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¿Necesita realmente un VPS? Comparación de los mejores alojamientos VPS para WordPress – 2024

¿Desea comparar los mejores servicios de alojamiento VPS para WordPress?

Encontrar el mejor alojamiento VPS para WordPress puede ser abrumador con tantas opciones diferentes en el mercado. A veces VPS ni siquiera es la mejor opción para sus necesidades. El hecho de que tu sitio web haya superado el alojamiento compartido no significa que necesites un VPS.

Tal vez necesite gestionar el alojamiento de WordPress o incluso un servidor dedicado.

Es extremadamente importante entender los pros y los contras del alojamiento VPS, para que pueda tomar la decisión correcta para sus necesidades.

WPBeginner es el mayor sitio independiente de recursos de WordPress que recibe millones de páginas vistas al mes. Después de haber ayudado a más de 2 millones de usuarios y años de experiencia con empresas de alojamiento de WordPress, hemos creado la guía más completa que le ayudará a entender todo lo que necesita saber acerca de alojamiento VPS, así como comparar las mejores empresas de alojamiento VPS, para que pueda elegir el mejor servicio de alojamiento VPS para WordPress.

VPS hosting stands for "Virtual Private Server Hosting."

VPS is basically an independent partition of a physical server. Hosting companies often create multiple virtual partitions of one physical server, so each site and files can be kept completely separate.

VPS hosting combines the best of both shared and dedicated hosting: it gives you more control and independence at a lower cost than a real dedicated server.

When your WordPress website outgrows shared hosting, the best upgrade options are either VPS hosting or managed WordPress hosting.

VPS hosting gives you greater control and flexibility over your server. With that control also comes responsibility for setup and maintenance.

Managed WordPress hosting is like a concierge service where technical aspects like security, speed, WordPress updates, daily backups, website uptime, and scalability are all taken care of by your web hosting company.

VPS hosting is a step up from shared hosting. It offers a lot of the flexibility and features of a dedicated server, without the high cost.

But is it right for your website? Consider these benefits and drawbacks before shopping for a plan.

Advantages of VPS Hosting

  • Flexibility and Control - Having your own virtual server gives you administrative access. This allows you to install and configure any software you want, customize your server configuration settings, and more.
  • Create Multiple cPanel Accounts - You'll be able to manage your VPS hosting account using both cPanel and WHM. WHM gives you the ability to create multiple cPanel accounts for different websites. This can be useful for security. It also makes it easy to manage large amount of files and sites. You could even create cPanel accounts for clients, friends, and family.
  • Better Stability and Performance - Instead of sharing resources with other sites, all of your server resources are completely dedicated to your business. This helps to reduce downtime as well as improve page load speed on your website.
  • More Scalable - As your business grows, you'll need more resources for your website. With VPS hosting, you'll be able to scale your business quickly and easily so that your website will be able to handle larger spikes in traffic.

Disadvantages of VPS Hosting

  • Cost - VPS hosting are more expensive than shared hosting. Many plans start at about $29 per month, while you can find shared hosting for as low as $3.95 per month.
  • Technical Skill - Managing your own server, even a virtual one, will require more technical expertise than shared hosting. With all that control over your server comes complete responsibility for maintenance, software updates, security, and more.

If you're interested in the flexibility of VPS hosting, but don't want to manage all the technical and maintenance aspects, then you need to select what's called managed VPS hosting.

All the hosting providers that we recommend offer managed VPS hosting. That means they'll take care of all the technical details for you, such as software installation and updates.

If you're a beginner just starting a WordPress blog, then there's no need to get VPS hosting. A shared hosting plan will provide all the resources you need to get started. Shared hosting plans are budget-friendly and don't require a lot of technical skill to get started with.

But once your website starts growing, then you may need to upgrade your hosting.

Signs You've Outgrown Shared Hosting

  1. Slow website - If you've done all you can to speed up WordPress, and it's still slow, then it may be time to upgrade your hosting. This is especially true if you notice your site is slower during peak traffic times.
  2. Errors - Does your site keep going down, or do you keep getting 500 internal server errors? If troubleshooting doesn't solve the common WordPress errors, then it may be your web hosting.
  3. Security issues - As your website grows in popularity, it becomes a more popular target for hackers as well. If your website keeps coming under attack or getting hacked, upgrading your hosting can help to keep it more secure.

VPS Hosting vs Managed WordPress Hosting

VPS and managed WordPress hosting are comparable in cost, and both offer an upgrade from shared hosting.

VPS hosting may be the right choice for you if:

  • You're a more technically-inclined user and don't mind managing your own server
  • You want more freedom and flexibility to install your own software and configure your own settings

Managed WordPress hosting may be better for you if:

  • You don't have the time or inclination to bother with technical details - you just want to blog or manage your website.
  • You don't need to set up any special software or configure your server in a nonstandard way.

Once you've decided that VPS hosting is right option for you, there are some factors that you need to consider when choosing a VPS hosting provider.

VPS Hosting Features to Look For

  • Root Access - Your VPS hosting provider should give you complete control and access to do anything you want on your server.
  • Control Panel Options - Look for VPS hosting that supports your preferred operating system (OS) and control panel, such as cPanel or Plesk.
  • Advanced Security - The VPS hosting provider you choose should offer robust security features to keep your website and its data protected. Look for features like built-in firewalls, SSL certificates, malware scanners, and DDoS protection.
  • Speed Optimization - A slow website can negatively impact your search engine rankings and the user experience. So, be sure to pick a high-performance VPS hosting solution that doesn't compromise on speed.
  • Uptime Rates - The longer your website is down, the more traffic and sales you're losing. That's why your VPS hosting provider should have an uptime guarantee of at least 99.9%, anything less than that is considered unreliable.
  • Website Migration - To make the process of moving to VPS hosting easier, choose a hosting provider that will migrate your existing site to your new virtual server. Many hosting providers, such as Hostinger, offer this service for free.
  • Dedicated Customer Support - Select a VPS hosting provider that provides 24/7 technical support via live chat, phone, and email. That way, if you ever have a problem with your website, you'll be able to get help relatively quickly.

Depending on the specific needs of your business, there may be other factors you need to consider. For example, a popular eCommerce store would need a host with plenty of bandwidth, so that they can handle large spikes in traffic during big sales and holiday promotions.

If you have a photography website with a lot of high-resolution images or self-hosted videos, plenty of storage would be important when choosing the right VPS hosting provider.

Now that you've read all about VPS hosting and you know what to look for, it's time for you to make a decision.

We run several sites that get millions of pageviews per month. We have tested and worked with all the top web hosting companies in the industry. After having helped 2 million+ users and years of experience, our founder Syed Balkhi has personally hand-picked some of the most well-reputed VPS hosting providers for you.

Each of these VPS hosting companies provide excellent service and support. We give each of them a perfect 5 out of 5 star rating. Check out the list of best VPS hosting providers.

Los mejores proveedores de alojamiento VPS para WordPress

Hostinger se está convirtiendo en un nombre muy conocido en el sector del alojamiento de WordPress. Ofrecen alojamiento asequible, soporte 24/7 por chat en vivo, y una plataforma robusta para alojar tu sitio web. Hostinger ofrece instalación automática de WordPress en 1 clic, actualizaciones automáticas gestionadas, seguridad mejorada, CDN gratuito, aceleración de la velocidad de WordPress y migración gratuita de sitios. También ofrecen alojamiento geolocalizado con una selección de 7 centros de datos en EE.UU., Europa, Asia y Sudamérica. Hostinger da servicio a más de 29 millones de usuarios en 178 países. Además de todo esto, tienen un descuento especial del 77% para los lectores de WPBeginner combinado con SSL gratis y un nombre de dominio gratis. Leer reseña completa de Hostinger»

SiteGround es uno de los proveedores de alojamiento más populares y mejor valorados en la comunidad WordPress. Proporcionan soluciones de velocidad y seguridad únicas para WordPress para que su sitio sea lo más rápido y seguro posible. Son conocidos por el mejor soporte 24/7 de la industria. Las características de SiteGround incluyen actualizaciones automáticas, copias de seguridad diarias, caché WP integrada, CDN gratuito, SSL gratuito, puesta en escena con un solo clic y control de versiones GIT. También son una de las pocas empresas que ofrecen alojamiento específico con 6 centros de datos en EE.UU., Europa, Asia y Australia. El sitio de WPBeginner también está alojado en los servidores de SiteGround.

Leer reseña completa de SiteGround»

Fundada en 1997, Liquid Web se ha convertido en líder en alojamiento gestionado VPS, alojamiento gestionado en la nube y alojamiento de servidores dedicados. Son famosos por su soporte rápido y de alta calidad, conocido como 'Heroic Support'. Todos los servidores de alojamiento de Liquid Web están altamente ajustados en cuanto a velocidad, rendimiento y seguridad, lo que los convierte en una solución de alojamiento completamente libre de problemas. Sus opciones de alojamiento de WordPress incluyen sitios de ensayo, actualizaciones automáticas y un escritorio intuitivo para gestionar todos sus sitios en un solo lugar. Hay una razón por la que las principales empresas como Motorola, Red Bull, ESPN, Audi y FedEx utilizan Liquid Web. Leer reseña completa de Web líquida»

HostGator aloja más de 8 millones de dominios y es uno de los alojamientos web más populares del sector. Con instalación de WordPress en 1 clic, garantía de tiempo de actividad del 99,9% y soporte 24/7, es una elección inteligente para cualquier propietario de un sitio web. Lo consideramos el mejor alojamiento web para empresas. Con HostGator VPS, usted obtiene las máximas características al mejor precio. Los usuarios de WPBeginner obtienen un 75% de descuento en todos los planes VPS.

Leer reseña completa de HostGator»

Bluehost, uno de los proveedores de alojamiento web más antiguos, fundado en 1996, se ha convertido en la mayor marca de alojamiento para WordPress. Es un proveedor de alojamiento oficial recomendado por WordPress. Con Bluehost, usted nunca tiene que preocuparse acerca de su sitio web es lento, incluso cuando hay una gran cantidad de tráfico. Su soporte experto 24/7 está siempre ahí para ayudarte cuando lo necesites por teléfono o chat en vivo. Tienen la valoración / puntuación número 1 en alojamiento web para pequeñas empresas. Además, ofrecen a los usuarios de WPBeginner un descuento exclusivo del 65%.

Leer reseña completa de Bluehost»

Scala Hosting es el mejor proveedor de alojamiento VPS en la nube del mercado. Ofrece VPS gestionado en la nube, alojamiento WordPress y alojamiento para revendedores a precios asequibles. Además, usted obtiene un nombre de dominio gratis, certificado SSL gratis, y migración de sitio web gratis con cada plan de alojamiento VPS gestionado. Y, los usuarios de WPBeginner obtendrán un descuento exclusivo del 63% en el alojamiento VPS de Scala. Leer reseña completa de Alojamiento Scala»

Esperamos que esta guía le haya ayudado a elegir el mejor servicio de alojamiento VPS para su sitio web. Si usted tiene una pregunta de alojamiento VPS que no hemos cubierto en nuestro tutorial, por favor envíenos un mensaje utilizando nuestro formulario de contacto. Uno de los miembros de nuestro equipo le responderá en 24 horas.

Descargo: Nuestro contenido está apoyado por los lectores. Esto significa que si hace clic en algunos de nuestros enlaces, podemos ganar una comisión. Vea cómo se financia WPBeginner , por qué es importante, y cómo puede apoyarnos. Aquí está nuestro proceso editorial .


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Ed Bernd Jr.

    You list SiteGround as a VPS host, but I don’t find that option on their website.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would use the link on this page for their VPS :)


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