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Quoi, pourquoi et comment faire des rétroliens et des pingbacks dans WordPress ?

Note éditoriale : Nous percevons une commission sur les liens des partenaires sur WPBeginner. Les commissions n'affectent pas les opinions ou les évaluations de nos rédacteurs. En savoir plus sur Processus éditorial.

Voulez-vous en savoir plus sur les rétroliens et les pingbacks dans WordPress ?

À propos des rétroliens et des pingbacks dans WordPress, un compte nous a récemment posé une question. Il s’agit essentiellement de modes de communication entre les blogs WordPress. Ils existent depuis les premiers jours des blogs, mais très peu d’utilisateurs/utilisatrices connaissent ces fonctionnalités.

Dans cet article, nous allons expliquer les rétroliens et les pingbacks dans WordPress. Nous parlerons de leurs différences, de leur fonctionnement et de leur utilisation.

What, Why, and How to's of WordPress Pingbacks and Trackbacks

N’hésitez pas à utiliser les liens rapides ci-dessous pour naviguer entre les différents Sujet de cet article :

Qu’est-ce qu’un rétrolien ?

Un rétrolien dans WordPress est comme un message amical entre deux sites. Lorsqu’un site mentionne ou fait un lien vers une publication sur un autre site, il envoie un rétrolien pour en informer l’autre site. Voici comment cela fonctionne :

  1. Imaginons que vous rédigiez une publication WordPress. Dans votre publication, vous incluez un lien spécial appelé URL de rétrolien vers un autre article sur un site WordPress différent. C’est comme un code secret trouvé dans les informations de la publication liée.
  2. Lorsque vous publiez votre publication, votre site envoie un rétrolien au lien que vous avez inclus. Ce rétrolien contient des informations sur votre publication, comme son titre et un court texte.
  3. L’autre site WordPress reçoit votre rétrolien et vérifie s’il s’agit d’un lien valide et pertinent. Il agit comme une vérification amicale pour voir si votre publication correspond bien à la leur.
  4. Si tout se passe bien, le rétrolien apparaît dans la section des commentaires de la publication liée. L’aspect des commentaires est un peu différent de celui des commentaires ordinaires, puisqu’il affiche généralement le titre de votre publication et un extrait de son contenu.

Qu’est-ce qu’un ping ?

Un pingback dans WordPress est un message automatique qu’un site envoie à un autre lorsqu’il fait un lien vers son contenu. Voici comment fonctionnent les pingbacks dans WordPress :

  1. Vous écrivez une publication avec un lien vers une autre publication sur un site WordPress différent.
  2. Lorsque vous publiez votre publication, votre site WordPress envoie automatiquement un pingback au site vers lequel vous avez créé un lien. Ce pingback comprend des détails sur votre publication, comme son titre et un peu de texte.
  3. L’autre site WordPress reçoit votre pingback et vérifie si le lien est bon et a du sens. Il s’agit d’une vérification amicale pour voir si votre publication correspond bien à la leur.
  4. Si tout semble correct, le pingback s’affiche dans la section des commentaires de la publication commentée sous la forme d’un lien vers votre site.

Les pingbacks fonctionnent également à l’intérieur de votre site. Cela signifie que si vous créez un lien vers l’un de vos propres articles sur le même site, WordPress s’enverra automatiquement un pingback.

C’est ce qu’on appelle le self-ping, et une fois que vous commencerez à bloguer régulièrement, vous trouverez peut-être les pings agaçants. Ne vous inquiétez pas, ils peuvent être facilement inactivés, comme nous l’afficherons ultérieurement dans cet article.

Quelle est la différence entre les rétroliens et les pingbacks ?

Il n’y a pas vraiment de différence entre les pingbacks et les rétroliens. Ils font tous deux la même chose mais adoptent une approche légèrement différente.

La première différence est que les rétroliens sont manuels, alors que les pingbacks sont automatiques puisqu’ils utilisent des technologies de communication différentes.

Deuxièmement, les pingbacks n’envoient pas l’extrait de la publication, contrairement aux rétroliens.

Comment envoyer des rétroliens et des pingbacks dans WordPress

Depuis WordPress 5.0, la possibilité d’envoyer manuellement un rétrolien à d’autres blogs a été retirée de l’écran de l’éditeur/éditrices de blocs. Peu d’utilisateurs/utilisatrices ont recours à cette fonctionnalité, et WordPress a déjà activé les pingbacks automatiques par défaut.

Toutefois, si vous utilisez l’éditeur/éditrices classique, la fonctionnalité est toujours présente. Il vous suffit de modifier une publication dans l’éditeur/éditrices classique et vous trouverez l’option d’envoi de rétroliens sous la zone d’édition.

Send trackbacks in classic editor

Si vous ne trouvez pas la boîte méta des rétroliens dans l’éditeur classique, cliquez sur le bouton « Options de l’écran » dans le coin supérieur droit de l’écran.

Vous devez cocher la case à côté de l’option « Envoyer des rétroliens », et WordPress affichera une boîte d’envoi de rétroliens sous la zone de modification.

Show send trackbacks box

Comment modérer les pingbacks et les rétroliens dans WordPress

D’après notre expérience, 99 % des rétroliens et des pingbacks sont indésirables. C’est le moyen le plus facile pour les spammeurs d’obtenir un lien retour à partir de votre site.

Dans notre cas, nous voyons souvent des pingbacks provenant de « content scrapers » (voleurs de contenu) qui copient l’intégralité de nos articles, mot par mot, y compris tous les liens.

Grâce à ces liens, leur logiciel de blog envoie automatiquement des pingbacks vers nos articles.

Les quelques fois où nous avons trouvé les rétroliens/pingbacks utiles, c’est lorsque des blogueurs légitimes ont créé un lien vers nous. Ils nous ont aidés à trouver une fonctionnalité dans Mashable et NYTimes.

En bref, nous avons trouvé que 99 % des rétroliens et des commentaires sont indésirables. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous les avons entièrement désactivés. Cela ne vaut pas la peine de modérer une tonne d’indésirables.

Il existe d’autres moyens de trouver qui a créé des liens vers vos articles. La plus simple est d’utiliser Google Analytics pour trouver les liens vers votre site.

Cela dit, si vous voulez toujours utiliser les rétroliens et les pingbacks, alors il est bon de les modérer pour éviter les indésirables. Ce que vous devez faire est d’aller dans les Réglages «  Discussion dans la zone d’administration de WordPress.

Ensuite, dans la section « Avant qu’un commentaire n’apparaisse », cochez la case « Le commentaire doit être approuvé manuellement ». Confirmez ainsi que les rétroliens et les pingbacks ne s’afficheront pas automatiquement et qu’ils doivent être vérifiés pour éviter les indésirables.

Comment must be manually approved setting in WordPress

Vous pouvez ensuite vous rendre dans la zone de modération des commentaires de WordPress pour vérifier si des pingbacks et des rétroliens sont en attente.

De là, vous pouvez les approuver, les supprimer ou les marquer comme indésirables.

Moderate pingbacks and trackbacks

Comment désactiver les rétroliens, les pingbacks et les self-pings ?

Si vous en avez assez de recevoir des rétroliens et des pingbacks indésirables, il existe un moyen de les désactiver complètement.

Il vous suffit de vous rendre dans la page Réglages  » Discussion et de décocher l’option  » Permettre les notifications de liens provenant d’autres blogs (pingbacks et rétroliens) « .

Disable incoming trackbacks and pingbacks in WordPress

Si vous décochez cette case, les rétroliens et les pingbacks seront uniquement désactivés pour les futures publications (et non pour les publications existantes).

Pour désactiver les rétroliens sur les publications existantes, vous devez suivre notre tutoriel sur la désactivation des rétroliens et des pingbacks sur les articles WordPress existants.

Si vous en avez assez que votre blog s’auto-pingue, alors vous pouvez simplement installer et activer l’extension Aucun Self Pings. Pour plus de détails, consultez notre guide étape par étape sur l’installation d’une extension WordPress.

Dès qu’elle est activée, l’extension désactive les self-pings sur votre site WordPress.

Nous espérons que cet article vous a aidé à vous familiariser avec les rétroliens et les pingbacks de WordPress. Vous pouvez également consulter notre liste des extensions WordPress incontournables et notre guide sur la façon de rédiger les grandes lignes d’un article de blog.

Si vous avez aimé cet article, veuillez alors vous abonner à notre chaîne YouTube pour obtenir des tutoriels vidéo sur WordPress. Vous pouvez également nous trouver sur Twitter et Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

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  2. Jude Quin says

    I’ve been struggling with trying to understand this for years. I read the explanations over and over but it’s like a « Whos’ on first? » dialog!
    So, if my post includes a link to another article on the web, that site gets the « pingback » notice? then, if they approve it, it appears as a comment under the article that I linked to? and that comment consists of a link to my article?
    the track back is REALLY CONFUSING, the explanation appears to suggest that If I comment on an article on another blog, the track back links that post, with my comment, to one of my posts as a comment with title and excerpt from the other post..? whew! ..if this is correct, how is the track back sent? and how does it know which article I want my comment to link to?

  3. Allen Underwood says

    It’s a little ironic – you must have gotten tired of the WordPress SPAM as well now that you’ve got Disqus! :-) I had installed Disqus on our site CodingBlocks.NET but we were still getting a TON of SPAM which I mistakenly thought was comment SPAM. Turns out it was trackbacks – I was grepping the log files on the server and saw a large number of these trackbacks which led me to your site (in search of an answer). It’s unfortunate that I have to disable this feature because of all the dishonest people out there – one of the fake trackback’s I received was from a DENTIST!! I mean seriously…anyways, thanks for the explanation of trackbacks, pingbacks and how to disable if necessary (which I believe is probably incredibly necessary nowadays).

  4. Allison says

    Is there a way to remove a trackback on another person’s site or do they have to do it? There is a link to my site on another site and I want it deleted.

    Apologies if this posted twice. I refreshed and think it disappeared.

  5. Allison says

    Is there a way to remove a trackback on a site you do not maintain? There is a link to my site on a third party site that I do not want there. Is there a way for me to make it go away or do I need to ask the site it’s on to remove it?

  6. PixieHouse says

    I wonder – If I deactivate track/pingbacks at my site, yes even use a plugin to prevent such, do I still ping other blogs and eventually get a backlink every now and then?

    Or does the deactivation goes both ways?

    • Allen Underwood says

      On that same settings page (Settings -> Discussion) where you can deactivate the trackbacks and pingbacks, there’s another option just above that (in WP 3.9.1) called « Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from this article ». If you leave that checked then your blog will still attempt to send out pingbacks.

  7. Clive Maloney says

    That was really helpful. Thanks. I’ve had a lot of spammy trackbacks and pingbacks but a recent legitimate trackback got me wondering.

  8. Joy says

    If i allow a pingback that is legitimate just to see how it will look on a site, can i change y mind and delete it later?

  9. SPFischer says

    JIRCAS posted a good question but it was never answered. I’m finding that a number of bloggers will post huge lists of links to « other great posts on _____. » The blank, in my case, is to posts made in response to a weekly photo challenge. I will receive a pingback and while their post will be relevant to the challenge, I really see no value in allowing the pingback. Am I correct in this assumption? While I have a number of these being held for moderation, on the various posts in question, the link to my post still appears. If I don’t approve it, does this just mean that the link won’t work or that the link will work, but the pingback won’t appear as a comment on my post? So it turns into a one-way referrer to my post but I’m not reciprocating?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      SPFischer, Does the post linking to your post is really relevant to your blog? You see there are lots of people who run auto-blogging software and RSS aggregators. You don’t need to accept those trackbacks at all. However, blogging is very much like a discussion. You write something thought provoking on your blog and some other blogger builds their original content on your thoughts thats how the discussion moves forward in the blogsphere. So if you want, you can approve those trackbacks. However, we have noticed that the number of genuine trackbacks and pingbacks almost completely disappeared recently.


  10. Sam Hembury says

    Thanks for this, really helped.
    Having already put a good captcha in place I wondered why I was still getting loads of spam on my sites. Will be disabling on all.
    Quick question; what do you use to tackle comment spam? I’ve been using google captcha as seen on

  11. Ron M. says

    Thank you for this. I’m a new blogger and was confused on what they really do. Thanks for the clarification. I kind of had an idea but didn’t know the difference between pingbacks and trackbacks.

    May I ask, whether it is good to allow them or to block them?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you are getting too many spam in trackbacks and pingbacks then block them. If you are getting some legitimate trackbacks from blogs and other sites in your niche then you should keep it.


  12. Peter says

    I have a question if someone can answer for me please…

    I unchecked Allow Link notifications from other blogs, and I also disabled trackbacks and pingbacks on existing wordpress posts…

    …but do I still need to use the plugin called « No Self Pings » if I want to stop self-pinging myself? Or will the 2 actions I performed above ensure that I won;t be self-pinged?

    In Many Thanks,

  13. Sven says

    Simple beginner question. ;-) And no, its not for any kind of spam reason. Is there any way to send trackbacks from wordpress « pages »? Posts have that feature but i need a soluton for pages.

    Regards Sven

  14. Billy P says

    Great article. I unchecked the allow link notification but still seem to be receiving a lot of spammy trackbacks. Are there any plugins you can recommend? We run a lacrosse pinnies site:

    My other question is how do we go about gaining « legit » trackbacks/pingbacks for our site. Thanks for your time. BP

  15. Malik says

    I find that a LOT of people believe that, but it is not true. If you get a pingback, and look to edit it in the edit comments window, you will see that there is in fact an excerpt there. Almost no themes will allow it to display, but it is there just the same.

    My question is this: Why is this such a technical challenge? Why can’t I use, for example, a whitelist of whose trackbacks and pingbacks I will accept, whether that’s based on author name, URL, IP address, having certain permissions/roles on my site, or whatever? Why wouldn’t that work? And if it will work, can you show me how to do it?


    • WPBeginner Support says

      We did mention it in the article that you can moderate pingbacks and trackbacks just like you would moderate comments. If you have comment moderation turned on, then all pingback and trackbacks would appear in the moderation queue. You can then approve or trash these trackbacks.


      • Malik says

        Yea, but if you’re really getting hammered that’s going to take a while and be a hassle. I am looking for an automated solution.

  16. lyn says

    I need help about my wp site.. I was surprise that there is an automatic post into mt site by somebody.. I dont know if it is cause by trackbacks or what.. so many articles automatically posted on my site without my permission I don’t know if it is a virus or what..pls help tnx

  17. leeuniverse says

    Hello…. I’ve had Trackbacks disabled « forever », but I constantly still get trackback notifications.

    Why is this…. Please help, I’m tired of all the spam.

    • leeuniverse says

      Nevermind…. I just answered my own question due to your other post.
      A small last statement in your other post gave me the clue. There were « PRIOR POSTS » that had Trackbacks enabled before I disabled them.

      That was the key. I just went into those posts and disabled trackbacks.

      Thanks for the info. :)

  18. VeeNus says

    Thank you for Tips, now I know. My question is, what about the previous posted comments when I am still enabling these Pings&TrackBacks, How can I delete unnecessary links from blog?

  19. Rama Krishna says

    Thanks. Explained Clearly And Found What I Came For.. Instead Of Disabling We Need To Mark Spam Trackbacks And PingBacks As Same…

  20. Anno Digital says

    Great article, even the off topic stuff (I’ll setup an avatar shortly).

    I think for small or start-up blogs it’s a good idea to leave ping/trackback enabled and sort through the SPAM. I know it uses up time but each good link back to your site is so important in the early days and needs to be followed up as it could be a great source of traffic, or an opportunity for guest blogging etc.

    Once the SPAM becomes unmanageable a filtering service could be used but eventually the SPAM will win and I agree that ping/trackbacks will need to be disabled.

  21. Kay Fudala says


    Very useful information! I didn’t exactly know how to take care of this problem. I am glad I found


  22. Graham Wiffen says

    I have unchecked this box, but the pingbacks are still going on! How can I stop them without using a plugin? Any other ideas please?

  23. Katie says

    So are trackbacks we let through then « follow » links? Is there any way to set them as « nofollow » links?

  24. Mathew says

    Please Help: I have received many backlinks, but I very rarely ever see it as a ping back. I have ping back turned on in the settings. What could be my problem? I’m worried that if I don’t accept them then Google will not see it as a backlink. Is this true? When I internal link to another article it registers as a trackback not a ping back and it only links to the first link. For example if I have 5 recommend posts it will give a trackback ot the first one only. I’m worried my system is a mess and not working properly.

  25. Marco says

    Hey, I just wanted to go a bit off topic and talk about this as a user.

    From a user point of view, ping-backs and trackbacks in the comment section of a blog are very confusing, especially if you don’t know what they are for. When you do know what they are for, it comes over as a hacked way of adding functionality to a site, the comment section is meant for comments about the content and not for relevant links after all ;)

    So if you feel like you should implement them, I would suggest to do it smart and add a special section on your page for them, or add them as a footnote in your post.
    Just my 2 cents.

  26. Jan says

    Let me understand…Does disabling trackbacks prevent anyone from linking your post to their blog? There’s another blogger that keeps pulling my posts, and I don’t want to be associated with their blog (we’re worlds apart on subject matter and they are clearly doing it to pull traffic to them). I have disabled trackback/pingbacks now. Thanks. I just need to stop this person.

    • Editorial Staff says

      No it doesn’t stop them from linking to your posts. It just removes the ability for them to have a chance of getting some publicity from your site if your theme displays trackbacks.


  27. bogdan says


    Lets asume that my site A links to site B, site B approves the trackback and its shown on the blog post.
    If i remove the link from site A what will happen with the trackback from site B?Will it remain or will be automaticaly deleted?
    Thank you in advance.

  28. Jennifer says

    Great article! Thank you so much for posting.

    One question: I have a couple of sites and have turned off the pingbacks and tracksbacks. But I understand WordPress uses (and owns) Ping-o-matic. Can I assume that turning them off means Ping-o-matic does nothing for me then?

    Is there something else I should be doing to make sure these web-site posts « get out there »?

    Thanks again!

    • Editorial Staff says

      Notice in the screenshot in the post, you are only unchecking the box that allows trackbacks / pingbacks on your site. You are not turning off the ability to send pingbacks.


  29. anony says

    I have an unrelated question.

    I notice that people have personal « avatars » and photos displayed with their comments on this page. Since I am looking into which commenting system is the best (for my purposes) I’d like to know where your « log in » options are?

    For instance, can I comment on this website through my Twitter account? Or can I create an account with you and add my own avatar? If so, how?

    Thanks again!

  30. anony says

    Thank you for explaining, although I still have no idea how I’d go about « manually » sending a trackback? I assume I’d send them via the software I use to run my blog? I’ve never set up a blog or website before so I wouldn’t know.

    Thanks again for the pointers!

  31. Nihar says

    Thanks for this information.

    Is self ping good or bad ? Some time bad read that it is bad. Could you throw some light ?

  32. Lisa says

    Hi, thanks for the information. I’m wondering if a WordPress blog sends a pingback if you use nofollow in that link? For example, say I do a round-up of recipes and link to my other friends’ WordPress blogs but add the nofollow tag to those links, will it still send a pingback to that blog to notify them of the content I wrote about them?

    I’m having a few, what I think is, cron problems. Scheduled posts have never worked and neither do automatic backups. I’m pretty sure that my blog isn’t sending any pingbacks/trackbacks too but I can receive them from others.

    Is there a way to test pick backs/trackbacks without writing a test post and bombarding my readers with an out of the ordinary test post? Or any other way to test and/or fix the issue?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Editorial Staff says

      From as far as we know, it does send pingbacks even if it is a nofollow link. To test if your site is sending pingbacks, simply link to one of your older posts. Then see if your site sends a pingback to your own site. If it does, then it is working fine.

      As for trackbacks, you have to manually send those.


  33. Rhys says

    Cheers, guys. All makes perfect sense once you understand it, but until then I was wondering why my site was throwing up trackbacks to everything I’d crosslinked internally.

  34. Jensha says

    Thanks this post about pings and track backs really helped me.

    I have one question thought if it’s okay?

    If we uncheck the box that allows trackbacks, how about those other bloggers that are really making a good comment. If they include their website as a back link, I think they deserve it?

    Is there no way for us to allow that once we un check the box?

    Please advise.

  35. Rob says

    Thanks for that, after years of using WP I’ve finally decided to find out what pingbacks and trackbacks are . . . and have now promptly disabled them!

  36. Justin says

    Can you please help me with trackbacks. I tried it on my own site and hours later it finally showed up in my comment mod area, but it isn’t showing up on the actual page. Please help…

  37. salman baig says

    Can you tell us that if we allow ping backs or trackbacks, it effects on our SEO or not? or if we don’t allow then?
    Is there is any benefit of it or any thing dangerous with them?

      • Luke Sousa says

        hey guy, I had the same question in mind as this guy…Kinda. What if the track back we’ve been notified of is self promotional, like a backlink we created ourselves on a web 2.0 site or something of that nature. If I disable the trackback simply because I don’t want it to show up on my site does that mean I lose credit for the link?

        • Editorial Staff says

          If you add a link of your site A to site B, then site B will send a trackback to your site A. The goal probably was to build link juice for Site A which is not affected at all by disabling trackbacks. However Site B will not get any juice because you do not accept trackbacks.

          Think of trackbacks as Response Videos on Youtube (almost like a longer comment of your post that has other aspects to it).

  38. Linda@recette facile et rapide says

    Finally! I looked and looked over again to find something about trackbacks and pingbacks on the web, but nothing as clear and simple as in your post. I now understand what they are and what to do with them. Will this info be integrated in the Help section of WPress? That would be great. Thanks again.

  39. Melodie Licht says

    Thank you so much for this article – I don’t know when it was written, but it really doesn’t matter – I learned about trackbacks & pingbacks – something I didn’t quite understand previously. Your post made it so clear and understandable, I won’t be leaving this unchecked in the future. Thanks again for the clarity your post provides! :)

  40. T. J. says

    While boasting of « over 80,000 WordPress Users » on this website. There are websites, with quality content, attempting to gain mass audience but instead are hindered because many websites do not allow trackbacks/pingbacks and overuse « no-follow ».

    Established websites, boasting « over 80,000 WordPress Users », do not have that problem once established because they most likely used trackbacks/pingbacks in the past and once established: they dis-continue use and shut the door to smaller, legitimate, websites.

    • Editorial Staff says

      Since the very beginning of this website, we did not use trackbacks or pingbacks. In the early days, we didn’t disable them, but we had them removed from the theme. So even if you send a trackback to our site, it would never be visible on the site publicly. As the site grew, we saw an increase in SPAM which led to us turning it off entirely.

      This is not a disservice that established sites are doing. Rather it is a disservice that spammers are doing by abusing a nice feature. Same thing happens on Youtube. On our account, we have so many spammy « response videos ». Because of that, we don’t accept any response video. It comes down to how much you value your time. If you are willing to sort through thousands of spammy trackbacks to find one good one, then more power to you.


  41. Holly says

    So I’ve had that box unchecked for some time now, and yet I still receive an immense amount of spam trackbacks. Any thoughts?

  42. Lou Rodriguez says

    Just the info I needed! Just started my new blog and woke up to 49 comments (ping backs) waiting for approval in my email inbox along with 102 that were caught as spam. Better to learn this lesson NOW! Thanks :)

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