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Cómo instalar y configurar W3 Total Cache para principiantes

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¿Desea instalar y establecer W3 Total Cache en su sitio web WordPress?

W3 Total Cache es un popular plugin de caché para WordPress que te ayuda a mejorar la velocidad y el rendimiento de tu sitio web. Los plugins de caché pueden ayudar a retener a los usuarios y reducir las tasas de rebote, lo que puede ayudar al SEO y aumentar las conversiones.

En esta guía para principiantes, le mostraremos cómo instalar y establecer fácilmente W3 Total Cache en su sitio web de WordPress.

W3 Total Cache installation and setup guide for WordPress beginners

Nota del Editor: Ya no usamos W3 Total Cache en nuestro sitio web y hemos cambiado a WP Rocket que es un plugin de caché premium. W3 Total Cache sigue siendo una buena solución que funciona bien.

¿Qué es W3 Total Cache?

W3 Total Cache es uno de los mejores plugins de caché de WordPress que le permite mejorar fácilmente el rendimiento y la velocidad de WordPress.

Por defecto, WordPress utiliza PHP para generar dinámicamente cada página de su sitio web cuando es solicitada por un usuario.

PHP es un idioma de programación del lado del servidor. Esto significa que cada petición de un usuario aumenta la carga de su servidor. Esto afecta al rendimiento de su sitio web, a la experiencia del usuario y al SEO.

Los plugins de caché de WordPress le ayudan a reducir este problema omitiendo PHP y sirviendo una copia en caché de su página web.

How caching works

También le permite conectar fácilmente su sitio web a una CDN (red de distribución de contenidos) para mejorar aún más el rendimiento de su sitio web.

Instalación de W3 Total Cache en WordPress

Antes de instalar el plugin W3 Total Cache en WordPress, deberá asegurarse de desactivar cualquier otro plugin de caché de su sitio web. Esto te ayudará a guardar o ahorrar recursos del servidor y evitar conflictos entre plugins.

Una vez hecho esto, puede instalar y activar el plugin W3 Total Cache. Para más detalles, consulta nuestra guía paso a paso sobre cómo instalar un plugin de WordPress.

Una vez activado, W3 Total Cache añadirá un nuevo elemento / artículo de menú llamado Rendimiento a la barra lateral del administrador de WordPress. Al hacer clic en él, se iniciará el asistente de configuración del plugin.

W3 Total Cache set up

Basta con hacer clic en el botón Siguiente para continuar.

En primer lugar, se le pedirá que active la caché de página. Haga clic en el botón Probar caché de página para continuar.

Configure page cache

W3 Total Cache le mostrará diferentes opciones de motor de almacenamiento. Debe elegir la que le ahorre más tiempo. Normalmente, será la opción ‘Disk: Mejorado’ en la mayoría de las plataformas de alojamiento compartido.

Haga clic en el botón Siguiente para continuar.

Ahora, se le dará la opción de Probar Caché de Base de Datos. Le recomendamos que elija Ninguno. Para la mayoría de los sitios web pequeños y medianos, su servidor MySQL podrá obtener los datos más rápidamente que la caché de base de datos.

Database cache

Haga clic en el botón Siguiente para pasar al paso siguiente.

Esto le llevará a la sección Caché de objetos. La caché de objetos permite a W3 Total Cache almacenar consultas de base de datos para páginas dinámicas y reutilizarlas para mejorar el rendimiento.

Object cache in W3 Total Cache

Si el resultado de la prueba muestra apenas unos milisegundos de diferencia, puede elegir Ninguno.

Haga clic en el botón siguiente para continuar.

A continuación, haga clic en el botón Probar caché del navegador y seleccione la opción “Activado” en los resultados de la prueba.

Browser cache

Esta opción solicita al navegador / explorador del usuario que almacene una copia de la página web durante un tiempo limitado. Cargar una página desde la caché de un navegador es mucho más rápido que cargarla desde la caché de su servidor web.

Haga clic en el botón siguiente para pasar al paso siguiente.

Por último, el asistente de configuración le pedirá que active la carga diferida para las imágenes.

Actualmente, WordPress incorpora la función de carga diferida de imágenes. Sin embargo, algunos navegadores antiguos pueden no ser compatibles con esta característica.

W3 Total Cache utiliza JavaScript para añadir carga diferida a las imágenes, lo que puede resultar aún más rápido y eficaz.

Enable Lazy Loading

A continuación, haga clic en el botón Siguiente para finalizar el asistente de configuración y ver el Escritorio de W3 Total Cache.

Opciones avanzadas de caché en W3 Total Cache

Los ajustes básicos sirven para la mayoría de los sitios web. Sin embargo, hay muchas opciones avanzadas que puede configurar para mejorar aún más el rendimiento.

Veamos las más importantes.

Minimizar JavaScript y CSS en W3 Total Cache

El término “minimizar” se utiliza para describir un método que reduce el tamaño de los archivos de su sitio web. Para ello, quita espacios en blanco, líneas y caracteres innecesarios del código fuente.

Nota: Minimizar los archivos JS y CSS puede potencialmente romper su sitio web. Si la activa y su sitio web no se ve bien, simplemente desactive estas opciones.

W3 Total Cache también permite minimizar fácilmente el código fuente JavaScript, CSS y HTML. Sin embargo, recomendamos minimizar solo los archivos JavaScript y CSS.

Simplemente diríjase a la página Rendimiento ” Minimizar y desplácese hasta la sección JS.

Enable JS minify in W3 Total Cache

Marque la casilla siguiente a ‘JS minify settings’ para activarlo.

Ahora, desplácese hasta la sección CSS y active los ajustes de minimizar CSS de la misma manera.

Enable CSS minify

No olvides hacer clic en el botón Guardar todos los ajustes para guardar tus ajustes.

Para métodos alternativos, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo minimizar archivos JavaScript y CSS en WordPress.

Activar soporte CDN en W3 Total Cache

Las CDN o redes de distribución de contenidos le ayudan a mejorar aún más el rendimiento de su sitio web sirviendo archivos estáticos como imágenes, CSS y JavaScript desde una red global de servidores.

Esto reduce la carga de su servidor de alojamiento de WordPress y mejora la velocidad de carga de la página.

W3 Total Cache es compatible con / da soporte a varias plataformas CDN.

Recomendamos usar Bunny. net que es la mejor solución CDN del mercado. Esto es lo que usamos para nuestro sitio web OptinMonster.

En primer lugar, debe registrarse para obtener una cuenta en Después de registrarse, debe crear una Pull Zone para su sitio web.

Bunny CDN dashboard

Una zona pull añade un hostname a CDN. Este hostname se utiliza para servir archivos estáticos para su sitio web.

Añada un nombre para su zona de extracción y, a continuación, indique el nombre de dominio de su sitio web.

Create pullzone

Después de añadir la pullzone, tienes que visitar la página Rendimiento ” Ajustes generales.

A continuación, desplácese hasta la sección CDN.

Enable CDN

Marque la casilla Activar situada junto a la opción CDN y elija Espejo genérico junto a la opción Tipo de CDN.

No olvides hacer clic en el botón Guardar todos los cambios para establecer los ajustes.

A continuación, visite la página Rendimiento ” CDN y desplácese hasta la sección Configuración: Objetos.

Add CDN hostname

Desde aquí, tienes que añadir el hostname que creaste anteriormente para tu pullzone y hacer clic en el botón de test mirror.

W3 Total Cache comprobará la disponibilidad de su hostname y mostrará el mensaje Test Passed cuando sea correcto.

Ahora puede hacer clic en el botón Guardar todos los cambios para establecer los ajustes.

W3 Total Cache empezará a servir sus recursos estáticos desde el servidor CDN.

W3 Total Cache también funciona bien con Cloudflare CDN gratuito. Alternativamente, también puedes usarlo con Sucuri, que es el mejor servicio de cortafuegos de sitios web con servicio de CDN integrado.

Diagnosticar problemas con W3 Total Cache

Una vez que haya configurado W3 Total Cache correctamente, debería funcionar sin problemas en segundo plano para mejorar la velocidad de WordPress y aumentar el rendimiento.

Ocasionalmente, puede encontrarse con problemas por los que no vea inmediatamente los cambios realizados en su sitio web, o puede que un plugin no funcione correctamente.

La razón más común de estos problemas es que probablemente esté viendo una versión antigua en caché de su sitio web.

Esto se puede corregir fácilmente vaciando la caché en WordPress.

Simplemente haga clic en el menú Rendimiento en la parte superior y luego seleccione la opción Purgar todas las cachés. W3 Total Cache vaciará todo el contenido almacenado en caché de su sitio web.

Clear all cache in W3 Total Cache

Si sigues viendo la versión antigua de tu sitio web, intenta vaciar también la caché de tu navegador.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a establecer y configurar W3 Total Cache en WordPress. Puede que también quieras ver nuestra guía completa de seguridad de WordPress para principiantes para reforzar la seguridad de tu sitio web, o nuestras selecciones de expertos de los mejores servicios de alojamiento de WordPress para acelerar aún más tu sitio web.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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163 comentariosDeja una respuesta

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Manolis says

    how i can restore my settings to default? how i can restore the redirect of to my default domain name???

  3. WPBeginner Staff says

    You can add your shopping cart page as an exception in w3 total cache. Under Performance > Page Cache scroll down to advanced section where you will find the option ‘Never cache the following pages’. For example, if your eCommerce plugin uses a page cart for checkout, then simply enter “cart/” to exclude that page or “cart/*” to exclude that page and all sub-pages. (Without the quotes, of course.)

  4. Marou Wing says

    Hi Guys, thank you for the awesome article, it made my site much faster than before! However I have encountered with a little issue. My site has webshop and the checkout page (due to the Credit Card payment option) has https (I have my own SSL hosted by RapidSSL). So the checkout page (I assume because of the SSL is totally messed up when the W3TotalCache is enabled, no formats, no pictures, no colours only text…) How can I fix this issue, do you have any recommendation? Thank you, Marou

  5. WPBeginner Staff says

    We haven’t noticed any significant conflicts on any of our websites where we use it. Even then, if you come across a conflict then notify the plugin author by using the support tab on the plugin’s page.

  6. adeem jan says

    Thanks for writing this tutorial on how to setup and decrease a blog load time using W3 total cache.

    I use this same plugin on one of my blogs, the resulting speed of the blog is awesome.

    Although, i have seen many people complain about this plugin that it sometimes conflict with other wordpress plugins.

    I don’t know if you have experienced this in person?

  7. Roger Phillips says

    Hi thanks for the video I enjoyed it, I’ve used w3 total cache for over 5 years on all four of my personal sites and I honestly have to say I’ve alway had better luck 90% of the time using it right out of the box, less likely to break other function that way. Kind of the risk vrs rewards factor and that normally persuades me to just use it out of the box. After watching this video and decided to give the settings you requested a try, You helped me out quite a bit. My site went up in speed from 82% to 97% page speed, and yslow score went from 72% to 93%, thanks for the setting can’t wait to try them on my other sites!

  8. Arif Ahmed says

    I used W3 cache through my developer. My site was acting weirdly, it does not load properly on first instance and when I refresh the page it is loaded properly. This happens with every page. When I told my developer, he told me that it because my internet speed is slow and the page is not able to serve from cache. So why is this happening ? Any clue

  9. Rachael says

    Like the previous person Ss, I am new to WP and I followed this plugin tutorial video (aside from the minify, CDN stuff). I got the same message at the top of my pages in wp admin: “The setting change(s) made either invalidate the cached data or modify the behavior of the site. now to provide a consistent user experience. ” Why did this happen and Should I dismiss it or click on the empty cache button? Help, Please!

  10. imssarl says

    I installed that way, but my site design is all messed. I have my blog installed on a subdomain: ; what should I set for the cdn?

  11. Salud Casera says

    I followed the instructions for beginners and all it tooks was three clicks to set it all up (if you are not using CDN). It would be good to have a more advanced version of this post.

    Edit : After testing for speed, it only made my website slower.

  12. bemed says

    I mean I installed W3 Total Cache on the Network Admin but it does not show on the website that I want it to be active.
    Does it handles multi-site installations or it only works individually?

  13. Chad Rogez says

    That was just what I needed. Made the setup much easier and the details allowed me to understand what the purpose of each function was. Thanks for the details!

  14. Kristine says

    Hi, thank you for the tips! I read on some blog, they check all the setting (minify, database cache, etc) without explain what the function does..

    Just setup my w3 today :)

  15. Ashutosh Bhardwaj says

    Hi, This was a great step guid, well i was searching something like disabling w3tc adding query string to my images inserted in post. Actually it breaks the lightbox effect. There seems to be not an option on panel
    Anyway Gud Post

  16. Ss says

    Thanks for this tut, I’m pretty new to wp and all this helps a great deal! I installed and activated this plugin as per your post (aside for the CDN part). However the following message appears at the top of all pages in wp admin: “The setting change(s) made either invalidate the cached data or modify the behavior of the site. now to provide a consistent user experience. ”
    Should I dismiss this or click on the empty page cache button?

  17. Craig says

    Very helpful post! Been using W3TC for quite awhile, but configuring a CDN can be a little tricky. This guide made it a breeze. Thank you! :)

  18. Fauzul says

    Luckily found this short tutorial, my blog page load increased severely after setting up the caches. Now I know better what to turn on and what cache to leave disabled. On shared hosting, in my opinion it’s only good to turn on page cache and browser cache.

    Now going to try it with a CDN. Hopefully things can improve further.

  19. Susan says


    I using a wp multi site install and Cloudflare but I just cannot find any instructions on how to configure W3.

    When activated network wide there is nowhere to add individual distributions for each sub domain.

    Or else I’m missing something!

    Any help is much appreciated


  20. Sharon says

    Awesome article! Just what I was looking for – my site is on Hostgator and I’d love to use both W3 Total Cache and Max CDN. Perfect.

    BUT I got lost at the point of creating subdomains. I just don’t understand what that means or how to create one. Just make one up? Find one somewhere on my site. Very confused.

    My site is slow – it gets a C at best on GTMetrixs, and I’m preparing to do a big campaign. I need help.

    Do ya’ll offer support services? I saw that you do free blog set ups. Would accept payment to help set these up for me?


  21. Zubair says

    Hi ! its a nice plugin . but i installed WP Fastest cache instead , so now i am facing a little problem with this . i have used contact form 7 with really simple captcha but after installing the WP Fastest Cache the captcha image is broken in the website. so how to get rid of this or if i install w3tc will i overcome this problem.



    • Ashutosh Bhardwaj says

      That might be the reason, because in order to make everything cachable, ur plugin might have added a query string as suffix to image name, and it broke.
      Ask plugin support, they will help for sure

  22. Philip Verghese Ariel says

    Hi Admin & Syed Balkhi.
    What a pleasant land here.
    I am really in search of such a page
    since I am new to this platform called WP :-)
    Recently i created (migrated) my blogger page here with the help of one of my blogger friends. Now I am here via Arun’s page here at WP, and found this place is a good place for a WP beginner like me :-) I think this looks like a bit advanced page to me, so i am going
    to your Archives WPBEGINNER ARCHIVES” to find some basic lessons :-)
    Anyways I will be here to look and study around :-)
    Thanks a lot for all your efforts to put these lessons in a systematic way.
    I am bookmarking this page.
    Have a wonderful time.
    Best Regards

  23. Alex says

    thanks guys for your awesome job.

    In the dashboard W3 gives a tip to upgrade to Pro for $99. However all the functions you described can be checked without upgrade.

    Then what this upgrade is for? – should i go ahead and purchase the upgrade?

  24. Carla says

    I’ve been trying to set up this plugin for ages. I just left the default settings and it was very helpful. Now that I have additional settings checked, my site is super speedy. Thanks so much! I did not set the CDN though because I have ClourFlare enbaled.

  25. David Geer says

    I am at the step where I configure the CDN section in W3TC. I added and clicked add cname. It added it and said it was reserved for CSS. Then another field popped up to add another CNAME and it said it is reserved for js in . Should I keep adding each of my consecutive cnames to the available cname fields that pop up here in W3TC and then save settings?

      • Adam Lindsey says

        I seem to be having an issue as well. There is the long CNAME that works, but if I use the,, etc. It doesn’t work. Isn’t it better to have JS files pulling form one subdomain and have another pulled form a different one or am I way off base here?

  26. Joe DeCaro says

    I love your site. I installed W3TC and set it up as you suggested. I’m on shared hosting. Now that it is installed, I’m getting emails from readers saying they can’t see our latest posts as they go up.

    Did I do something wrong?

    I set the browser cache settings step by step as you advised.

    What may have cause this new issue for my readers since installing the W3?


    My site is

  27. Osnilton Mozarino says

    Thanks for the great article!!! As usual very well written and informative.
    Question: I now have a pretty clear idea about CDN, however for a regional or national only web site, will it still be benefitial to use it, as the hosting server(s) are already in the main cities, say close enough? As it seems to be a great thing for international web sites.
    Thank you

  28. Himanshu Goel says

    Hey I have tried installing and managing with this plugin and I don’t own a cdn. do this plugin works with cdn better or we can try some extra efforts in settings to make this work better without cdn.

    Should we actually use caching plugin if we are not running up with cdn services (I am involving every cache plugin)

  29. Zalmey says

    My Question is that, will I get better performance from W3TC without MaxCDN & CloudFlare. Does anyone using it with these 2 and having a good load time?

    • avgjoegeek says

      If setup properly? W3TC/MaxCDN and Cloudflare can significantly speed up your website.

      I used W3TC to configure to use MaxCDN. Then did a manual install for CloudFlare, You don’t need to configure it within W3TC. And it is fast… very fast once it’s all setup!

  30. Andy Crichton says

    Great article. I know just about enough to get myself in trouble, so I did ask the MaxCDN guys a lot of questions before and during setup. I asked a couple of times about the subdomains, I said it sounds cool and logical to have the 4 extra to serve certain files “instantly” – they said the difference in delivery is almost non existent, like 10ms. So I havent bothered. Have you really seen a significant difference with / without the 4 subdomains at work?


    PS I didnt know about your affiiation before I signed up to MaxCDN, but anyone reading, wow, the company is brilliant! There was an issue with my forum plugin – when the CDN was installed, the theme broke if you did a quote, and also members couldnt login. MaxCDN analysed it and I gave them admin access and they sorted it. Also the delivery of the site (hosted in Colorado) now in Europe is down from 4 secs to 1.5 according to pingdom.

  31. Sherif says


    Thanks for your time writing this, it is very helpful and i setup W3TC but after that i started getting a strange error about database connection lost every time i try to post new post or edit and existing one,any clue what should i do or where to start looking around

    If i disabled the plugin, this error message is not showing any more and i am able to post normally


  32. Donna Caissie says

    I installed Total Cache several weeks ago, and since then, using my backend has been a nightmare. Every time I tried to do anything in the backend, my browser (Firefox) would hang. I finally deactivated Total Cache today, and now my backend works just ducky.

  33. Hayslan says

    Hey guys, what do you think of leaving somewhere in the post – maybe at the end, a ‘log’ of what section / topic went updated?

    A long time ago I read this article and now for example I have no idea at what point it went updated.

    Would not it be helpful? Let me know!

  34. Steve says

    I’ve tried several times to install caching plugins (both W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache) and in every case, my overall site performance takes a major hit as soon as the plugin is activated/configured.

    This time, I followed the instructions to the letter as shown above. However (as has occurred in every other time I’ve tried), load time throughout the site has at least tripled.

    The one thing I didn’t do in every case is get a CDN, due to the cost involved.

    So my question is this.. do the caching plugins only work in conjunction with a CDN?

    If so, is there any other way to speed up performance (aside from the obvious – removing plugins, etc). I use WP Optimize regularly.

  35. Abhisek says

    I am planning to go for maxCDN but, i have a dilemma that, i use a sub-domain to store all my media files something like this – As a result Wp-Smush it plugin no more works and i have to compress images myself using png-gauntlet software in windows. Will this sub-domain also create any problem in switching to maxCDN ?

  36. Jeremy Myers says

    First, where is your “after” screen shot from Pingdom? That “before” test was pretty dang good, and I am curious to see if it actually improved.

    Second, I have done a lot of testing between W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache. I agree with W3 has more options and seems to be a better plugin, but with W3, my server response time nearly tripled! It went from about .25 seconds to almost a full second. Why is this?

    Third, what about Cloudflare integration? Any suggestions one way or the other?

    • Denise Blackman says

      Hi Jeremy. I don’t have the answer to the increased response time of your server with W3, but I had the same problem. Mine, however, was even more severe, with an increase to almost 1.25 sec. I wish someone could answer this. My host provider has no answer either. My personal guess is that the server that is hosting my account, which is a shared server, is over taxed. It is normally what happens when an account suddenly has major performance issues.

      In reference to CloudFlare, I have tried to integrate it, but had problems with my theme. I had to disable it. It made way too many changes to my CSS. I don’t know a lot about CloudFlare, and it sounded great. I just couldn’t figure out a way to make it work with my theme at all.

    • Alex says


      Due to localized business activity my website is set for a specific location, Moscow Russia. That said I don’t expect people from other cities to bother me. Do you think I still should go for the MaxCDN?


  37. Raghu says

    One more step for MaxCDN : Add noindex to cdn contents to prevent Google from indexing CDN contents which will create duplicate content issues.

    It’s under Zones > Pull zones > SEO

    Check enable and use custom robots (with default code for robots.txt)

    • Alex says


      thanks for the heads-up. Do you mean I need to edit robots.txt or there are just default options that I need to check in Zones > Pull zones > SEO section?

      The necessity to touch robots.txt kind of scares me as I am not a coder.


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