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Como corrigir o erro 404 dos posts do WordPress (passo a passo)

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Suas postagens do WordPress estão retornando um erro 404 em seu site?

Esse erro ocorre quando você consegue acessar a área de administração e o blog do WordPress, mas, ao tentar abrir uma postagem, verá a mensagem “404 Not Found”.

Neste artigo, mostraremos a você como corrigir posts do WordPress que retornam erros 404.

How to fix WordPress posts returning 404 error

Por que meus posts do WordPress estão retornando um erro 404?

Há vários motivos pelos quais seus posts do WordPress podem estar exibindo o erro 404 “Página não encontrada”. Esses motivos podem incluir:

  • Conflitos de plugin ou tema: Às vezes, os plug-ins ou temas que você instalou em seu site podem interferir na forma como o WordPress lida com os permalinks. Isso pode levar a links quebrados e erros 404.
  • Problemas de código personalizado: Se você adicionou código personalizado ao seu site, pode haver erros no código que estejam afetando os permalinks ou causando outros conflitos, resultando em erros 404 para suas postagens.
  • Problemas com seu arquivo .htaccess: O arquivo .htaccess desempenha um papel importante na forma como o WordPress estrutura os URLs. Se esse arquivo estiver corrompido ou ausente, poderá resultar em erros 404 para suas publicações.

Dito isso, vamos dar uma olhada em como corrigir posts do WordPress que retornam erros 404. Você pode usar os links abaixo para ir direto às diferentes soluções:

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Se você preferir instruções por escrito, continue lendo.

Método 1: Verifique se há conflitos de plug-ins ou temas e problemas de código personalizado

Às vezes, plugins, temas ou códigos personalizados que você adicionou ao seu site WordPress podem interferir nos permalinks ou causar conflitos, levando a erros 404. Nós mesmos já passamos por isso quando testamos ferramentas em nosso site de demonstração.

Uma maneira de resolver esse problema é desativar temporariamente os plug-ins. Às vezes, os plug-ins podem atrapalhar a maneira como o WordPress lida com os links.

Depois de desativar os plug-ins, você pode reativá-los um a um e verificar se o erro 404 reaparece após a ativação de cada plug-in. Se o erro aparecer após a ativação de um plug-in específico, ele pode ser o culpado.

Em seguida, você pode procurar soluções relacionadas a esse plug-in ou entrar em contato com o desenvolvedor do plug-in para obter suporte.

Da mesma forma, seu tema do WordPress pode estar causando o conflito.

Para verificar, você pode mudar temporariamente para um tema padrão do WordPress, como Twenty Twenty-Three ou Twenty Twenty-Four. Tudo o que você precisa fazer é acessar Appearance Temas e clicar em “Ativar” em um tema padrão.

Activating a default WordPress theme

Se o erro 404 desaparecer com o tema padrão, isso indica um possível conflito com seu tema atual. Você pode tentar solucionar o problema com o tema ou considerar o uso de um tema diferente.

Você pode dar uma olhada em nossa seleção de especialistas dos temas mais populares do WordPress para obter recomendações.

Se você inseriu recentemente trechos de código em seu site, pode haver erros no código que estão causando os erros 404. Dê uma olhada no código que você adicionou e veja se consegue identificar algum erro.

A maneira mais segura de adicionar trechos de código ao WordPress é com o plug-in WPCode. Esse plug-in permite que você insira código personalizado sem trabalhar diretamente com os arquivos do tema, reduzindo o risco de danificar seu site.

Além disso, sempre que o WPCode detectar um erro no seu código, ele desativará automaticamente o snippet e solicitará que você o verifique. Você também pode usar o modo de teste para verificar se o código funciona antes de colocá-lo no site ativo.

WPCode error warning

Se nenhuma dessas soluções funcionar, passe para o próximo método, no qual solucionaremos os problemas de suas configurações de permalink.

Os posts do WordPress podem retornar erros 404 devido a problemas com regras de reescrita em seu arquivo .htaccess. Na maioria dos casos, você pode corrigir o problema atualizando suas configurações de permalink.

Basta acessar Configurações ” Permalinks em seu administrador do WordPress e clicar no botão “Salvar alterações”.

Check Permalinks

Não há necessidade de fazer alterações nas próprias configurações de permalink. Isso atualizará suas configurações de permalink e liberará as regras de reescrita.

Na maioria dos casos, essa solução corrige o erro 404 dos posts do WordPress. No entanto, se não funcionar para você, provavelmente precisará atualizar o arquivo .htaccess manualmente.

Método 3: Atualizar o arquivo .htaccess do WordPress

Antes de começar, certifique-se de fazer o backup do arquivo .htaccess do WordPress. Se algo der errado, você poderá restaurar facilmente o arquivo original.

Agora, você precisará se conectar ao seu servidor usando um cliente FTP como o FileZilla ou o aplicativo File Manager no painel de hospedagem do WordPress.

Em seguida, você precisará localizar e editar o arquivo .htaccess, que está localizado no mesmo local que pastas como /wp-content/ e /wp-includes/.

Basta clicar com o botão direito do mouse no arquivo e selecionar “File permissions” (Permissões de arquivo).

.htaccess file permissions

Você pode tornar o arquivo gravável alterando suas permissões para 666.

Basta digitar “666” na caixa “Valor numérico” e clicar em “OK”.

Change file attributes for the .htaccess file to 666

Em seguida, você precisa repetir as etapas do primeiro método do nosso tutorial. Depois de fazer isso, não se esqueça de alterar as permissões de volta para 660.

Você também pode editar o arquivo e adicionar código a ele.

Edit .htaccess file

Depois de abrir o arquivo .htaccess com um editor de texto, basta inserir este código:

# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
# END WordPress

Método 4: Entre em contato com o provedor de hospedagem

Se nenhuma das soluções acima tiver corrigido o erro de retorno 404 dos posts do WordPress, recomendamos entrar em contato com o provedor de hospedagem do WordPress. Pode haver um erro do lado deles ou eles podem ajudá-lo a solucionar o problema.

Consulte também nosso guia sobre como solicitar corretamente o suporte do WordPress e obtê-lo.

Método 5: Corrigir posts do WordPress que retornam erro 404 em servidores locais

Se estiver usando um servidor local para fins de teste, será necessário ativar o mod_rewrite na configuração do Apache do seu site MAMP, WAMP ou XAMPP.

Isso permitirá que o WordPress gere URLs limpos e evite o erro 404 para posts e páginas em seu servidor local.

A forma de fazer isso varia de acordo com a plataforma que você usa. As pessoas que usam o XAMPP podem abrir o painel de controle e clicar no botão “Config” em Actions. Em seguida, selecione “Apache (httpd.conf)”.

The Apache (httpd.conf) menu on XAMPP

Em seguida, você precisará encontrar esta linha #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ e remover o ‘#’ para descomentá-la.

Isso carregará o mod_rewrite.

Finding the rewrite_module on httpd.conf file

Em seguida, localize todas as instâncias de AllowOverride None e altere-as para AllowOverride All.

O valor “All” significa que todas as diretivas podem ser substituídas.

Changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride All

Uma vez concluído, você pode salvar o arquivo httpd.conf e fechá-lo. Depois disso, no painel de controle do XAMPP, clique em “Stop” (Parar) no módulo Apache e em “Start” (Iniciar) novamente para reiniciá-lo.

Em seguida, volte ao painel de administração para ver se os permalinks estão funcionando.

Esperamos que este artigo tenha ajudado você a solucionar os erros de mensagens que retornam 404 no WordPress. Talvez você também queira ver nosso guia sobre os erros mais comuns do WordPress e como corrigi-los, além de nossas escolhas de especialistas sobre os melhores plug-ins do WordPress para expandir seu site.

Se você gostou deste artigo, inscreva-se em nosso canal do YouTube para receber tutoriais em vídeo sobre o WordPress. Você também pode nos encontrar no Twitter e no Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. Milan says

    Finding Solution on lots of Sites…. But No Luck And after all tried the following

    Settings » Permalinks, and simply click on Save Changes button.

    This Worked !!

    Million Thanks To Team WpBeginner….. !! :)

  3. Jeff says

    I’m afraid this did not work for me. I continue to get the 404 error and it affects all links from my front page. However, if I set the Permalinks settings to “Default” everything works. I don’t want the default settings though – I want permalinks to use “Day and name.” I’ve also checked the .htaccess file and that’s okay. I’ve done the same for permissions and they’re fine too. Help!

  4. Rick Harris says

    So this tip half works for me. I only have the 404 problem on 1 post, but it’s my first one so it’s the ‘what is this blog about and what you will find here’ so its pretty important for the blog site.
    See if you can figure this out.
    If I set the permalinks to something like year/month/post name it works fine.
    Even if I go delete the htaccess file then make the change, setting it to ‘post name’ results in that post getting the 404. It will still display on the home and category pages though.

  5. Annie says

    I went through both these options and I still am getting a 404 error. I have my permalinks set to ‘post name’ but for some reason only ONE of my posts is stuck on a different permalink structure (the post ends with /3088 instead) and it doesn’t change when I update the permalinks. I also went into my .htaccess file, and it already had the code you had above in there, but there was nothing about permissions in the file. Is there anything I can do to make this post show up? I can see it in my homepage feed but get the error when I click on it to go to the post page.

  6. Emily Gates says

    Thanks admin i was so much worry about it actually i install category plugin(because i am running my blog that is and after deactivation i found my single post was not show properly 404 error was displayed but now i fix it. Thanks for giving solution.

  7. Somesh says

    I’ve changed my theme for a little bit. And it has for different section by-default in the dashboard.
    Video Games
    How to
    So, after again re-applying the theme the posts at the post section are working fine. But, the posts for those section says page not found .
    How to bring those post back the post are available in the dashboard but, there thumbnails are also available on the website but when i click on that it says page not found.

  8. Edgar says

    Thanks for the info! Was in dispair, but now fine again. Had to do an extra step though. My host provider (hostnet) installed wordpress for me, so I had to get into their config panel to sync the .htacces file. Don’t know if this is more common for people using pre installed wordpress. Just letting you know ;)

  9. Carl says

    my problem was, that the .htaccess file was not writable.
    All I had to do was set the chmod to 777, then press the “save changes” Button in the Permalinks-Options Menu. WP then properly flushed the old .htaccess settings and rewrote them.
    Works, Thank You!

    • Ben says

      Hi i had the same problem on 2 of my sites with editing the post or page ,everything else seemed to work fine. (hapened at the same time)
      I fixed it by changing the permisions in cpanel/file manager to 644 for files and 755 for directory’s setings and all was restored to normal agian. so check your hosting comp for their recomended setings on file permisions.

      Some how the permisions for all files and directory’s was set to 655 for ( all wp files and directory’s ).

      Changing the permisions on .htaccess file alone didn’t do it for me and editing it also didn’t solve it, nor changing the permalinks. {somehow i think my problem came from my server side.}

      Hope it is helpfull for someone.

  10. Pankaj Chauhan says

    I was getting the same 404 error on my blog. It was not happening with all the posts but with one specific post. After, few hours I noticed that the category name was causing the issue. so I deleted the category and recreated it with a different slug. It worked.

    but i am still not sure why it happened…

    Luckily, in that category, I had no posts otherwise…it would have been a problem as i had to reassign the new category to all the posts.

  11. Manisha Sarangi says

    I have got another solution and it worked like a magic.
    Just follow few steps here.
    For UBUNTU :

    1.You need to enable mod_rewrite in apache server
    sudo a2enmod rewrite

    2.You need to restart the webserver to apply the changes
    sudo service apache2 restart

    3.If you plan on using mod_rewrite in .htaccess files, you also need to enable the use of .htaccess files by changing AllowOverride None to AllowOverride FileInfo. For the default website, edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/default

    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    # changed from None to FileInfo
    AllowOverride FileInfo
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

    4.After such a change, you need to restart Apache again
    sudo service apache2 restart

    5.Then go to wordpress admin>settings>permalinks>select post name and save changes

    It will work now.

  12. David Vitorino says

    Thanks for this post!!

    I was trying to install wordpress in VPS and your post really helped me.

    the mod_rewrite was turned off in apache.


  13. Syl says

    Hey there !

    Thanks for your post. I have a similar issue on my wordpress blog and don’t know what to do right now. To make it short, my .htaccess file is getting overwritten over and over…

    These lines :

    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

    are duplicated a hundred or thousand times with NUL characters, and my .htaccess is now 1.5 Mo ! I can fix the issue by uploading a clean .htaccess, but the issue occurs a few hours/days later, again and again, and the pages of my websites just show a 404 error…

    I also tried to put the htaccess file attributes to 404 instead of 604 to stop it from being rewritten, but my host doesn’t allow this and it came back to 604…

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    Any clue ?

    Best regards :)

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Deactivate all your plugins, if you have some custom code pasted in your theme’s functions.php file then create a back up of your existing file and then install a fresh copy of your theme. Delete your .htaccess file. Go to Settings » Permalinks and save your permalinks. Now connect to your site using FTP, wordpress would have created a new .htaccess file for you. Browse a few pages on your site’s front-end and then see if the changes in your .htaccess file reappear.


      • MissyLee says

        Many many thanks for continuing with helping people – My child theme functions.php was the problem. Seriously, this is a great site! :)

  14. Megha Verma says

    Hi, I am facing problem of error 404 page not found. But it is not applicable on every post. This problem is coming 5 out of 10. Also I am using the same method creating all the post and the perma-link structure is /sample-post/. Kindly help me out from this and provide me the best solution.

  15. Biswajit Rout says


    Thanks for the information. I have the same problem.

    But now i fixed by adding the below code in my .htaccess.
    # BEGIN WordPress

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

    # END WordPress

    Thanks again for this post.

  16. Jyo says

    Hi, thanks for the info, but it doesnt work for me :( Please admin can you help me out. My permalinks arent working. I have tried your method. The only way its working is by setting permalinks to default else the whole site comes down, not even the wp admin section is accessible.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Here is something you can try. Connect to your WordPress site using an FTP client like Filezilla. Once you are connected to your website, in Filezilla menu bar click on Server » Force showing hidden files. Find .htaccess file in your website’s root directory, download it to your computer, then delete the file from your server. Now go to WordPress admin area in your browser and click on Settings » Permalinks. Choose a permalink structure for your website and click save changes button. Hopefully this will resolve your issue.


  17. Darren says

    Your are AWESOME! I had no idea what was wrong. 5 min of reading your post and a few clicks later my blog is up and running again! Thanks a TON!

  18. Gav Reichel says

    If all of the above isn’t making any difference for you, it might be worth asking your website administrator if they’ve added the following to the configuration (if using apache):

    Options Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride All

    (This is usually defined in the virtural host section)

    If not, your .htaccess file won’t be read!

    (I speak from experience after spending 30 minutes trying to work that out!)

  19. pete says

    Hi, got my htaccess hacked and had to delete it. Now I get this problem. This solution only get me halfways. From the browser 404 message(before) to my custom wordpress 404 page(after permalink reset). Any ideas?

      • Pete says

        Took me a while to get back…
        The htaccess look allright. It gets updated..Still not working. Only the custom ugly permalinks. Another wp site on the same server got hacked at the same time. But on that one this fix solves the problem..

  20. protik says

    Thank you Thank you so much…had a mild panic attack when the 404 error happened…this post was a life saver!!

  21. Peter says

    Thank you thank you thank you.

    It worked.

    You are right, there are so many variables that sometimes knowing what to ask is significantly more difficult that fixing the problem.

    I am now able to access my blog again.

    have a great day.
    Peter Sitting Scribe

  22. Allii Allee says

    i have done all the steps but its still giving me this error
    Error 404

    The page you’ve requested can not be displayed. It appears you’ve missed your intended destination, either through a bad or outdated link, or a typo in the page you were hoping to reach.

  23. Akhil Gupta says

    first of all i want to thank you for this great tutorial.. i am not able to change the permalink from the last 2 hrs.. i was changing the .htaccess file bit it was not working out but after seeing your 404 error post i was able to figure it out now my problem solved. Thanks once again

  24. Bruce Ketchum says

    Thank you, WPBeginner! Your tip on clicking the Save Changes button in the WordPress Permalinks settings fixed my 404 error, which was occurring on posts and pages.

  25. Adrian D'Amico says

    I too am having this problem on a site of mine – where it keeps happening every few days even after I hit Save Changes and refresh the Permalinks. I’m guessing it’s a plugin, but I havent gone down the list deactivating and reactivating them since I’d have to wait days to find out which one is doing it. Do you think that the htaccess edit solution you describe is a permanent solution, or will the problem resurface again? thanks for any help you could provide.

      • Adrian says

        Hello – I followed this tutorial but my site is still plagued by this problem. Is something triggering this to occur? Something like a plugin? I’ve double checked and my htaccess file always looks like what you suggest in the article, seems as if something else is going on at least in my case. thanks for any help you could provide.

        • Adrian says

          I guess what Im asking is do you know a way to track down what is causing it (ie. which plugin, etc.)

        • Rich says

          Do you have this in httpd.conf for webserver files – about line 220 in a default httpd.conf file. Could your host be overwriting changes you’ve made?

          AllowOverride FileInfo

          My webserver settings didn’t have this so despite changing this in the initial Directory settings it just wasn’t working. As soon as I did it worked.

  26. Jay Castillo says

    The question is, what is causing the problem with the htaccess file?

    I encountered this problem before and I traced it to using the diggdigg wordpress plugin.

    The quick fix was to save the permalink structure just like what you mentioned above, but the problem happened to me twice(404 errors on my blogposts, homepage was okay) in a week and after I removed the diggdigg plugin, it never occurred again.

    I still don’t know why it happened.

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