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1996年に開始された最も古いウェブホストの一つであるBluehostは、WordPressのホスティングに関しては最大のブランド名となっています。彼らは公式の "WordPress "推奨ホスティングサービスプロバイダです。Bluehostを使用すると、トラフィックが多い場合でも、あなたのサイトが遅くなることを心配する必要はありません。彼らの24/7エキスパートサポートは、電話、メール、またはライブチャットで必要なときにそれを助けるために常にある。彼らは中小企業向けのウェブホスティングサービスでは第1位と評価されています。その上、WPBeginnerユーザーに75%オフの特別割引、無料ドメイン、無料SSL、テンプレート付き無料サイトビルダーを提供しています。


  • 最も手頃な価格
  • 無料ドメイン
  • 無料CDN + SSL
  • 充実したカスタマイザーサポート
  • WordPress公式推奨
  • 1クリックWordPressインストール


  • ドメイン更新価格の上昇

WPBeginnerユーザーは75%オフの割引と 無料ドメインが利用できます!

ブルーホスト を訪れる


| Reader Disclosure





  • 速度:どのように速くBluehostであなたのサイトがロードされますか?我々はそれを評価するために、その速度とサーバーの応答時間をテストします。
  • パフォーマンス:Bluehostはどのようにトラフィックのスパイクの下で実行されますか?私たちは、ストレステストを実行することによってそれをテストし、それが高いトラフィックでどのように実行されるかを確認します。
  • 信頼性ウェブサイトは24時間365日、ダウンタイムなく利用できますか?
  • カスタマイザー:あなたはすぐにあなたのサイトに助けが必要なときにBluehostのカスタマーサポートを頼りにすることができますか?
  • 機能:サイト構築に必要な機能をすべて備えているか。
  • 価格設定:業界で最高の価格設定を持っていますか?あなたのお金を節約することができますBluehostのお得な情報はありますか?


Bluehost Review Summary
Performance gradeA+
Average load time1.1 s
Average response time140 ms
Free domainYes
Free SSLYes
1-click WordPressYes
SupportPhone / Live Chat / Knowledge base
Start with Bluehost







Bluehost website








  • 価格:ホスティングサービスは、ほとんどのユーザー、特にホスティングサービスを始めたばかりのユーザーにとって手の届く範囲にある。
  • 信頼性:ダウンタイムを最小限に抑えながら、多数のサイトを運営している。
  • 非表示料金はありません:アカウント登録時に非表示料金は一切かかりません。
  • 無料ドメイン:サインアップすると、最初の1年間は無料でドメイン名を取得できます。
  • 無料CDN + SSL:各サイトごとに、無料のSSL証明書と、マルウェアをブロックしセキュリティを向上させるCloudflare CDNが無料で提供されます。
  • 返金保証:すべてのプランで30日間の返金保証を提供している。



  • ドメイン更新価格が高い:無料ドメイン更新価格が平均より高い。
  • アドオンのアップセル:登録時に積極的なアップセルプロセスがある。しかし、必要なければSiteLockや他のすべてのアドオンのチェックを簡単に外すことができる。




Strangeloop performance case study




テストサイトはWordPressを使い、初期設定のTwenty Twenty-Threeテーマで作成しました。テーマ開発用に、画像も含むダミーコンテンツをインポートした。そして、Pingdomを使ってサイトのスピードをテストした。


Bluehost speed test results



Bluehostサーバーがトラフィックの増加にどのように反応するかをテストするために、Grafana LabsのK6を使用してテストサイトに仮想ユーザー(VU)を送信しました。



Bluehost stress test results






Bluehost uptime test results




Bluehost response time test result






  • WordPress / 共有ホスティングサービス:共有ホスティングサービスは、トラフィック量の少ない新規サイトを始めるのに最適な方法です。共有ホスティング環境では、あなたのサイトは他のウェブサイトとサーバーリソースを共有します。
  • WooCommerceホスティングサービス:WooCommerceはWordPressで最も人気のあるeコマースプラグインです。WordPressで簡単にオンラインストアを始めることができます。WooCommerceホスティングは、あなたのeコマースストアを開始するために不可欠なすべての機能を提供します。
  • VPS(仮想専用サーバー)ホスティングサービス:共有WordPressホスティングのアップグレード状況、VPSホスティングは、共有環境で仮想専用リソースを使用することができます。
  • 専用ホスティングサーバー:あなたのサイトのBluehost専用ホスティングサービスは、あなた自身に専用サーバーのすべてのリソースを持つことを意味します。欠点は、あなた自身でサーバーを管理する必要があるということです。




Bluehost control panel




Bluehost pricing


  • ベーシック:ベーシックプランでは、1つのサイトのみホスティングサービスをご利用いただけます。1つのドメイン、10GBのSSDストレージ、5つのメールアカウント、各アカウントに100MBのディスクスペースをホスティングサービスします。最初のキーワードは、月額1.99ドルを支払うことになります。アカウントを更新するときは、月額7.99ドルを支払う必要があります。
  • Choice Plus:Choice Plusプランには、3つのサイトと50GBのストレージスペースが含まれます。メールアカウントも無料。最初のキーワードは月額$3.99から。アカウントを更新する場合は、月額13.99ドルを支払う必要があります。
  • オンラインストア:このプランはeコマースストアに適しており、プレミアムWooCommerceアドオンが含まれており、ユーザーを数百ドル節約できます。月額$7.45からスタートし、キャンペーン終了後は月額$18.99で更新されます。
  • プロプロプランは、最初のキーワードが月額9.99ドル、それ以降が月額20.99ドルです。上記プランのすべての機能、100GBのストレージ、最大100サイトが含まれ、高トラフィックに最適化されています。










Bluehost support website



































一方、SiteGroundプラットフォームは、より良い速度とセキュリティ機能が付属しています。詳細については、Bluehost対SiteGround対WP Engineの比較を参照してください。







WPBeginnerユーザーは75%オフの割引と 無料ドメインが利用できます!

Reader Interactions

318 ブルーホスト ユーザーレビューレビューを書く

  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Alyx Perry

    Worst I’ve experienced.

    I’m an experienced web dev with experience managing websites on various hosts, and I’m actually considering refusing to manage sites on Bluehost.

    For one client, they very much botched multiple site migrations, resulting in a lot of expense for troubleshooting.

    For another client, I’ve spent hours with support to remedy a slow-loading site. I spent 4 hours with support, during which time they refused to give me details about the changes they had made- it appears this may be because they run scripts and the support staff has no idea what they do. Regardless, instead of directly answering my questions or simply telling me they did not know, they gave me a constant run-around for HOURS. They later enabled CDN options without asking which crashed the site. In the end the site was not loading or loading more slowly.

    My experience with support staff has been unacceptable. When I have asked for details about changes they have made to files such as .htaccess they are unable to tell me what they did. They do not record details on support sessions to inform future sessions. They terminate chat sessions when problems are not resolved telling you you just need to wait for issues to resolve.

  3. Sherry Sharma

    Never use them save your money and time

    My account got locked and I tried to contacted Bluehost live chat option three time and call them twice, but they was not able to fix this small issue. I changed password over 7 times as per their request but still does not work. I want to get my refund and their staff was forcing me to try again and again and don’t do refund. I strickly said them and with over wasting of 5 hours finally them started the refund process.

    Never recommend their service to anyone, they got a good reputation but their customer service is worst ever, they would not even able to fix small issue from their end.

  4. Michael Marrubio

    Read this before EVER considering using this service. i tried to migrate a simple landing page/WordPress site to their service from another. I used their migration plug-in — however, their migration plugin misfired somewhere, and my site could not be moved from its temporary site — meaning my customers only got a blank site when visiting my URL.

    After 3 days of receiving the runaround from a very diverse set of absolutely incompetent customer service reps (who only knew how to read a standard script, not actually solve any problems), a customer service rep managed to actually DELETE al my files!

    It has not been 4 days without a site – this is aggravating and unnecessary.

    Never use this service. it may seem cheap, but it will cost you more than a reputable hosting provider.

  5. Karen Kilberger

    I’ve had an account with Bluehost for over 10 years, with no problems. While that has changed… I wasn’t able to go in to make changes to my website using Filezilla, it didn’t recognize my information. No one could exlplain why I couldn’t get in there – they said my password wasn’t good, which I ‘ve never changed. Someone finally gave me a way to get into my account to update the website. At the same time I noticed my email address was still an old one which I thought I had updated last year when I changed email address. I tried changing through my account on Bluehost, it says it will be updated within 48 hours … thats been over two weeks ago. I chatted with someone on their website – he said he need picture ID and other proof which I sent over week and half later still not changes. Keep getting run around on just trying to update an email address on my account …. ready to change companies.

  6. Christwin

    Bluehost is a terrible service I wanted a month subscription and it automatically ticked all the boxes and subscribed me for 3 years! Not to worry they have a 30 day refund policy, right? No! I have been talking to agents all day trying to cancel it. They take 5 mins between responses for their support. I asked to cancel and all three agents simply ended the conversation once I mentioned it. I am really disappointed in their service and I hope none of you have to deal with this

  7. Ross Duggleby

    Appalling customer service, designed to frustrate you into submission. The only options are online chat, where you find yourself facing a wall of repetition, or calling the states, which given I’m in UK hasn’t been an option.

    No help at all on trying to solve a serious malware issue with our site, just repeatedly told there isn’t a problem.

    If the chat ends you have to start all over again with no record of previous conversations. There is no email address and no formal complaints procedure. Totally unworkable.

  8. Chris Sebes

    BlueHost let me down. They were good in the beginning but started to fall apart as my third year of service came to an end.

    Several of my website would randomly go offline for 20, 30, 40 minutes. Repeatedly. After THREE calls into tech support, I was told that my issue was never escalated to the next level up. WHY? MY SITES ARE GOING DOWN, AND YOU DON’T THINK THAT SHOULD’VE BEEN ESCALATED? They had no answer.

    BlueHost blamed the downtime on the large number of inodes I had in my sites. So, I signed up for another of their hosting accounts and transferred a few sites to the new account. The sites continued to go down – on both accounts.

    I signed up with Hostinger, transferred everything over, cancelled my new BlueHost account, and let the old one expire. I have had very few outages and they’re very brief, all within Hostinger’s uptime guarantee. Very fast servers, worldwide clusters of servers, and a more robust system that can handle the number of inodes my websites have. Very happy with Hostinger so far. We’ll see how things are in three years.

  9. Moinuddin Waheed

    As for the customer service of bluehost is concerned it is not that good when compared to siteground and dreamhost.
    otherwise this is good for hosting WordPress websites.
    thank you wpbeginner for making a detailed description about the bluehost its pros and cons and also it comparison with other hosting providers.

  10. mark

    Bluehost’s customer service is the worst I can remember experiencing. Recently, I was on hold or having to deal with an idiot for 73 minutes before I could get these two questions answered: 1- how does my current plan compare with webpage hosting, and 2- how do I update my cc. 73 minutes.

    Bluehost’s service is AWFUL. -5 out of 5 imo, that’s a minus.

  11. Andrew

    Awful. Really awful. Within 3 weeks of opening an account, I was basically unable to access my Wordpress site. Numerous calls and chats with wait times averaging 30 minutes, then solutions that didn’t solve anything. Hoping for a better experience with a different host

  12. gaurav

    One of the wosrt experience so far, took a subscription, nothing seemed to work like it should, this is definitely not for the common person looking fto built a quick easy site, asked for a refund and have been calling customner support India daily but nothing happens, seems like a scam is being run or something, needed to have a site up so got Hostinger at a cheaper price and must say was easy to use, straightforward and although they dont have a call center the support on chat and email was decent.

  13. Eric

    I upgraded my plan and Bluehost ‘rewarded’ me by leaving with me more than 5 crashed domains for almost a week! Support is THE WORST in the industry.

  14. Billy Franca

    Nice hosting platform

  15. Rebecca I

    3 Stars. I’ve not had many good experiences with BlueHost. Their tech support has taken over an hour to answer my chat before. They have failed to provide daily backups as promised for myself and my clients. The bill really adds up if you need any extra security or advanced features. I switched my own site years ago and I’m much happier with my new hosting.


    Bluehost is a popular web hosting provider that offers shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting services. It is known for its affordable pricing, reliable uptime, and user-friendly control panel. Here are some of the key features of Bluehost:

    Uptime: Bluehost offers an uptime guarantee of 99.99%, which is considered to be very good in the web hosting industry.

    Customer support: Bluehost offers 24/7 customer support through live chat, phone, and email. Their support team is knowledgeable and responsive.

    User-friendly control panel: Bluehost’s control panel is user-friendly and easy to use. It allows users to manage their website, domain, and hosting account from a single dashboard.

    Pricing: Bluehost offers affordable pricing for their hosting plans, starting at $2.95/month for shared hosting.

    Security: Bluehost offers SSL certificates, daily backups, and SiteLock security to keep your website secure.

    Overall, Bluehost is a reliable web hosting provider that offers good uptime, customer support, and user-friendly features at an affordable price.

  17. Uncle Casey

    Bluehost leaves a LOT to be desired if you are a developer. If you are building a Wordpress website then you will have a semi-decent experience with this host, but anything outside of that forget it. The server is for personal, individual blogs at best. Tech support also is VERY limited in their knowledge. Again, if you are a developer keep looking.

  18. Patrick D Finley

    Bluehost has great customer support. When I no longer needed my site but had forgotten to cancel my subscription, customer support took care of the situation and fully refunded me for the entire year. Even though I contacted them a week after the subscription was paid. If I ever need a site in the future, I know I will go to them to help me out.

  19. Kamran

    Bluehost support is just amazing. We had an issue with our website and we were stuck in error 500 and our bloggers were not getting any solution even we did everything in Cpanel and check the error logs even tried to find the plugin issues but we were unable to access our website even we were failed to access the WordPress dashboard. Finally, we talked with Bluehost support. The customer service was very cooperative and they did their best to get our site back. But issue was so critical, but after a big effort by their engineers finally, we got our website back and all of our bloggers are working without any problem now.
    i will give 5 stars to Bluehost service.

  20. yalda nasirian

    Support team are really amazing; they are professional and solve my hosting issues very quick. Highly recommended for hosting provider!

  21. DB McNicol

    I’ve been using BlueHost since last June, based upon 1) the recommendation here, 2) the ability to lock in 3 years at a low rate, and 3) the reasonable monthly fees after that.

    As a new WP user, I had a big learning curve initially. Several chats with support on various issues and they were all resolved quickly. I haven’t had to contact them in over six months.

    I’ve had one major (reported) and one minor (back up before I could worry about it) outage. Performance has always been good. I currently have 4 live sites with them, opps, no, 5, and all with email. No issues.

  22. Shiva Mohammadi-Jam

    I have been using Bluehost for more than two years to host our own organization’s domain. I found it super fast, reliable and cost-effective. Also, it is easy to use, even for beginners. More importantly, the support is fast and competent.

  23. Geoffrey Nwachukwu

    Bluehost made it very simple for me to migrate my existing WordPress website with their beautifully designed interface and tooling.

    Moreover the speed of the site has improved drastically.

    Well done

  24. Edgar Daniel Ruiz Santiago

    Amazing customer service and good prices

  25. Valerie Pitaluga

    We run multiple sites and use a competitor for one of the sites where we have no option (decision made by the board of directors) so I can confidently say that Bluehost far supersedes its competitors and provides a better value for web hosting and associated services

  26. Norman Jutie

    I’m from the Philippines and I use Bluehost because it’s easy to use and affordable, There are plenty of exciting features and extras included at every price point, and the diversity of plans provides a lot of flexibility for every budget Bluehost is literally one of the top few that I would recommend to anyone and everyone.

  27. Kristina Forrest

    I love using Bluehost for my web hosting service. They are easy to contact and provide excellent service. Can’t recommend enough.

  28. Lisa Macy

    Just over a year ago I decided to change my blog only site on WordPress to a WordPress/Woocommerce site. I looked at a few different hosts and ultimately chose Bluehost to be the host of my website. While I was building my website (which I hadn’t a clue how to do), they were very helpful, and anytime I have an issue (which is very VERY rare), they are very helpful. They have anything and everything you need to start from scratch with a website like I did, so don’t hesitate to go with them as your host!

  29. Ali Arshad

    The best Hosting company I met ever met in my online career. BlueHost played a big role in ranking my websites to the top google’s page.

  30. Dana

    Im so greatful for bluehost, i have read only positive reviews and recommandations. All navigation is super simple and eventhough i have always counted myself as PC illitarate with all the help and bluehost guidance im actually doing this. Even Beginner can build his website with bluehost. I have more ideas for websites and I will deffinitely be using bluehost again. Big thumbs up, 5 out of 5,

  31. Nicholas Githinji

    Bluehost support, whether via chat or call, is really great, supportive and timely. However, sometimes the cPanel has glitches when setting up hosting but it’s very rare. Usually, I use Shared Hosting but I recently bought VPS and am eager to see how the site performs. So far so good! Overall, Bluehost is dependable seeing as it hosts 90% of my sites.

  32. Jess Spoto

    I have been using Bluehost for my business site for the last twelve months, and recently renewed my plan with them.

    Bluehost made it easy to get started online, and I appreciate their helpful emails. I would recommend them to other small business owners looking for a reliable host.

  33. Rob Rice

    Great support. Feel very confident when I have any questions I look forward to speaking to customer support

  34. Ivet Fortun

    I love using Blue host! It’s easy for me to use even with my very limited technical skills. I also appreciate that I can have several tools for my website in just one place. All of these benefits come together at an incredible price. Thank you Bluehost!

  35. Helen Wagner

    Blue Host is very responsive to my questions. Someone at the helpdesk (sorry I can’t remember who) was helpful with my question regarding my web site.

  36. Jay

    Well, to be frank, the most feasible and reliable for Webhosting service I ever had. for me, the support platform is totally awesome and anyone from non-technical to technical person each and every query solved by the support team.

    I also purchased the GoDaddy platform but from my own experience, I will say if u r going for WordPress hosting, then this is THE best!

    love from India and happy new year!

  37. Melissa B

    I have been using Bluehost now for 9 months. I am new to websites and design. After reading many reviews and looking at other hosting sites I decided on Bluehost and I am sure glad I did! Everything has been running well and I am really finding it easy to learn. Support has been excellent ! I recommend Bluehost for all of your Needs.

  38. Rene Altermatt

    I started with BlueHost for my new website and I’m very happy with the Product.
    The Quality is very good and the Support is very helpful!

  39. Shahan

    bluehost is the best website for creating lots of things.

  40. Rene Altermatt

    I chooset Bluehost for start my new Website. Very easy to get startet and a fast process. The Support is realiable. Very good Quality

  41. Chan Hay Man

    I think Bluehost is okay.

    On the upside, the interface is intuitive and easy to use, the 24-hour support is very helpful, the price is unbelievably low, the integration with Wordpress is seamless, the basic mail service is easy to use.

    On the downside, the server has gone down twice (ard 2 hours and ard 15 minutes) during this first month I launched my website, the support does not respond very quickly but gets automatically disconnected if you do not reply within a few minutes, and the speed is just average.

  42. Mostafa Dehkani

    Great service and great support, really recommend blue host.

  43. Pearl

    I use Bluehost to host my personal blog. I have had no issues at all with Bluehost. I use Wordpress, and Bluehost has a great deal with them, so it’s incredibly affordable. I haven’t had to contact their customer service yet, but whenever there is something that I’m not sure how to do, their online tutorials or explanations are always pretty clear. Looking forward to continuing to use Bluehost!

  44. Ana Stefani Parker

    I purchased BlueHost last year when I decided to start my own WordPress business website. BlueHost simplified the process and gave me several helpful tools to help me in setting up my website . I’ve had no technical issues over the past year that I couldn’t resolve within a few minutes. Whenever new websites or bloggers ask me how to set up, I always point them to BlueHost.

    Xo ,

  45. Linda Vu

    Very easy to use and great value for my blog and an overall great platform to use. I would highly recommend!

  46. Hannah Barton

    I’ve been a Bluehost customer since May 2019, and my experience thus far has been great. I’ve had literally zero problems, and love that wordpress is included. It’s been a great hosting service for my blog, and I anticipate that I’ll be a satisfied customer for quite a while.

  47. Rey John Lorca

    Bluehost is my first hosting site and is instrumental in helping me grow my company. It is easy to navigate through its interface. As personal experience, even if I am not an IT expert, I was able to build my website using Bluehost. They offer variety of learning options and the team go beyond a extra mile to support their users. Thus, keeping me stay with Bluehost.

  48. Dee Gott

    I have been with Bluehost for the past year and I have enjoyed my experience. When I have ever had a problem which was not that often, the tech team was right on it and cleared up on the first visit. I have since migrated to WordPress Pro and have finally got things the way that I want them. The team worked overtime, in my opinion, to make everything perfect for me. As with anything, bugs happen and they certainly know how to get rid of them. Thank you, Bluehost for all your efforts!

  49. Nicholas dueck

    I simply have been loving Bluehost for the past year. It makes working with WordPress very seamless and easy. If you’re looking for a very cohesive product I highly recommend the two products. No complaints so far!

  50. Heather Seyhun

    Bluehost has been an easy way to create an online presence!
    Their customer support is excellent, with affordable plans that fit everyone’s budget.
    I am a happy customer!

  51. Shelley Craig

    Bluehost support overall is very good for the cost involved. They helped with a difficult issue when I was launching an author’s website for their first book. Days before the book launch the site had issues because of some server maintenance issues. The Bluehost team worked diligently to find the problem and get us ready for launch. The book launch was a success and the book became a #1 best seller on Amazon.

