos cómo corregir fácilmente el problema ‘Error demasiadas redirecciones’ en WordPress. También veremos cómo recuperar el acceso a tu sitio web y diagnosticar el error.

Fixing too many redirects error in WordPress

¿Cuál es la causa del problema “Demasiadas redirecciones de error” en WordPress?

‘Error too many redirects’ está causado por un problema / conflicto / incidencia de redirección mal configurada en WordPress.

Como ya sabrás, WordPress tiene una característica de estructura de URL SEO-friendly que utiliza la función de redirección. Del mismo modo, muchos plugins populares de WordPress utilizan esta característica para establecer redirecciones temporales, crear redirecciones 301 permanentes y corregir errores 404.

Si está utilizando un plugin para corregir el problema de contenido inseguro SSL o un plugin de caché de WordPress, entonces también puede afectar a las redirecciones y causar el error ‘demasiadas redirecciones’.

Este es el aspecto del mensaje “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” en Google Chrome.

Error Too Many Redirects in Google Chrome

Sin embargo, este error no le indica qué está causando el conflicto y forzando el bucle de redirección en WordPress.

Así es como se ve el error en Firefox con el mensaje ‘La página no está redirigiendo correctamente’.

Too many redirects error in Firefox

Dicho esto, echemos un vistazo a cómo corregir el problema de demasiadas redirecciones en WordPress.

Le guiaremos paso a paso para diagnosticar el error, obtener acceso a su sitio de WordPress y evitar que vuelva a producirse.

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Si prefiere instrucciones escritas, siga leyendo.

1. Vaciar cookies y caché del navegador

Una causa común del error podrían ser las cookies de su navegador / explorador web. Prueba a acceder a tu sitio web con otro navegador / explorador, como Firefox, Safari, Opera o Microsoft Edge.

Si puede acceder a su sitio web con normalidad utilizando otro navegador, deberá vaciar las cookies y la memoria caché de su navegador habitual.

Clear cookies and cache in Google chrome

Tenemos una guía detallada sobre cómo vaciar la caché de tu navegador / explorador en los principales navegadores que te ayudará a hacerlo.

Por otra parte, si el cambio de navegador no corrige el problema, puede pasar al siguiente paso.

2. Desactivar todos los plugins de WordPress

La causa más común de los bucles de redirección de WordPress o ‘ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS’ es un conflicto de plugins. Un plugin de WordPress tratando de establecer una redirección de una manera que entre en conflicto con las redirecciones por defecto de WordPress puede causar este mensaje de error.

Para corregir esto, es necesario desactivar todos los plugins de WordPress en su sitio web. Normalmente, basta con ir a la página Plugins ” Todos los plugins en el área de administrador de WordPress y desactivar los plugins desde allí.

Deactivate all plugins

Sin embargo, suponemos que debido al error de redirección, es posible que no se haya podido acceder al área de administrador de WordPress.

En ese caso, tendrá que desactivar los plugins de WordPress utilizando un cliente FTP como FileZilla o la aplicación Administrador de archivos de su panel de control de alojamiento de WordPress.

Simplemente conéctese a su sitio web utilizando un cliente FTP y vaya a la carpeta /wp-content/.

Renaming the plugins folder using FTP

Allí encontrará la carpeta plugins, que deberá renombrar a ‘plugins.deactivate’.

Esto desactivará todos los plugins de WordPress de su sitio.

Renamed plugins folder

Básicamente, WordPress busca una carpeta llamada plugins para cargar los archivos de los plugins. Cuando no encuentra la carpeta, automáticamente desactiva los plugins activos en la base de datos.

Ahora, puede intentar visitar su sitio web de WordPress. Si ahora puede acceder al área de administrador de WordPress, significa que uno de los plugins estaba causando el error.

Para averiguar qué plugin es el culpable, tienes que volver al cliente FTP o a la aplicación de gestión de archivos y cambiar el nombre de la carpeta plugins.deactivate a ‘plugins’.

Después de eso, cambie al área de administrador de WordPress de su sitio web y vaya a la página Plugins ” Todos los plugins. Desde aquí, puedes activar tus plugins uno a uno y luego visitar tu sitio web para ver si puedes reproducir el error.

Una vez que encuentre el plugin que está causando el error, puede encontrar una alternativa a ese plugin o informar del problema en el foro de soporte de WordPress del plugin.

3. Corrección de URL de WordPress

Otra causa importante de este error es una mala configuración en los ajustes de URL de WordPress. Normalmente, puede ver estas opciones en la página Ajustes ” General.

WordPress URL settings

En la mayoría de los sitios web, las URL de los campos Dirección de WordPress y Dirección del sitio deben ser iguales. Sin embargo, algunos usuarios pueden acabar utilizando ‘www’ en una URL y una URL que no sea www en la otra.

Dado que es posible que no tenga acceso al área de administrador de WordPress, es posible que tenga que corregir las URL de WordPress utilizando un cliente FTP o la aplicación Administrador de archivos.

Simplemente conéctese a su sitio WordPress utilizando un cliente FTP y vaya a /wp-content/themes/your-theme-folder/.

Edit functions.php file

A partir de aquí, tienes que encontrar el archivo functions.php y editarlo usando un editor de texto plano como Notepad o TextEdit.

A continuación, tienes que añadir el siguiente código en la parte inferior:

update_option( 'siteurl', '' );
update_option( 'home', '' );

No olvide sustituir “” por las URL de su sitio. Ahora puede guardar los cambios y volver a subir el archivo a su sitio web.

Después de eso, intente visitar su sitio web para ver si esto resuelve el error.

Para más métodos, consulte nuestro tutorial sobre cómo cambiar fácilmente las URL de WordPress.

4. Restablecer el archivo .htaccess de WordPress

El archivo .htaccess es un archivo especial que utiliza el servidor del sitio web para gestionar las redirecciones y otros ajustes del servidor. WordPress también utiliza este archivo para las URL SEO-friendly y otras redirecciones.

A veces, los plugins de WordPress pueden realizar cambios en el archivo .htaccess de su sitio web, lo que puede desencadenar este error. También es posible que la desactivación de un plugin no quite esos cambios de su archivo .htaccess.

En ese caso, tendrá que restablecer manualmente su archivo .htaccess de WordPress.

Una vez más, tendrá que acceder a su sitio web mediante un cliente FTP o la aplicación Administrador de archivos del panel de control de su alojamiento. Una vez conectado, verá el archivo .htaccess en la carpeta raíz de su sitio web.

Editing .htaccess file via FTP

Nota: Si no puede encontrar su archivo .htaccess, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo encontrar el archivo .htaccess en WordPress.

En primer lugar, debe descargar una copia de su archivo .htaccess a su ordenador como copia de seguridad. Después de eso, usted puede seguir adelante y borrar el archivo de su sitio web.

Ahora puede intentar visitar su blog de WordPress. Si todo funciona con normalidad, significa que su archivo .htaccess estaba causando el error de redirección.

Ahora, como hemos borrado el archivo .htaccess, tendrá que volver a crearlo. Normalmente, tu sitio web WordPress puede hacerlo por sí mismo. Para asegurarte, sólo tienes que ir a la página de Ajustes ” Enlaces permanentes y hacer clic en el botón “Guardar cambios” en la parte inferior.

Refresh permalinks to create .htaccess file

5. Prevención de errores demasiados redireccionamientos en WordPress

Esperamos que los pasos que acabamos de dar hayan corregido el problema / conflicto / incidencia en su sitio web. Si no se corrigió el problema, entonces es posible que tenga que hablar con su empresa de alojamiento de WordPress para asegurarse de que no hay un problema de servidor.

Una vez corregido el problema en su sitio, también debería poder averiguar la causa.

Si se trata de un plugin, debes informar de la incidencia en el foro de soporte del plugin. Consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo solicitar soporte de WordPress. Sin embargo, si no se ha podido obtener ayuda, siempre se puede encontrar un plugin alternativo que haga lo mismo.

Si el error fue causado por una mala configuración del sitio de WordPress, entonces puede tomar nota de ello y asegurarse de que los ajustes de su sitio están correctamente establecidos.

Para obtener más consejos, consulte nuestro tutorial detallado sobre cómo diagnosticar problemas de WordPress por su cuenta como un profesional.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a resolver el problema / conflicto / incidencia ‘error too many redirects’ en tu sitio web. También puedes marcar como favorito nuestro manual definitivo de errores comunes de WordPress y comprobar nuestra lista de los mejores plugins y herramientas SEO para WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Akash Gadiya says

    I’ve tried all the suggested solutions but unfortunately none of them seem to work for me. The last thing I remember doing on the cPanel was to use the Backup wizard to take a full backup of the site. After that I’m assuming, the too many redirects error started showing up. I don’t even have access to the admin panel now. Could that in any way be linked to this problem?

    Here’s what I’ve done so far:
    1) I added those lines of code to the wp-config.php file with and without www
    2) I deleted 2 .htaccess files, one in the root directory and another in the wp-content folder, one by one
    3) I renamed the plugins folder to deactivate it
    4) I downloaded the backup file from the root directory and deleted it from the server
    4) I ran through all the comments scanning for a possible fix, but to no avail

    Any assistance in any way would be highly appreciated.


  3. Caspian Canuck says

    In my case the culprit was a redirect plugin that had a feature (which I don’t remember turning on, so it may have been done automatically during a version update) that monitors changes in page URLs and creates automatic redirects. The idea behind it is, if you had a page that you originally created under Category A, then moved it to Category B, the plugin would automatically create a HTTP 301 redirect from /category_a/slug to /category_b/slug. Except it isn’t smart enough to delete that redirect if you subsequently decided to move the page back to Category A and would stupidly create a second redirect from /category_b/slug to /category_a/slug. This would create an infinite redirect loop.

    My solution to this idiocy was to disable the auto-redirect feature.

  4. Muqarrab Zaidi says

    My website is running fine no problem with that i have edited .htaccess file also the code you provided but still this problem exist

  5. Muqarrab Zaidi says

    I have deactivated all plugins (folder name changed in wp-content) but still unable to login into admin area error is same that ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS please suggest me I am trying to resolve this I can’t publish my articles since 2 days

  6. Webadmin says

    I found out that there are two .htaccess files, one in www folder and other www/wp-admin folder. I also discovered that I had security enable where the admin folder was only allowed from a specific IP. My DSL provider changed my outbound IP at sometime and start causing me “redirect” issues. Once I add the new IP into www/wp-admin/.htaccess file, I was able to see my admin login page.

  7. Amber says

    I deleted the .htaccess file but a new one has not generated. Is there something I need to do to generate the new .htaccess file?

    • Martha says

      After deleting the .htaccess file, you need to log in to your admin area, go to Settings -> Permalinks, select the appropriate url choice you prefer, then hit Save. A new .htaccess file will be generated for you.

  8. Lookman says

    After trying all the solutions suggested above without success. I stumbled upon a solution, my wp-admin folder was inside a cgi-bin folder, I don’t know how the folder was create, I copied my wp-admin folder to the main folder and deleted the cgi-bin folder.

    Thanks all

  9. hossam elbadry says

    Please happened to me the same problem on a link to the Control Panel( wp-admin) and you just experimenting with the second solution did not succeed with me

  10. Romas says

    I have infinite loop redirection when I change in settigns->general to , I think this means that there is some redirection from https to http, but I cannot find it, as far as I know I dont have plugins that redirect from https to http, but I think this is a standard feature of worpdress, how can I turn it off?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Romas,

      No it is not a WordPress feature. If you do not have SSL installed on your site then you need to use http:// in both site address and WordPress address fields on Settings -> General page.


  11. Alex Lucchesi says

    My solution: when I noticed that none of the above solutions worked, I realized that each time the only way I was able to successfully get to mydomain/wp-admin was to go to GoDaddy cPanel, Installatron, My Applications and click on the link for
    So I right-clicked on that link and pasted it to the Bookmark property. When I did that the path was really long and not the expected
    GoDaddy was doing a lot more than that to get me in.
    Once I updated the Bookmark with the right path I now have a one click solution to get me to Admin level.

  12. hugo says

    The same thing is happening to me. I was unable to access the administrator when the Polylang add-in is active.

    I have used the method of deactivating the polylang folder (wp-content / plugins / polylang) by ftp, changing its name to “polylang_backup” so that it at least enters the dashboard.

    But I need it to work with the activated polylang. We have a lot of content with the customer already translated.

    * I noticed this happened when I cleared the cache

    Please help

  13. Tunc says

    Thank you for your tutorial. I recently moved my website to https but I realized it put a lot of cpu load on the server so I decided to change it back to http after 3 days. I received the too many redirects error but I was able to fix it following your tutorial and clearing cookies.
    My problem is, the people who visited the https version of my website are getting too many redirect errors and some do not know that they should clear their cookies. Is there any way I can do something on the server side so they won’t get redirect errors?
    Kind regards

  14. Akash Negi says

    Hello wp beginner
    My website was not opening with non www version so i have done some changes like domain forwarding to my own domain (i really don’t know what i was doing). But now i am facing problem. My website has too many redirect loop error. Please help me how to solve this error. It’s very important for me

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Akash,

      First, you need to undo the changes you made to your website like domain forwarding. Next you need to contact your WordPress hosting provider. Some WordPress hosting providers configure their servers in a way that allows you to automatically redirect users from non-www to www URL and vice-versa. Choose the one and then stick to it and don’t forget to enter your prefered URL in WordPress settings.


  15. Thomas F. says

    I had this problem after I changed a setting in PLESK. In “hosting settings”. I set “preferred domain” to instead of and couldnt reach my wordpress anymore.

  16. Dave 'Niyi says

    How Blessed & pleasant Today is!
    It took me 51 days to solve all these problems.
    My site problems started with “Error establishing Database Connection”.
    I visited many web forums for help but to no avail, until I changed my host.
    The new host did all they could then my admin back end started working. My site started another error ” Internal Server Error” and this was solved after googling for solution. Then the third error started “Too many redirection”.

    I read this post and did all prescribed solutions, also to no avail. I Continued reading the comments until I came across SARAH HAYES comment. Guess what?
    A single capitalLetter that I used in my domain name caused the error.

    This is what I did:
    I replaced with in my wordpress database and my wp-config.php file and the problem was solved immediately.

    What a painful lesson to learn. NEVER USE CAPITAL LETTERS FOR DOMAIN NAMES in your website settings and files.
    always use small letters all through.
    Thanks everyone for sharing.

  17. Sarah says

    I haven’t been able to access Network Admin after installing Multisite with localhost. Since I don’t yet have a site URL, is adding the below lines to my wp-config.php file even a possible solution? What would I put in place of the URL? Any insight into this would be much appreciated. :)


  18. Maoz says

    Hey there apparently the wooCommerce plugin did that problem for me and i deactivated it.. but i need a plugin to put in my store… any suggestions ?

  19. Sines says

    Hi there,

    I want to share my solution. I had the same issue and I was searching for a hole day to fix that. I had tried all of the solutions above, but nothing worked for me. For me it has something to do with my hoster.

    After I deactivated my ssl certificate it workt again. So I dug deeper and find the reason. The ssl certifacation was for my domain without “www”. After I activated ssl again and changed this lines in wp-config, everythink worket again:


    TO (without www)

    I hope I could help somebody with the same problem.

    Thanks for that article, it brings me on the right way.

  20. nitin verma says

    hey man , I am getting redirect error from last day . can you please help me out , actually when i am searching from google search engine , this error occurs , i have tried the steps as mentioned above but it doesn’t work for me .
    you can also search punjab police physical details , it will not open first time , and when refreshed again it will open .
    Can you please help me out .

  21. Byamugisha Phillimon says

    on which line should i add
    define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’’); am using atom editor.

      • Byamugisha Phillimon says

        This is the message it shows in my browser, Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’ in /hermes/bosnaweb10a/b2702/ipg.villsmed/public_html/kob/Freestyle/wp-config.php on line 83. Thanks for your coperation

        • WPBeginner Support says

          The error means that there is an extra colon : in your wp-config.php file’s code at line 83. You need to edit that file using an FTP client, and go to the line 83. The code on that line has a misplaced or unwanted colon.

  22. Fiona says

    Thank you so much – I’m glad i found this. I was able to fix the error after being on hold on support for 2 hours with my host who had no idea!! :) Kudos to you.

  23. Vinita says


    Can you help me out with this redirection issue?

    My Site Address is and wordpress url is
    Now google sees both as different pages. So I want to redirect some-page.php to /some-page/
    How am i supposed to do it?
    I used 301 redirection but it gives Redirect Loop Problem error.
    Any help would be highly appreciated.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Connect to your website using an FTP client. Locate the .php file and download it to your computer as a backup. Once you have it on your computer, you can safely delete it from your server. Your redirects should work fine now.


  24. musthafa says

    Even i had a same issue “redirected too many times” on all web browsers.The issue was because of “WC Vendors”. I deactivated this plugin after that my site is working perfectly. So deactivate “WC Vendors” everything will be fine..

  25. Sarah Hayes says

    I had this issues and I did everythign that was listed above and still had redirect issuses. The problem was the use of capitals.

  26. Sheila says

    Anyone had the issue during localhost development? I had indeed recently updated plugins, however moving all plugin folders to the trash didn’t help. I do have access to the database: If I add the suggested language to the wp-config.php file,wp-options then shows a “fatal Javascript error”. Further suggestions? The www idea isn’t relevant on localhost (I use the #s url, not localhost: language)

  27. Daniel Lofaso says

    Thanks for the post. My client’s site had this issue and it was caused by a plugin called the “Verve SSL” which alters the https and http URL settings. I deactivated it and no longer got this error. Now we will have to work with our host to troubleshoot further as I don’t know if this is a required plugin for my client’s HTTPS site.

  28. Matthew says

    Thank you. Been searching for hours to work out why pretty links weren’t working and my site had crashed.
    Simple fix

    • Manos says

      Hello Matthew

      It seems a very clever fix – thank you for sharing
      However for us the landlubbers – would you be so kind to add only couple of lines to explain, what is exactly you have done and it fixed the issue??

      Many Many Thanks

  29. Juan Torrijos says

    Hello Everyone, I had the same issue (Too many redirects) and I wanted to share my solution.

    I have an intranet with a custom made theme.

    The issue started when I changed the Front End template in Reading Settings, from Your latest post to a Static page. I switched back to Latest Post and it worked.

    I didn’t notice it right away because I was logged in all the time. I only saw it when I tried to log back in. But I had made so many changes that I didn’t know what was the problem right away, leading me to this great post! :)

    • Laura Paulus says

      I have been trying to fix my site for days and nothing worked! I just read your comment and tried it. BAM! Working! Thanks so much for posting this!!!

      • Juan Torrijos says

        Hi Laura, I’m glad it helped.

        It turned out that I was using the wp_redirect( home_url() ) function in my index.php, which generated the home_url() so it redirected back to that same page, which will cause and infinite redirect loop.

        I ended up removing that line of code from the index.php and using the static page as the home page. If the user is not logged in, instead of redirecting it simply displays the login form.

      • Juan Torrijos says

        Hi Dave, I’m glad it worked for you. Did you remove the wp_redirect() function from your index.php or did you change your front page displays in your settings?

  30. Geordie says

    Hi, I had a redirect issue on chrome after changing a setting in my custom permalink. Deleting the .htaccess file for the server to regenerate it fixed the problem. Thank you.

  31. Martin says

    Hi guys,

    recently I installed WordPress and Travelo – Travel and Booking Theme. Everything worked smoothly from the beginning. Then too_many_redirects issue occured on my screen. I have an access to my WordPress Admin Panel. Everything is set well (site url, wordpress url), my permalinks are set on Day and name. I deactivated all plugins, deleted .htaccess file, contacted my host provider (they were nice and trying to help me) and we found out that Travelo theme causing the issue. Everytime I activate Travelo the issue occures. When I change the theme everything is in perfect shape. I concacted Soap Theme Support and waiting for their solution. If you guys have an idea how to fix it, please let me know. Thanks.

    • 33qamar says

      hi @Martin!
      I’ve had same issue tried so many solutions but after a lot of tries i came to know that some .php files of my themes (from Woocommerce) were outdated. after updating everything became ok. Now its working well.

  32. Dipesh says

    I am also facing same problem. But finally i solve it by spending whole day hahah. I mistakenly move the wp-admin folder inside wp-content so i am round the problem whole day………hahah…

    • Glenn says

      Right! A missing wp-admin folder results in the same symptoms. I apparently accidentally deleted my localhost wp-admin folder. Discovered the folder was missing when I went to restore from backup. :P

  33. 33qamar says

    I am also facing this problem and As a regular reader of this blog i come to this blog and reach this post done this all but still there.
    i’ve use a migrator plugin “duplicator” for website megrate from localhost to my hosting.

    The page isn’t working redirected you too many times.
    Reloading the page
    Clearing your cookies

      • Kyle says

        I’ve had the same issue after migrating the site to a new hosting provider. Can anyone help us? We’re getting “too many redirects” with a newly migrated site.

  34. e-colori says

    Thank you!

    only adding to the

    fixed it! Finally after trying many things!!!

  35. ewan yates says

    Perfect! Turns out my site url was changed by a careless tech support guy. I managed to find and correct the error and now my site is back up and running :)

  36. Jason says

    I am wondering if anyone else has seen redirect issue(s) related to using the plugin named Rename wp-login.php. I like using that plugin to change the default address of wp-admin. I have used it along with a function that adds a specific sting to the end of the login URL (example: ?jedi=theforce). This additional function uses a couple redirects. The function only specifies that if the string is missing or not correct, then redirect to Google. It (I think) has caused the too many redirects on one of my sites. If anyone has a possible resolution, please let us know.


  37. kulbir singh says

    and second think is this,,,,when i open to this next time on same computer , than that will not redirect on any website ,,,,,if you want to see this problem next time on same computer ,,than clear cookies from same computer and if you try again to open my website than same problem showing

    main consider is this

    if cookies are already store in computer of my website ,,,than this problem not showing
    if i will clear cookies from my computer ,,,than this problem show again

  38. ViralKida says


    will work well… Thanks….. ADMIN

  39. Marie says

    Thank you so freaking much! I searched last night and searched. This morning after hours of exhaustion trying to figure it out last night. I found your video this morning on this page!

    I so appreciate it!
    Thank you again!

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