
- What Is an Email List?
- Why Is Building an Email List Important?
- Social Media vs. Email Marketing
- What Experts Are Saying About Building an Email List
- What You Need to Start Building an Email List
- Choosing the Best Email Marketing Service
- Growing Your Email List and Getting More Subscribers
- List Building Strategies and Resources
まずは、Constant ContactまたはBrevoのご利用をお勧めします。


少し前までは、MySpace、FriendFeed、Google Buzz、Plurkなど数え切れないほどあった。そのほとんどは、もう死んでしまったか、無関係なものだ。
– ニール・パテル – クレイジー・エッグとQuickSprout
– ジョー・プリッツィ – コンテンツ・マーケティング・インスティテュート創設者
– デレク・ハルパーン – ソーシャル・トリガー創設者
– Syed Balkhi – WPBeginner創設者
- サイトやブログ。
- メールマーケティングサービス。
- 高コンバージョンのオプトインフォーム
- プライベートなメールマガジンは送れません。メールを送信するには、新しいブログ投稿を公開する必要があります。つまり、共有したい情報がまず公開されている必要があります。
- メールメッセージをパーソナライズすることはできません。同じフォーマットで配信され、ブランディングもパーソナライズもされません。
- 購読者を興味、属性、コンテンツタイプで分類することはできません。
- レポートはありません。何人のユーザーがメールを受け取り、何パーセントのユーザーが開封し、何パーセントのユーザーがリンクをクリックしたのかがわかりません。
- 後で有料サービスに移行しようとすると、ユーザーは購読を再確認しなければならない。多くのユーザーはそれを行わず、結局購読者を失うことになります。
- 購読者に大量のプライベートメールを送ることができます。
- 購読者の有効化を確認したり、購読者の行動に基づいて購読者をグループ分けすることができます。
- A/Bスプリットテストを実施し、どのメールの件名、コンテンツ、オファーが購読者に最も効果的かを確認することができます。
- レポートツールを使えば、どの国からの購読者が最も多いかがわかります。タイムゾーンの設定を調整し、適切な時間にメールを送信することができます。
- 最後に、しかし間違いなく最も重要なのは、購読者すべてのメールアドレスを確認できることです。
中小企業には、Constant Contactの利用をお勧めします。ConstantContactは、世界最大級のメールマーケティングサービスだからです。

サイト訪問者の70%以上が、あなたのサイトには戻ってこないことをご存知ですか?Google アナリティクスで、新規訪問者と再訪問者の割合を見てみてください。


マイケル・ハイアット、ニール・パテル、Social Media Examinerのようなインフルエンサーが、自分のサイトでエグジット・インテントを使うのはそのためだ。そのおかげで、Social Media Examinerは7ヶ月で25万人以上の新規購読者を増やすことができた。
中小企業の経営者であるNicolas Gagneは、メールリストを500%増加させるために、Constant Contactと個別オプトインを組み合わせました。これにより、彼はオンラインストアからの収益を3倍にすることができました。
他にもたくさんのケーススタディや OptinMonsterのレビューを読むことができます。
注:OptinMonsterは、WPBeginnerの創設者であるSyed Balkhiが、より速く、より多くのメール購読者を獲得するために始めました。このツールのおかげで、メール登録者数を600%増やすことができました。多くの要望により、私たちはこのツールを公開し、現在、市場で最も推奨されているリードジェネレーションソフトウェアです。

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Dennis Muthomi
Great guide!!
One point I would like to share is the importance of consistently providing value to your email subscribers.
It’s not enough to just collect email addresses:– you need to nurture that relationship by sending regular, high-quality content that educates, entertains, or offers something truly valuable.
I’ve seen the best results when I treat my email list like a community, sharing exclusive tips, or even discounts, that make them feel appreciated and part of something special.
Moinuddin Waheed
I think this is one point that many people fail to realise and complain about the failure in any potential outcome of email list.
List building comes with being consistent and delivering quality emails regularly.
I have great influence on many such email subscription and eagerly wait for Saturdays to get their email delivered.
Ayanda Temitayo
Yes I understand that building an email list is like having your own personal army of engaged readers, ready to devour your content and support your journey. Building email list is one thing, engaging and following up with the list is another thing. But is it still worth it in this age of AI? Do people really still engage in mails compare to before?
WPBeginner Support
Yes people still engage in email lists as long as you have content that interests them
Jiří Vaněk
At first, I had no intention of sending newsletters on my website and collecting email addresses either. However, after reading a few articles here on wpbeginner, I took a different view of the whole situation and involved WPForms and Mailchimp. You changed my mind. And I have already collected several addresses and they are increasing. It’s an interesting way of communicating with people that I haven’t done before and I’m really looking forward to this experience. Thank you for pushing me forward.
Moinuddin Waheed
Seeing a personalised message in your inbox is something that connects to the brands and customers.
No other method has a direct connection with the customers as the email is. So making an email list is a wise decision for growing our business.
And plugins like constant contact make it super easy and simple to build a powerful email list.
Thank you wpbeginner for detailing every aspect of email list.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
Ahmed Omar
email list is a powerful tool to keep visitors updated about all the new events and post on the website.
and to guarantee this you need a powerful mailing service like Constant Contact.
Thank you for the detailed explanation
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome.
I love how your example of an email inbox cluttered with messages from Instagram & Youtube is “opportunities for companies to engage”. LOL no! Those emails go straight to the trash. You know that, right?
WPBeginner Support
That screenshot is only for an example and depending on your content strategy some of the emails from YouTube and Instagram can be helpful.
Adams Green
I must say, this is a very important blog that you’ve managed to publish!
WPBeginner Support
Glad you’ve found our content helpful
Can I earn from an email list even if they don’t click my links
WPBeginner Support
You would want to give your users a reason to click your links and for other ways to monetize your content we would recommend taking a look at our article below:
Is it better to create a series of email drafts first? To have a series of content ready to email out, after visitors join your list? Otherwise, somebody joins the list and never receives an email to engage them.
Should you pre-create 10 or so emails before enrolling with an email marketing service and before doing sign-up forms all over your website?
Just curious as to the ideal task order, when starting out from zero.
WPBeginner Support
That is a personal preference question, to start you only need one email repaired to let users know that they signed up and you can grow from there.
Jerry Whalen
I have been working on a long term project and I am just beginning to check out the transition options. The information you have provided lets me know that actual functionality is on the horizon! Thanks for the boatload of information!
WPBeginner Support
GLad our guide could be helpful
Wenting Xie
So many interesting ideas!
WPBeginner Support
Thank you, glad you like our ideas
I get tons of knowledge from this web site. thanks for the article .its realy useful to beginers like us.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you’ve found our content helpful
Kathy Rowland
Just switched to Constant Contact and very interested in OptinMonster. Thank you for the info here. Kathy
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you’ve found our recommendations helpful
Obarayese Sikiru
I just know the difference between blog subscribers and email list. Does MailChimp service that comes with Woommerce perform email marketing service
WPBeginner Support
WooCommerce has an addon to connect to WooCommerce to help you send emails to your visitors and users.
Zeeva Natasha Zazhinne
Thanks for this excellent article. While I still have a lot of questions, you’ve also given me the links to other articles I’m going to read next–in hopes of having those questions answered too!
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad we could help clear up some confusion and our other articles should help fill in any missing information
Rohit kumar Verma
Thank you for this knowledge.
I have started collecting emails.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our article could be helpful
WPBeginner always has the right and perfect information for their readers. Your write-ups are always very useful.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful piece.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you find our content helpful
Your post really helped me with my list of emails. Keep up the good work.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our post could be helpful
Hi Marc,
I’ve been learning that during email campaigns we should “give, give, give, sell…” and repeat.
So, basically we should give our email subscribers (maybe send educational emails?) 3x’s more than we try to sell something to them.
…be helpful…then offer to help them by selling your service or product to them
Alex Smith
Thanks for all this wonderful information. I write both fiction and nonfiction. I’m wondering if I need to create two lists that people could sign up for. Or should I just have one? The audiences have some overlap but are mostly different. How do I handle this, short of having two websites (which I don’t want to do)–I currently have one author website. Thanks for any advice.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Alex,
You can send different emails to different segments of users in the same list. Depending on your email marketing service, you can create forms allowing users to select their preference.
This is great
WPBeginner Support
Glad you like our article
phyllis cole-dai
Thanks for all this wonderful information. I write both fiction and nonfiction. I’m wondering if I need to create two lists that people could sign up for. Or should I just have one? The audiences have some overlap but are mostly different. How do I handle this, short of having two websites (which I don’t want to do)–I currently have one author website. Thanks for any advice.
WPBeginner Support
You can maintain two different email lists. When creating your sign up forms, you can add two check boxes, allowing users to choose which list they want to sign up for.
Another approach can be by creating user groups in your mailing list software. This will allow you to select which user group you want to send an email through your mailing list.
Thank you very much for sharing this very rich content, it helped me a lot. gratitude.
Valentine Nnanyere
I love this article. You actually helped with with cool tips to go about the email list for my blog, Thanks for sharing
Valentine Nnanyere
Andrew Wilkerson
Although I can see the benefit for some businesses I personally hate email lists, annoying pop ups trying to get you to subscribe etc. etc. It seems every site I visit now has the same annoying crap.
I have been operating my website since 2004, I’ve seen trends come and go. One thing I refuse to do is annoy my customers with ads on my site or annoying newsletter subscriptions. Does anyone agree or is the whole world trying to push their business down our throats for the sake of making as much money as possible. Does anybody care about user experience? If you’re good at what you do then you will be found
Yes, I agree with you in many ways.
Every site i visit wants my email address and other perso info. I often end up giving it, but often i get so annoyed about my privacy being attacked and products being pushed that I close the site in question.
But, now i am trying to create a site that will really improve people’s lives, I really want them to subscribe to posts that could change their lives.
On the one hand, I feel angry to be bulked in with all those sites trying to sell “stuff”. BUT, I think that it’s best to be pushy, otherwise people will not think to leave their email. Then they will forget about us when they most need us. I am not selling anything, i just want to increase online communication between suffers of a specific chronic illness. Whether i obtain sponsorship from medical device companies is not sure.
I want to be honest and integral, cover my costs – if i can (with sponsorship) – and not annoy my current or prospective users. Because if they don’t visit, my site is doomed.
I hope my answer makes sense to you and is meaningful to other.
Jay Rajamanickam
I too hate the pop-ups. It spoil the user experience. If I want to follow the websites, I bookmark them and visit time to time. For the customers or readers who want to get email newsletter, I would add that option in the side bar. Curious readers can add their email in the sider bar without spoiling their reading experience.
tell me about newsletter and email marketing from godaddy ??
Yeah, The Money Is In The List, they say…
OK, I’ve been building a long list of emails.
What do I do with it now?
“How to squeeze the money out of it?” that is a question left unanswered here.
Any advise ?
Hi Marc,
I’ve been learning that during email campaigns we should “give, give, give, sell…” and repeat.
So, basically we should give our email subscribers (maybe send educational emails?) 3x’s more than we try to sell something to them.
…be helpful…then offer to help them by selling your service or product to them.
I came here looking for advice on what information I should collect. Email address, first name, last name make sense, should i ask them for anything else that would be helpful for marketing?
Greg Turnquist
When I set up an email list, I knew I would have both technical geeks as well as SciFi/Fantasy readers, so I created “groups”. When people opt-in to my mailing list, they pick one or the other (or both!) This lets me send emails targeted at each group that is more likely stuff they are interested in reading.
Hey there
Thanks a lot for this article! I am in the process of starting my own music YouTube Channel and would love to begin with building an email list right from the start..
I am not a business selling anything yet but for MailChimp I have to give a business address that will be shown in the newsletters. I dont wanna give away my private address as well but how can I still legally (with the opt-in and everything) collect email address and be able to send newsletters? Would you still recommend MailChimp for strategic purposes or do you have any other ideas?
Thanks a lot!!
WPBeginner Support
Please contact MailChimp support.
Hi, Hope. I am in exactly the same boat. I am starting a new blog and getting subscribers to my website launch page; however, the site does not sell anything and does not have a physical address. Did you figure out a solution for your situation?
Hi Hope,
MailChimp allows you to remove the address (or add a P.O. Box address).
Greg Turnquist
To comply with anti-spam law you HAVE to include an address. Mailchimp enforces that. Now you can plug in a PO Box if you wish to pay for that. It’s exactly the reason my wife and I set one up when she launched her own newsletter as she started building her reader fan list.
Great article… but why is a leading website like yours not mobile friendly. . ?
A really useful article about the value of gathering email subscribers from your blog, and great to have something other than Mail Chimp suggested!
Joseph Dabon
To grow your email list, everybody is talking about giving free gifts as incentive for signing up. But for a beginner like me, where can we find these gifts?
WPBeginner Support
You can use content upgrades as gifts.
Greg Turnquist
The fundamental idea is to give people something that aligns with the type of subscriber you seek. For example, if you wish to have a list of SciFi readers, a free SFF short story, book, or character dossier would be very appetizing to the sort of people you wish to attract. It can’t be something they can get from anywhere (like an Amazon gift card) but instead something genuine that you have created.
This was all helpful, Thanks! I was about to activate the Feedburner plugin on my WP-page, but after reading this, I will not.
I have a blog, where I write about my experiences living abroad, and all I want is a feature, that automatically sends email to the subscribers when I publish a new post.
It’s not my intention to send out newsletters – just the automatic notification about a new post.
That is why I thought Feedburner would be great for me. But would you still recommend me to use Mailchimp or something alike for this?
Thanks in advance – Line
Em Fairley
Feedburner or Jetpack is all you need for that purpose. Aweber or Mailchimp etc are purely for newsletters
Kyler Brown
My wife has been wanting to start a mailing list for sometime now for her bakery business. She just operates from our own home, so it would be nice to have a way to branch out to our customers a bit. This helped us out a lot, and I liked your point about getting more personal with your customers through email. Thanks for sharing this.
Great post! I started using GetResponse lately as Mailchimp wasn’t enough for me. It’s also easy to learn and has cool features!
Linda Throup
Mailchimp could just be what I am looking for with regards to the mailing lists, however it looks quite daunting with all the questions regarding company information, I am just an individual who has a regular job and looking to sell ebooks in the future, can you advise please?
This is extremely helpful, I’m going to start right away. Because I’ve started my fashion blog in August and I still did not know to do the email subscrption and nobdy explain it wel until I read this post.
Thanks a lot!
I’ve recently create a WP blog–newbie and constantly being reminded. I have Jetpack installed. I used their subscribe via email widget. I have it in the footer. The subscribe buttons does not work at all. It’s like it’s not linked to anything, but I feel like I’m missing something.
On jetpack’s support page, they state this feature should be default and ready to go.
What am I missing here? Thanks for any insight. I have at least 2 hours into this.
WPBeginner Support
Please contact JetPack’s support. It seems like your theme’s CSS is conflicting with your subscription form.
Truly inspirational. That is exactly the type of business model I want and am
currently building. Thanks for showing me that dreams can be a reality!
Hi, I want to create a “sign up” button on my wp site where viewers can enter their name and email and then it AUTOMATICALLY adds them to my mailing list. Is there a way of doing that instead of entering each address manually? Could I do something like that through a simple gmail account or would I have to use a more complex program?
I don’t have,I just signed up with mailChip after reading this article,but,if I am able to create the mail list what happens with that of Jetpack ?
WPBeginner Support
Here is how to switch from JetPack subscriptions to MailChimp.
Syed Balkhi
No because the other folks didn’t consent to receive emails from you.
If someone uses my e-mail address in an online mail shot (that they got with my consent) but have contacted me and not blind copied my e-mail in with others – essentially sharing my data with others – am I then able to use these e-mails for my own benefits in a mail shot (whilst ensuring all addresses are blind copied) but also ensuring there is an opt-out option in my e-mail
Raquel Costa Hammer
What about buying lists of emails? Do you know any safe site to buy these type of lists?
WPBeginner Staff
Buying a list of email is never a good idea.
Raquel Costa Hammer
Why? What you would advise on how to creste an email list from a different country?
It shouldn’t be a different way. Put an opt-in form on your blog or website, and people who are interested will sign up.
Don’t buy an email list because people will report you as a spammer. You should always send emails to people who agreed to receive emails from you.
Hi how do you create a subscribe button that offers something for free? That’s what I’m having trouble with…
WPBeginner Staff
This can be done using OptinMonster. Checkout our guide on how to “How to Create a Daily and Weekly Email Newsletter in WordPress. As for categories you will have create RSS to Email campaign and Groups for each individual category.
Samuel King
Awesome post!
I am working on a site and trying out the sidebar widget position to add the optin form. I would like to know how did you create your subscription widget box located on the sidebar? I want something that gives subscribers the option to select just like yours.
Thanks in advance
Great guide, just what I was looking for but it is timing that is my question. I have just got my ecommerce website up and running selling “print on demand” (small run personalised printing) products. Have only a few items for sale so when should I try to create my email list.? Is 15 items in a shop too small so wait until I have say 50? Create a landing page that promises more in the future so sign up now? Not an easy one to find advise on. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
WPBeginner Support
Ian, 15 items are enough to get your visitors curious so it is time to get them to signup or otherwise they will probably never know when you add new items. We have even seen signup forms on websites that are not even launched yet.
CL Langdon
As a total beginner to all of this, there is a serious “learning curve” in just getting to this point. If all I want to do is create a mailing list – why do i have to have a third party mailing service if I use yahoo or gmail? Does this mean that I have to sign up with mailchimp or aweber? I find this all a bit confusing as to why i need to do this at all? and then what happens if in the future, i want to add this feature? right now i have no budget to pay additional fee-services, so it is just not an option. I find navigating all of this extremely confusing as a first time user of WP and setting up a site. Many of the plugins break my site and cause serious problems, so i am very leery on downloading additional plugins. most of them have 4-5 – star ratings but only have a few comments that created that rating. If you could consider taking one (or two) step(s) back and try to explain on a more basic level – i think that would really help beginners. I am finding all of this social media, feedburner, etc to be extremely time consuming and the blog comments i am getting are ALL advertisers, so I have marked them as spam and deleted them without displaying on my site.
I only wanted to to set up a site that displays information and have people come to my site to sign up as interested in what we have to say. If we decided to conduct further activities in the future, we can try that after we get past this “beginner” stage.
thank you in advance for your articles and site, to date, your site has been extremely helpful.
WPBeginner Support
CL Langdon,
We understand how overwhelming and confusing this could be for a new user. But you will soon find out how useful it would be for you in the future. We would recommend you not to cover every thing quickly. Focus on building your site, bringing visitors, posting content. When you are stuck at something, focus on that specific problem and try to solve it using tutorials on our site or else where.
As for email services, well actually there is a limit on how many emails you can send from a free gmail or yahoo account. Sending out mass emails is considered abuse of service by these free email service providers. Your emails will either end up in spam folder of your users, or they will not recieve them at all. It is also possible that your email service can suspend your account for violation of terms of use. This is why you need a third party email service.
Great post. What is best option if I want to add opt-in like jet pack and send emails when there is a new post but also want to build email list. 2 separate forms on the site ??
WPBeginner Support
Yes if you could get users to enter their email addresses to two different lists.