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Comparación de los 6 mejores plugins de WordPress para calendarios (2024)

¿Está buscando el mejor plugin de calendario de WordPress para su sitio?

Los plugins de calendarios de WordPress vienen con una variedad de características diferentes. Algunos están pensados para gestionar eventos de forma sencilla, mientras que otros son más complejos e incluyen características de reserva, tique / entrada y programación.

En este artículo, hemos seleccionado los mejores plugins de calendario de WordPress para su sitio.

Best WordPress calendar plugins

¿Cómo elegir un plugin de calendario para WordPress?

Como hemos mencionado anteriormente, hay muchos tipos diferentes de plugins de calendario de WordPress disponibles que atienden a las necesidades de diferentes usuarios.

Algunos plugins de calendario son fáciles de usar y permiten simplemente mostrar eventos en un calendario. Otros tienen características más avanzadas como citas y reservas, programación, tiques / entradas e integraciones con servicios de terceros como Google Calendar.

También es importante que se comunique con sus usuarios una vez que hayan reservado una cita con usted. Por ejemplo, puede que necesites enviar recordatorios, detalles de pago, confirmaciones, etcétera. Eso significa que debe asegurarse de que su plugin se conecta con los servicios de marketing por correo electrónico.

Debe elegir un plugin que se adapte a sus necesidades. Por ejemplo, si desea vender entradas para eventos en su sitio web de WordPress, entonces un calendario con sólo la característica de reserva puede no ser adecuado para usted.

Echemos un vistazo a algunos de los mejores plugins de calendario para WordPress que puedes probar.

1. Calendario del azúcar

Sugar Calendar

Sugar Calendar es el mejor plugin de calendario para WordPress que es a la vez fácil y potente.

El plugin incluye todas las características esenciales que cabría esperar, como la posibilidad de crear eventos de calendario, horas de inicio y fin de reuniones y citas, zonas horarias de eventos, sincronización con Google Calendar y mucho más.

Gracias al sencillo Escritorio y al editor, podrás añadir y gestionar fácilmente tus eventos. Puedes crear varios calendarios para distintos tipos de eventos, alternar entre calendarios, buscar eventos concretos y cambiar la vista del calendario.

Sugar Calendar dashboard

Además, utilizando los bloques de Sugar Calendar, puedes mostrar tu calendario en cualquier entrada o página de WordPress.

Sugar Calendar también viene con potentes extensiones, incluyendo la venta de entradas para eventos. Esta extensión le permite vender tiques / entradas, gestionar los registros de los asistentes e integrarse fácilmente con Stripe para cobrar los pagos.

Si tienes un sitio web de membresía o un foro comunitario, Sugar Calendar te permite establecer un calendario de eventos enviados por los usuarios al que tus miembros pueden añadir eventos desde la interfaz.

El plugin también se integra con otros plugins de WordPress y plataformas de marketing, como WooCommerce, WPForms, Gravity Forms y Google Calendar, entre otros.

Para más detalles, consulta nuestra completa reseña / valoración de Sugar Calendar. También puedes seguir nuestro tutorial paso a paso sobre cómo hacer un calendario de eventos con Sugar Calendar.

2. Calendario de eventos

The Events Calendar

El Calendario de Eventos es un potente sistema de gestión de eventos para su sitio WordPress. Es rico en características y extremadamente fácil de usar debido a una interfaz de usuario limpia que se integra en su área de administrador de WordPress.

El Calendario de Eventos te permite añadir fácilmente tus eventos y gestionar los organizadores y lugares de celebración. Puedes optar por mostrar Google Maps para las ubicaciones de los lugares de celebración. La página de ajustes del plugin te da el control total sobre cómo quieres gestionar tus eventos y tu calendario.

¿Quieres vender tiques / entradas para tus eventos? El Calendario de Eventos tiene extensiones de pago para integrarlo con WooCommerce, Eventbrite, y más.

Para obtener más información, consulte nuestra reseña / valoración detallada de El Calendario de Eventos.

3. Calendario de eventos todo en uno

All in One Event Calendar

All in One Events Calendar es un potente plugin de gestión de eventos para WordPress.

Su intuitiva interfaz de usuario lo hace extremadamente fácil de usar para los principiantes. Puedes añadir eventos fácilmente, ordenarlos por categorías y etiquetas, y elegir entre tres temas integrados para la visualización del calendario.

También puedes mostrar las sedes de tus eventos utilizando Google Maps junto con los detalles del evento. El plugin también te permite retocar el tema del calendario eligiendo diferentes colores.

También permite añadir eventos desde cualquier otro calendario que sea compatible con el formato iCal, incluido Google Calendar. No tiene integraciones de venta de entradas, pero puedes añadir URL a servicios de venta de entradas de terceros.

4. Mi calendario

My Calendar

My Calendar es otra potente solución gratuita de gestión de eventos para WordPress.

Es compatible con múltiples calendarios, grupos de eventos, categorías y ubicaciones. El plugin también viene con un generador de shortcode y widgets, para que puedas añadir fácilmente calendarios a las entradas, páginas o barras laterales de tu blog de WordPress.

Este es un plugin de WordPress altamente configurable con una extensa página de ajustes. Puedes controlar casi todos los aspectos de cómo se muestra tu calendario. Viene con seis estilos incorporados para la visualización del calendario.

Para los usuarios avanzados, hay un editor de estilo para subir su propio CSS personalizado. También es compatible con la visualización de Google Map en una sola página de eventos y una ventana emergente de eventos.

5. Calendario de eventos para Google

Events Calendar for Google

Events Calendar for Google muestra los eventos de los calendarios públicos de Google en tu sitio de WordPress en una estructura / disposición / diseño / plantilla de lista, cuadrícula o calendario.

Puedes crear y gestionar tus eventos a través de Google Calendar. El plugin simplemente muestra esos eventos en tu sitio web. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es proporcionar tu URL de feed de Google Calendar.

El plugin viene con un sólido conjunto de características. Usted puede controlar la visualización de su calendario y eventos utilizando los shortcodes. Usted puede incluso controlar la apariencia del calendario utilizando hojas de estilos personalizadas.

El plugin no es compatible con un sistema de venta de entradas, pero puedes utilizar servicios de terceros para vender las entradas de tu evento e introducir la URL de la página de venta de entradas directamente en el anuncio / catálogo / ficha de tu evento en Google Calendar.

6. Calendario de reservas

Booking Calendar

Booking Calendar es un plugin de gestión de reservas para WordPress.

Le permite añadir un calendario a la portada de su sitio web, donde los usuarios pueden rellenar un sencillo formulario para enviar sus solicitudes de reserva. A continuación, puede aceptar o rechazar su solicitud de reserva.

Booking Calendar es compatible con CAPTCHA para evitar el Spam. Puedes controlar quién puede añadir una reserva en el área de administrador. Una desventaja del plugin es que no se pueden añadir nuevos campos de entrada para los formularios de reserva en la versión gratuita del plugin.

Se puede utilizar para reservar cualquier tipo de servicio. Sin embargo, si usted está buscando particularmente un sistema de reservas de hotel, entonces usted debe comprobar nuestra guía sobre cómo añadir un sistema de reservas de habitaciones de hotel en WordPress.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a elegir el mejor plugin de calendario para tu sitio WordPress. Quizás también quieras ver nuestra selección experta de las mejores aplicaciones de números de teléfono virtuales para empresas y nuestra guía sobre cómo crear bonitos calendarios de eventos en WordPress.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Ahmed Omar

    My favorite is Event Manager, which is the most flexible calendar plugin in my opinion.
    I tested other plugins but I finally using Event Manager

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for sharing the plugin you’re using currently :)


  3. Troy Media

    I want to assign certain WordPress users on our site (for example the Chamber of Commerce) as qualified to enter new events. In other words, create a new role for them so they can fill in all of the details of their upcoming event.
    The event will then be held in draft mode until we approve it.
    Is there such an event calendar?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Most if not all of the plugins can allow for user submissions which should be what you are looking for but you would want to reach out to the support for the plugins directly and they can let you know the specifics of their access control.


      • Troy Media

        I will reach out to The Events Calendar as to how to provide access to users.
        Thank you.

  4. Linda

    I disagree with this article. I have several calendars running on several sites. I recently upgraded to Events Calendar Pro and it is a huge pain to work with. In order to do pretty much anything to make your calendar look decent you have to mess with php files. Also, when I use one of there shortcodes on a page it looks totally different (colors) then if you just link to the /events…no good at all!

  5. Salman Lateef

    I’ve been using The Event Calendar for 3+ years now and while the pro version isn’t the cheapest it works well and at scale.

  6. Hafiz Ameer Hamza

    Thanks for your very informative post.

  7. Austin

    Hello: I am using The Events Calendar on an HOA website. Part of the site is for residents only. I am using Simple Membership to make a section of the site private. Simple Membership Plugin has a check box in each page that I can check to make them private (only viewable when a resident is logged in) I need the calendar to also be private, however, The Events Calendar plugin auto creates the calendar page, so I cannot get in it to check the Simple Membership check box. I need a plugin that will allow me to add a calendar to a page via a shortcode. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks P.S. I already contacted the The Events Calendar people, still waiting for a response.

    • Robert Janger

      Just put your link to the events calendar ( on a page that only a resident (subscriber) can get to. The resident would have to be logged in to get to the restricted page, so the public could not view the calendar.

  8. Hazem

    There’s any calendar that can sync Fromm Google and shows only few days a week. For example show only Saturdays !!!
    I looked up I couldn’t find any !
    Any tips please !

  9. Onyeka

    I am looking for a calendar plugin that i’ll use for booking request. My website is for hall/space hire.

  10. Jae

    I’m looking for a calendar that will accept reader generated submissions for a fee. In other words if they wnt their event posted to the calendar. They will pay to submit and we will approve each post before publishing. which calendar plug in is best?

  11. prash

    I have a requirement to connect 3 parties with calendar.
    End Customer , Vendor and our Our Back end. For eg lets say one customer selects a restaurant appointment. Is that possible if all parties – End Customer , Vendor and our Our Backend system can be synchronized ?

  12. Kassiem

    Hi, I need a calendar that shows only available slots (in hours) or multiple hours of our venue (hall for hire) eg hiring for a breakfast is from 0800am to 1100am; lunch is from 1100am till 200pm and suppers are from 200pm till 1000pm. and then there is also the whole day event hiring option.

    I dont want to show the details of booked time slots, these must show a different color as unavailable.
    All bookings are tentative until confirmed by payment by certain date.

    I’m new to WP .

    • Rebecca

      We are looking for the same thing ….did you find anything?

      • Dave

        Hi Rebecca,

        I’m also looking for the something very similar to this. Did you manage to find anything useful?


  13. Michael

    Hi everyone,
    I’m using now EventON since 2 weeks, not that bad, but you have to pay for almost every option and that can cost you a lot.
    I already bought FullCal already as add-on.

    I having now an issue with them, because they advertised some add-ons with an also paid for add-on called “Event Search” in it.
    Even on the advertising pages for the basic calendar “Event Search” was illustrated.

    So now i want that add-on now for free, since it was presented as included in the basic calendar and FullCal add-on, but they refuse.
    It’s not that i don’t want to pay for it, it just that they mada a fault in their advertisement and that i expected that this “Search” option was included like it was told on their pages.

    I even receive a message from them saying if it said literally FREE maybe, but no.

    I’ve got proof, i took same printscreens, and a couple of hours after i posted that topic, this “Search Event” option was cleard from their pages.

    So, what do you think of this matter???

    • Bobby M.

      You should go with Events Plus instead. They provide all the core features at no extra costs. Look for it in CodeCanyon, it costs the same as EventOn and the support is great.

  14. Johan Stam

    Any suggestion for a WP Plugin showing a calendar with week numbers?
    Or a calander which shows 2 months?
    Want to use them in a sidebar.

    Kind regards,

  15. Dan Carter

    I am now evaluating the Events Calendar from Modern Tribe. Chose it due to all the good things I have read about it. But…

    It astounds me that in the List view, the very simple concept of Next Page and Previous Page do not function. All I’m seeing is a spinning wheel, as in “please wait”. Went to their forum, and in several cases a problem is described by a user, and their support people merely say “are you using one of the basic themes? If not, we can’t help you.” There are what, maybe 4 basic themes in use, and hundreds of 3rd party themes?

    And when a user describes an issue and receives help, if the user doesn’t respond within about a week, the item is CLOSED. Whether the issue was solved or not. So, don’t be impressed when they state that issues are usually closed within a week or two. They don’t solve the problems, they just slam the door.

    I wish I could be more positive, but I’ve spent about 30 hours this week investigating how I might get this calendar to actually go to the NEXT PAGE and PREVIOUS PAGE. When I copy the underlying link and paste it into an address bar, it actually works. But that is not an acceptable solution. Someone else experienced this problem, and they were met with a stone wall.

    This should not be rocket science. There should be a fix readily available, and easily found.

    • Marylu Carl

      Not thrilled with EC by MT. But, they did give us a refund months after purchase. I need help and their support forums or whatever are not user friendly for us novices.

    • Ian

      I use event calendar by modern tribe on the next and previous work for me. Take a look i don’t remember changing any settings for that feature.

      Sadly the support forum is lacking as Dan mentioned.

  16. Mike

    We need a calendar that can receive entries from any of our members, can anyone suggest one?
    Thank you.

  17. Adrienne

    Wow! Like everyone else, I use Event calendar but for a new website I’m wrapping up, my theme design doesn’t work well with that calendar. So I thought why not try All in One Event Calendar and all I can say, is where have you been all my life! Good stuff. One issue. the url I add into “organize content info”, is giving me a dead string. It’s picking up the main website, and not the website I’m trying to showcase. Any issues on that? Also, I’m trying to update some content, and it doesn’t show when I hit the update button. I do love the connection to my google and other calendars.

    But overall very nice.

  18. Bobby M.

    I have used many wordpress calendar plugins before, but lately I have been using the Events Plus plugin for most of my projects and it works great. I highly recommend it! you can view the demos here

  19. Kevin H

    Hey guys, is there a WP calendar plugin that allows other people to submit calendar events (with moderation) ?

  20. Robin Jennings

    I’ve been using The Event Calendar for 3+ years now and while the pro version isn’t the cheapest it works well and at scale.

  21. wrathy

    Which Calendar plugin lets me add files (pdf), and link dates to pdf files. So I will have a month view, and when clicking on dates, I am linked to a PDF file (downloadable or open the pdf)

  22. Thuận Bùi

    My favorite is Event Manager, which is the most flexible calendar plugin in my opinion. I tested all of the plugins above but none of them comes close to the flexibility and usability that Event manager offers

  23. Nate

    Google Calendar Events is one of my favorite event plugins! It makes it easy to manage your calendar collaboratively via google calendar and publish it to your site! I highly recommend it!

  24. MikeNGarrett

    In my experience as a developer, I try to do as much work as possible with The Events Calendar. It’s a very well coded solution that is very developer-friendly that always has a clear upgrade path. We have also used All in One Event Calendar in the past and had a much poorer experience, particularly with compatibility with other plugins and the upgrade path.

    • bradleyroulston

      Hey Mike,
      I’m a co-founder of Timely.. we’ve had a lot of upgrades/hotfixes to stabilize in the last 3 months especially. We hope you can give us another chance and regain your trust :)

      • MikeNGarrett

        Hey Bradley,
        I appreciate you reaching out. I know you’ve put a lot of work into the plugin. We’ll give it another look, but it’s going to be a while before I can safely recommend Timely.

        • bradleyroulston

          Hey Mike,
          I get that it takes time to re-build trust. We’ll continue to work on a stable/reliable product and aim to be here for you. Next week we have a really cool new feature set coming along. All the best

      • NikkiT531

        At Invoke Media Group we will give it a try. I attempted to use The Events Calendar and it was an EPIC fail! All we see is a white page and after four days of inquiries – no feedback. Hope your customer support is stronger.

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