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Como adicionar código de cabeçalho e rodapé no WordPress (a maneira mais fácil)

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Já lhe pediram para adicionar alguns trechos de código à seção <header> ou <footer> do seu site WordPress?

Muitas vezes, você é solicitado a adicionar código de cabeçalho e rodapé no WordPress ao tentar se integrar a serviços da Web como Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Facebook Pixel e outros.

Você também pode se deparar com tutoriais do WordPress que podem pedir que você adicione algum código CSS ou JavaScript personalizado ao cabeçalho ou rodapé do WordPress.

Por padrão, o WordPress não oferece uma opção para inserir código no cabeçalho e no rodapé do seu site. Felizmente, há uma solução fácil para iniciantes.

Neste artigo, mostraremos como adicionar facilmente o código de cabeçalho e rodapé no WordPress. O objetivo é adicionar o código com segurança sem editar diretamente os arquivos de tema do WordPress.

How to Add Header and Footer Code in WordPress

A melhor maneira de adicionar o código de cabeçalho e rodapé do WordPress

Se você quiser adicionar o código de cabeçalho e rodapé do WordPress, há três soluções possíveis:

  1. Manualmente, editando os arquivos header.php e footer.php do seu tema
  2. Com o recurso de código de cabeçalho e rodapé incorporado ao seu tema
  3. Usando um plug-in do WordPress

A primeira opção não é amigável para iniciantes porque exige que você adicione o código do cabeçalho e do rodapé editando diretamente os arquivos header.php e footer.php manualmente.

Outra desvantagem de usar esse método é que seu código será removido se você instalar uma atualização em seu tema.

A segunda opção é usar o recurso interno do seu tema. Alguns temas do WordPress, como o Elegant Themes e o Genesis Framework do StudioPress, oferecem uma opção integrada para adicionar rapidamente códigos e scripts ao cabeçalho e ao rodapé do WordPress.

Se você estiver usando um tema com um recurso incorporado, essa parece ser uma solução segura e simples. No entanto, se você alterar o tema, todos os snippets de código adicionados ao seu site desaparecerão. Isso inclui a verificação do site no Google Search Console, a análise do site por meio do Google Analytics e assim por diante.

É por isso que sempre recomendamos aos usuários que usem a terceira opção, um plugin de cabeçalhos e rodapés. Essa opção é, de longe, o método mais fácil e seguro de adicionar código de cabeçalho e rodapé no WordPress.

Após muitas solicitações dos leitores, nossa equipe criou o plug-in WPCode.


O WPCode (anteriormente chamado de Insert Headers and Footers) é um plug-in de snippet de código 100% gratuito. Você pode usá-lo para adicionar facilmente códigos ao cabeçalho e ao rodapé do WordPress.

Aqui estão alguns benefícios de usar o plug-in WPCode:

1. Fácil, rápido e organizado: Ele permite que você adicione códigos ao cabeçalho e ao rodapé do site de forma fácil e rápida. Além disso, ele o mantém organizado, permitindo que você armazene todos os códigos de rodapé e cabeçalho em um único local.

2. Evita erros: A validação inteligente de snippet de código ajuda a evitar erros que podem ocorrer se você editar os arquivos do tema manualmente.

3. Atualize ou altere o tema sem preocupação: o plug-in salvará o código do cabeçalho e do rodapé em um local separado, para que você possa atualizar ou alterar o tema sem se preocupar com o apagamento do código.

Além dos scripts de cabeçalho e rodapé, você também pode usar o WPCode para inserir facilmente trechos de código PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML e texto personalizados sem editar os arquivos do tema.

Além disso, o WPCode tem uma biblioteca de snippets integrada na qual você pode encontrar todos os snippets de código mais úteis do WordPress. Isso permite que você remova rapidamente os recursos do WordPress que não deseja, como atualizações automáticas, API REST, XML-RPC, comentários e muito mais.

Observação: se você quiser recursos avançados, como uma biblioteca de snippets em nuvem privada, pixels de conversão, snippets programados, revisões de código e muito mais, poderá fazer upgrade para o WPCode Pro.

Para obter mais detalhes, leia nosso guia sobre como adicionar facilmente códigos personalizados no WordPress.

Dito isso, vamos ver como adicionar facilmente o código de cabeçalho e rodapé no WordPress usando o plug-in WPCode.

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Adição de código ao cabeçalho e ao rodapé no WordPress

A primeira coisa que você precisa fazer é instalar e ativar o plug-in gratuito WPCode. Para obter mais detalhes, consulte nosso guia passo a passo sobre como instalar um plug-in do WordPress.

Depois que o plug-in for ativado, acesse Code Snippets ” Header & Footer no painel de administração do WordPress. Depois disso, você verá uma caixa “Header” (Cabeçalho) onde poderá adicionar seu código.

Add code to header and footer with WPCode

Se você rolar a tela para baixo, verá também uma caixa de “Corpo” e uma caixa de “Rodapé”.

Header and footer script boxes WPCode

Basta colar o código em uma das três caixas. Quando terminar, não se esqueça de clicar no botão “Save Changes” (Salvar alterações) para armazenar suas configurações.

O plug-in carregará automaticamente o código nos respectivos locais em seu site do WordPress.

Você sempre pode editar e remover qualquer código que não queira manter.

Você precisará manter o plug-in instalado e ativado o tempo todo. A desativação do plug-in interromperá a adição de todos os códigos personalizados ao seu site.

Se você desativar acidentalmente o plug-in, o código ainda estará armazenado com segurança no banco de dados do WordPress. Você pode simplesmente reinstalar ou reativar o plug-in e o código começará a aparecer novamente.

Observação: talvez seja necessário limpar o cache do WordPress após salvar as alterações, para que o código seja exibido corretamente no front-end do site.

Descobrimos que o principal motivo pelo qual muitos iniciantes usam o plug-in WPCode é adicionar o Google Analytics ao site. Para isso, recomendamos usar o plug-in gratuito MonsterInsights.

O MonsterInsights é o melhor plug-in do Google Analytics para WordPress. Ele ajuda você a configurar corretamente o acompanhamento do Google Analytics com apenas alguns cliques e mostra estatísticas úteis diretamente no painel do WordPress.

Para obter instruções passo a passo, consulte este tutorial sobre como instalar o Google Analytics no WordPress.

Esperamos que este artigo tenha ajudado você a aprender como adicionar facilmente o código de cabeçalho e rodapé no WordPress. Talvez você também queira ver nossa comparação entre os melhores serviços de marketing por e-mail e os melhores serviços de telefone comercial.

Se você gostou deste artigo, inscreva-se em nosso canal do YouTube para receber tutoriais em vídeo sobre o WordPress. Você também pode nos encontrar no Twitter e no Facebook.

Divulgação: Nosso conteúdo é apoiado pelo leitor. Isso significa que, se você clicar em alguns de nossos links, poderemos receber uma comissão. Veja como o WPBeginner é financiado, por que isso é importante e como você pode nos apoiar. Aqui está nosso processo editorial.


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Jiří Vaněk says

    I’ve been using the WpCode plugin for several years and it’s really great. Especially for newbies who are afraid to insert codes into the website. This plugin is almost a must on every website. It can really save a lot of work and here on wpbeginner there are a lot of ready-made solutions.

  3. Pierre-Yves says

    I’ve installed the WPCode plugin and I’ve inserted code in the header field in the “Global Header and Footer” tab. This code shows a popup.
    The website is multisite and WPCode is activated on all the network.
    The popup shows well in the home page of my website, but not on other pages where people can land after searching in Google.
    What I’ve to do to get the popup showing on any page ?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Just to be certain, does your theme have a style for your other pages that uses a different header or removes the header?


  4. Aamir Nadeem says

    How many codes we can add in single header or footer section, I mean can i use two or three codes in single header section like facebook code google code etc.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      As long as the code is added properly and you’re not placing code within other blocks of code you can add as many as you would like.


  5. FRANK Pirrone says

    Hello, I added the code and clicked save. Nothing happened. Is there a publish button I need to press?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would depend on the code you added as not all code has a visible component, you may also want to try clearing any caching on your site for another common reason for not seeing any change on a site.


  6. Jamie Turner says

    Hi — Quick question. I’ve installed the plugin. Is there a way to select which pages the header and footer show up on? All I see is a global install without the ability to select pages. Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      At the moment the plugin is for adding code to your site’s header and not showing/hiding your header. Your theme’s templates would decide where your header and footer show on your site.


  7. Pierre Patenaude says

    I have installed the plugin (and it shows as being activated in the plugin list) but it doesn’t show up in the “Settings” menu. Did I miss a step? Could you provide a solution?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      No, the option should be available once the plugin is active as long as you have access to edit the site’s settings, you would want to ensure you are an admin on the site and if it is still not visible you would want to try disabling your other plugins to see if it is possibly a conflict with one of those plugins.


  8. Ashleigh White says

    Hi! I have a question! I am trying to add the global site tag and phone snippet to my code on each page so I can track my google ad calls. I have the “Headers and Footers” plugin, can I just paste it here and I am good? Or does it matter where I post it (Header vs. Body. Footer)? Thanks so much!

  9. Deborah Dakota says

    So close to being what’s needed! But Google strongly recommends using different metadata for every page. “Identical or similar descriptions on every page of a site aren’t helpful when individual pages appear in the web results. In these cases we’re less likely to display the boilerplate text. Wherever possible, create descriptions that accurately describe the specific page. ” Please consider updating your plugin accordingly.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Our plugin is not for metadata, it is mainly for code to add things like Google Analytics tracking or for verification codes. If you want a plugin for adding metadata to individual posts, we would recommend taking a look at All in One SEO as that will give you far better control over your metadata :)


  10. Robert Zou says

    I have a question. How do you remove code that you added using the insert headers and footers plugin? When I open up the theme editor I can’t find the code I added using this plugin.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Code added using the plugin would be removed when removed from the plugin’s settings or the plugin is uninstalled.


  11. James says

    Hello, hey I added the plugin above to my site and added the code to the header section. Then I tested with your site and it said it was saved successfully.

    But I don’t see the bot when I go to the live site. Could u tell me what I’m doing worng? Tnx.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would depend on the specific code you are adding, we would recommend checking with the support for the code for if you added it correctly as not all code is made to have something visible.


  12. Emmanuel says

    I wanted to change the color of my address bar using this plugin but each time I paste it gives me an error message

    Is my code okay?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would depend on the specific code and where the code is intended to be added. You would want to reach out to who you received the code from for where it should be placed.


  13. Elizabeth says

    I bought a theme but it does not let me add any button action in the header nor in the menu, do you think this plugin could help me???

  14. Ahmed says

    How can add the code in the header as high as possible? I need to put Code first of few lines in the header. How can I control the position of the code?


    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you need a very specific location for the code, you would want to manually add the code to your files.


  15. William says

    USELESS for a theme that does not have headers in the first place, like wordpress 2021. Useless.

    It was implied that this plugin would do that. It. Does. Not. ALL it does in insert a GIANT version of the picture you choose ABOVE your menu and site name.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      The 2021 theme does have a header but, the Insert Headers and Footers plugin is for inserting code such as Google Analytics, not for adding photos to the header of your website. We would not recommend using this plugin for adding a header image as that would cause the errors you are running into.


  16. Muhammad Shoaib says

    Hey There,

    I have already installed “Insert Footer and Header plugin”, if I wanna to remove from site then the inserted code would also be removed from header section or still saved without plugin?
    Kindly light me.

  17. Kirsten says

    I’m being told by Google Analytics to add a Global Site Tag code immediately after the tag. Does this plugin do that? Otherwise, I have no idea how to add this code to *every* page on my site!

  18. Lisa Masquelier says

    Thank you SO much for these simple instructions and the plug-in. I could not figure out why my website kept deleting from Pinterest!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Code added using the plugin will be on every post and page and not individual codes for individual posts and pages.


  19. Trang says


    I can’t find the “Insert Headers” section below my post’s editor? So how can I enable that function allowing me insert different code for specific post?

  20. Brian Small says

    I am getting the following error when hitting SAVE from this plug-in:

    A potentially unsafe operation has been detected in your request to this site

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to check if you have any security plugins active on your site or if your host has one set up. You may also want to ensure you copied the code you are attempting to add correctly.


  21. DAVE says

    On your demonstration you didn’t have anything come up on the top.
    This is the instructions from the code generator I am using;
    Paste the copied code into bottom of your HTML page just before the closing tag
    I tested the code and it does not work, “Am I doing something different? “

    • WPBeginner Support says

      We would first recommend reaching out to the support of what has generated the code to ensure there isn’t anything specific about the code that needs to be set on your page for it to work correctly.


  22. James says

    Hello. I need to edit the header code on a specific set of pages only. I have currently added the script I need to the header.php file, however this applies the code to all pages globally.

    Is there any way I can add the script to a specific set of pages only?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Unless I hear otherwise, we do not have a recommended method for page specific code at this time.


  23. Susan says

    Thank you so much!!!

    This stuff scares me as I think I am going to doom my website forever!!

    So easily explained will definitely be subscribing.

    I need to work on this every day.

  24. Marc says

    If my theme does not allow custom header images, will this plugin allow me to make custom header images. Lost on how to do this. We have an old theme with custom header function

  25. Mark says

    Would i be able to use a relative path? so I can move the site to a different host without changing header? if so where is the origin?

    i tried to include some some examples but sucuri blocked the post as malicious. i guess it doesn’t like seeing paths.

  26. Alexandra says

    Yaaaaaaay! I am so excited. I was having so much trouble getting my Mailchimp pop-up to work, but this plugin did the job easy-peasy!

  27. Steve says

    Hi, I have installed the Headers and Footers plugin and added code for the footer. The text that I want displayed is at the very bottom, below the Bento copyright line. Is there a way to have my footer appear at the top of the footer display? Thanks

    • WPBeginner Support says

      For footer customizations, you would want to reach out to your theme’s support to see if they have any recommended options you can use.


  28. Subrat says

    I have already put Google analytics code in the header section using insert header and footer plugin how can I add adsense code there again?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      That would be something you can do but not all beginners want to or understand how to create a child theme, that is why we recommend this method.


  29. Ruhul says

    This plugin’s activation active auto bulk mail sending from my hosting server. This is working like a spam. So I have to delete this from my website.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      This plugin does not have anything like that, we would recommend scanning your site to ensure you do not have any malicious code on your site


  30. Tom says

    I added this plugin to my site but nothing showed when I clicked on the plugin? I’m using an old version of WP but not sure if this is the reason why.

  31. Fazil Ibrahim Moihammed says

    Hi team,

    Does the FB Pixel Base Code was copied and paste on the header tag in that plugin.
    will it automatically apply to every page of the website? Please reply!

  32. Anchal says

    How can I add a code in body section (not in the header/footer section ) with this plugin?
    I want to add certain code in the body section to avoid render blocking.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      The plugin should currently have a third input box where you can include code that should be in the body of your site.


  33. Noya says

    My site was built by a web developer who already included all sorts of code snippets in the section of my site.
    If I add new snippets of code using this plugin, will it overwrite the code that’s already there or just add the new code to the existing code?
    I don’t want to make a mess of my site… :-)

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you add code using this plugin it would be added to your site, it would not replace code


  34. Wendy says

    Hi! I tried to add the plugin to my site but you need to have a business page to add any plugins? Can I add the code without a plugin?

  35. anudeep says

    First i have install header and footer plugin than after past my google analytics code . but my problem is once past the code and see my website, the code showing disable? How to solve it?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If the code is not being added to your header, you would want to clear any caching on your site as that is the most common root of that issue.


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