Haben Sie schon einmal einen Ihrer WordPress-Artikel auf Facebook geteilt, nur um zu sehen, dass das falsche Bild erscheint? Das kann frustrierend sein, besonders wenn Sie ein tolles Bild für Ihren Beitrag ausgewählt haben. Viele Website-Besitzer sind mit diesem Problem konfrontiert, und es ist nicht immer klar, wie man es beheben kann.
Wenn Facebook ein falsches Beitrags-Vorschaubild anzeigt, kann dies dazu führen, dass Ihr Beitrag für potenzielle Besucher weniger attraktiv ist. Das kann dazu führen, dass weniger Leute auf deinen Link klicken oder deinen Inhalt teilen. Deshalb ist es wichtig, sicherzustellen, dass Facebook das richtige Bild für Ihre Beiträge anzeigt.
Unser Team bei WPBeginner veröffentlicht regelmäßig Beiträge auf Facebook und hat Millionen von WordPress Benutzern geholfen, Probleme wie dieses zu lösen. Wir wissen, wie wichtig es ist, dass Ihre Beiträge in den sozialen Medien gut aussehen und Ihre Inhalte korrekt wiedergeben.
In diesem Leitfaden zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie sicherstellen, dass Facebook immer das richtige Vorschaubild für Ihre WordPress-Beiträge anzeigt, damit Sie Ihre Beiträge in den sozialen Medien effektiver teilen können.

Warum nimmt Facebook das Vorschaubild nicht auf?
Es gibt viele Gründe, warum ein Facebook-Beitrag das falsche Vorschaubild oder das richtige Vorschaubild nicht korrekt anzeigt. Einer der häufigsten Gründe ist, dass im Schlagwort og:Image
mehrere Bilder eingestellt sind und das Hervorgehobene Beitragsbild kleiner ist als die anderen Bilder.
Facebook verwendet Open Graph og-Tags, und viele WordPress Plugins wie All in One SEO (AIOSEO) und Yoast SEO fügen sie automatisch zu Ihrer WordPress-Website hinzu, um fehlende Vorschaubilder zu vermeiden.
Andere Ursachen sind Caching-Plugins, CDN-Konflikte oder ein fehlender Open-Graph-Meta-Tag für das Thumbnail-Bild.
Es ist wirklich schwer zu erraten, was das Problem verursacht, da keine spezifischen Fehlermeldungen angezeigt werden, wenn das Debugging-Tool verwendet wird.
Schauen wir uns also einige Möglichkeiten an, um das Problem der falschen Facebook-Miniaturansicht zu beheben:
Wenn Sie eine schriftliche Anleitung bevorzugen, dann lesen Sie einfach weiter.
Wählen Sie Ihr Facebook-Miniaturbild mit AIOSEO
Eine Möglichkeit, das gewünschte Thumbnail anzuzeigen, ist das kostenlose AIOSEO-Plugin. Es ist das beste WordPress-SEO-Plugin auf dem Markt und ermöglicht Ihnen die einfache Optimierung Ihrer Inhalte für Suchmaschinen und Social-Media-Websites.
Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie dies mit der kostenlosen Version von AIOSEO tun können. Wenn Sie mehr SEO Funktionen freischalten und mehr Traffic auf Ihre WordPress Website bekommen möchten, dann sollten Sie AIOSEO Pro ausprobieren. Lesen Sie unsere vollständige AIOSEO Bewertung für weitere Details.
Zuerst müssen Sie AIOSEO installieren und aktivieren. Hier finden Sie unsere vollständige Anleitung zur Installation eines WordPress-Plugins.
Nachdem Sie das Plugin installiert haben, können Sie die Facebook-Miniaturansicht beim Schreiben eines Beitrags ganz einfach ändern. Scrollen Sie einfach zum AIOSEO-Einstellungsfeld unter dem Beitragseditor und klicken Sie dann auf die Registerkarte „Social“.

Etwas weiter unten auf der Seite sehen Sie ein Dropdown-Menü „Bildquelle“, in dem Sie das Vorschaubild für Facebook auswählen können.
Sie können zum Beispiel Ihr eigenes Bild verwenden oder stattdessen ein benutzerdefiniertes Bild hochladen.

Sobald Sie Ihr Facebook-Miniaturbild dort hinzugefügt haben, müssen Sie Ihren Beitrag aktualisieren. Dadurch wird das Problem in den meisten Fällen behoben.
So sieht unser Beitrag aus, wenn er auf Facebook geteilt wird:

Pro-Tipp: Wenn dies nicht funktioniert, stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihren WordPress-Cache geleert und den Beitrag im Facebook-Debug-Tool aktualisiert haben, wie unten in diesem Artikel beschrieben.
Auswahl der Facebook-Vorschaubilder mit dem Yoast SEO Plugin
Das Yoast SEO-Plugin bietet auch die Möglichkeit, jedem Beitrag oder jeder Seite eine benutzerdefinierte Facebook-Miniaturansicht hinzuzufügen.
Installieren und aktivieren Sie einfach das Yoast SEO Plugin. Weitere Details finden Sie in unserer Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung für die Installation eines WordPress-Plugins.
Nach der Aktivierung können Sie eine Facebook-Miniaturansicht für den gewünschten Beitrag einrichten.

Wenn Sie einen Beitrag schreiben, scrollen Sie nach unten zum Yoast SEO-Meta-Feld unterhalb des Beitragseditors und klicken Sie dann auf die Registerkarte „Soziales“. Dort sehen Sie eine Schaltfläche zum Hochladen eines Miniaturbilds für Facebook.
So sieht die Facebook-Miniaturansicht für unseren Artikel Wie man einen Blog startet aus:

Facebook Debug Tool verwenden, um den Cache zu löschen
Wenn Sie das richtige Vorschaubild hinzugefügt haben und Facebook immer noch nicht das richtige Vorschaubild anzeigt, hängt das Problem mit dem Caching zusammen.
Zunächst müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie den Seiten-Cache in WordPress löschen.
Danach müssen Sie den Facebook-Cache mit dem Debug-Tool von Facebook zurücksetzen.
Das Facebook Debug Tool ist der einfachste Weg, um Probleme mit Facebook Vorschaubildern zu beheben. Kopieren Sie einfach die URL Ihres WordPress-Beitrags und fügen Sie sie in das Facebook-Debugger-Tool ein.

Klicken Sie anschließend auf die Schaltfläche „Erneut scrapen“, und Facebook aktualisiert die Miniaturansicht für Ihren Beitrag. Es kann vorkommen, dass Sie zweimal auf die Schaltfläche „Scrape Again“ klicken müssen.
Expertenleitfäden zur Nutzung sozialer Medien in WordPress
Wir hoffen, dass dieser Artikel Ihnen geholfen hat, das Problem mit den falschen Vorschaubildern von Facebook in WordPress zu lösen. Vielleicht interessieren Sie sich auch für andere Anleitungen zur Nutzung sozialer Medien in WordPress:
- Der vollständige Social Media-Spickzettel für WordPress (aktualisiert)
- Wie Sie Ihre Social Media Feeds zu WordPress hinzufügen (Schritt für Schritt)
- Planen von WordPress-Posts für soziale Medien mit Buffer
- Hinzufügen von Social-Media-Symbolen in der WordPress-Seitenleiste
- Hinzufügen von Social-Media-Symbolen zu WordPress-Menüs (einfacher Weg)
- Wie man die Anzahl der Social Media Follower in WordPress anzeigt
- So zeigen Sie Twitter und Facebook des Autors auf der Profilseite an
- Beste Social Media Plugins für WordPress
- Beste Social Media Monitoring Tools für WordPress-Benutzer
Wenn Ihnen dieser Artikel gefallen hat, dann abonnieren Sie bitte unseren YouTube-Kanal für WordPress-Videotutorials. Sie können uns auch auf Twitter und Facebook finden.
Jiří Vaněk
I also encountered a similar problem once and the solution was to remove mixed content where part of the site was http and part was https. Then the previews on Facebook were also displayed incorrectly.
Brilliant advise, worked straight away, thank you!!!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful!
Hello I’m quite confused. I can’t find the Social Meta feature. I go to feature manager, and all it does is tell me I need the Pro version. Did they put all features behind a paywall?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to check in the individual posts at the bottom as that would be where you find this feature.
I did all these things. Still doesn’t work. I can set the preferred image on all pages except my homepage. It always shows up as my site icon. Maybe I should dump AIOSEO and use a different one?
WPBeginner Support
For specifically your homepage you can find where to edit that under All in One SEO > Search Appearance. We would still recommend All in One SEO
Hi, I’m using Yeost SEO. I’ve been doing all the steps from adding the picture specific in the Yeost Facebook setting to Facebook debugging. The thumbnail still shows the logo of my website instead of the image and descriptions.
WPBeginner Support
The most common issue you would want to check would be that your site’s cache has cleared.
Jill Hasty
My problem is not being able to set it…my problem is that I want it to default to using the feature image in my social media posts. It used to do that but now something has changed and it doesn’t do it anymore.
We’re often posting from sea via email so manually setting the image is not an option.
WPBeginner Support
If it is not using the featured image by default then you would likely want to check with the support for your SEO plugin to see if there is an issue with the plugin itself. You should also have the option to select the featured image as an image already uploaded to your site’s media library without needing to upload it again.
Meghan Short
Hi, so I’m having a problem when sharing just my URL on Facebook. I was hoping it would show my header or logo image but it’s sharing my last blog upload image. Is there a way to fix that??
WPBeginner Support
In the general SEO settings for the plugin you are using, you should be able to set the image for your main site.
Pam Molnar
Thank you so much for this article! I was so annoyed that I couldn’t get it to work right but your directions were simple and worked perfectly! Now on to check out more of your posts.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful
Josephine Koumettou
Thank you so much for the detailed article! I tried the debugger and the All-In-One SEO suggestion but neither works
The weird thing is that when I share my blog post on my personal Facebook profile the thumbnail shows just fine, but when I share on my Facebook page (i.e. my business FB page), I keep getting my site’s logo instead of the post photo… Any ideas? Thank you so much
WPBeginner Support
Sadly, you may need to run the debug tool on the link to force Facebook to clear their cache of that specific post.
Olidur Rahman
Recently im facing this message when i start to write a blog post „The editor has encountered an unexpected error“
Please suggest me any solution about this topic…
WPBeginner Support
You would want to start by going through the recommendations in our article below:
Khizerulla Khan
Hi, I am a beginner and I want to know how would I add a option for customer’s like login with Google, login with Facebook and all these extra logging in options other then signing up and doing lengthy process. Please help me
WPBeginner Support
For what it sounds like you’re wanting, you would want to take a look at our article below:
Ellen Baker Dubois
Hey thanks guys! The FB debugging tool worked!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our recommendation could help
I have WordPress but on Facebook my url thumbnail is my old picture and description. Where on WordPress can you change this? Facebook it’s old however if I send my url over message it’s my new logo but no description I have tried Yost it didn’t work for me what can I do?? I have also debuted Facebook
WPBeginner Support
Have you used the debug tool? It sounds like Facebook make have cached the wrong image and needs to clear the cache.
Please my link has not been displaying Thumbnail on WhatsApp but working fine on Facebook. I actually changed my theme recently and would like to know if there is anything I can do to ensure the thumbnail starts displaying on WhatsApp.
WPBeginner Support
If you have Yoast’s plugin active then you would want to reach out to the plugin’s support and let them know the image is not displaying.
I bet I have a new one for you. I have a relatively new site (5 posts) and any post I try to share to Facebook brings up a preview for a CNN article. I have no idea why. If you click on it, it does take you to my post but the preview will always show the same CNN post.
I have tried the debugger with no luck. I disabled all my plugins and then tried it again thinking maybe a plugin was making my site wonky but no luck.
Any ideas?
WPBeginner Support
Have you tried manually setting an image using an SEO plugin like Yoast and then running the debugger?
Yes, but it still redirects to the CNN post.
WPBeginner Support
If it is redirecting to CNN and you didn’t write about it you may want to check with your host that there aren’t any redirects set up in your htaccess and you may want to try the theme checker plugin in step 4 of our article here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/beginners-step-step-guide-fixing-hacked-wordpress-site/
I’m wondering if I should upload the actual size of the Facebook image 1200 x 630 px to my blog or scale it down on my laptop to the right size for my blog content container and then upload it to my blog? What’s best?
WPBeginner Support
We would normally recommend adding the best image for your theme to your site
So for Facebook scale the images down to a 1.91 to 1 ratio (to match my blog container width) and when someone shares it on my blog post it should still come out Ok on Facebook even though it’s not 1200 x 628? Facebook should just zoom it up right?
WPBeginner Support
Facebook should try to adjust and if not, most SEO plugins have an option to upload an image specifically for Facebook or other sharing platforms for those to use.
mar 1st, 2019
– Facebook post:
in ‚insights‘ choose Posts, select the post to edit, Upper right hand 3 dots click, choose ‚refresh share attachment‘. this restored the wp image that was just a grey block. great.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing what solved the issue for you
Paige Knight
Is there any updated advise on this? I use SEO Yoast Premium and have set the correct photo for the Facebook link preview but Facebook is still choosing the incorrect photo that is completely irrelevant to the post.
Carlos Alzate
Thanks soooo much!!! Dude, you are great! Greetings from Colombia
So sadly my blog was set up under All in One Seo not Yoast. When I tell All in One which image to display as a thumbnail in the social meta section, Facebook shows the default image instead. Any help with the All In One Seo Plugin is greatly appreciated.
Ellen Dubois
This solved my problem!! I used Fb debugger and copied the URL for the photo it said it could not find. Then went to my dashboard and double clicked the photo and inserted the alternate title copied from the debugger! Et voila! Thanks guys!
Claude Gelinas
There seems to be an incompatibility between WordPress‘ Photon image caching engine and Facebook.
If the go:image meta tag points to your server and the images are served through Photo, that’s where Facebook is incapable of retrieving the images.
Google Plus never has that sort of problem.
In my view, the problem comes from Facebook.
Vera Schäfer
Thank you so much! I was having a hard time trying to force Facebook Debugger to show my image, as I always do but today it simply wasn’t happening. I use Yoast for years but never occurred to me to follow setting instructions like you helped me today.
thanks to you people this issues has been giving me a sleepless night after reading this post and i follow the procedure everything was like a dream…. thanks
Tliffany Clarkson
Is there a way to fix this problem without having to manually use the facebook debugger for every single post? I have hundreds of posts and all are showing the wrong pic. Help would be greatly appreciated!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Tiffany,
The best way to do this is still using the Yoast SEO plugin’s social tab to manually set Facebook thumbnail when you are writing the article.
Kyle Andrew
This worked perfectly for me and I didn’t even know that Yoast, which I have installed on my site could do this. After using the facebook debug tool to ‚force a refresh‘ everything is good to go! Thank you very much.
I have tried all the methods for but all is in vain. My problem with Facebook thumbnail started 24 hours ago and right now am confused
Mrs Ismail
Dear author, i followed all the steps but none of these worked for me. In my case when I click on what facebook crawler see on your page. The new window open with nothing in it. I’m using a WordPress SEO plugin and I also set featured image in Yoast SEO. but not worked. Please help. It’s very important for me.
I am facing an issue that any image which I share any link be it Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn it does not pick any image at all. I am not able to understand why it happens and what could be the solution. If you have any solution, please help me out.
Roy Ghosh
How to solve this incorrect thumbnail issue for WhatsApp sharing
Amit Bajaj
I have recently started facing a weird problem while posting on my Facebook Page. Earlier, when posting a link from my website, I was able to change the image that Facebook automatically pulled from that respective website link.
The earlier process was like this:
1. Put link on a new facebook post
2. FB automatically pulls the featured image from my wordpress post
3. I uploaded a new image
4. Removed the featured image
5. Published the post with an image of my choice.
Now, everything is going fine except step no.4. I am no longer able to remove the automatically pulled featured image. So instead of a single, large image I am getting stuck with a two image carousel.
I have 2 FB pages and this problem is only happening on one of the pages.
Can anyone guide me as to how this problem can be overcome??
Thank you in advance..
I have the same issue! I can neither upload new images nor remove featured images – does anyone have a solution?
Kind regards
I am having the same problem. There are 2 default pictures, I upload another one which I want to appear, but in a few seconds my uploaded picture disappears. Does anyone have a solution? Facebook debugger did not solve anything.
I am facing same problem too since 5 or 6 days on my all pages. Now we can’t change the post title and description too. I search a lot on internet about it, but i can’t find anything about it even it’s not mentioned in facebook help section. I think facebook have applied some changes. If you find any solution please let me know.
Mobius Prolix
I’ve not heard of a ACTUAL fix yet. Just a bunch of crap telling you to fix Facebooks problems. Works for some and doesn’t for the rest. For now, we are in the incompetent hands of Facebook Staff.
Same problem happening for us!
I’m hoping someone might be able to help me. I am having real trouble sharing to Facebook (but only in my last 2 posts). When I share it does not show a title or an image.
I went to Facbook Debugger and this is the result:
This is my article:
i tried the fixes above in Yoast – but it doesn’t help. Any ideas what I can do based on the feedback form Facebook? THANK YOU.
If you are having weird issues like this, a lot of times it could be that multiple plugins OR the theme you are using are conflicting with each other in trying to establish og: (open graph) tags.
I had a very similar issue and it was my theme. I had to disable it’s OG stuff and then yoast worked perfectly.
I’m also having this issue, and use Yoast and WP. However, I think it is actually a Facebook issue; Facebook allows me to upload another photo to use, and I can use the second photo if I want to set up a post with carousel images, but I can’t deselect the auto-pulled photo and use only the uploaded photo. I have found that by manually adding in on yoast the specific photo I want used on facebook to the article itself, this works — but only this method works for me now. What a pain!
Yoast worked for me as well.
Awesome article!
You idea worked perfectly for me. Thanks
Thumbnails are not coming up when i want to share post on Facebook. It shows an empty box with no image. Kindly help out please, am confused and frustrated already. You can check it out at Thank You
So I just downloaded the Yoast plugin for a client and it looks like they have removed the open graph feature from their free plugin – which is a shame! You can add pictures on specific pages and posts, but you used to be able to add a specific image for the home page.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Chrissy,
You can still do that. Please see our how to install and setup Yoast SEO plugin article. Check out Step 3, which shows how to enable advanced settings pages. After that, follow step 8 to add a specific image for the homepage.
FANTASTIC! This is what I was also looking for. The ONE tab that isn’t activated. Really appreciate the articles and Step 3 and 8 suggestion!
This a great article, helped me a lot with this issue regarding the thumbnails within facebook, moreover the plugin SEO WordPress by Yoast include very usefull tools to improve the content in the blog.
Thank you so much!
Oh thank you SO MUCH for this. I recently deactivated the „Publicize“ setting in my Jetpack plugin because it was causing issues on the landing page for my newly-launched eBook (plus Publicize hadn’t been working properly for weeks, so I didn’t think I needed it). But then when I went to share my latest post today on Facebook I came up against this issue. I can only assume it’s because no more Publicize. But your Yoast tip worked perfectly for me. Thank you!
Sharon Stiles
Facebook doesn’t like small images. I think the minimum it will show automatically is 200 x 200 pixels but it prefers larger ones. This is a problem I regularly have because I usually use smaller pictures to keep load times down.
This is a great article. Thank you so much. Tried various debugging methods to fix my image problems. Yoast SEO has been the only method that has worked.
My issue is not really with facebook, or my site, but I myself. As I was developing my site and creating some test posts, I used one particular image as thumbnail, some are without feature image, in that case, it will take the one I used as default image in All In One SEO plugin. Now am done with production, Make some necessary changes on the image, but the firts one has already been registered on facebook cache that further sharing of those posts will call up the old image.
I have been able to debug some posts and pages on facebook using debug tool, but the posts and pages are too much for me to be debuging them one by one.
Is there a way I can debug the whole site at once?
Jessica Lauren Vine
You’re amazing. Thanks so much for the help! Got it sorted.
When I share my website like wpbeginner.com on my facebook wall, not showing any thumbnail and description. any tutorial for fix this issues? Thanks
Great stuff! Thank you for that
Hello everyone,
I have a problem sharing my posts on facebook from my wordpress site.
When I share it to facebook I get some wierd Japaneese picture.
I’ve checked solutions online but none of them worked for me. here is a list of what i’ve done:
deactivated all the plugins to see that there is no conflict
downloaded the following plugins (downloaded and activated one at a time of course):
Facebook Thumb Fixer
facebook Plugin
Facebook Open Graph, Google+ and Twitter Card Tags
All in one SEO
Yoast Seo (Enabled the facebook button)
*removed cache from the browser
*tried the facebook developer including fetching again.
* tried to paste the link directly to facebook
* tried to put feature image (there are pictures also in the media library)
* tried to share a brand new post, same results
*Uploaded the picture with their desired dimentions of 1200*630
Again and again im getting the message that og:image og:title and are missing
Please help if you can, i dont know what to do anymore.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Avishai,
Try deactivating and deleting all plugins. Delete all themes and then download a fresh copy of Twenty Sixteen or Twenty Seventeen default theme. Upload the default theme to your site. Use Facebook developer tools to see if you are still getting the Japanese title and image.
Thoroughly check your WordPress folders and files to see if there is any suspicious file.
Patricia Johnson
I truly appreciate this information. I couldn’t figure out what was going on..
I’m having a problem I cant resolve. When I share my post to social media, the text all shows up with no problem but my thumbnail picture never shows up. I dont even get a wrong picture or a gray box where a picture should be. I only get the text. Ive tried adding open graph plugins, Ive tried debugging on facebook which grabs everything except the picture, Ive tried loading a picture into the SEO plugin to fall back on, Ive spent hours google searching for solutions. Everything on my sight appears to work fine except this one thing and nothing Ive tried works. Help!
For the last three days I am having trouble with sharing my new posts on FB. The thumb image refuses to show up and I cannot figure out why – mostly because I am a newbie!. However, I am able to share older posts correctly eg and not the a new post
Spent most of the last three days reading through all the existing information on this subject but I am yet to find a fix.
Would appreciate any good suggestions to solve this. Thanks.
For the last few days I have been unable to share my new posts on FB with the thumbnail image. However, I am able to share some of my older posts correctly. I have tried just about everything but there is no remedy. Any tips on what could be wrong? I am using the Yoast Plugin.
this worked for me BUT i have one more question…
if i am only changing the TITLE of my thumbnail, I do not have a different url and i just need the title to change…since i don’t have a url i can’t put it into the facebook bugfix thing and i can’t get it to change…
Ritesh Shenoy
Worked like a charm !
Explicitly Tell Facebook To Use Thumbnail of Your Choice → now we are talking, working like a charm, thank you ♥ WordPress SEO rocks!