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Como adicionar títulos no menu do WordPress sem vincular a uma página

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Você está procurando uma maneira de adicionar títulos ao menu do WordPress sem adicionar um link?

Por padrão, o menu do WordPress exige que cada item de menu seja vinculado a uma página ou a um link personalizado. No entanto, ao criar um menu suspenso, você pode querer adicionar um título para submenus sem vinculá-lo a uma página específica.

Neste artigo, mostraremos como adicionar títulos ao menu do WordPress sem criar um link para uma página.

Add WordPress Menu items without links

Por que adicionar títulos de menu sem vincular a uma página?

O WordPress oferece várias opções para personalizar seu site, de modo que você possa atingir seu público-alvo e oferecer uma experiência excepcional ao usuário.

Para proporcionar uma experiência de usuário tranquila, seu site WordPress deve ter um menu de navegação bem estruturado. Isso facilita para os usuários encontrarem o conteúdo e as diferentes páginas do seu site.

Quando você adiciona títulos de menu, o WordPress exige que cada menu tenha um link para uma página ou um link personalizado por padrão. No entanto, você pode querer mostrar um título de menu, mas não um link para uma página em determinadas situações.

Por exemplo, você pode ter um menu suspenso de categorias em que deseja que o texto do título seja “categorias” para o menu, mas não precisa adicionar um link. Quando os usuários clicarem em categorias, isso simplesmente abrirá um submenu no menu suspenso.

Dito isso, vamos ver como você pode adicionar um título ao menu do WordPress sem criar um link para uma página.

Como adicionar o título do menu do WordPress sem vincular a uma página

A primeira coisa que você precisa fazer é adicionar um novo item de menu ao seu menu. Você pode fazer isso acessando Appearance ” Menus no painel de administração do WordPress.

Em seguida, você deseja adicionar um link personalizado. Você pode ver as opções de “Links personalizados” na seção “Adicionar itens de menu”.

Se você não vir os Links personalizados, basta clicar no botão “Screen Options” (Opções de tela) no canto superior direito da tela. Em seguida, marque a caixa de “Links personalizados”.

Screen options in WordPress

Depois disso, você precisará inserir um rótulo ou título para o item de menu.

No campo URL, digite o símbolo da hashtag (#) e clique no botão “Add to Menu”.

Add a custom link menu item

Seu item de menu será adicionado ao menu do WordPress.

Em seguida, você precisará clicar na seta suspensa ao lado desse link personalizado para editar o item de menu. Remova o sinal de hashtag do campo URL e clique no botão “Save Menu” (Salvar menu).

Remove the hashtag sign and save menu

Você pode adicionar submenus a esse item de menu e vinculá-los a qualquer página ou inserir um link personalizado, se desejar.

Agora, se você acessar seu blog do WordPress, verá um item de menu sem um link.

Menu title preview without link

Esperamos que este artigo tenha ajudado você a aprender como adicionar títulos ao menu do WordPress sem criar um link para uma página. Talvez você também queira conferir nosso guia sobre como registrar um nome de domínio e nossas escolhas de especialistas para o melhor software de chatbot de IA para o seu site.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Joe Baker says

    Beware, this technique creates some strange effects with some themes. The menu dropdown shows on my laptop, when I roll over with the mouse, but it does not work on any touch screen – tablet or phone.

  3. Sarah Bennett says

    WordPress must have changed since this advice was posted – there is no “menus” under appearance on the dash board. I’m using WordPress 2023 Theme
    I want to have a menu item that doesn’t link but has two child pages that do.

  4. Angie says

    This help was fantastic! I’ve always been frustrated by wanting drop-down sub pages but this meant a main page which was of no use – now our menu has a title which leads to the sub pages. Thanks!

  5. Joshua R says

    Hey, this helped me get my parent page setup. But now I can’t create a child page for it without publishing the new page first. The parent page isn’t showing up in the “page attributes” menu in the page editor.

    Is there any way to do this without publishing the page before it’s on the parent page? Thanks in advance.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would need to publish the parent page for it to be an option but, as long as you have a menu set then the page will not be added to the menu and the only way users would know about the page would be if they had the direct URL for your published page.


  6. Dana says

    This works great when, on my site, I go to the menu item right from the website. (that is, clicking on my Custom Link menu item does not go to a page) However, when I type in the URL it DOES go to that specific page which is not desirable. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks.

  7. Julie Bernicker says

    This was really helpful! However, I am testing my site from a mobile device, and when I tap the menu item with the sub-menu, it doesn’t open the sub-menu options as it does on a PC/desktop, so none of those pages are accessible. Is there a way to fix this or any other recommendations?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to check with your specific theme’s support as it sounds like there may be a styling issue with how mobile menus are designed.


  8. PaulaLA says

    This was hugely helpful! I have done a workaround with Categories before, but wanted a quick fix. And yours fit the bill. Thanks so much!

  9. Marina says

    Thank you for your post. I understand now that I don’t need to write a post for every category on my site, just for the menu.

    Now, I have another problem with one published page on my site. The page shows on the navigation menu and I can see it when I surf to my website. However, I cannot find it when I try to link to it. It is not showing on the drop-down when I click the link button and it is not showing when I search it on the navigation-menu-edit page.
    At the beginning, I wasn’t paying attention to this problem and added the link to this page manually, however, I found out that Google Search Console says that there are no links to this page, and I know there are tons of links to it (more than one year old).
    My site has more than 1300 pages and I don’t have any similar problem with any other page.

    Can you figure out what the problem is and how to solve this issue?
    I thought I can delete this page and rewrite it, but I am using SiteOrigin PageBuilder and some of links are to the page number and not to the URL.

  10. Edgar says

    Unfortunately this does not work for me. I get a hyperlink with ‘#’. Leaving the field empty also Any idea what could be the problem?

    • Jeff Bocos says

      Hey Edgar – try doing it from Appearance->Customize (via WP Dashboard).

      When the Customize page opens, select Menus from the left side panel.

      Select the Menu you want to edit, scroll to the bottom of the Menu values, next to the underscored ‘Reorder’ option, click the + Add Items icon.

      A new menu will appear, click on the Custom Links tab at the top. Try again from here.

      In the URL box, replace ‘http://’ with ‘#’
      In the Link Text box, type your desired value.

      Hope you get this to work.


  11. Lisa says

    Thank you so much! I was starting to tear my hair out. One of the challenges is knowing how to describe the thing you’re having a problem with, and I’m so glad I found your step by step guide.

    Worked a treat!

  12. Susie says

    For some reason, it won’t “add to menu”. I get an endless spinning timer that never resolves. Any clues as to why it won’t add to menu after I create the custom link and push the add button?
    Thank you!

  13. David Phillips says

    Thanks much for the fix to create menu headings. Now, how can I create links in pages TO the menu heading? For example, I create a POSTS heading with the latest few POST pages under it. Elsewhere in the site I want to refer people NOT to a specific POST but to the list of POSTS, that is, the menu heading.

    Maybe there is a sidebar fix to embed the POSTS list on ONE page.

    Now suppose I have non-post pages, such as CLASSES. I want to link to the CLASSES heading, not a specific CLASS. I don’t want to have to maintain an empty menu placeholder page just to show the individual links.


  14. Mohsin Sharif Qureshi says

    My client required this, he ordered me to add some page like this:
    Area (Tab) and under it add some cities like (London,Liverpool,Loards)
    Its exactly worked for me, thank you so much again

  15. Ken says

    Just what I needed.
    I was scratching my head wondering how I would be able to do this.
    Then I came across this article, thank you very much.

  16. Petur Kirke says

    One small thing missing in this article.
    How to get rid of the hand (cursor: pointer), or is it only me, who have this problem ?

  17. Scot says

    I’ve used this type of custom link in the top level of my primary menu, and it works great on the desktop. But on mobile devices, when I tap the custom link, it doesn’t open the sub menus below it, so none of those pages are available. Is there a way to fix that?

  18. Steve says

    I added a title to my web site menu as you suggested using the # method but needed to remove it. I did so on Dashboard but it still shows on my site main menu and when opened it says “blank page” and that it is unsecure. How do it remove it.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you are using a caching plugin then please delete cached files. Also visit Menus screen to make sure that you have deleted the menu item. Don’t forget to click on the save menu item after removing or adding an item to the menu. Hope this helps.


  19. Pam Hill says

    I have an existing menu that I need to remove page links from. How do I do that? I have 3 titles in the header that link to its own page. I do not want it to link to any page.

  20. Danielle says

    OMG this was a life saver and I’d wish I found this about 6 mos ago….I’ve been trying to figure this out for the longest time. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!

  21. Brendan Dunne says

    I used this method to solve my problem and it works great thanks.

    However, the created menu header is not a page so when I go to map the sub pages, how do I structure them?

  22. Marek says


    I created a custom menu item in which I want to function as a label only, so I deleted the URL from that item, but it still shows a different color on mouse-over as if it was a link. How do I disable that hover effect from that item?

    You can see it here: and the item is the ‘Written About Braunstein’s:’ in the menu below the logo.


    • Susan Taunton says

      This is in response to Marek’s August 9th question about how to remove the hover effect from a non-linked menu title:


      You can use the browser development tool to identify that title’s menu-item-number and then use css to define the link, visited, hover, focus, active colors to all be the same and so remove the hover effect.

      #menu-item-2036 a,
      #menu-item-2036 a:link,
      #menu-item-2036 a:visited,
      #menu-item-2036 a:hover,
      #menu-item-2036 a:focus,
      #menu-item-2036 a:active {


  23. Rui says

    Using Appearance>Menus,create a Custom Links item with the URL as

    javascript: void(0);

    This is the a great way of solving that problem :)

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