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Como remover o campo de URL do site do formulário de comentários do WordPress

Nota editorial: Ganhamos uma comissão de links de parceiros no WPBeginner. As comissões não afetam as opiniões ou avaliações de nossos editores. Saiba mais sobre Processo editorial.

Deseja remover o campo URL do site do formulário de comentários do WordPress?

Muitos bots e spammers usam esse campo para obter backlinks para seus sites. Ao remover o campo “Website”, você pode imediatamente tornar seu site menos atraente para os spammers.

Neste artigo, mostraremos como remover o campo URL do site do formulário de comentários do WordPress.

Removing website URL field from WordPress comment form

Por que as pessoas enviam comentários de spam?

Como a maior parte do spam é gerada por bots automatizados, você pode combater facilmente o spam de comentários usando ferramentas e plugins gratuitos. No entanto, é muito mais difícil impedir comentários de spam enviados por pessoas.

Esses comentários geralmente estão fora do tópico, são irrelevantes e não agregam valor à conversa.

Quando mostra comentários, o WordPress vincula automaticamente o nome de usuário da pessoa ao URL do site que ela forneceu. Os spammers podem usar esse campo para obter backlinks ou para tentar obter melhores classificações para palavras-chave específicas.

Ao remover o campo URL do site, você pode desencorajar os spammers de publicar em seu blog ou site do WordPress.

The default WordPress comment form

Usuários genuínos deixarão um comentário independentemente de receberem um backlink ou não, portanto, isso não deve afetar o número de comentários de qualidade que você recebe.

Dito isso, vamos dar uma olhada em como remover facilmente o campo de site do formulário de comentários do seu site WordPress. Você pode usar os links rápidos abaixo para ir direto ao método que deseja usar:

Método 1: Remover o campo do site usando um plug-in gratuito (fácil)

A maneira mais fácil de remover o campo URL do formulário de comentários do WordPress é usar o Comment Link Remove e o Comment Tools. Esse plug-in permite que você remova o campo e também exclua todos os links dos comentários que já foram aprovados.

Primeiro, você precisa instalar e ativar o plug-in Comment Link Remove e Comment Tools. Para obter instruções detalhadas, consulte nosso guia sobre como instalar um plug-in do WordPress.

Após a ativação, clique em QC CLR Settings (Configurações do QC CL R) no painel do WordPress.

Comment Link Remove and Comment Tools plugin

Aqui, marque a caixa ao lado de “Remover o campo WEBSITE do formulário de comentários”. Isso desestimulará os spammers a inserirem seus links.

Dito isso, todos os comentários que você aprovou anteriormente ainda conterão um link. Para remover esses URLs, basta marcar a caixa ao lado de ‘Remove hyperlink from comment AUTHOR Bio’.

Depois disso, basta rolar até a parte inferior da página e clicar no botão “Save Changes” (Salvar alterações) para armazenar suas configurações.

Saving the changes made with the Comment Link Remove plugin

Para ver essa alteração em ação, faça logout de sua conta ou visite seu site em uma guia anônima.

Você verá que o formulário de comentários não tem mais um campo de URL do site.

Comment form without website URL field

Além disso, os nomes de autores de comentários que costumavam ter links não os terão mais, e os usuários não poderão mais clicar neles.

Um dos sinais reveladores disso é que a cor do texto do nome do autor do comentário que costumava ter links será a mesma do que não tem.

Example of comment author names that don't have links

Método 2: Remover o campo URL do site dos comentários do WordPress usando o código

Outra opção é remover o campo URL do site usando um snippet de código.

O motivo pelo qual queremos mostrar esse método é que, embora o plug-in possa remover o campo URL, ele ainda mantém a caixa de seleção “Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment” (Salvar meu nome, e-mail e site neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar) na parte inferior.

Para manter a consistência, queremos alterar esse texto para “Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment.” E podemos fazer isso usando o código personalizado.

Muitas vezes, os tutoriais lhe dirão para adicionar trechos de código personalizados ao arquivo functions.php do seu tema.

No entanto, não recomendamos isso porque até mesmo um pequeno erro em seu código pode causar vários erros comuns do WordPress ou até mesmo quebrar seu site completamente.

É por isso que recomendamos o uso do WPCode. Ele é a maneira mais fácil e segura de adicionar códigos personalizados no WordPress sem precisar editar nenhum arquivo de tema principal.

Observação: embora exista um plug-in WPCode gratuito, usaremos a versão premium para este tutorial.

A primeira coisa que você precisa fazer é instalar e ativar o plug-in WPCode em seu site. Para obter mais detalhes, consulte nosso guia passo a passo sobre como instalar um plug-in do WordPress.

Adição de código para remover o campo URL do site no formulário de comentários

Após a ativação, vá para Code Snippets “ Add Snippet.

How to add a code snippet to WordPress

Em seguida, navegue até a guia “Comments” (Comentários) e localize o snippet “Disable Comment Form Website URL” (Desativar URL do site do formulário de comentários).

Se você ainda não tiver se conectado à biblioteca do WPCode, clique no botão “Connect to library to unlock (Free)”.

Nessa etapa, basta fazer login na sua conta do WPCode.

Depois disso, basta retornar à página anterior do plugin WPCode. Agora você verá que o botão foi alterado para “Usar snippet”. Clique nele para usá-lo.

Clicking 'Use snippet' in the Disable Comment Form Website URL code snippet in WPCode

Agora você verá a tela do editor de snippet de código com o código para remover o campo URL do site do formulário de comentários.

Tudo o que você precisa fazer agora é clicar no botão de alternância “Inactive” (Inativo) para que ele mostre “Active” (Ativo). Em seguida, clique em “Update” (Atualizar) para tornar esse snippet ativo.

Activating the Disable Website URL Comment Form code snippet in WPCode

Agora, os visitantes não podem mais adicionar o URL de um site aos seus comentários.

Adição de código para remover links existentes em nomes de autores de comentários

O código da etapa anterior remove apenas o campo URL do site dos formulários de comentários, mas os comentários existentes com nomes de autores vinculados ainda terão links.

Felizmente, você também pode removê-los facilmente com o WPCode. O que você precisa fazer é voltar para Code Snippets “ Add Snippet. Em seguida, clique em “Usar snippet” em “Adicionar seu código personalizado (novo snippet)”.

Adding custom code in WPCode

Agora, você pode dar um nome a esse snippet de código para torná-lo facilmente identificável. Pode ser algo simples como “Remover hiperlinks no nome do autor do comentário”.

Depois disso, altere o tipo de código para “PHP Snippet”.

Creating a code snippet in WPCode to remove hyperlinks in existing comment author names

Depois disso, copie e cole o seguinte trecho na caixa Code Preview (Visualização de código):

function wpbeginner_remove_comment_author_link( $return, $author, $comment_ID ) {
    // Simply return the comment author without the link
    return $author;

// Hook the custom function into the 'get_comment_author_link' filter
add_filter( 'get_comment_author_link', 'wpbeginner_remove_comment_author_link', 10, 3 );

Rolando para baixo, certifique-se de que o método de inserção seja “Auto Insert” e o local seja “Run Everywhere”.

Depois disso, basta tornar o código ativo e clicar em “Save Snippet”.

Choosing the insertion method and location in WPCode

Agora, você não verá mais os nomes de autores de comentários antigos com links.

Adição de código para substituir o textoda caixa de seleção Opt-In dos cookies de comentários

Se você optar por mostrar a caixa de seleção de aceitação de cookies de comentários no formulário de comentários, provavelmente verá este texto da caixa de seleção: “Salvar meu nome, e-mail e site neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar”.

Ter essa caixa de seleção com essa aparência quando você não tiver mais o campo URL do site parecerá bastante estranho. Portanto, é uma boa ideia substituir esse texto.

Para fazer isso, basta criar um novo snippet como na etapa anterior e tornar o tipo de código “PHP Snippet”. Você pode nomear esse código como “Replace Comments Cookies Opt-In Checkbox Text”.

Depois disso, copie e cole o trecho de código abaixo na caixa Code Preview (Visualização de código):

// Hook a custom function 'remove_website_from_checkbox_text' into the 'gettext' filter
add_filter('gettext', 'remove_website_from_checkbox_text');

function remove_website_from_checkbox_text($translated_text) {
    // Replace the original text with the modified text
    $translated_text = str_replace(
        'Save my name, email, and website',   // Original text to find
        'Save my name and email',            // Replacement text
        $translated_text                      // The text being processed

    // Return the modified translated text
    return $translated_text;

Você pode fazer com que as configurações de Insert Method e Location sejam as mesmas de antes.

Depois de fazer isso, basta ativar o código e clicar em ‘Save Snippet’.

Se o código for bem-sucedido, você verá o texto de aceitação alterado para “Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment” (Salvar meu nome e e-mail neste navegador para a próxima vez que eu comentar).

Veja a seguir a aparência do texto de opt-in em nosso site de teste:

Save my name and email in this browser for the next time I comment checkbox text

Esperamos que este artigo tenha ajudado você a aprender como remover o campo URL do site do formulário de comentários do WordPress. Talvez você também queira ver nosso guia sobre como ganhar dinheiro on-line com blogs no WordPress e nossas escolhas de especialistas para os melhores plug-ins de formulário de contato.

Se você gostou deste artigo, inscreva-se em nosso canal do YouTube para receber tutoriais em vídeo sobre o WordPress. Você também pode nos encontrar no Twitter e no Facebook.

Divulgação: Nosso conteúdo é apoiado pelo leitor. Isso significa que, se você clicar em alguns de nossos links, poderemos receber uma comissão. Veja como o WPBeginner é financiado, por que isso é importante e como você pode nos apoiar. Aqui está nosso processo editorial.


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

105 ComentáriosDeixe uma resposta

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Anna Mildwater says

    Hi, this didn’t work for me (adding the code in the functions.php file) to remove the url field. I’m using a child theme for Astra, so i added it to the functions.php for that. Is that correct?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Adding it to your child theme’s functions.php is the correct thing to do. If it didn’t remove it for you, the theme you are using may have its own method for displaying the field where you would want to check with the support for the child theme you are using and they should be able to assist!


  3. Andres Berejnoi says

    Thank you for this tutorial. I have been looking for a way to remove that field for a while. It makes the comment section look more crowde, and it is just an extra step for a legitimate commenter. However, is it possible that my site will become slower if I install these kinds of plugins to solve each problem?

    So far, I have not noticed the difference, but I have installed only maybe 5 besides the ones that come by default with the theme.

  4. Obaid says

    What I do is manually approve comments. Might be exhaustive for a large website, but it’s useful for beginners.

  5. Arthur Morehead says

    The plugins have not been updated in 5 years so I’ll just use the code to remove the URL field. I am using Generate Press (child) theme and not sure if I place it before or after the ?>

  6. Dan says

    This still works in 2021.

    Thanks for the code. That was easy! Glad to be rid of the website URL field for the comments.

  7. Emmeline says

    Is there any way to block specific URLs from the actual comment content? When I removed the website field and hyperlink ability, it didn’t stop the spammers from just typing their website at the bottom of their comment. The default “disallowed comment keys” feature matches inside words and not just the entire URL, so I can’t block them that way either (they aren’t using distinct keywords). And of course they use a different email address every time, even though I can tell it’s the same person/group. Right now I’m deleting their comments manually, but it’s very annoying because there are so many. Any advice?

  8. Huzaifa Farrukh says

    First of all, thanks for always sharing useful tutorials like this.❤️

    Secondly, I think I probably never had spend my more time on comment section instead of the article itself…

    Quite a conversation going on between Syed and “commenters”

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Glad you like our tutorials and there likely is some spam that got by in the comment section if that is what you are talking about. Not everyone is perfect in terms of moderating comments. :)


  9. Sharon says

    Thank you for this post among your other informative posts. This was very helpful. I have been receiving spam comments with website links to other websites. It didn’t help that WordPress has default “website” field for those leaving a comment. This helps. Thanks again for writing this article.

  10. mohit nagar says

    hello sir,
    i use your tutorial to remove website option from comment.

    i copy and paste the code in my functions.php but it only website field location change.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You may want to check with your specific theme’s support to see if they could be overriding something on their end.


  11. James Emmanuel says

    Thanks for this article, it was helpful… too much spams while comment section of our site was with link. we actually switched to disqus, but disqus java was too much and had some impart on site speed. with your gauide, we are again back to normal.

  12. pawan says

    Your articles always helpful for me,
    All content on the website really very helpful

    Thanks a lot for sharing such a helpful information

  13. Vara Prasad says

    Hey big fan for wpbeginner website and your code works perfectly for my disktop& mobile website can plz tell my how to remove Website URL Field from Amp pages and post please

      • VARA PRASAD says

        i used code from wpbeginner website which works perfectly for the normal site but Amp pages showing Website URL field i am using newspaper theme

        • WPBeginner Support says

          You may want to reach out to your theme’s support to see if they have styling set up that could be overriding the code here

  14. George Conklin says

    I came to your website on purpose looking for a way to remove the Website/URL field on comments forms when I cannot use the functions.php method, so obviously I was looking for a plugin to do that. There doesn’t seem to be an up-to-date and reliable plugin that does this unless its baked into the functionality of another plugin. It might be a great idea to update this post just for that purpose – a working plugin :)

  15. Iqbal Hussain says

    How to edit “Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *” in wordpress comment form?

  16. Tia Mcintosh says

    Hey i downloaded and activated both and neither did anything to the comments box. I am just trying to get ride of the option for the comment author to put their website in.

  17. Vishal says

    Hey there everyone, my theme is Twenty-Seventeen and I was able to remove the “Website URL” field from the Comment Section by just adding this single line code to “Additional CSS” section while customizing it through Appearance>Customize. The code is:

    .comment-form-url {display:none;}

    This might help or give you some idea I hope :-)

  18. obed says

    uncheck the ‘required email and website’ options in settings -> discussion on the dashboard
    add the following code to your custom css

    #respond .comment-form-email, #respond .comment-form-url {
    display: none;

  19. Naeem Hussain says

    Dear is there any other way to disable website field from my ComputerPakistan Website. Actually I do not want to add any more plugin in my site.

  20. Pravin Singh says

    Great article and good information. However, both the plugins mentioned have not been updated for many years and could have compatibility issues with latest versions of WordPress.

    Is there an alternative plugin to disable these URLs? If yes, could you kindly update the article as it would be really useful

  21. Jazib says

    Hi guys
    I like the article but i have concern here that plugins that you have recommended are two years old and unmaintained. Should i install it or not?

    Currently i am using No Captcha service from Google via a plugin.

  22. yellowans says

    hello guys
    very interesting topic helped me a lot. here is my issue I deactivacted name, email and url, from my comments. now my comment section is just that comments, nothing else shows.
    however the comment for still shows a space for name email and url, the url box I canceled and is not displaying anymore thanks to a plugin,
    my question, which plugin (not really a fan of css) can I use to rid of name and mail on the comment entry form thank you and regards :)
    website theme twenty thriteen

  23. Farhan Shah says

    I had used a plugin “stop spam comments” for stopping spam comments. but after few week felt that I have reduced website hit on my website. my question is that comments has been stopped but why reduced website hits?
    Please tell me should I remove this “Stop Spam Comments” plugin and install this plugin “Disable / Hide Comment URL”?


  24. Ciprian C. says

    Why not just CSS?

    p.comment-form-url {height: 0 !important;overflow: hidden !important;}

    not the best solution but it works for me.

      • Chris Mayell says

        I can corroborate that CSS changes will not suffice.
        I was hoping that a simple display:none trick might work. But the messages keep coming.

        I’m going to install the plugin you mentioned now.
        Thanks to the author for the good suggestion & helpful article.

  25. Colin Crawford says

    Perhaps the major search engines should look into this as well. These backlinks are getting out of hand, just like when we added keywords to the meta keywords tag. That was abused and now these backlinks are getting abused.

    I use a plugin called Disable Comments throughout some of my websites so no one can leave any. So far it has worked but the other websites receive on a daily basis quite a number. Reading through them, there is many adverts with lots of links, people saying how insightful your website is. For one I do not or have ever heard anyone say insightful so straight into the Spam bin.

    I don’t think the amount of backlinks should influence your rankings as they can be too easy to get. I went after a web design job and the owner wanted to do some Off page SEO and wanted the successful applicant to be able to get at least 2000 backlinks for that website. Well I didn’t get the job and glad, probably spend the day leaving insightful comments on other peoples websites.

    • Editorial Staff says

      Hey Colin,

      Comments definitely encourage conversations like this one here. But yes, spammers are ruining it for the webmasters. Getting rid of the link feature has definitely helped reduce spam comments on the site.


  26. Jenny says

    Wondering if you could address a couple of concerns? For the plug-in “Disable / Hide Comment URL”
    1. is only compatible to 3.2.1.
    2. the last update was 2011-9-2 (really old)

    • Editorial Staff says

      If you look at the code of this plugin, it is very simple, and it works. You can take the code and dump it in your functions.php file…

      function disable_comment_url($fields) { 
          return $fields;

      So in short, no this plugin is compatible with recent versions. The author just didn’t update the plugin because it simply works. Why update when it is not broken?


      • Regev says


        How do I also…

        1. Change the default “Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *” into a custom text, like you have done.

        2. Remove the * from “Name” and “Email”, and change “Name” to “Your Real Name”


  27. Gautam Doddamani says

    i guess we already had a long conversation about this a long time back…i think since you got rid of livefyre…yea i agree this helps get rid of spam users and keep legit comments comin’! real nice plugins…wil check ‘em out! :)


  28. Shalu Sharma says

    Nice article and I can understand why people want to remove it but can’t you use the right plugins to moderate and control spam? Thanks for the tutorial, if I do decide to then I know where to look for it.

  29. Cliff Beneventi says

    Thanks for the article. Reducing or eliminating spam is a critical part of comment management. Akismet does a great job for my clients, but uses URL’s to determine if a comment is spam. This plugin would then render Akismet less effectual. Also, the user can simply insert a URL in the comment itself, can they not? Lastly, I thought that the bulk of spam comments were generated by bots, which would still populate the comment field, even in the absence of a URL field.

  30. Zimbrul says

    What crosses my mind right now is this “being WPBeginner, o e of the solid sites out there providing quality WordPress tutorials and advice, you can afford to not show the author link on your comment form”. In fact this will dicourage many to comment unless they really have something to say.
    I only comment on articles that interest me and never said just “oh, great article, I’ll bookmark it, fantastic piece of writing”.

    • Elliott Richmond says

      Agreed, if someone is making the effort to comment on an article the least you can do is credit them with a link! After all it’s about the community right? I noticed this on WPB a while ago and it put me right off commenting full stop! Not that I comment for the backlink because it’s a nofollow anyway but because if any other commenters what to check me out they can.

      • Zimbrul says

        Yes, this is the idea of the author website field. But, as I said, I do mot comment here at wpbeginner for backlinks or for make myself known. I use WP Beginner website to get answers and to implement new te tehniques on sites I develop.
        I only comment to topics I can “technically” comment, that’s it.

      • Editorial Staff says

        Elliot, first of all I’m sorry to hear that you have stopped commenting on WPBeginner just because we decided to get rid of the URL field. While your initial intentions weren’t to get backlinks, but your decision to stop commenting after we get rid of the field only emphasize the point.

        If you do not think that a community is worth contributing to just because you are not getting a backlink/promotional value, then I don’t think that you value the community enough.

        We have had internal communications about establishing a proper registration system for regular users on WPBeginner. This would allow us to unlock certain perks (i.e backlinks to all of your new and previous comments after you hit comment count marker X). But again, I feel odd because I’m offering incentives for users to comment which is favoring quantity over quality.

        I will probably have this added as one of the questions in our annual survey for the WPBeginner audience.


        • Elliott Richmond says

          Not “stop commenting” or “stopped commenting” just “put off” ^_^
          On the contrary I do value the community and I hope that I do offer value back to the community (albiet in a very small way compared to others) and I find your tone a little insulting to be honest!
          I believe that there are other contributors who I would certainly like to find out more about but seeing as you have denied a link back to their site where I can find out about “the community” it kind of defeats the object wouldn’t you agree? Fortunately I do recognised some of the contributors who I do value, Pippin being one of them but, if I’d like to find out about others then I have no chance right?

        • Editorial Staff says

          I won’t argue semantics of stop commenting or “commenting full stop”. Nonetheless, I see your point of finding user’s information and following up with them elsewhere. One thing that can be done perhaps is hyperlink all gravatar images with the user’s gravatar profile? Would you say that is a good solution?

          Always love hearing user feedback. This is why I will be adding this in the user survey that we are planning on sending out.


    • Editorial Staff says

      Zimbrul, first of all, I really appreciate you as a user. I have your gravatar memorized because I know you are one of our regular users. This technique is not to discourage users like yourself because you add relevant and useful conversation to the articles like this comment of yours.

      It is also one of the reasons why our site automatically approves your comment :) But you are among the exception. I can personally tell you that this is a big issue specially if you are running a tech related tutorial blog.

      SmashingMagazine has the same thing. They did this long time ago, way before WPBeginner. Reason was the same. I as a user appreciated their decision of getting rid of URLs because then I could engage in meaningful conversations with real people (not those drop by’s who might add controversial comment just to get a backlink and never check back).



      • Zimbrul says

        Syed, your kind words means more than a backlink for me, don’t you guys agree? For me the words of appreciation from one of the most respected figures in WordPress community means a lot and as I said I come here not for the backlink but for problem solving most of the time. Sometimes I need advice sometimes I can contribute.

  31. Umer Rock says

    Really nice plugin, but can we do this without plugin? Please make a tutorial how we can use plugins without installing or activating, because lots of css & scripts files decrease blog seo. :-(

    • Pippin says

      There is literally zero difference in terms of the site performance or maintenance with this being a plugin or coded into your theme. It’s actually much better to be done as a plugin for a variety of reasons.

  32. Adnan Shahid says

    A very good and useful article, I am also facing this situation on my blog i.e. lot of spam comments. Thanks for writing this article

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