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Cómo añadir categorías y etiquetas para las páginas de WordPress (manera fácil)

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Muchos propietarios de sitios web desearían poder utilizar categorías y etiquetas para sus páginas, al igual que hacen con las entradas de blog.

A nosotros también nos ha pasado. A medida que construíamos sitios web más complejos, nos dimos cuenta de lo útil que sería tener una forma de agrupar y etiquetar nuestras páginas. Por eso investigamos en WordPress y encontramos una solución.

En esta guía, le mostraremos cómo añadir categorías y etiquetas a sus páginas de WordPress.

How to add categories and tags for WordPress pages

¿Por qué añadir categorías y etiquetas a las páginas de WordPress?

Añadir categorías y etiquetas a sus páginas de WordPress ayuda a mantenerlas organizadas y facilita que los visitantes encuentren lo que buscan.

Por ejemplo, si tiene varias páginas de ofertas para diferentes productos en su tienda WooCommerce, entonces puede agruparlas en categorías generales e incluso en páginas de categorías secundarias.

Puede hacer lo mismo con las diferentes páginas de características de sus aplicaciones y software. Por ejemplo, OptinMonster agrupa varias páginas de características en la categoría “Características”.

OptinMonster feature pages example

Las categorías y etiquetas de página también pueden ser útiles para la optimización de motores de búsqueda (SEO). Ayudará a los motores de búsqueda a navegar por su contenido y a comprender la estructura de su sitio web, lo que les facilitará la indexación y clasificación de sus páginas.

Por defecto, las categorías y etiquetas son taxonomías de WordPress limitadas a las entradas de tu blog. Así que, normalmente, solo puedes usarlas para entradas de WordPress. Pero con unos pocos pasos, también puedes aplicarlas a tus páginas.

No categories or tags for pages

En esta guía práctica, le mostraremos cómo añadir categorías a las páginas de su sitio WordPress. También explicaremos cómo añadir etiquetas a las páginas de WordPress.

Cómo añadir fácilmente categorías y etiquetas a las páginas de WordPress

La forma más sencilla de establecer categorías y etiquetas en tus páginas de WordPress es utilizando el plugin Pages with category and tag. Se trata de un plugin de WordPress gratuito que funciona sin necesidad de configuraciones adicionales.

Lo primero que tienes que hacer es instalar y activar el plugin. Para más detalles, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo instalar un plugin de WordPress.

Una vez activado, vaya a Páginas ” Añadir nuevo en el área de administrador de WordPress. Verás que las etiquetas de WordPress y las categorías de entradas ya están disponibles para tus páginas de WordPress.

Categories and tags for pages

A continuación, puede crear categorías y etiquetas para sus páginas.

Para añadir una categoría, diríjase a la sección Páginas ” Categorías de su escritorio de WordPress y, a continuación, introduzca un “Nombre” y un“Slug” de categoría.

Add name and slug for new page category

A continuación, desplácese hacia abajo y seleccione una“categoría principal” para su categoría.

Una vez introducidos estos datos, sólo tiene que hacer clic en el botón “Añadir nueva categoría”.

Choose parent category and add new category

A continuación, podrá ver la categoría que acaba de añadir a sus páginas.

Si desea borrar una categoría concreta, sólo tiene que hacer clic en la casilla de verificación situada junto a ella y seleccionar “Borrar” en el menú desplegable Acción por lotes. A continuación, haga clic en el botón “Aplicar”.

View your page category

A continuación, puede clasificar sus páginas de WordPress en las categorías que acaba de crear.

Para empezar, edite o cree una nueva página. En el editor de bloques, puede seleccionar el nombre de la categoría correspondiente en la barra lateral de la derecha.

Por ejemplo, creamos una página de características y la marcamos en la categoría “Características” del panel lateral derecho.

Select your category and enter tags

Del mismo modo, puede utilizar etiquetas para su página de WordPress en el campo “Etiquetas”. Si desea añadir varias etiquetas, sepárelas con una coma.

Por ejemplo, puede añadir palabras clave y frases que le ayuden a describir su contenido. En nuestro caso, hemos añadido los términos “intención de salida” y “OptinMonster” como etiquetas.

Después de seleccionar su categoría y añadir etiquetas, simplemente actualice o publique su página de WordPress. Y ya está.

Para obtener más guías sobre cómo sacar el máximo partido de las categorías y etiquetas para su sitio web de WordPress, compruebe los siguientes tutoriales:

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a añadir categorías de entradas y etiquetas a tus páginas de WordPress. También puedes echar un vistazo a nuestro artículo sobre cómo crear archivos compactos en WordPress y a nuestra lista de los mejores plugins SEO de WordPress para optimizar tu sitio web.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Waran says

    I used the Pages with category and tag plug in to create categories and assigned to my pages. Then updated my permalinks to /%category%/%postname%/ but the url still showing the page slug only, category slug not showing.
    I read the comments by others, mostly talk about permalink to posts.
    is it possible to show the category in the permalink of a page? that is the only reason for me to categorise the pages.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      By default pages do not have the option to add categories so it sounds like you have a plugin or tool that is adding categories to your pages.


  3. Johan says

    Hi, and thanks for valuable information. Does the use of this plugin mean that pages can have the same function as posts? For instance, can I make a portfolio grid containing pages instead of posts, or show several pages on a map instead of posts?

    If the answer is no, is there a way to create hierarchical structure in posts? Because that what I am aiming for, a website with posts or pages in a hierarchical structure (e.g. homepage/page-a/page-a1, homepage/page-b/page-b4 etc.) where all the pages can be displayed and filtered via tags or categories in both listings and maps.

    Much thankful for a reply!
    Kind regards

  4. Paul Wright says

    Hi, I am very grateful for this information, however unfortunately when I installed and activated the plugin it completley disfigured my “all pages” view on the dashboard , the letters identifying the page titles ran vertically down the page

    thanks anyway

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It sounds like you may have all possible fields showing on your all pages screen. If you use the screen options in the top-right of the screen you should be able to hide some information to prevent the letter scrolling on the page.


  5. Liesbeth says


    On your recommendation we’ve been using this plugin. We love the features, but one thing is still bothering us. In the search results there are no categories showing. We use the Avada theme and would love to see categories in the results. Do you know how to fix it?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to reach out to the support for your specific theme for including the categories in the display


  6. Tarun soni says

    I like to read your blogs because I found the solution for my query but I noticed that you suggest installing a plugin for the solution. is it possible for you to show the solution by sharing custom code, not by a plugin.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      It depends on the issue, we do our best to add a method for using code instead of a plugin for those looking for that but not all issues are solved with a small amount of code. Plugins are also a collection of code so there’s not always a difference in the code we would show and the plugin we’re recommending.


  7. Joe Youngblood says

    Unfortunately you can no longer install this plugin from the repository as it hasn’t been updated in 2 years. Any other options?

  8. Evan Blass says


    I’m interested to know if there’s a way to make pages act as categories for SEO purposes. For example, if I create a new category ABC on my it will have this link, However, if I create a page with the slug ABC, it will have this link, However, since it is not a category, search engines might treat it as a static page.

    Is there a way I can convert the page to a category?

  9. Vale says

    Thank you for your post, so the pages still considered as static pages?
    If I create an “About” page and if I did not assign a category will continue to be static? And in the other hand make pages as post with content?

  10. Ismail Siraje Ittembe says

    Wow nice post boss keep it up
    But This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Thank you for letting us know, we’ll be sure to take a look at alternatives should this plugin no longer work.


  11. Carolyn says

    Hi. I am having a problem with assigning a new category that (for reasons over which I have no control) was given the same category name but with a different slug, and I am supposed to ‘pull’ these objects to the new category. But because it has the same name, although a different slug, WP doesnt seem to differentiate and keeps slinging the files into the old category. It defaults to the original. If there were a global function, other than the categories plugin, so that I could select the files and reassign from one category to another, bcause when I try to do so, only the old one shows up (even though the new one clearly exists).

  12. Viswanathan says

    Hi, i am using the events manager plugin which creates individual pages for each event created. The plugin settings give an option of showing events as pages or posts. However in both the cases, while creating the event it only gives an option of adding or selecting an ‘event category’ and not the ‘categories that i create for my blog posts or pages.

    Is there a plugin available so i can add my default post category to my events as well, so the events also show up in blog category archives?

  13. Ghislain Poirier says

    And how do we add the categories to the pages?

    I have the category functions showing in the wordpress backend menu, but it is only a shortcut to the create new category section…

    It is still not allowing me to tell what page is in what category or am I missing something?

  14. Pranav Mohan says

    This seems to assign pages to various categories, however, i am interested in finding out how to assign a category to a page so that when I search for the page, all the posts linked to the category show up.

  15. Susan Taunton says

    Hi WPBeginner!

    Post Tags and Categories is flagged by WordPress now as not having been updated for 12 months and is only tested for up to WordPress version 4.5.13. I just wonder if there not a child theme functions.php addition that could accomplish making pages taggable? Or is there a more up to date plugin that accomplishes this?
    Thank you so much for your many, many excellent tutorials.

    • Xavier says

      Same question than Suzan.

      I might use the php code for this feature in you have it by any chance.

      BTW Suzan,
      I found this plugin that might do the trick but I didnt test it myself and I would like WPBeginner opinion on that :
      Category to Pages WUD

      Hope this help

  16. mohit yadav says

    Hi Thanks For This Great Article & the New Way of Website Structuring .


    for this article.

    Now What i m Looking is ?

    i have a real estates website, while user submit property in this then he saw additional 3 drop down menu

    1. by pages
    2. by location
    3. by type
    and at last these automatically make a link with relevant pages.

    THanks in Advance
    Please help me .

  17. Norma says

    Hi, was super excited for this plugin but it didn’t work. It installed the categories but didn’t link them… I am so sad! Is there and up to date version?!

  18. Carol says

    I guess this info is outdated for the latest WP version. Is there an alternative plugin? I need to have this and it should be in WP by default, not requiring a plugin!

    Complaints on the plugin’s site that their latest version does not work. When I do a search by different ways within my own plugin page for ‘new’, “no such plugin”.

  19. Jhasketan Garud says

    Thanks a lot. I just looking for this.
    Now, I can easily affix categories to my new as well as old pages.

  20. Jonathan Hostetler says

    Thanks for this tip! I tried the plugin you recommended “Post Tags and Categories for Pages” and it worked flawlessly. This is super helpful for me because we need to use pages (as opposed to posts) for certain projects because our visual editor plugin is only compatible with pages, but I also need to be able to assign categories to our content.

    So, problem solved. Thanks again!

  21. David says

    This plugin has not been updated in 2+ years. Is there a way to do this without a plugin, so you’re not dependent on an old, outdated plugin?

  22. Kayleen Peretto-Ortega says

    Hello! I don’t have a plugin option, but there is an option for tags. I add tags for my posts, but they don’t appear on each post I make. Would you be able to help me on this?

  23. Tess Bulman says

    Do you have to have the upgraded version of wordpress? I have the free version and it won’t let me do anything with plugins? If this is the case, is there another way to put tags on my pages?

    • Renier says

      I found some problems in WP4.4. For some reason none of the ‘article posts’ in a category/post shows on archives (2016 theme). By deactivating obviously all ‘article posts’ shows, but not ‘article pages’ (or at least this is what I suspect). In short, archives doesn’t show all the pages.

      Does anyone else experience this problem? I can’t seem to find any literature on the topic. Maybe Post tags and categories for pages plugin needs an update?

  24. Sebastian says


    has anyone managed yet to make these categories for pages appear in the URLs as well?

    I have not found any way to do this. Without it this plugin is only half as useful.
    Thanks for any suggestions!


  25. Denis says

    I have a question,

    I have a website, and I do have categories pages, and TAG pages too,

    Category pages are shown as 10 posts and they have next button – previous button,

    But TAG pages don’t have NEXT BUTTON – PREVIOUS BUTTON, and they show only 10 posts related with the tag…

    It is really crucial issue for me and I really need to have this TAG pages with next button, previous button

    Do you guys have any idea that why CATEGORY pages do have these buttons but TAG pages don’t have?

    How can I solve this issue?

    Thanks so much in advance.


  26. Trieu To says

    Hi, i want to add category to page-url example /%category%/%pagename% how can i modify it?
    Can you post a artice about this?

  27. Tanuj Mandale says

    is there a reverse of this,
    I mean while creating a new post, instead of categories I want pages (to choose from). Means as a post is associates to category, it must associate to page.
    Is it Possible, please reply.
    thanks in advance

  28. Leona says

    Hi everyone, How do I take off the parenthesis and number of pages in front of each category. I am using it to categorize product for my online store and these don’t make sense. Thanks.

  29. Shane says

    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for this info. Was wondering if this could be done.

    Has anyone found that by adding categories to pages has increased rankings in Google if they also change permalink to – /%category%/%postname% ?



  30. Mark Breese says

    So, as you say, there’s a plugin for that… So is there a plugin… or shortcode that will let me show the pages with a certain category as a list of links… or maybe a list with excerpts and featured image? And I am using Ninja Page Categories and Tags plugin actually.

    My theme has a short code for showing posts in a category, but it does not pick up the pages in category and show them. (the theme is Weaver II Pro)

    • Les says

      SOLVED: I found out what the problem was. In the “Screen Options” I had categories unchecked. I placed a check in the box and the categories are back.

      Thanks for a great plugin.

  31. Les says

    My categories stopped showing on my add pages screen. They used to appear on the left side of the page. Even if I create a new page category, it won’t show up. Do you have any idea what could be causing this?

    Thanks in advance.

  32. chris says

    Ignore previous comment. This is the correct one.

    Hi. How can I show a listing of pages with their title/featured image/more?
    Actually I only need the query to display a list of pages related to a category (pages I created and assigned them to a category) doesn’t seem to work. Instead, it brings only posts.

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