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Consigue una Caja Flotante para Compartir como WPBeginner – Smart Sharing v1.1

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Probablemente has advertido que WPBeginner tiene una caja flotante para compartir en todas las entradas. Lanzamos un plugin hace más de un año conocido como Smart Sharing. Smart Sharing plugin le permite maximizar el poder de sus lectores actuales para conseguir más votos en los medios sociales. Este plugin añade un cuadro de desplazamiento con iconos de medios sociales en las páginas de entradas individuales, por lo que a medida que su lector se desplaza por la página, verán continuamente el botón de compartir. Estamos aplicando la teoría del Refuerzo Positivo de B.F Skinner al marketing. El usuario se sentirá obligado a compartir la entrada, lo que a su vez le ayudará a conseguir más tráfico, clientes potenciales y conversiones a través de los medios sociales. Su contenido de calidad obtendrá la exposición que merece y, además, creará una comunidad saludable para su marca en las redes de medios sociales.

Hubo un fallo importante en el plugin que fue hace mucho tiempo para ser corregido. En esta rápida versión v1.1, hemos corregido el fallo principal, y hemos hecho varias actualizaciones. ¿Qué se ha añadido en esta nueva versión?

Corrección del fallo principal

En primer lugar, hemos corregido el problema de la caja flotante que pasa por encima del contenido. Anteriormente, el cuadro se adjuntaba a la ventana del navegador en lugar de su contenido. Por lo tanto, cuando el usuario abre el sitio con una resolución o un tamaño de ventana más pequeños, el recuadro pasa por encima del contenido. En esta nueva versión, la caja flotante nunca hará eso. Está adjunto a su contenido, por lo que si la ventana es pequeña, simplemente se ocultará. Para añadir esta característica, hemos tenido que eliminar la función que te permitía elegir el lado del contenido en el que querías que estuviera la caja flotante. Ahora, está automáticamente a la izquierda como en WPBeginner.

Botones de medios sociales actualizados

Cuando lanzamos por primera vez Smart Sharing Plugins, no teníamos botón oficial para twittear, o botón de facebook like. Así que estábamos usando un montón de secuencias de comandos no oficiales de terceros como Tweetmeme, FBShare, y tal. En esta nueva versión, hemos sustituido el widget de Tweetmeme por el botón oficial de retweet de Twitter. También hemos sustituido el inexacto script FBShare por el botón Me gusta oficial (que también incluye un botón de envío).

Todas las opciones anteriores, como anular las opciones para entradas individuales, seleccionar qué botón se muestra en qué entradas, personalizar el aspecto y demás, siguen ahí.

Este plugin es exclusivo para nuestros suscriptores del boletín de noticias.

Descargar Smart Sharing Plugins

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. stefnbob08 says

    Hi guys, I have installed the plugin successfully but it appears twice on my page. One on my left, which is where I want it and it scrolls just fine and the other on the right and it’s static. I don’t have any other social media plugin installed so how can I correct this? Thanks for your time!

  3. undasein says

    Hi guys, and thanks for your work! Excellent plugin.

    Is possible to show the box in the home page (not only on page-single post)?

    Thanks in advance, Im looking at the plugin code but im stucked (beginner) ;)

  4. Mission0ps says

    HI there … GR8 looking and functional plugin.. I just would like a little help getting it straight. I have it set up on and changed the background box colour. Now the plugin doesn’t scroll. I don’t have a FB like button installed.. any ideas?

  5. NarenderSingh says


    The plugin is really nice, and helps in more sharing, but the plugin is breaking all the LightBox plugins I use.

    Is there any way to correct this? I want to use lightbox, but can’t leave Smart Sharing too.

    Please Help

  6. DankoPuskaric says

    Hello, this plugin is not working. Actually, it is working, but I get this plugin twice on the site; at the top, and left (where he need to be). I tested it in three templates, and it is always same… My blog is , please help!!

    • wpbeginner says

      @DankoPuskaric This usually happens for two reasons: Either because your theme has two calls to wp_head(); or that you are using some sort of FB like plugin for WordPress.

        • wpbeginner says

          @DankoPuskaric Was this our facebook open graph meta data plugin? or someone else’s?

        • DankoPuskaric says

          @wpbeginner hehe, yes it was your plugin: Simple plugin that adds Facebook Open Graph Meta information in WordPress themes to avoid no thumbnail issue, wrong title issue, and wrong description issue.Do you have some solution?

        • wpbeginner says

          @DankoPuskaric Will release an update either today or tomorrow. Then will update you here.

  7. gdradu says

    @ChristianPillaca in plugin u have a space where u can add css code for google+1


    <div id=”googleplus1″>



  8. dchabot3 says

    @HicksNewMedia You can also add it to the single.php page in the loop just before <?php the_content();?>., or whichever page your theme uses for posts.

  9. GPD says

    Ha right after I post this I added if_page next to if_single and I had it posting to the pages. It did mess up my sliders so I will have to visit it another day.

  10. GPD says

    This is a great floating share bar. I agree with the others that the bouncing is not for everyone but that is fixed easy enough with CSS. Since I have never tried to figure out PHP I am going to have a more difficult time getting it to post on pages but I am sure I will figure it out.

    Thank you for all the work you do.

  11. christianvuong says

    @gdradu or you can use CSS to overwrite the settings of it. something like this:

    #sharepost { position: fixed; margin-top: 0!important; top: 50%;}

    it will help vertical center the box.

  12. gdradu says

    @OmarKattan what theme do you have?

    If u have thesis remove that line and uncheck jquery scrips from design options > Home Page Display Options > JavaScript. and

    design options > JavaScript > Sitewide JS Libraries.

    On my site is working like here. It stays on middle of the site.

    And sorry for my english again, if i wrong with something :)

  13. gdradu says

    I’ve found the solution for plugin to stay fixed like on this site.

    1. Search this code on Plugin editor.

    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘ss_css’);function ss_css(){ if (is_single()) {?><script type=’text/javascript’ src=’′></script><script type=”text/javascript”> $(function() { var offset = $(“#sharepost”).offset(); var topPadding = <?php if (get_option(‘top_distance’)) { echo get_option(‘top_distance’); } else {echo ’20’; } ?>; $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(window).scrollTop() > { $(“#sharepost”).stop().animate({ marginTop: $(window).scrollTop() – + topPadding }); } else { $(“#sharepost”).stop().animate({ marginTop: 20 }); }; }); }); </script>

    2. Remove this line:

    else { $(“#sharepost”).stop().animate({ marginTop: 20

    And Done.

  14. gdradu says

    i’ve found the solution.

    1. Search this code:

    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘ss_css’);function ss_css(){ if (is_single()) {?><script type=’text/javascript’ src=’′></script><script type=”text/javascript”> $(function() { var offset = $(“#sharepost”).offset(); var topPadding = <?php if (get_option(‘top_distance’)) { echo get_option(‘top_distance’); } else {echo ’20’; } ?>; $(window).scroll(function() { if ($(window).scrollTop() > { $(“#sharepost”).stop().animate({ marginTop: $(window).scrollTop() – + topPadding }); } else { $(“#sharepost”).stop().animate({ marginTop: 20 }); }; }); }); </script>

    2. Remove this line.

    else { $(“#sharepost”).stop().animate({ marginTop: 20 });

  15. gdradu says

    Hy and sorry for my english. How to make the plugin to stay fixed like on this site? I don’t like that bouncing :)

  16. gdradu says

    Hy and sorry for my english. How to make the plugin to stay fixed like on this site? I don’t like that bouncing :)

  17. gdradu says

    Hy there and sorry for my english. Please tell me how to make smart sharing plugin width fixed like on this site?

  18. SethA.Frank says

    @wpbeginner @HicksNewMedia Ok but how do we make it not jittery? If people are uninstalling your plugin because they dont like that doesn’t that mean there should be some sort of fix for it? We like the WPBeginner floating scheme. There five other people that commented about the same thing.

  19. wpbeginner says

    @HicksNewMedia @SethA.Frank It should never show up on your homepage. Because there is a conditional tag is_single << The jitterly scrolling is a JS that we are using which was something we used per our client’s request.

    Soon, WPBeginner will be using the very same effect as well.

  20. SethA.Frank says

    @HicksNewMedia @SethA.Frank I really hope we can get a fix or a reason why it does it because the one on this page works exactly like I would like mine too. Not jittery at all

  21. HicksNewMedia says

    @SethA.Frank I had to uninstall the plugin for this exact reason – jittery scrolling and appearing at multiple locations on the homepage.

    Hopefully they’ll release an update soon

  22. SethA.Frank says

    I am in the same situation. I have it up an working but its not smooth like on this site. It’s all jiterry when you scroll. Help!

  23. ErickaBourne says

    Having a problem in displaying the share box on my site, I’m using WordPress 3.1.3 and Convergence template. What seems to be the problem?

  24. says

    Hi- I tried to upload and configure but it’s not displaying at all.. any ideas? I’m using WP 3.1.3

  25. MattAlgren says

    I really like the concept, and the execution is great except that I’d rather have it sit still like on wpbeginner instead of bouncing around whenever a user scrolls up or down.

    Is there a quick way for me to change that?

  26. Melissa Cleaver says

    I had problems with trying to place it on the right side of my blog’s page and I agree with the comment above that the floating is not smooth. It jumps constantly every time you scroll down. I went back to the original version for this new one seemed to have more bugs.

  27. Adi says


    Very nice plugin! Previously i paid to get such addon developed for each of my plugins, but now i don’t have to!

    Regarding it’s position, what ever i write in here:
    Icons Distance From The Edge

    It’s showing up at the same place?

    Any idea what is going on?


  28. Norb Winslow says

    I delete the older version and upload the new version. Isit the correct way? But I tried many times and still not working.. Now I using the old version again. Pls help me!

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