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Cómo desactivar todos los plugins cuando no se puede acceder a WP-Admin

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¿Necesitas desactivar todos los plugins de WordPress, pero no se ha podido acceder a la zona de administrador de WordPress?

Durante el proceso de diagnosticar problemas en WordPress, a menudo se le aconseja desactivar todos los plugins y luego reactivarlos uno por uno. Pero, ¿y si no puedes acceder a wp-admin para desactivarlos?

En este artículo, le mostraremos cómo desactivar fácilmente todos los plugins de WordPress cuando no pueda acceder al área wp-admin.

Deactivating all WordPress plugins without accessing admin area

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Existen dos métodos comúnmente utilizados para desactivar plugins sin acceder al área de administrador de su sitio web WordPress. Puedes elegir el método que te parezca más sencillo:

Método 1: Desactivar todos los plugins de WordPress usando FTP

Para ello, deberá utilizar un cliente FTP o la aplicación de gestión de archivos de su panel de control de alojamiento de WordPress.

Si no has usado FTP antes, entonces puede que quieras ver nuestra guía sobre cómo usar FTP para subir archivos a WordPress.

En primer lugar, debe conectarse a su sitio web mediante un cliente FTP o el gestor de archivos de cPanel. Una vez conectado, tienes que navegar a la carpeta /wp-content/.

Dentro de la carpeta wp-content, verá una carpeta llamada plugins. Aquí es donde WordPress almacena todos los plugins instalados en su sitio web.

Rename plugins folder

Debe hacer clic con el botón derecho del ratón en la carpeta plugins y seleccionar “Cambiar nombre”.

A continuación, cambie el nombre de la carpeta por el que desee. En nuestro ejemplo, la llamaremos plugins.deactivated.

Plugins deactivated via FTP

Una vez hecho esto, todos sus plugins serán desactivados.

Esto se debe a que WordPress busca una carpeta llamada ‘plugins’ para cargar los archivos de los plugins. Cuando no encuentra la carpeta, desactiva automáticamente los plugins activos en la base de datos.

Por lo general, este método se utiliza cuando usted está bloqueado fuera de su área de administrador. Si el problema / incidencia era con sus plugins, entonces usted debería ser capaz de acceder a su área de administrador de WordPress.

Si visita la página Plugins ” Plugins Instalados dentro del área de administrador de WordPress, verá avisos de todos los plugins que han sido desactivados.

WordPress plugins deactivated

También te darás cuenta de que todos tus plugins han desaparecido. No te preocupes; todos están a salvo y puedes restaurarlos fácilmente.

Simplemente vuelva a su cliente FTP y vaya a la carpeta /wp-content/. Desde aquí, tienes que cambiar el nombre de la carpeta plugins.deactivated a plugins.

Ahora, puede volver a la página Plugins ” Plugins instalados dentro del área de administrador de WordPress y activar un plugin a la vez hasta que su sitio se rompa de nuevo.

En este punto, usted sabrá exactamente qué plugin causó el problema / conflicto / incidencia. A continuación, puede borrar la carpeta de ese plugin de su sitio mediante FTP o pedir al autor del plugin que le dé soporte.

Método 2: Desactivar todos los plugins usando phpMyAdmin

El método FTP es definitivamente más fácil, en nuestra opinión. Sin embargo, también puedes desactivar todos los plugins de WordPress usando phpMyAdmin.

Importante: Antes de hacer nada, haz una copia de seguridad completa de la base de datos. Esto será muy útil si algo sale mal.

A continuación, deberá acceder al panel de control de su alojamiento web. En este ejemplo, le mostramos un Escritorio cPanel. El Escritorio de su cuenta de alojamiento puede ser diferente.

Tendrá que hacer clic en el icono ‘phpMyAdmin’ bajo la sección Bases de datos.

Selecting phpMyAdmin on cPanel

Esto iniciará phpMyAdmin en una nueva ventana del navegador / explorador.

Tendrá que seleccionar su base de datos de WordPress si no está ya seleccionada. Después de eso, usted será capaz de ver las tablas de base de datos de WordPress.

Click at wp-options

Como puede ver, todas las tablas de la base de datos tienen el prefijo wp_ antes del nombre de la tabla. Sus tablas pueden tener un prefijo de base de datos diferente.

Debe hacer clic en la tabla wp_options. Dentro de la tabla wp_options, verá filas de diferentes opciones. Busque la opción ‘active_plugins’ y luego haga clic en el enlace ‘Editar’ al lado de él.

Click the Activate_Plugins option

En la siguiente pantalla, deberá cambiar el campo option_value a a:0:{}.

A continuación, haz clic en el botón “Ir” para guardar los cambios.

Reset active plugins

Has desactivado correctamente todos los plugins de WordPress usando phpMyAdmin. Si un plugin te impedía acceder al administrador de WordPress, ahora deberías poder acceder.

Guías de expertos en plugins de WordPress

Ahora que ya sabes cómo desactivar plugins cuando no puedes acceder a wp-admin, quizás te interese ver otras guías relacionadas con los plugins de WordPress:

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a desactivar todos los plugins en WordPress. Puede que también quieras aprender a establecer los objetivos de Google Analytics o comprobar nuestra lista de los mejores plugins de copia de seguridad de WordPress para mantener tus datos de WordPress a salvo.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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  2. Jiří Vaněk says

    Thank you for the instructions using phpMyAdmin. I was always used to deactivating plugins via FTP, but it’s great to know other options in case I can’t access FTP. Great job.

  3. Alan says

    I tried to deactivate my plugins using the FTP process on WordPress version 6.3, and the website crashed.

    I was able to rename the plugins file and restart it okay. Just letting you know.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thank you for letting us know, it would depend on the specific error message for what could have happened but glad to hear you were able to fix the issue!


  4. Nick says

    In the article it says;
    On the next screen, you will need to change the option_value field to a:0:{.

    Which I think should be a:0:{}

  5. Tamara says

    I have changed the file name in FTP as suggested and am able to log into the WordPress admin, but as soon as I change the file name back to the original, the error comes back. Which means I am not able to deactivate / reactivate plugins one at a time.

    Can you help?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      In that case, you would want to use the second method from the article and that should force the plugins to deactivate.


  6. Dr. Ashutosh Pradhan says

    Thanks a lot for the information. I had activated Google reCaptcha v3 in Ultimate Member and was not able to login to the wp-admin using super admin details. I just renamed the directory recaptcha under directory plugin from FTP and the trick worked, it allowed me to login and disable Google reCaptcha v.3 from dashboard. Thanks a ton.

  7. Carol J Dunlop says

    Thank you for this post and all the options. I did the PHPmyadmin one before but this time I just renamed the plugin file in cpanel. So much easier and faster and it triggered a “database repair” notice. I did that and found that my Options table had crashed. I renamed the plugins file back to the original and ran the repair database again and it worked fine!

  8. Jeroen says

    I had a problem with my Jetpack plugin after I upgraded my PHP and WP. It would not let me deactivate or delete it. I went in the WP plugin folder and renamed the Jetpack plugin folder. Refreshed the plugin admin page in WP and Bob’s your uncle! I deleted the plugin through the admin panel and removed the folder from the root.

  9. Katy Espiritu says

    It solved my problem. I was able to log in to the admin site of word press again. Thank you so much. You are a blessing.

  10. Tom says

    Hi, I did not install any plugins recenty, the only thing i did I changed the email.When I finished the process few hours later I could not enter The Dasboard (Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page). Any solutions Ty

  11. Steph says

    Unfortunately, both of these options did not help (still get error saying site is experiencing technical difficulties) after doing a plugin update (also updated wordpress 5.4 yesterday? could that be the culprit?)

  12. Aditi Pygude says


    I need a help. whenever i tried to access my website I got download option. I tried your all above suggestions but it’s was’nt work for me. I renamed my plugin folder in my cpanel as plugin.deactivate after that I did changes in phpmyadmin in wp-options I edited active plugin folder . still I got download option. what should I do now .
    Thanks in advance.

  13. anurag saxena says

    Hello , tried your suggestion but i am unable to alogin into my wordpress admin area.any other suggestion?this is emergency.

  14. Jerry says

    I want to install the Yoast SEO plugin in wordpress. After I do that I need to Deactivate the plugin currently used, correct? I am new to working with WordPress and I need to do this on my own since the guy that made my website abandoned helping me any further! Any Help would be so Much appreciated! Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would only need to remove your other plugin if it is an SEO plugin. If it is then you would want to remove it to prevent some common issues.


  15. Megan says

    Omg! You guys saved the day! Thank you so much! After I have spent so much time trying to get my site fixed your easy to follow guide had it fixed in minutes. So thank you!

  16. Aluko Kehinde says


    When I go to my website or the wp-admin page, my browser tries to download a file instead of displaying the page.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If disabling your plugins didn’t help, you would want to reach out to your hosting provider and they should be able to assist with that issue


  17. Mig Hu says

    Thanks a lot – this is a site saver!

    Quick question: after the plugin folder is renamed, when go back in the wordpress WP – admin back office plugins list, is it safe to delete such plugin (which folder has been renamed), or will this action be harmful?

    Many thanks!


    • WPBeginner Support says

      Using the delete method inside your WordPress site would be the best method for removing that plugin permanently as it will go through the uninstall steps of the plugin.


  18. DM says

    Which FTP program is for free and it is good to down load without giving the full permissions to take over your computer s full admin.?

  19. William says

    Great Stuff! I used the 2-factor authentication plug-in, and could not login to my wordpress dashboard anymore. Your ftp solution solved it 100%.

  20. sofea says


    why i cannot sign in to wordpress admin of my subdomain?

    it appears IP Options -ExecCGI

    on my site. can u solve my problem?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      For that message, you would want to reach out to your hosting provider and they should be able to help you fix it :)


  21. George says

    My Word Press site displays normally to visitors but I am getting the WSoD on the WP-Admin login page.

    I have tried increasing WordPress Memory to 512Mb and I have tried disabling all plugins. Neither seem to have helped.

    I checked and the site was still loading normally but with all the plugins clearly not running. But I get the WSoD when I try to login as admin

    I re-activated plugins and everything went back to normal for visitors.

    Have you any suggestions what to try next?

  22. Tam says

    I’M NOT A DEVELOPER – Please help!

    I was having issues logging into wordpress so I deactivated all plugins in cPanel phpMyAdmin. Now, I cannot find my active plugins in wp-option/option name. When I look in wp-content there is a plugins.bak file which shows all of my installed plugins. How do I reactivate them?

  23. meena says


    I deactivated all the plugins by changing the ‘plugin’ name in FileZilla. But the problem is I can’t enter my website at all to see what plugins aren’t working. This is what comes up when I try to login: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/p3pnexwpnas17_datahtml/wp-config.php:1) in /home/content/p3pnexwpnas17_data0/html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1223

    please help me! thanks!

  24. meena says


    Through Godaddy, I have an sftp so it didn’t work with. When I changed the protocol to sftp ssh file transfer a dialogue appeared saying ‘the server key is unknown…….do you want to trust it …etc’ what do I do?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It is letting you know you have not used that key before, if you reach out to your hosting provider with the information they can confirm the key is for them


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