WPBeginner’da, WordPress web sitenizin <header> veya <footer> bölümlerine kod eklemenizi gerektiren birçok öğretici yazıyoruz. Özellikle WordPress üstbilgi ve altbilgiye kod parçacıkları eklemek için yerleşik bir seçenek sunmadığından, bu göz korkutucu bir görev gibi gelebilir.
Ancak, Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Facebook Pixel ve daha fazlası gibi web hizmetleriyle entegre olmaya çalışırken WordPress’e üstbilgi ve altbilgi kodu eklemek gereklidir.
WordPress üstbilgi veya altbilginize bazı özel CSS veya JavaScript kodları eklemenizi isteyen WordPress eğitimleriyle de karşılaşabilirsiniz.
Neyse ki yeni başlayanlar için kolay bir çözüm var. Ücretsiz WPCode eklentisi ile WordPress tema dosyalarınızı doğrudan düzenlemeden kodu güvenle ekleyebilirsiniz.
Bu makalede, WordPress’te üstbilgi ve altbilgi kodlarını nasıl kolayca ekleyebileceğinizi göstereceğiz.

WordPress Üstbilgi ve Altbilgi Kodu Eklemenin En İyi Yolu
WordPress üstbilgi ve altbilgi kodu eklemek istiyorsanız, üç olası çözüm vardır:
- Temanızın header.php ve footer.php dosyalarını düzenleyerek manuel olarak
- Temanızın yerleşik üstbilgi ve altbilgi kodu özelliği ile
- WordPress eklentisi kullanma
İlk seçenek acemi dostu değildir çünkü header.php ve footer.php dosyalarını doğrudan manuel olarak düzenleyerek üstbilgi ve altbilgi kodu eklemenizi gerektirir.
Bu yöntemi kullanmanın bir diğer dezavantajı ise temanıza bir güncelleme yüklediğinizde kodunuzun kaldırılacak olmasıdır.
İkinci seçenek ise temanızın yerleşik özelliğini kullanmaktır. Elegant Themes ve StudioPress’in Genesis Framework ‘ü gibi bazı WordPress temaları, WordPress üstbilgi ve altbilginize hızlı bir şekilde kod ve komut dosyası eklemek için yerleşik bir seçenek sunar.
Yerleşik özelliği olan bir tema kullanıyorsanız, bu güvenli ve basit bir çözüm gibi görünür. Ancak, temanızı değiştirirseniz, web sitenize eklenen tüm kod parçacıkları kaybolacaktır. Buna Google Search Console‘da site doğrulaması, Google Analytics aracılığıyla web sitesi analizi vb. dahildir.
Bu nedenle kullanıcılara her zaman üçüncü seçenek olan üstbilgi ve altbilgi eklentisini kullanmalarını öneriyoruz. Bu seçenek, WordPress’te üstbilgi ve altbilgi kodu eklemek için açık ara en kolay ve en güvenli yöntemdir.
Okuyucularımızdan gelen çok sayıda talep üzerine ekibimiz WPCode eklentisini geliştirdi.

WPCode (eski adıyla Insert Headers and Footers) %100 ücretsiz bir kod parçacığı eklentisidir. WordPress’te üstbilgi ve altbilgiye kolayca kod eklemek için kullanabilirsiniz.
İşte WPCode eklentisini kullanmanın bazı avantajları:
1. Kolay, Hızlı ve Düzenli: Sitenizin üstbilgi ve altbilgisine kolay ve hızlı bir şekilde kod eklemenizi sağlar. Ayrıca, tüm altbilgi ve üstbilgi kodlarınızı tek bir yerde saklamanıza izin vererek sizi düzenli tutar.
2. Hataları Önler: Akıllı kod parçacığı doğrulaması, tema dosyalarınızı manuel olarak düzenlerseniz oluşabilecek hataları önlemeye yardımcı olur.
3. Endişelenmeden Temanızı Yükseltin veya Değiştirin: Eklenti, üstbilgi ve altbilgi kodunuzu ayrı bir yere kaydeder, böylece kodun silinmesinden endişe etmeden temanızı güncelleyebilir veya değiştirebilirsiniz.
Üstbilgi ve altbilgi komut dosyalarının yanı sıra, tema dosyalarınızı düzenlemeden özel PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML ve metin kodu parçacıklarını kolayca eklemek için WPCode’u da kullanabilirsiniz.
Ayrıca WPCode, en kullanışlı WordPress kod parçacıklarının tümünü bulabileceğiniz yerleşik bir parçacık kitaplığına sahiptir. Bu, otomatik güncellemeler, REST API, XML-RPC, yorumlar ve daha fazlası gibi istemediğiniz WordPress özelliklerini hızlı bir şekilde kaldırmanıza olanak tanır.
Not: Özel bulut snippet kütüphanesi, dönüştürme pikselleri, zamanlanmış snippetler, kod revizyonları ve daha fazlası gibi gelişmiş özellikler istiyorsanız WPCode Pro‘ya yükseltebilirsiniz.
Daha fazla ayrıntı için WordPress’e kolayca özel kod ekleme hakkındaki kılavuzumuzu okuyun.
Bununla birlikte, WPCode eklentisini kullanarak WordPress’te üstbilgi ve altbilgi kodunun nasıl kolayca ekleneceğini görelim.
Video Eğitimi
Video eğitimini izlemek istemiyorsanız, aşağıdaki metin versiyonunu okumaya devam edebilirsiniz:
WordPress’te Üstbilgi ve Altbilgiye Kod Ekleme
Yapmanız gereken ilk şey ücretsiz WPCode eklentisini yüklemek ve etkinleştirmektir. Daha fazla ayrıntı için WordPress eklentisi yükleme hakkındaki adım adım kılavuzumuza bakın.
Eklenti etkinleştirildikten sonra, WordPress yönetici panelinizden Code Snippets ” Header & Footer bölümüne gidin. Bundan sonra, kodunuzu ekleyebileceğiniz bir ‘Üstbilgi’ kutusu göreceksiniz.

Aşağı kaydırırsanız, bir ‘Gövde’ ve bir ‘Altbilgi’ kutusu da göreceksiniz.

Kodu üç kutudan birine yapıştırmanız yeterlidir. İşiniz bittiğinde, ayarlarınızı kaydetmek için ‘Değişiklikleri Kaydet’ düğmesine tıklamayı unutmayın.
Eklenti artık kodu WordPress sitenizdeki ilgili konumlara otomatik olarak yükleyecektir.
Saklamak istemediğiniz kodları her zaman düzenleyebilir ve kaldırabilirsiniz.
Eklentiyi her zaman yüklü ve etkin tutmanız gerekir. Eklentinin devre dışı bırakılması sitenize tüm özel kodların eklenmesini durduracaktır.
Eklentiyi yanlışlıkla devre dışı bırakırsanız, kod hala WordPress veritabanınızda güvenli bir şekilde saklanacaktır. Eklentiyi yeniden yükleyebilir veya yeniden etkinleştirebilirsiniz ve kod tekrar görünmeye başlayacaktır.
Not: Kodun web sitenizin ön ucunda düzgün bir şekilde görünmesi için değişiklikleri kaydettikten sonra WordPress önbelleğinizi temizlemeniz gerekebilir.
Yeni başlayanların çoğunun WPCode eklentisini kullanmasının en büyük nedeninin web sitelerine Google Analytics eklemek olduğunu gördük. Bunun için aslında ücretsiz MonsterInsights eklentisini kullanmanızı öneririz.
MonsterInsights, WordPress için en iyi Google analitik eklentisidir. Sadece birkaç tıklamayla Google Analytics takibini düzgün bir şekilde kurmanıza yardımcı olur ve size doğrudan WordPress panonuzun içinde yararlı istatistikler gösterir.
Adım adım talimatlar için WordPress’te Google Analytics’in nasıl kurulacağına ilişkin bu eğitime bakın.
Umarız bu makale WordPress’te üstbilgi ve altbilgi kodlarının nasıl kolayca ekleneceğini öğrenmenize yardımcı olmuştur. WordPress sitenizde kodu nasıl görüntüleyeceğinize ilişkin kılavuzumuzu veya en iyi WordPress geliştirme araçlarına ilişkin uzman seçimlerimizi de görmek isteyebilirsiniz.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Adsense give me copy code in to my site (between head) , where I can put code into my site?? I use premium plan!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Rattanak,
You cannot use Adsense on WordPress.com premium plan, you will need at least their business plan for that. Please see our guide on the difference between self hosted WordPress.org vs free WordPress.com blog.
Your team member has tried to resolve my issue and they are on time .. but i just saw this place where we can leave a reply..
I am trying to add a meta tag to my front page as required by my affiliate programm company to get to promote their product. I used add header and footer plug in as suggested by your team member and after adding and saving changes I do not see the changes .. how would the site look after adding the meta tag by the way the meta tag is as below
OR the other option is to add a new page with their code which is .html . i tried to copy paste as but it remains as such. IS IT BECAUSE MY SITE IS PHP SUPPORT AND THE CODE IS HTML OR HOW?
Hope to recieve your advice and feedback.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Madhusudan,
The meta tags are located in your website’s HTML code. They are added in the header section or at the end. Meta tags are not visible on your website and do not make any change to your website’s appearance. You can still view the meta tag by viewing the source or using the inspect tool.
I have added the header/footer plug in. I added my facebook pixel code and hit saved. But how to I install this code to specific pages of my website so I can track certain conversions?
I use this plug-in all the time with no issues. Today, I installed it and added my code needed into the correct area. Every page is showing the code except the home page. Any idea why every page would have the code except the home page?
This post doesn’t teach what script to put in the footer though. What simple script can I use to get started? I just want a simple footer.
I am having an issue her. It would be very helpful of you to resolve my issue.
I have to add the code of google adsense in the header of my website, but earlier i had added the instant article code in the header, now what shold i do to keep both of them?
(As i am the beginner, so i don’ know much about it. Help me please.)
George Beasley Jr
I tried installing the “Insert Headers and Footers” into my website. When I go to “Settings/Insert Headers and Footers”, I get this error: (Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_unslash() in /home/afvetrep/public_html/wp-content/plugins/insert-headers-and-footers/ihaf.php on line 169)
What do I do?
WPBeginner Support
Hey George,
wp_unslash() is a standard WordPress core function since WordPress 3.6. If you are using an older version of WordPress, then you need to update WordPress.
If you are using the latest version of WordPress and still seeing this error, then let us know and we will help you troubleshoot.
Hi. I am inserting a MailChimp popup script into the footer and this breaks my WP main navigation menu. Any idea why or how to fix it ? I just upgraded to your latest plugin version but the problem persists. Thanks.
Anyone have any idea why I have this problem ?
Thanks !
Please help me
I can’t see any editor on appearance..
I need to put webmaster tool verify meta code in how can I edit the header?
Need help
Thank you very much. Please where can I paste Google AdSense code in this plugin, header or footer?
Hi, I can’t see any
I’m trying to connect my WB with Adsense
Can i add Adsense ad code on WordPress after using mobile???
Please help
Hi, can this still be used to insert the code that one is given for verification of a Google Adsense account?
WPBeginner Support
Yes it can be used for that.
This is one of my best plugins and i use em frequently to add codes to the header and footer, but something happen after i update the plugins few hours ago, it gave an error [Fatal error: Can’t use function return value in write context in /home/campmmcg/public_html/wp-content/plugins/insert-headers-and-footers/ihaf.php on line 102]
Please resolve this
WPBeginner Support
Hi Samuel,
This issue has been fixed in version 1.4.1, please update the plugin.
Meaghan Nutt
This was really easy but it changed my header on the website and it is huge! It has pushed down my slider and my content for a huge white box. Help!
hey thanks for this amazing plugin
but could it work if i paste google verification code on the header
Thank you for this greate article, my question can I use this plugin to insert ad codes like ad codes of affiliates programs?
Rizwan Amjad
Hellow.. i am using this plugin, I have a question that can i use this plugin to insert multiple codes in this way..
Code 1
Code 2
Code 3
Simply Code 1 and then Enter Button and code 2 and enter button.
I want to insert codes likes google authorship, analytics, webmaster, etc.
WPBeginner Support
Hey Rizwan,
Yes you can multiple code snippets on new lines by pressing enter button after pasting each snippet.
Hi, This is probably a silly question, but if I already installed a facebook script in the header and now want to install another one from Hotjar, I am deleting the prior Facebook script so it is not re- installed, correct? Sorry I am not well versed in code.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Isabella,
Yes it is ok to do that. If you are unsure, then you can just copy the old code and save it as a text file on your computer.
Excellent video. Very clear and helpful. I am now subscribing to your channel.
good day. without installing any wp theme,is there any way I can use my own theme. or template
Superb Plugin….
This is grat plugin, I see it is more than one year without updates. Could you please update it?
Thanks so much for the video. I tried to figure this out through other websites, and with my own brain, but I was still unsure. Your video was short and sweet, and finally gave me the visuals I needed to get the job done. Thanks again!
WPBeginner Support
You are welcome
hi ,
i want to add my logo from wp(dynamic logo)
where is this plugins >?
hey amazing people, i installed and added FB instant article code but FB still says that the code is not in the website.
I have added it to head section part.
Suzanne Ball
I get “403 Forbidden
A potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site.”
when I insert the google script
Rene Hedges
Thank you! Being very new to site building, and with no experience with working with coding, this was easy to follow!
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found it helpful.
hi i am new in wp…….how to make database in wp and create table insertion etc….
Marcelo Guimaraes
Hello! I am using Insert Headers and Footers to add the Google Analytics code to my WP site. Do I need to worry about each page on my site separately or am I covering the entire site simply by following the instructions on this video and adding the code to the Headers box (Insert Headers and Footers > Settings)?
WPBeginner Support
You are covering the entire site.
Do you have html code or something, i need it to make my site faster
No more plugin
Patrick Saad
Hello !
This would be my first time using your plugin. I am hoping to render my web site more secure by adding these following scripts in the header :
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
My questions are : Can I use your plugin to do this and if so do I make the header addition scripts one at a time or as I have typed them here.
Thanks for your help !
WPBeginner Support
The more appropriate way to set HTTP headers in WordPress is by using the send_headers hook. Here is an example, it goes in functions.php file.
1-click Use in WordPress
Conrad Hall
I’m new to WPBeginner.com, and this is the first tutorial I have viewed. To be blunt, I’m stunned that a tutorial says “Here you see two text boxes where you can add your code. Simply copy and paste any meta information, scripts, Google Analytics, etc. and click “save settings”. This code will now be output to either your header or you footer.”
Regrettably, there are no links to information that helps a beginner understand how to get, or use, any of the code indicated. This renders the plugin useless to me.
My use for this plugin is to use it for connecting to pages such as privacy policy and publisher disclaimer. Is there a tutorial somewhere that shows this? if so, please link to it from this page.
WPBeginner Support
If your theme has a navigation menu in the footer area, then please see our guide how to add navigation menu in WordPress.
Richard Bauer
Can Headers be static menus that include text, graphics, and links to pages? Same for Footers.
is my site and is developed using FrontPage. We want to simply convert the entire site to Word Press as simple as possible. All links are to other site pages, site PDF and Word files, and a few external links. No Forms, No dynamic database, NO searches.
any help would be appreciated
Same result from inserting in wp_head Hook in Genesis Simple Hooks? Worked for me.
WPBeginner Staff
Yes it is.
There have been big changes in WP – Is this plugin still compatible?
WPBeginner Staff
It seems like your WordPress theme does not uses the standard wp_header and wp_footer functions. Please try switching temporarily to a default theme like twenty thirteen and see if the problem persists.
Mufidah Kassalias
I’ve been using this plugin happily until the other day when we upgraded to the latest theme version (a major upgrade). The plugin broke our menu (it took quite a bit of investigation to narrow it down and be sure it was this plugin causing the conflict), so I’ve had to deactivate it. As you can imagine this is not a great solution, since our Google site verification, publisher info, analytics tracking and so on no longer exist in the head of our site. Do you have any suggestions regarding additional code I could include that would resolve the problem? Thank you.
WPBeginner Staff
Are you sure its this plugin? We tested this and we were able to upload images just fine.
Hi there. I’ve noticed that I have to deactivate the plugin in order to see my images to insert them into a post. Is there way to fix this? I love the plugin otherwise!
How long does it take before the code starts publishing data for Google Analytics?
Hello there,
You have helped me so much with so many issues – best site ever! thanks!
Hi there,
I am trying to update my one line of code in google analytics to get demographic info. I am sure I have pasted it correctly into the header(and footer, which I have always had there, but just read in a previous comment is unnecessary.) When I clcik the button in google analytics to validate code, it does not recognize the change. Have tried several times. Could you help me figure out how to solve this, please? Thanks!
WPBeginner Support
You can try adding you analytics code in the header.
Brilliant! super easy to use
Can I use this plugin to add javascript code? Such as a redirection script?
WPBeginner Support
you can add javascript code
Hi, I just installed your plugin, and I understand it allows to insert website-wide code in the header, do you have some version/recommendation for a plugin that works separately for each page in the site?
Thank you very much!
I’m using Genesis and am looking for a footer which is much more plug and play such as a widget where typical footer fields can be entered by a business user (non-coder). Even the available widget-based footers I see in the marketplace only go as far as saying ok, here’s your space, now add a random widget with some code snippets (way beyond my skills).
If that magic doesn’t exist, can I just copy the footer code you are using on wpbeginner.com, edit the info and paste it into a Text widget into my Footer 1 position?
Editorial Staff
Theoretically yes you can copy the code and paste it in the footer area. However it may cause some styling issues.
april whitlow
If I am using this for google analytics, do i insert it into the header and footer or just the footer. sorry for the simple question. I am at the very beginning of learning.
Editorial Staff
How do you add header scripts in just “one specific” page? This plugin is only applicable if you are adding a script for all the pages, but is not applicable if you will add it in a specific page.
for “How do you add header scripts in just “one specific” page? This plugin is only applicable if you are adding a script for all the pages, but is not applicable if you will add it in a specific page.”
You can use php w/ the following info:
in conjunction with your scripts.
I did this and I see that the script appears in the footer of my page. However, Google Analytics still says that the tracking is not installed. Please help!
Editorial Staff
Are you using a caching plugin? If so, can you please empty your cache?
Stan Peters
I get Notice: wp_register_style was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or init hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.) in C:\tools\xampp\htdocs\wpfrontier\wp-includes\functions.php on line 2758
when I use it to insert google font code in header
Editorial Staff
This plugin is mainly created for analytics script, or meta information. This is not meant to be used for inserting jQuery or other design elements like those. The purpose was to allow users to easily add tags in their head or footer without editing theme files.
I get the same problem. Is there a solution to this?
I have tried to add FB meta tags in header with this plugin, but it didn’t work. The idea is good, though.
Editorial Staff
If you are trying to add dynamic PHP code in this plugin, then it would not work. This plugin does not execute PHP. It is mainly for inserting static meta tags.
Well, I don’t know if those tags are dynamic or static
I tried the standard Facebook tags such as this:
<meta property="og:url" content="”/>
<meta property="og:title" content="” />
<meta property="og:description" content="ID)); ?>” />
<meta property="og:image" content="ID ) ) ?>” />
Can you tell me if this plugin is good for this purpose? Thanks
Editorial Staff
No it is not good for that. Because the URL, the Title, and Description all have the PHP tag which is dynamic.
Gautam Doddamani
a great plugin but my custom theme already has this option! will bookmark this post in case i change my themes.
Editorial Staff
Yeah it’s main purpose is to keep you from being theme dependent. Often people place their Analytics codes etc in their theme’s footer scripts area like this. Then they forgot about it when they switch themes. This causes them to lose analytics data for number of days.