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Como corrigir texto branco e botões ausentes no editor visual do WordPress

Recentemente, um de nossos usuários relatou um problema muito estranho com sua instalação. Ao escrever uma postagem, ele não conseguia ver nada do que estava escrevendo. Porque o texto do editor de postagens estava branco. Mais importante ainda, todos os botões do editor visual estavam faltando e a capacidade de alternar de Visual para HTML não estava funcionando. Neste artigo, mostraremos a você como corrigir o problema do texto branco e dos botões ausentes no editor visual do WordPress.

Observação para iniciantes: Se você está procurando botões ocultos que pode ver em capturas de tela de outros sites, provavelmente está procurando a pia da cozinha. É preciso clicar no ícone da pia para ver essas outras opções, como Sublinhar, copiar do Word etc.

Kitchen Sink

Alguns sites também usam o plug-in TinyMCE Advanced para adicionar vários outros botões que não estão lá por padrão.

Para os demais que realmente estão tendo problemas com botões ausentes ou texto branco no editor visual, continue com este tutorial.

Limpar o cache do navegador

Em nossa pesquisa, encontramos usuários sugerindo que a limpeza do cache do navegador funcionou para eles. A primeira coisa que você deve tentar fazer é limpar o cache do navegador ou usar outro navegador. É bem possível que isso seja um problema em seu computador.

Se isso não resolver o problema, talvez o problema esteja na instalação?

Substituição de scripts do TinyMCE

Talvez esse problema tenha ocorrido após a atualização? Bem, não é provável, mas talvez algo tenha dado errado no processo de atualização. Tente substituir a pasta /wp-includes/js/tinymce/ por uma nova cópia.

Corrigir com wp-config

Se nenhum dos truques acima funcionou para você, abra o arquivo wp-config.php e adicione a seguinte linha na parte superior, após a tag de abertura php.

define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);

Esse truque corrigiu o problema do usuário que relatou esse problema. Esperamos que uma das soluções listadas neste artigo corrija seu problema de texto branco e botões ausentes no editor visual do WordPress. Se você encontrou outra solução que funcionou para você, compartilhe-a nos comentários.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

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  2. Raj says

    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);

    not working for me

    When i am trying to update any post it is showing this error

    This page isn’t working didn’t send any data.

    Please help me i am waiting for your response.

  3. Vishal says

    Hi I Need Some Urgent Help Regarding My WordPress Post Editing . When I published Post and after that i come again in editor. the post heading and photo not show in post editor menu but photo and heading show in published post .Please Tell Me How I Can Solve This Problem.I want To Edit Photo But I can’t Remove Because In Post Editor Photo Not Show. Photo & Heading Show Only Published Post.

  4. Kevlin Brown says

    Nothing worked since I upgraded to the latest WordPress! Visual Editor Button shows but not responding when clicked.
    Disabling all plugins, Not change;

    Including the define ( ‘CONCATENATE_SCrIPTS’, false ); No change

    Change themes to WordPress default, nothing

    I am tired.

  5. Haran says

    I used the plain HTML option in GetResponse to create a simple form containing email field and signup command button. GetResponse preview form is good. Next I pasted the code in my V4.8 text editor. Noticed there is are a 4-5 lines gap between the fields and the command button in the visual editor. Tried deleting the spaces in WordPress page using the visual editor but somehow the HTML code got deleted too. Would appreciate if anyone could inform me how to delete the spaces between the email field and form command button

  6. Tripti says

    I am not able to access the HTML Text Editor. I can see the button but if I press it, nothing happens. The Visual Editor is visible but is completely blank and in some pages has just some random text in it.
    I tried all of the solutions listed here but nothing has helped. If anybody could help me? Please?

  7. Matt Clark says

    SOLVED! This solution worked for me.

    Adding… define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); to your wp-config.php file just below the…. define(‘DB_HOST’ line.

    You have to do so by accessing your FTP (or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel). You can edit the file with a plain text editor or TextWrangler!

    All the best,

  8. Sushmita says

    I have tried everything listed up there and I am still getting tinymce error on console and editor not working.
    Can anyone help??

  9. Marek says

    I’m facing similar issue. After the latest update (Version 58.0.3029.81 (64-bit), it appears that WordPress image edit button is missing when editing a post in chrome. I know that it’s NOT a WP issue because it works fine in Firefox. See attached screenshot. Does anyone know how to fix it?

  10. Jack Walrad says

    Having a weird version of this issue. If I log in to my wordpress editor (on godaddy server) from my office machine I have no problem with Visual Editor. However, logging in from home PC the Editor does not appear. Same logon details, same acct, just different machines (both using same version of Chrome). Would love to solve this.

  11. Jack Walrad says

    I have a very challenging version of this problem. If I log in to my wordpress site (hosted by godaddy) from my office I have no problem with Visual Editor. However, when I log in from home, using exact same acct, same username/PW, Visual Editor exhibits the problems spoken to here: no text, no editor toolbars and no ability to switch from Visual to Text. I haven’t a clue. Any advice on this would be very appreciated.

  12. Sami says

    Thank you for such a helpful and wonderful blog!

    This might sound like a silly question but where is the “wp-config.php” located? I expected to find that file under “Appearances”–>”Editor” where other .php files are but I cannot find this one. Am I missing something? Thank you for your help!

  13. Steven says

    What kind of social sharing buttons are you guys using for your site?

    Those are exactly what I am looking for!!


  14. Kaan Karadeniz says

    Hello there, I faced with the same problem with my two installation. I switched different themes but it didn’t work… Lastly I found AdBlock blocking something and checked it, let AdBlock ignore my sites and it worked fine.

    If you use AdBlock, check it first before you implement something or making any change. I highly suggest this.

  15. Syed Muntazir Mehdi says

    Hello Guys ,
    i am facing problem when i click on page edit option then “Use Fusion Builder “Button is not working and i am unable to edit my page :(
    Any Solution of this problem ???
    Thanks in Advance

    • Mark says

      This question does not pertain to this particular thread, you might try searching fusion builder and unable to edit page. This is a different problem. Are others still experiencing?

  16. Michael Bach says


    Thank you for the help. To all those that had no luck like myself I found that if you use cloudflare your servers firewall may block some of their IP’s deniying you access. If you go to development mode and inspect the element and get a 522 error then go to cloudflare, copy their IP ranges and whitelist them on your server. This worked for me!

  17. Eleina says

    Just wanted to say thank you; I added the code you suggested to the WP-Config file and it solved my problem – after a lot of searching, thanks so much!!!

  18. Daniel S says

    I replaced TinyMCE and it didn’t help. Then finally I edited wp-config.php and added

    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);

    as suggested and it did the trick! It works fine just as before! Thanks a lot for the tip!

  19. Ghio Coste says

    if does not work the above – define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); – you should look if some other malicious code in your website and if you use any cachein program disable and clear the cache.

    kindest regards to all.

  20. Chris Alphen says

    I tried this solution as well as many others suggested elsewhere. My problem is not the white on white but the fact that visual editor is blank even though there is plenty of content. Editor opens in text where content is visible but when I toggle to visual it’s blank. Then text is also blank when toggling back and then another toggle removes the compose window entirely.
    After the upgrade to 4.6.1 I started to see minor indications of this problem but a refresh usually allowed me to continue. Upgrade to 4.7 made the problem worse so i reverted back to 4.6 but still in limbo.
    I’d appreciate any suggestions


  21. OctoFreddy says

    thank !
    same probleme and with update wp-config with ( ‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);

    What are the consequences for the future updates, is this DIY?

  22. Theron Rawls says

    Having this same issue but it’s only when someone using another user role other than administrator attempts to post to a post. I attempted all of the above with no luck.

    Any other ideas?

  23. Mark says

    Ok – this is very frustrating!

    Thank you by the way! I have applied the define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); to several sites and had it work, then, I have on another two sites and it does not!! I cant edit any pages or do anything in the back-end of these sites!

    What is the cause of this has anyone determined it? and the permanent fix?

    Thank you!

  24. Steve says

    If none of the above works for you, here’s another couple of things to try:

    Log into PHPMyAdmin, click on your database’s ‘wp_options’ table and look for the record called ‘can_compress_scripts’. If this has a value of “1” for the ‘option_value’, change it to ‘0’ then save the change. (If you can’t locate this record in your table, it’s possible that it doesn’t exist, in which case you’ll need to create it.) Now try logging into WordPress and see if you can create a new page or post.

    If not, the other thing that sometimes does the trick – and this is mainly for those who have a relatively new install – is going into FTP and just plain wiping everything and re-uploading a fresh WordPress install. Stick your details in wp-config.php as normal but leave the database as it is. Try logging into the dashboard and creating a new page or post. Within a few seconds, the toolbar and black text should hopefully reappear. You could then try adding things one by one – your previous theme folder, your plugins, and so on.

  25. Ajmal Shah says

    Guys i have the same problem with my WP and i tried all the above solutions but really not anyone worked for me???? PLZ HELP me
    Will be appreciated…!

  26. Nicolas DEPOILLY says


    I updated my wordpress to last 4.6.1, and it wasnt working also on previous versions.
    Browser cache is cleared, wp-includes/js/tinymce removed and reinserted from scratch 4.6.1 wordpress, plugin tinyMce updated to last version ( as well all removed and reinserted from scratch to version 4.4.1).
    I have in my config file :
    file : wp-config.php


    define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false );

    I just tried all solutions above, none of them worked, any idea?


  27. KP says

    Thank you! ~ from another one for whom it took the “define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);” addition to work.

    It went white-on-white midway during some set-up editing, possibly with some plugin updates.

  28. Dave Newman says

    I just tried all of these things with no success. Then I deleted my .htaccess file at the site’s root and it came back. It’s been missing for months!

  29. Neal Ghoshal says

    Thank you for the post – much appreciated …


    define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false);

    to my wp-config file finally did the trick. After 4 hours of struggling with the issue … but glad to find a solution!

    have a great day

  30. Dennis Brown says

    Sorry I don’t understand you instructions above… define(‘CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS’, false); How do i find the location to post this please?

    • Carolina Llanos says

      Open your config.php file in the root folder of your site and add this line after “<?php"
      ADD THIS: define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);

      Save and upload again. It worked for me ;)

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