なぜ WordPress のお問い合わせフォームが必要なのか?
- スパム対策– スパムボットは定期的にサイトをスクレイピングし、mailto: メールアドレスのタグを探します。サイトにメールアドレスを投稿すると、多くのスパムメールを受信するようになります。一方、お問い合わせフォームは、お問い合わせフォームスパムをブロックし、ほとんどすべてのスパムメールを阻止することができます。
- 一貫した情報– Eメールでは、必要な情報をすべて送ってくれるとは限りません。お問い合わせフォームを使えば、電話番号、予算、プロジェクトの詳細など、必要な情報を正確にユーザーに伝えることができます。
- 時間の節約– お問い合わせフォームは、想像以上に多くの方法で時間の節約に役立ちます。一貫した情報はもちろんのこと、フォームの確認を利用してユーザーに次のステップを伝えることもできます。例えば、ビデオを見たり、回答を得るまで最大24時間待つことができるので、ユーザーが何度も問い合わせを送ることがなくなります。
- Step 1. Choosing the Best WordPress Contact Form Plugin
- Step 2. Install a Contact Form Plugin on WordPress
- Step 3. Create a Contact Form in WordPress
- Step 4. Configuring WordPress Form Notification and Confirmations
- Step 5. Adding WordPress Contact Form on a Page
- Step 6. Adding WordPress Contact Form in a Sidebar
- Bonus Tip: Taking Your WordPress Contact Form to the Next Level
- Video Tutorial
ステップ 1.最適な WordPress お問い合わせフォームプラグインを選ぶ
- 最も初心者向けのお問い合わせフォームプラグインです。ドラッグアンドドロップビルダーを使えば、数クリックで簡単にお問い合わせフォームを作成できます。
- WPForms Liteは100%無料で、簡単なお問い合わせフォームを作成することができます(600万以上のサイトで利用されています)。
- より強力な機能の準備ができたら、WPForms Proにアップグレードすることができます。
ステップ2.WordPress にお問い合わせフォームプラグインをインストールする
このチュートリアルでは、無料で使いやすいWPForms Liteを使用します。
WordPressダッシュボードにログインし、プラグイン ” 新規追加に進むことで、あなたのサイトにこのプラグインをインストールすることができます。
次に、検索フィールドに’WPForms’と入力し、’Install Now’ボタンをクリックします。
これを行うには、WordPress 管理画面のWPForms ” All Formsに移動し、’新規追加’ ボタンをクリックします。
WPForms Liteには20種類以上のフォームテンプレートが用意されています。これらを使って好きなタイプのお問い合わせフォームを作成することができます。
この例では ‘シンプルお問い合わせフォーム’ テンプレートを選択します。名前、Eメール、メッセージフィールドが自動的に追加されます。
ステップ 4.WordPress フォームの通知と確認を設定する
お問い合わせフォームへの返信先: ユーザーがお問い合わせフォームに入力したメールアドレスに返信されます。
ステップ 5.WordPress お問い合わせフォームをページに追加する
新しいお問い合わせフォームページを作成したい場合は、ページ ” 新規追加と進み、ページに名前を付けるだけです。
次に、’WPForms’ ブロックをクリックします。
WPForms はエディター内にお問い合わせフォームのプレビューを読み込みます。これで ‘公開’ または ‘更新’ ボタンをクリックしてフォームを保存することができます。
とはいえ、WPForms には WordPress のお問い合わせフォームのショートコードも付属しています。WPForms ” All Formsにアクセスし、フォームの横にあるショートコードをコピーすることで使用できます。
ステップ 6.WordPress お問い合わせフォームをサイドバーに追加する
これを行うには、外観 ” ウィジェットに移動し、フォームを追加したいウィジェットエリアの「プラス」追加ブロックアイコンをクリックする必要があります。
次に、’WPForms’ ブロックをクリックしてサイドバーに追加します。
WPForms Proには2,000以上のテンプレートが用意されており、必要なフォームを素早く作成することができます。
もちろん、Google SheetsやHubSpotなど、何千ものマーケティングツールやビジネスツールと統合し、ワークフローを効率化することもできる。
お問い合わせフォームのエラーにお困りですか?WPBeginnerプロサービスに問題を解決してもらいましょう!お問い合わせフォームのエラーを素早くトラブルシューティングし、修正するWordPress緊急サポートを低価格で提供しています。時間を節約し、安心して、カスタマイザーにご連絡ください。WordPress サポートサービスを今すぐご予約ください!
この記事が WordPress でシンプルなお問い合わせフォームを作成するのにお役に立てば幸いです。エキスパートが選ぶ最高のオンラインフォームビルダーや、WordPress のフォームを使うための究極のガイドもご覧ください。
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Will Beadenkopf
I used the basic contact form from WPForms on my wife’s blog and website, but we get more spam replies from people trying to sell something than we do real replies.
Can we put more validation in the basic form, or do we have to go to the Pro version?
WPBeginner Comments
The free version of WPForms has a couple CAPTCHA options available. These can be very powerful in blocking spam.
Jiří Vaněk
I use WP Forms since I won a full license in your giveaway. I’ve never won anything before, and then I received a full license for WP Forms from you for free. I have to say, it’s a great plugin.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you liked the plugin
Hello, I followed the steps howevert he contact page does not appear on the webite. How should I proceed as I have attempted it numerous times now.
WPBeginner Support
If you mean the page that you added the contact form to is not on your menu, then we would recommend taking a look at our article below for how to create and manage your menu:
Hello, thanks for the help. You mentioned that the email address can be changed. Can you please share how this is done and where?
I followed all the steps but for whatever reason, this form doesn’t work. I uninstalled and installed it few times. I followed exactly as on video but when sending a test contact form I don’t receive any emails or notifications.
WPBeginner Support
If you’re not receiving emails on your site, we would recommend following our guide below as it is more than likely due to how WordPress sends emails than the form itself:
I followed your video to put a contact form on my site and you made it easy and enjoyable. I noticed that you had your address and contact information on the side. How do I put my contact information there? Thank you in advance.
WPBeginner Support
If you mean from the video, we placed another block on the page and manually added the text
hi, how to edit buttons and typeface in the form?
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the form plugin you decide to use and there are different locations for that customization.
Amaka obi
I fid all these but when I tried to test it, I didn’t get any notification in my mail from my website. Please what could be the cause?
Thank you
WPBeginner Support
For the most common reason, it would be due to how WordPress sends emails, you can get around this issue by following our guide below:
Thank you so much! it really helped me:)
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful
Thanks! this plugin is nice. i am using it and it is very simple & easy to build forms in less time.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found the plugin helpful
Brian Leggero
Wow! It sure doesn’t get any easier than that!
Great instructions! Nice slow talking too, easy to understand.
Keep up the GREAT work!
WPBeginner Support
Thank you, glad you found our guide helpful
Geoff Anderson
I’ve installed WPForms Lite and activated it but it doesn’t show up in the side menu bar in WordPress. I can see it in the Plugins but I don’t have an option to select settings just deactivate.
So I’m unable to access the plugin at all. Any suggestions?
Cheers, Geoff
WPBeginner Support
You may want to try reinstalling the plugin in case there was a hiccup with your download. Otherwise, please reach out directly to WPForms’ support and they would be able to assist.
Flora tony
please when i click on submit, i go to my mail and i dont see any mail
i have tried it several times
WPBeginner Support
For not receiving emails there are a few possible reasons, to start we would recommend ensuring your site is using SMTP by following our guide below:
Daniel Putman
I am getting very frustrated with your tutorials. They seem to be out of date because the view that I get is different than what you are showing. Please update these tutorials.
WPBeginner Support
This article is up to date, you may want to ensure you are not on WordPress.com, we cover the difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org on our article below:
This no longer works as your need a business plan to have a contact form.
WPBeginner Support
That is for WordPress.com, our tutorials are for WordPress.org. We cover the difference between the two in our article below:
Thanks for the clarification!!
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
I just installed WPForms and created a contact form for my website.
When I visit the contact page, I see two contact forms; the one from WPForms and another one. I don’t have any other form plugin except WPForm.
How can I resolve this?
WPBeginner Support
By default, WordPress does not have a contact form tool, you would want to check through your plugins again for plugins that add a contact form tool.
I later found out that the problem was from my theme. I contacted support and they gave me a code to disable it.
Thanks for your feedback.
Marguerite F Cleveland
I have my form set up but when I test it in my site and click the submit button nothing happens. I set it up using the block editor.
WPBeginner Support
If you mean you did not receive an email then it is likely due to how WordPress is sending the emails, we would recommend setting up SMTP to help ensure you receive any messages from your site by following our guide here:
Luz Manalo-Cruz
Hi. I am unable to add the contact form in Pages. When I click on Pages in my dashboard, there is no Add Forms field. Is there another way? I am on localhost.
WPBeginner Support
You’re likely using the block editor, you would want to check for the WPForms block to add the form to your page
Luz Manalo-Cruz
That worked, thanks!
WPBeginner Support
Glad we could help
Sakshi Kaushik
I have installed the WPforms plugin. but where do i check my form entries from? I am unable to see the entries that my viewers are giving. Please help.
WPBeginner Support
Under the WPForms menu item, there should be entires as an option. If you are unable to see the entires, you would want to reach out to WPForms’ support and they would assist with your specific issue.
Adepoju Olaide
Thanks for this post. i hope this would work for me!
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, our guide should work for every WordPress.org site so it should work for you as well
Ainjel M
Great post! Thank you. Was so simple!
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad we could simplify the process for you
Jennifer Preissler
I am using divi theme and I am not finding the add form button…
WPBeginner Support
If you are editing a post/page with the block editor you would want to add the WPForms block instead of looking for a button
informative detail. That list has helped a lot in my task.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide could help
brenda s
I need help, I have created a form and would like to know how I can receive the information once submit button is pressed, where does my information go.
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on what form you are using but the default is to email the submissions to the email under Settings>General
beth pross
I have made my contact form too many times to count. I have tried to upload it also several times. it will be in the preview. It will NOT publish.
I have followed your directions every time. I have invested over ten hours on this one edit.
What am I doing wrong?
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on which plugin you’re using. If you reach out to your contact form plugin’s support they should be able to assist with what the issue could be.
Ranojit Kumar
Thanks for this post.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
Kathy Rowland
Thanks for the great tutorial! Off to update and activate my Contact Form. Let the emails begin
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you liked our article
Jochen Gererstorfer
Do we have to install another plugin, if we upgrade from the lite version to WPForms Pro?
WPBeginner Support
When you add your license key the lite version should replace itself with the pro version for you.
This is great…sounds easy enough. I’m going to try it with my granddaughters website. Thanks…
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our guide is helpful
The contact form is one of the must have elements of a website.
This article is all you need to learn making the best and proffessional contact form.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for your recommendation of our article
Henry Bartimus
when I click “confirmation and an empty box opens with no content, thank you
WPBeginner Support
That’s quite strange, you could start by disabling your other plugins to see if it is a plugin conflict. Otherwise, please reach out to WPForms’ support directly and they should be able to assist with the issue
I’ve installed WP forms Lite, but can’t see the configuration options anywhere in settings – there isn’t much at all there. Any clues?
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on what specific option you’re looking for as some options are in the forms themselves. If you reach out to the plugin’s support they can help point you to what you’re looking for
I created the Simple contact form and the problem I am having is the email that is sent goes into the Junk Email folder. I have tried adding the domain and sender as safe but it still goes to Junk Email. How can I stop this?
WPBeginner Support
If you’re sending emails using SMTP such as the method in our article: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-send-email-in-wordpress-using-the-gmail-smtp-server/
You may want to reach out to the support for your email provider to see if there is a setting on their end that could be causing this.
Great tutorial for anyone who wants to create a contact form in an easy-to-follow manner
WPBeginner Support
THank you
Nice post Bro. I want to ask, does this form comply with GDPR?
WPBeginner Support
For specifics on GDPR compliance when creating a form, you would want to take a look at: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-create-gdpr-compliant-forms-in-wordpress/
Hi there, thank you for your insightful articles, they have helped me a lot!
I am wondering if you know how to insert a code that allows the user to remove a file that has been uploaded to a Contact 7 form? Say it was uploaded by mistake and they want to remove it and try again. At the moment my form doesn’t allow me to delete any uploaded files… Appreciate your help.
WPBeginner Support
For a question specific to contact form 7, you would want to reach out to the plugin’s support and they should be able to assist.
Thanks for the wonderful article, I have been following it to create my site but I have problem with adding my Form to the contact page. When I click on add page it opens a bar to add title but I don’t see the add form option. I have not been able to add my contacts form to my contacts page.
Please I need you to help me. Thanks
When I make a new page, I don’t see an “add form” button. This is WP 5.0.2, freshly reset.
WPBeginner Support
For the new blocks editor you would want to add a WPForms block and that would allow you to add the form
Thank you for your hard work and the videos. I learn a lot from your videos. However, one thing I noticed consistently is that often you skip some steps or zip past a simple action that confuses the newcomers, especially when you are ‘WPbeginner’ instructors. Example. While tutoring the making of a Contact Us form, before publishing/updating it, you zipped past the text We’d Love to Hear From You text. This is the text you entered but did not show and that confused me a lot as to how come that text did not show up in my form because I have been following you step by step to create the form on my new website while I am watching your video. I went back and forth and created 4 forms to no avail–the text just would not show up. Then I said to my self, what the heck! and entered it on my own and proceeded to remaining video. I noticed the same issue in your other videos as well. Could you be a little slower and specific? Please note, this is not a criticism; this is a constructive suggestion. You folks do a great job and without you, I would not have my website created on my own and I would not be writing to you here. Thanks a million for doing this
WPBeginner Support
Hi Himanshu,
Thank you for your kind feedback, we really appreciate it. We are aware of the issue you are referring to, and our team is continuously working on improving the videos. We will put more effort into it.
Meanwhile, if you are unable to follow instructions shown in a video or one of our tutorials, then please do not hesitate to ask us. You can do so by leaving a comment or sending us a message using the contact form on our website. We try our best to answer all user questions.
Brenda Donovan
The simple form is all I need and it looks good and is looking good on cell phone too.
I set the reCaptcha up but it doesn’t show up on the contact page where the form code is.
Is there a short code for that also? and if so where in the settings is it?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Brenda,
No, you will need to setup recaptcha in plugin settings.
Michel Kapteijns
I followed al the steps, I see the contact form on my site. I can fill in a message, and after I submit the message I neatly see the ‘thank you’ message. Butt.. I do nog receive the mesage in my e-mail account. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you very much for your answer on this.
Regards, Michel
WPBeginner Support
Hi Michel,
Please see our article on how to fix WordPress not sending email issue.
Hi, I’ve done all the steps as mentioned above, but I cannot see the Contact page when I preview.
Please help me to solve.
Thank you.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Shamli,
You need to edit the page, insert the form, and then click on the preview button. Your contact form will only appear on the page where you insert the form.
HI – We are using this contact form and it’s fine but I would like to add Captcha and, more importantly, some text that can be overwritten in the message box. There is a local company with a very similar name so we are constantly receiving messages which relate to this other company. We want to have some text, that has to be overwritten, to reiterate what our company is to try and reduce these messages. Is this possible?
Brenda Donovan
I redid the form and rechecked the add recaptcha on the confirmation settings and it worked this time. I had done it before but somehow didn’t take.
now on to the mail problem. thanks
sir how can i know which email system notify or receive message i did everything but don,t which i will receive the email from client i am beginner with wp
WPBeginner Support
Hi Safi,
Please see how to fix WordPress not sending emails issue
Yamin Kamboh
Thank you, was really helpful.
Sarah Zubair
So how do I access the library of media (if I’ve an option of attaching some files in my WP forms) then where do they all get stored?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Sarah,
By default, the user-uploaded files are stored in the WPForms folder inside the Uploads directory of your site.
If you’d prefer to upload the files to the WordPress Media Library, click on the File Upload field in the form builder. Then, under Advanced Options, check the box next to Store file in WordPress Media Library.
For more details see this guide.
This is truly helpful. I can say it is my first time to leave a review in any website. The information you have provided has prompted me to do this. Thank you a thousand times!!
how do i set it up that i recieve emails in Gmail, and be able to reply to customers right there in Gmail.com?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Eston,
You can go to settings section of any form and click on the confirmation tab. From here you can add any email address where you want to be notified.
I found this very helpful in setting up, however, after completion I ran a test, so did a friend of mine, I cannot figure out why we are not receiving the email tests sent from the web site? Although I’ve gone through the steps a second time to be sure all was correctly set up, I am not receiving messages from the web site, I hope you can assist with constructive suggestions to aid in problem solving, much appreciate the assistance…
Lori Jo
I am very new, easily confused! Regarding the assigned admin email address in my WP blog site, can that actually be used to receive messages from the contact form? I think the address looks more professional and it would be nice to have all site messages responding back to the actual site instead of an outside email like my Gmail. I did a test and I could not find the reply, installed Flamingo and I did see it but there is no reply option like regular email.
Please let me know, thanks!