Si alguna vez has tenido problemas con WordPress, sabes lo frustrante que puede llegar a ser.
Pero aquí está la cosa: en el mundo de código abierto de WordPress, la forma de pedir ayuda puede hacer una gran diferencia. Puede significar la diferencia entre respuestas rápidas y útiles y grillos.
Hemos visto las dos caras de la moneda. Nosotros mismos hemos pedido ayuda y hemos respondido a innumerables preguntas de nuestros lectores. Gracias a esta experiencia, hemos aprendido lo que funciona y lo que no a la hora de buscar soporte para WordPress.
En esta guía compartiremos con usted estos conocimientos. Aprenderá dónde formular sus preguntas, qué información incluir y cómo redactar sus solicitudes para obtener la mejor ayuda posible.

Lo que debe saber acerca del soporte en WordPress
Antes de solicitar soporte con WordPress o ayuda con un plugin o tema específico, es importante entender que WordPress es un proyecto comunitario de código abierto.
Esto significa que WordPress es gratuito, al igual que muchos de los temas y plugins que se utilizan con él. Los desarrolladores pueden crear sus propios plugins y temas para WordPress y compartirlos libremente en el repositorio oficial de WordPress.

Muchos de estos desarrolladores no forman parte del núcleo de WordPress, sino que son usuarios entusiastas de WordPress. No venden su trabajo y estarán encantados de ayudarte con algún problemilla.
En nuestro artículo sobre cómo ponerse en contacto con el soporte de WordPress explicamos con más detalle por qué WordPress no ofrece de forma nativa servicios de soporte directo.
Además, dado que muchos desarrolladores de WordPress no reciben remuneración por compartir su trabajo y ofrecer ayuda, es importante ser respetuoso y agradecido cuando se les pide soporte.
Por ejemplo, puedes publicar una reseña positiva sobre su plugin, recomendar su tema a un compañero de trabajo o darles las gracias públicamente en los medios sociales donde otros usuarios de WordPress puedan verlo.
También recomendamos dejar una reseña sobre cualquier plugin o tema que aparezca en nuestro Centro de Soluciones WPBeginner. De esta manera, los lectores de WPBeginner pueden beneficiarse de sus testimonios y ver qué plugin o tema desarrolladores son más útiles.

En esta guía, vamos a cubrir todas las diferentes maneras que usted puede conseguir compatible con / dar soporte para su sitio de WordPress. Te recomendamos que empieces por la primera opción y sigas con cada uno de los métodos.
No obstante, si prefiere ir directamente a un paso concreto, puede utilizar los siguientes enlaces:
- Option 1: Do Your Own Research Before Asking for WordPress Support
- Option 2: Try Troubleshooting the Problem First
- Option 3: Reach out to Plugin/Theme Developer on
- Option 4: Ask the WordPress Community
- Option 5: Reach Out Directly to Premium Plugin/Theme's Support Team
- Option 6: Ask for WordPress Hosting Support
- Option 7: If All Else Fails, Get Professional WordPress Help
Opción 1: Investigue por su cuenta antes de solicitar soporte para WordPress
Cuando tienes un problema con un tema o un plugin, puedes tener la tentación de ponerte en contacto con el desarrollador para obtener ayuda de inmediato.
Antes de dar este paso, es una buena idea comprobar si tu pregunta ya ha sido respondida. Puesto que estás en el sitio web de WPBeginner, ya estás en el lugar adecuado para obtener esas respuestas. WPBeginner es el mayor sitio de recursos gratuitos de WordPress para principiantes.
Sólo tiene que utilizar la barra de búsqueda de la parte superior de la página y escribir unas palabras que describan el problema que tiene.

Si el problema es con un tema o plugin en particular, entonces es una buena idea escribir el nombre de este tema o plugin, seguido de alguna información acerca de la incidencia.
Si recibes un error de WordPress, siempre vale la pena pegar el mensaje de error en la barra de búsqueda de WPBeginner.
Por ejemplo, si se busca “Error al establecer una conexión a una base de datos”, aparecerá una guía completa para corregir el error de conexión a la base de datos.

Otra opción es utilizar tu motor de búsqueda favorito y simplemente añadir ‘wpbeginner’ a tu búsqueda.
Algunos de los temas y plugins de WordPress más populares también tienen sus propios sitios web, blogs, FAQ y otros tipos de documentación en línea.
Estos recursos contienen a menudo información que puede ayudarle a entender el problema / conflicto / incidencia e incluso a corregirlo usted mismo.

Si sigues estos sencillos pasos, podrás corregir tus problemas sin ni siquiera ponerte en contacto con el desarrollador.
Muchos plugins y temas son proyectos apasionados en los que los desarrolladores trabajan en su tiempo libre. Por eso, es posible que no respondan a tu pregunta de inmediato.
Opción 2: Intente diagnosticar primero el problema
Antes de pedir ayuda, no está de más que intente usted mismo algunas correcciones sencillas.
Puede intentarlo con nuestra guía para principiantes sobre cómo diagnosticar los errores más comunes de WordPress.
Incluso si no consigues corregir el problema, a menudo aprenderás más acerca de lo que está fallando. Puedes compartir esta información con el autor del tema o plugin. Esto les ayudará a entender mejor el problema y, con un poco de suerte, a corregirlo más rápido.
Como mínimo, demuestra que usted ha intentado resolver el problema en primer lugar. Esto anima al desarrollador a tomarse en serio tu solicitud de soporte.
Opción 3: Póngase en contacto con el desarrollador de plugins/temas en
Si sigue teniendo problemas, el siguiente paso es ponerse en contacto con el autor del plugin o del tema.
La buena noticia es que cada plugin y tema en el repositorio oficial de WordPress tiene su propio foro de soporte.
Para encontrar el foro de un plugin en particular, ve a la página de ese plugin en el repositorio oficial de WordPress. A continuación, puedes hacer clic en la pestaña ‘Soporte’ para ver el foro de soporte de ese plugin.

¿Necesitas ayuda con un tema gratuito para WordPress?
A continuación, dirígete a la página de ese tema en el repositorio de temas de WordPress. Aquí, tienes que hacer clic en el botón “Ver foro de soporte”.

Antes de poder hacer entradas en los foros de soporte, tendrás que acceder a tu cuenta de
Si no está conectado, sólo tiene que hacer clic en “Acceder para crear un debate”. A continuación podrá acceder a su cuenta.

Una vez hecho esto, puedes iniciar un nuevo tema o responder a la entrada de otra persona.
Cuando escriba en los foros de soporte, es importante recordar que está pidiendo a un experto que responda a sus preguntas de forma gratuita.
Teniendo esto en cuenta, intenta ser siempre respetuoso, claro y conciso.
También ayuda explicar todos los pasos que has dado para intentar resolver el problema tú mismo. Esto demuestra que no esperas que los demás hagan todo el trabajo duro por ti.
También puede convencer al autor del plugin o del tema de que se trata de un problema grave y no sólo de un error del usuario. Los desarrolladores quieren que sus usuarios tengan una buena experiencia con sus plugins o temas. Si sospechan que has encontrado un fallo o error grave, querrán solucionarlo de inmediato.
Para ayudarte a causar una buena primera impresión, aquí tienes una plantilla que puedes utilizar cuando hagas entradas en los foros de soporte de WordPress:
Gracias por crear su impresionante XYZ plugin / tema. Por alguna razón, no puedo conseguir que funcione y realmente lo apreciaría si usted me puede ayudar con él.
Estoy usando la versión de WordPress:
Versión de plugin/tema:
Hice esto:
Esperaba que el plugin/tema hiciera esto:
En su lugar, hizo lo siguiente: (Incluya aquí cualquier mensaje de error)
Utilizo este proveedor de alojamiento:
He probado las siguientes soluciones:
He intentado recrear el problema en los siguientes navegadores / exploradores:
Gracias por tomarse su tiempo para ayudar. Se lo agradezco mucho.
De este modo, proporcionas al desarrollador información que puede ayudarle a entender el problema e incluso sugerirle una corrección.
Ocasionalmente, el autor puede pedirle más detalles, como su nombre de dominio o un anuncio / catálogo / ficha de los plugins o temas que tiene instalados. Sin embargo, si facilitas toda la información anterior, ya tienes un buen comienzo.
Una vez que hayas creado el hilo de soporte, puedes ponerte en contacto directamente con el desarrollador. Por ejemplo, puedes enviarle un tweet o un correo electrónico. Esto puede ayudarte a obtener una respuesta más rápida, sobre todo si el autor no marca / da soporte regularmente.
Si te pones en contacto directamente con el desarrollador, asegúrate de enlazar con el hilo de soporte. También es buena idea enviarles solo un mensaje.
Si tuiteas al autor del plugin, le envías un correo electrónico y le mandas un mensaje en Facebook, sólo conseguirás molestarle.
Esto solo perjudicará sus posibilidades de obtener una respuesta útil.
También debes tener en cuenta que el autor del plugin o del tema puede tener una agenda de trabajo muy apretada. También es posible que se encuentre en una zona horaria completamente diferente a la tuya. Teniendo esto en cuenta, es posible que tengas que esperar una respuesta.
Opción 4: Pregunte a la comunidad de WordPress
Siempre existe la posibilidad de que otros usuarios de WordPress hayan experimentado exactamente el mismo problema y hayan encontrado una corrección. Estas personas podrían ayudarte a resolver el problema sin que tengas que recurrir a ningún tipo de soporte profesional.
El grupo de Facebook WPBeginner Engage es el mejor lugar para obtener soporte de otros usuarios y expertos de WordPress. Con más de 97.000 miembros, WPBeginner Engage es el grupo de WordPress más grande y de más rápido crecimiento para usuarios no expertos en tecnología y principiantes en Facebook.

Nuestro equipo de expertos en WordPress también participa activamente en el grupo para asegurarse de que los miembros obtienen respuesta a todas sus preguntas.
Opción 5: Póngase en contacto directamente con el equipo de soporte del plugin/tema Premium.
Si has pagado por un plugin o tema premium, normalmente puedes obtener soporte profesional de las personas que crearon ese producto.
La mayoría de las empresas disponen de áreas o canales de soporte especiales, como software de asistencia y chat en directo.
Por ejemplo, WPForms, MonsterInsights y AIOSEO tienen áreas de soporte especiales.
Cada empresa tiene sus propias normas para obtener soporte.
Cuando tengas una pregunta, es importante que la publiques en el lugar adecuado. Por ejemplo, si una empresa te pide que te pongas en contacto con ella utilizando una dirección de correo electrónico concreta, no le envíes un mensaje en Twitter.
Si no sigues las normas, es posible que el equipo de soporte no vea tu pregunta y no recibas la ayuda que necesitas.
Si no está seguro de cómo solicitar ayuda, visite el sitio web del plugin o del tema. Aquí, busque cualquier enlace que muestre soporte, centro de ayuda, contáctenos o similar.
Muchos sitios web y blogs incluyen enlaces de soporte en sus pies de página.

También puede encontrar estos enlaces en la cabecera del sitio web.
En la siguiente imagen, puede ver que All in One SEO tiene un enlace al “Centro de ayuda” en la parte superior de la página.

Al hacer clic en este enlace, es posible que se le solicite un nombre de usuario y una contraseña.
Esta suele ser la información que proporcionó al comprar este tema o plugin.

Si ha descargado el plugin o tema comercial de un tercero no oficial, no tendrá acceso a soporte profesional.
Teniendo esto en cuenta, deberías comprar siempre tus temas y plugins comerciales de una fuente oficial. Para más información, consulta nuestra guía sobre por qué debes evitar los temas y plugins de WordPress anulados.
Cuando hables con un equipo de soporte profesional, debes seguir las directrices que hemos explicado anteriormente. Que hayas pagado por un producto no significa que puedas ser grosero.
También es una buena idea proporcionar tanta información como sea posible. Incluso puedes hacer una captura de pantalla que muestre el problema. Esta información ayudará al equipo de soporte a entender tu problema y resolverlo lo antes posible.
Opción 6: Solicitar soporte de alojamiento WordPress
Puede que tu problema no sea con un plugin o un tema, sino con tu sitio web en general. Si has intentado resolver el problema pero no lo has conseguido, quizá quieras marcar / comprobar con tu proveedor de alojamiento WordPress qué está pasando.
Una cosa que puedes hacer es marcar / comprobar la documentación del proveedor de alojamiento. Aquí es donde han respondido a muchas preguntas frecuentes acerca de alojamiento, dominios, SSL, etc.
Si utiliza Bluehost, puede visitar su base de conocimientos y escribir un debate relacionado con su problema / conflicto / incidencia. La página mostrará los resultados más relevantes.

Si eso no funciona, las empresas de alojamiento de WordPress suelen tener un servicio de chat en vivo 24/7 con el que puede ponerse en contacto. Estarán encantados de ayudarte con cualquier duda que te surja y de investigar qué está pasando con tu alojamiento y sitio web.
Si utiliza Bluehost, entonces usted puede simplemente acceder a su cuenta de alojamiento y haga clic en el botón de chat en vivo en la esquina inferior derecha de la página para enviar un mensaje a un agente de soporte al cliente. Según nuestra experiencia, suelen responder en menos de 5 minutos.

Opción 7: Si todo lo demás falla, obtenga ayuda profesional de WordPress
A veces, el problema en su sitio de WordPress puede ser demasiado difícil de resolver por su cuenta. Si el problema no se resuelve, puede poner en peligro su sitio web. Para los propietarios de negocios en línea, esto puede significar la pérdida de ingresos y clientes.
Si los métodos que hemos comentado antes no ayudan, puede que merezca la pena plantearse pedir ayuda profesional.
Muchos desarrolladores y agencias profesionales de WordPress estarán encantados de ofrecerte asistencia de primera calidad. Como tienen muchos conocimientos técnicos, estarán mucho más equipados para resolver tu problema.
¿No está seguro de a quién contratar? WPBeginner Pro Services es una de las mejores agencias de soporte WordPress que puede ayudarle con varios problemas en su sitio, desde la reparación y mantenimiento de sitios hackeados hasta el diseño de sitios web personalizados. Además, ofrecemos precios sencillos y asequibles.

Sólo tiene que visitar la página Servicios y elegir un plan que se adapte a sus necesidades, y nuestro equipo de expertos en WordPress se encargará del resto.
Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a aprender cómo solicitar soporte para WordPress de forma adecuada y obtenerlo. También puedes marcar / comprobar nuestra guía sobre cómo contratar asistentes virtuales para tu sitio de WordPress y las mejores herramientas de bandeja de entrada compartida para gestionar los correos electrónicos del equipo.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Moinuddin Waheed
Clear and concise for asking and getting wordpress related helps.
wpbeginner is a huge resource base for wordpress and most of the questions get resolved here only.
But at times there are very specific queries related to specific themes and plugins that needs to be answered by the concerned developers community only.
Thanks for letting us know how to approach plugin related queries resolution.
Moinuddin Waheed
Whenever I get in trouble in wordpress I try to find a written detailed tutorial which in most cases solves the problem.
The huge and ever growing community of wordpress is always there with same set of problems and their solutions.
it is hard to imagine that I would be stuck in some sort of problems that would not been faced by others.
it is only due the large wordpress community out there with problems and solutions.
Thanks for guiding to steps for solving wordpress related problems.
“Publishing failed. You are probably offline” appeared when i wanted to edit a page in my wordpress. It happened after i migrate the site to a new hosting. Maybe i missed something.
WPBeginner Support
There are a few possible reasons for that error, you would want to take a look at our article below!
I am wondering if the wp site is meant to be running so slow we are trying to amend our site but its incredibly slow. My friend also tried it on his computer and had the same issues.
WPBeginner Support
If your site is running slow, you would want to take a look at our article below:
When clicked on a post as visitor, post title and related category shown into menu on header, this is spoiling apperance, why this is is happening and how to stop it?
WPBeginner Support
It may be how your theme styles the page. If you reach out to your theme’s support they should be able to assist you
I am having troubling regarding my excerpts. I have made excerpts for all of my posts but when I change my homepage not to hide my excerpts … It shows all 1K+ words of a specific post as the excerpt
and it continuos until the oldest post of my page.
I hope you can help me with this. Thank you!
WPBeginner Support
For a starting point, you would want to reach out to your theme’s support to ensure there isn’t a specific setting in the theme that needs to be active for it to display excerpts or if it does not include the option by default to show the excerpt
Hi , I am a new user. Please help me to add buttons (Like , Share , Follow) in my website.
WPBeginner Support
For a few options, you would want to take a look at our article here:
Hi on my home page I have around 10 products showing with price, title of what item is and star reviews, however when I click on a category down the side the same product shows just the star review no title or price, any ideas I am very new to this
WPBeginner Support
It sounds like your specific theme may not have the proper styling for the display of that information. If you let your theme’s support know about this problem they should be able to assist.
I have a question. I don’t have my WordPress account anymore but every time if I would like to comment in some WordPress blogs, then it still recognizes me and wants me to log in. How I can stop doing this?
WPBeginner Support
You likely have a gravatar on the Gravatar site:
If your site was on they likely set up the Gravatar for you when you added an image for your profile.
Okay, I get it, but how I can delete it or just remove the possibility of recognizing me again, while I don’t want to have a wordpress account?
WPBeginner Support
If you remove your account entirely it should remove your Gravatar account
Hi, can you help with what I believe is a theme problem? It is Searchlight. Latest version makes the gallery images not set the size set for thumbnails. It uses the right image, but gets bigger with fewer rows of picks. I would appreciate the help.
Site is and the Hunting and Fishing pictures areas show the issue.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Brian,
A quicker fix would need some Custom CSS. Please contact your theme author and they would be able to help you with that.
The following shows up on my Yost SEO for a couple of pages on my site. How do I fix the problem:
You’re linking to another page with the focus keyword you want this page to rank for. Consider changing that if you truly want this page to rank.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jeff,
You need to change the text of one of the links in your article which is pointing to an external website using the same words that you have set as your focus keyword.
I was doing some editing on an existing post on free WordPress blog. Unfortunately, I did a cut and paste and accidentally deleted a portion of it. There is no undo button and I don’t have the information anywhere else
I wrote to the WordPress Help Center but there is no response. Perhaps, they are busy with other queries. I wonder is there any backup of my post and if there is, can I request the affected blog post to be restored?
Yours Faithful WordPress User,
WPBeginner Support
If you have post revisions you may want to check them for before your edit:
I run online assessment portal, I want to know if there is any code or Plugin to avoid opening any other windows or tab can open while writing the exam (browsing tolerance)
Thank you so much for this article. I don’t often need help, but it’s great to know you are here — and how to properly ask for your assistance.
Hello! Thanks for writing this informative article, being a beginner is indeed scary! I know what I need done but I’m not sure what I would be searching for as far as plugin name. I’m envisioning a local tab that once is clicked takes you to a screen with one drop down menu where you select a city name and once that is selected you hit go and it takes you to a page that has information for that local city. Can you please give me some direction on what I should be searching for? or if you know of something that does this off the top of your head that would be great!
thanks so much!
I took the time to write a question on the page for Suggestions and Questions. However, when I checked “I am not a Robot,” the verify image appeared but the question was not visible! I am hard of hearing, and could not distinguish the words.
This is very frustrating as I watch so many of your valuable videos and instructions and now when I need clarification, your Capture is not working for me to submit my question.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Richard,
We are sorry about that and will take a look at it. Meanwhile, you can also Tweet to us or leave a comment on any article and we will try to get back to you.
I was just wondering if there is any way to call someone at wordpress? I set up an account years ago, and cannot remember which email I sent it to. I know my username. I probably have my activation code in my email… whichever one that is…
Is there anyone who can help me recover my account?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Kimberly,
We believe you are talking about Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
You can contact support from their website and they may be able to help you out.
I need help to display custom message when site has any error or Is it possible to redirect to my custom page if site has any error and report me on my email about those errors.
I have a wordpress server that I did not set up, nor have documentation for. One of the wordpress sites, another person was added as a admin. He deleted my admin user and he can’t seem to create a new user for me. Is there a way to go in through terminal (rhel 6.9), and create a new admin user, so I can update the site? If it matters, the php database ss on a different server. I do have server root access. Keep in mind, I have zero php background, I can generally fudge my way through most anything if instructions are clear. Thank you!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jon,
If you have server access, then you can use SSH to connect to your WordPress site. Your hosting provider will have a tutorial on how to connect SSH with detailed instructions.
Once connected, you can edit the functions.php file to add a new admin user.
Mary Moriarty
Hi, I have a WordPress webpage for my author site BUT it was designed by someone else. Now I am trying to get one for my travel blog. I pretty much learn by trial and error but I can’t figure if my site is live or not and how it looks to others. Also, I can not for the life of me figure how to add facebook or anything.
This is my site. I am just playing with it until I know exactly what I have.
This is my Author site which I gave all the Cambodian font/Sanskrit(a back page) from a photo in Cambodia and my covers.
Thank you for your time
Mary m.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Mary,
Your website is not live yet and others cannot see it. Please login to your admin area and go you will see an option to make your website live on the dashboard. If you don’t see that option, then go to Plugins page and disable MojoMarketplace plugin. After that your website will become visible to others.
I am new to WordPress and was hoping someone with more experience could give me some quick advice before I waste a stack of time and money.
I am trying to create an ecommerce website with a customised product for each customer. I want to be able to have the user create an account on my website, save their customisation details and proceed to a checkout to pay for the item, following this an email should be sent to myself (for confirmation) and the manufacturer to make the product.
I am not quite sure what plugins to use and if the ones I am thinking of will work or have the capability. I was thinking it may be possible to do something like this using gravity forms or ninja forms with a WooCommerce add-on?
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Soo much in advance!!!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Mick,
You can do that using WooCommerce. You can set up order confirmation emails and add the manufacturer or supplier to receive order confirmations via email. You can enable user account registration in WooCommerce which will allow them to register.
Jimmy Isbell
I am needing to clone a web page from an existing Word Press site. I have the plug-in installed to do this. How do I clone it, edit it and view edits BEFORE it is actually published to the site? Any help would be appreciated?
Jay Mark Curtina
i have a problem with my website .. i just change the theme and then my website was gone and it keeps displaying like this (Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<' in /tmp/theme_temp_setupO1dWtN on line 2)
how to fix this problem ? i already did the clear browsing data cache but it still displaying this problem please help me to solve this error thank you WordPress
WPBeginner Support
Hey Jay,
This could be a theme issue. Connect to your website using an FTP client or File Manager in cPanel. Go to /wp-content/themes/ folder and download your current active theme as a back up to your computer. After that delete the theme folder from your website. Once you regain access to your website, you can try reinstalling the theme. For more details see our WordPress troubleshooting guide.
So i’m a student in high-school and we’re creating a website for our school district in wordpress but the problem is that we can’t seem to figure out how to insert a link on a button so that the link would go to another page in the bootstraps slider section of customize, can you please help us!
kofy jesse
please i have a problem with my wordpress login. after i have logged in and posted stories, the site goes down and can log in again unless after several hours. please i really need help cuz am fustrated
Arun Kamble
I am searching for integrating wordpress site with “Progressive Web App”. But i am unable to find any answer anywhere.
Even a start will help, i’ll take it forward.
Thank you
Hi. TY for the awesome Beginners Guide. I have recently taken over our organizations WordPress website. One of the tasks I was given was to utilize iMapbuilder and make a responsive map for our properties page. However, the script code for the map works wonderfully in draft mode but when I try to publish the page, it will not show. I am not very “code savvy” but is there some simple way to fix this? Multiple Google searches and YouTube videos seem to be way beyond my abilities. Thanks.
I took over a new position, which included managing our website. I had no prior experience with WordPress, so it has been fun and frustrating at the same time. I’ve pretty much been able to navigate through things until recently. A client brought to my attention that when she looks at our website from her mobile phone she is having an issue with the drop-down menus. There are 6 of them and for some reason the first 2 won’t open/drop down? Any suggestions/help you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Brucce McColm
Hi Everyone, I’m a volunteer trying to do a web page for a youth basketball team. For some reason I’m getting a very wide margin down the left side of the page – like 2 1/2 inches. It’s preventing me from centering things properly. Can anyone give me some suggestions about how to get rid of it? I typed one word ‘just’. The whole code on the page looks like this:
Any suggestions?
Mort Wakeland
I hope this is the correct place to ask a question? I’m back in school after a long period of time for communications. Utilizing WordPress via BlueHost.
When entering a “Post” – we are to create a “Blog” – in the text entry “box” I note that the margins, for lack of a better word, are narrow. I’ve clicked on and hovered over everything I can think of to widen the margins to no avail. My Googling has also been unsuccessful in that I’m unsure of which keywords to use. Your helpfulness would be great appreciated.
Thank you,
WPBeginner Support
Hi Mort,
Your WordPress theme may have a file called editor-style.css this file controls how the text looks inside the Visual Text Editor box when writing a post. You can increase page margin in this file using CSS.
Michael Freedman
Hey there! I’m having trouble saving my content to the actual website.
When i create a new page, publish it, and then look on the website, the new added content is there. However, when I sign out of WordPress and go to the website, the newly added content is no longer there. I’ve tried everything to fix this, and this is the first time this has ever happened. Any suggestions?
Thanks for your help
WPBeginner Support
Hey Michael,
If you are using a WordPress caching plugin, then sometimes those plugins may not clear cache when you post new content. Check out our article on how to clear your cache in WordPress
I have tried various social sharing plugins for my WordPress site. All the buttons seem to working, except the Facebook button. When I attempt to share the blog posts on Facebook, it still shows the “Coming Soon” under construction page. However, it works for other pages like my about us section, and also my other blog. Any suggestions on what the problem might be?
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
WPBeginner Support
Hey Luke,
A number of things can cause this. May be the plugins are sharing the wrong URL or may be Facebook is getting incorrect thumbnail while sharing. Try reaching out to plugin support they may be able to help you figure this out.
Dennis Sullivan
In the All in One SEO Pack all of my TITLES in the back end are adding the company name as the last Word in the TITLE. I need to disable that but cannot find a way to do it. There is a real reason I need to do that as I have done it on some of the biggest companies in the world for their website. I am unable to find what setting I need to change in order for that to happen. Example
Services | Architects | Home Design…and then Rueppell is added to the string
WPBeginner Support
Hi Dennis,
You’ll need to review All in One SEO » General Settings page. There you will see the option to change the default template used for title. For details, please see our All in One SEO Pack guide.
Hi there,
I just spent the last 3 hours creating a page but am unable to see any change on my site. I also modified some pictures but my site is not letting me modify anything. Help! What do I need to do to see my new work?
Best regards,
Michael Morrell
I’m looking for specific help on plugins that might work with WP that would allow me to live stream straight to my site. Any help on where else I could post this would be helpful.
Susan Toby
Hi was using a web guy and after all we had sorted on my site yesterday he decided to try and rip me off. He was setting up a payment gateway for me and i had given him my paypal details. He then sent himself an email from my website to access 500 pounds which was never discussed or authorised.
I have now found that he has embedded his email address everywhere. I cannot go into wordpress .org login as it does not recognise my email address. I have tried a range of things from changing password etc but all email addresses are not working. Can anyone suggest anything to help me?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Susan,
Sorry to hear about that. Please see our guide on what to do when locked out of WordPress admin area.
Kaitlyn flores
I am working with the chemistry theme in wordpress and i am having some trouble. I am trying to get the social links to show up.
This is the website i’m working on
My other problem is on the request service page i am trying to get this html code to that page but it doesn’t work.
I would really appreciate your help.
Hi! I’m having trouble controlling the custom css in WP. I used inspect element and fount out that the element I’m trying to edit is from the foundation.css not in the style.css. My question is that, can I edit the foundation.css which i downloaded from the FTP and re-upload it again?
WPBeginner Support
Hey Tin,
You can do that but it is not recommended. The file is probably part of your WordPress theme or a plugin and will get over written when you update that theme or plugin. See our guide on how to easily add custom CSS in WordPress.
kaitlyn flores
I am working with the chemistry theme in wordpress and i am having some trouble. I am trying to get the social links to show up.
This is the website i’m working on
My other problem is on the request service page i am trying to get this html code to that page but it doesn’t work.
I would really appreciate your help.
Hi there, thanks for answering questions. There appears to be a glitch with the images in my website. When I’m in the back end editor, my images are unresponsive. Normally, when you click on an image in the content box, it’s supposed to give you editing controls like selecting the alignment, and sizing adjustments on each corner to be able to resize the picture. My images won’t “select” when clicked. Sometimes if I double click a bunch, the area over the image will be highlighted, but I still can’t select the image to get editing controls. This is happening on all blog posts. I have tried deleting images from the posts and reloading them, but that doesn’t seem to change anything. I’m at a loss, please help!
Thank you so much for any help you might have.
WPBeginner Support
Hey Sarah,
You can try switching to a default theme like Twenty Seventeen. Then edit a post and see if you can reproduce the issue. If the issue is still there then you can rule out your current theme as the culprit and safely activate it again.
However, if the problem disappears, then this means your current theme is the culprit. Reach out to the plugin developers for support.
I am using the Sydney theme and my main call to action button disappeared. Is there anything I can do to allow it to show again? Under appearance and header area it is still filled out so I am not sure why it went away… Thanks in advance
John Hansen
Good morning,
I am very new to the WordPress community. Three weeks to be exact. Able to install WordPress locally using wamp and choose a free theme and put in my own child theme as well. My challenge and frustration are with fundamental questions as to what and how to develop the site.
When I search for an answer on how to decide on a theme I get installing themes and choosing whether it is business or food or blog. Or how to change a theme. Not what I am looking for. Or simply how much can I hope to change on my own after deciding on a theme. And the ramifications associated with those changes. And many more of what I call ‘fundamental’ basic questions. Is there a resource or forum to get these kinds of answers? Is here a good place? I hate to take up someone’s time with these primitive questions but they are a huge obstacle in moving forward with the evolution of the site. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have the domain name, bought the hosting space from wordpress.
I started working on creating the theme page etc. But I m stuck in creating my Products section , sub products and uploading picture of each product and their variation.
Totally confused. Read multiple support forums, nothing guides me towards uploading my stuff. kindly help .
Could someone tell me where WordPress support lives? Due to some kind of error, I’ve been locked out of my account since I purchased it. I have all my proper receipts (Paypal, WordPress confirmation email etc) but am recieving error messages on every account recovery form. I’ve tried every method of contact I was able to find online, spaced out over the course of a month. It’s super frustrating, and I would be grateful for a nudge in any direction. Thanks
WPBeginner Support
Hi Cheyenne,
You are probably using Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted vs free blog.
I dont know if i should have asked it here or not.. but i’ve found everywhere, but did not recieve didn’t got a right answer. If someone could please address my query.
How can i make a “news feed” like homepage in wordpress. What i want is a page full of grids/images.
I do not want to create a static homepage. I want to update the images regularly. I do not want to change the layout/size of the grid/images. Only the content. Please help. Appreciate your time.
My company at the moment is at a loss as to what to do as page keeps coming back with an error whenever we try to log in, so we can’t log in and we’ve tried calling the number in the USA and nobody is answering and we can’t ask for support unless we are logged in.
Please please please help
Best regards
WPBeginner Support
Hi Ona,
What does error message say?
Jack G
I’ve got a weird problem. I am no longer able to acces my wp-admin site. It just opens up in a strange version of my site which is how my site looks now when I go to the regular site. Any ideas would be helpful.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Jack,
Please follow instructions in our WordPress troubleshooting guide to figure out what’s causing the issue.
1. How Do I Make The Text Smaller in the Mail Chimp Form? Located here:
3. That is:
a. What code do I insert into the correct file?
b. & where in the file do I put it?
4. As I’m not sure if the relevant file is css or php?
5. Are you able to look at the source code & tell me exactly which file it is?
6. My ideal text size is –> font-size: small
Thanks in advance.
I had a young man build a WordPress site for our church, and he did give me some training on how to maintain it. I however cannot seem to get anything done on it. Just changing text or pictures in some of the slideshows seems to be beyond my ability to do. Are there people who are basically on retainer for people like me, to make changes when needed for a reasonable monthly cost? We don’t make a lot of changes, but need them done when we want them to be. My site got created around Easter and so that message is still on my page. It is now approaching Christmas and I would like to update it but can’t seem to recall how to do it, and the person who built it is not available to help me.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Ron,
There are many freelancing websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr. You can find WordPress developers there that can help you make changes to your website at reasonable rates.
Meanwhile, we will recommend you to keep trying. There is a slight learning curve but once you get past this, you will be able to manage your website without paying anyone. WordPress is used by millions of users and most of its userbase consists of non-techy people who are managing their own websites without much difficulty.
Sylvia Mason
I need a little help. I need to know where to access the code on my home page, to fix the bottom of the middle row. Here is my site: you can easily see what I need to clean up. I have fixed it in the customize Crockett Coon Cap page, but that’s not the real page. I can’t save it from there. Where do I find the code to fix it? I can edit all the other pages, and the side bars on my home page, but not the center column. It’s not in appearance, edit.
Thank you!