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How to Automatically Post to Facebook From WordPress








方法1:Uncanny Automatorを使ってWordPressからFacebookに自動投稿する(新規投稿)

Facebookに自動投稿する最良の方法は、Uncanny Automatorを使用することです。市場で最高のWordPress自動化プラグインであり、時間を節約し、より良いユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供し、ビジネスを成長させる強力なワークフローを作成できます。


Uncanny Automator website

このガイドでは、Uncanny AutomatorのProバージョンを使用します。

注: 無料のUncanny Automatorプラグインもあり、Facebookで使用できる1,000クレジットがもらえます。これらのクレジットを使用した後、Facebookへの自動投稿を続けるには、Proアカウント以上にアップグレードする必要があります。


まず、Uncanny Automatorプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化すると、Uncanny Automatorの無料版のインストールも求められます。このプラグインのライトバージョンは、プロプランのベースとして使用されます。

有効化した後、Automator ” 設定ページにアクセスし、ライセンスキーを「Uncanny Automator Pro ライセンスキー」フィールドに入力します。

Entering your Uncanny Automator license

この情報は、Uncanny Automatorサイトのアカウントで確認できます。

有効化した後、’Activate license’ボタンをクリックします。

FacebookページをUncanny Automatorに接続する

Facebook用の自動ワークフローを作成する前に、FacebookページをUncanny Automatorに接続する必要があります。

この接続を行うには、Automator ” App Integrationsページにアクセスし、左の列から「Facebook Pages」タブに切り替えます。

ここで、’Connect Facebook account’を選択する。

Connecting Facebook to Uncanny Automator

このボタンをクリックすると、Facebookアカウントにログインできるポップアップが表示されます。2 要素認証を有効化している場合は、Facebook を Uncanny Automator に接続するために、この追加チェックにも合格する必要があります。

ログイン中、Facebookがあなたの名前とプロフィール写真へのアクセスをUncanny Automatorに許可するかどうかを尋ねます。よろしければ、「このまま続ける」ボタンをクリックしてください。

Click the Continue Button

次に、Uncanny AutomatorにFacebookへの投稿を許可するかどうか尋ねられます。


Giving Uncanny Automator access to your Facebook

そうすると、Uncanny Automatorのダッシュボードに戻ります。

Facebookアカウントにリンクされているすべてのページが表示されます。これらは、Uncanny Automatorが自動的に投稿できるページです。

How to post to Facebook automatically

Uncanny AutomatorからFacebookに自動投稿する


WordPressのダッシュボードにあるAutomator ” Add newにアクセスするだけです。


Select 'Logged-in Users'



Add a Title



Choosing WordPress as your Uncanny Automator integration


publish」を検索し、「A user publishes a type of post with a taxonomy term in ataxonomy」というトリガーを選択します。

You'll See a List of WordPress Triggers

この例では、投稿を公開したときだけFacebookを更新し、ページは更新しません。カテゴリー: ‘投稿タイプ’ドロップダウンを開き、’投稿’を選択します。


Change the Post Type to 'Post'


次に、投稿を公開するたびにUncanny Automatorが実行するアクションを選択する必要があります。アクションを追加] ボタンをクリックして開始します。

Click the Add Action Button

Uncanny Automatorでは、使用できる統合機能がすべて表示されるようになりました。例えば、WordPressで新しい投稿を公開すると自動的にツイートできる統合があります。

Facebookに投稿したいので、「Facebook Pages」ボタンをクリックする。

How to automatically post to Facebook from WordPress



Automatically posting a post to Facebook using Uncanny Automator



Select the Facebook Page You Wish to Post To

投稿ステータスを書くとき、トークンを使って投稿タイトルとURLをメッセージに追加する必要があります。Uncanny Automatorがあなたのステータスを投稿するとき、これらのトークンを投稿の実際の情報に置き換えます。


Adding tokens to your custom message



Creating a personalized message using tokens



An example of a automated Facebook status update

画像付きの投稿を公開する」をアクションとして選択した場合、Uncanny Automatorにその画像がどこにあるかを知らせる必要があります。


Adding a featured image to a Facebook status update

次に、’A user publishes a post…’トリガーをクリックして展開する。


The Uncanny Automator Facebook triggers and actions


この時点で、Uncanny Automatorがブログを公開してすぐにFacebookに投稿しないように、遅延を追加することもできます。


Setting a delay in Uncanny Automator

これで、Uncanny Automatorのアクションを遅延後にトリガーするか、特定の日付または時刻にトリガーするかを選択できます。


Trigger After a Time Delay or on a Specific Date and Time



Switch the Toggle Button from Draft to Live

レシピが公開されると、Uncanny Automatorはあなたが投稿を公開するたびに新しいFacebookステータスを投稿します。


An example of a Facebook status, created using Uncanny Automator




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プラグインを有効にしたら、ClickSocialウェブサイトのダッシュボードに戻ってください。ここから、’Generate API Key’ボタンをクリックする必要があります。

Generate API key from the ClickSocial dashboard


Click the Add New button


Name and generate your API key



Copy the API key

次に、WordPressダッシュボードからClickSocialメニューに移動します。そして、「Setup My Account」ボタンをクリックしてください。

Set up ClickSocial


Paste your API key




Add social media accounts to ClickSocial


Connect Facebook to ClickSocial



Select your Facebook account


Select the Facebook page for ClickSocial


Select Facebook Business for ClickSocial


最後に「Got it」ボタンをクリックすると、ウェブサイトに戻ります。

Facebook successfully connected to ClickSocial




Choose timezone and finish ClickSocial setup



まず、ClickSocialのダッシュボードから「Revive Posts」タブに行き、「Setup Revival Posts」ボタンをクリックします。

Setup revival posts in ClickSocial



Filter posts that you want to auto post on Facebook


Choose the social media account you want to post to




Create post template in ClickSocial



Choose Facebook posting times


Scheduled “タブで、あなたが選んだ日にブログ記事が自動的にシェアされることがわかります。

Scheduled revival campaign in ClickSocial




Facebookフィードを埋め込むには、Smash Balloon Facebook Feedプラグインをインストールし、有効化する必要があります。有効化したら、Facebook Feed ” All Feedsにアクセスして、’Add New’をクリックしてください。

Adding a Facebook social media feed to WordPress


その後、Smash Balloon と Facebook アカウントを接続する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressにFacebookのグループフィードを埋め込む方法のチュートリアルをご覧ください。

How to add a Facebook timeline to your website

それが完了したら、Smash BalloonのビジュアルエディターでFacebookフィードを簡単にカスタマイズできます。ここでは、背景色の変更、レイアウトの選択、さまざまなボタンの追加など、さまざまなことができます。


Edit Facebook feed



Select the feed from the block

このチュートリアルで、WordPressからFacebookに自動投稿する方法を学んでいただけたでしょうか。また、WordPressにFacebook動画を埋め込む方法や、ブログを成長させるWordPress Facebookプラグインのエキスパートピックもご覧ください。

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Reader Interactions

54件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Jiří Vaněk

    This will save me a relatively large amount of time with the number of articles. I manually posted articles to Facebook after they were published.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad we could help simplify the process for you :)


  2. Terje Pettersen

    Hi. I want to enable all my users to be able, in an easy way, so that all new WordPress blogs automatically be posted on their own private facebook wall. Is that possible?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We do not have a method we would recommend for that at the moment as there would not be an easy way for your users to disable the automated sharing. For the time being, you would want to take a look at plugins to add a share button to your posts.


  3. G

    Thanks for sharing. This has been helpful.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad the guide was helpful :)


  4. Beth Younker

    Thanks for the info, however you fail to mention that some of these options may come at a price. For example, with WordPress you can no longer use plug-ins unless you upgrade to a business account. I find that really frustrating, as I used to be able to easily link to my FB page, but now I can’t unless I pay more money? Thanks a lot.

  5. morgan kane

    Does any of this methods auto-post to facebook GROUPS?

    • WPBeginner Support

      These are for Facebook pages, Facebook limits automation for their groups at the moment.


  6. Eduardo Rivera

    Hi guys, great info as always! You should really update the 3rd option, the graph API has been deprecated and now Facebook uses another method, very intuitive and self explanatory.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know, we will look into updating our article as soon as we are able.


  7. ebenezer

    I cant find new applet from the drop-down menu when I clicked on my username

    • WPBeginner Support

      They may have changed their interface since this article was last updated you should still be able to use their search feature at the top of the page to find an applet.


  8. Darlington

    Please, I seem not to find your Facebook group again. Or has it been closed down?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Our Facebook group is still active. If you visit our Facebook page and go to the groups tab on the side, you should be able to see the group there :)


  9. Amanda

    I found the process for Buffer much easier than described in this post. You just need to sign up for Buffer and connect your social media account(s) there, then install the WP to Buffer plugin, then hit the “Authorize” button in the plugin settings. That’s it. No access token, no callback URL, no creating an app. That is all automated with the Authorize button now, I suppose.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know, the plugin’s authors likely updated their method to authorize since the last update of this article :)


    • M kose

      I just want to learn, does this method automatically post our wordpress posts as we publish?

      • WPBeginner Support

        Yes :)


    • Anthony

      Thanks a million for the tips

  10. Marius

    This post is out-of-date after FB removed publishing to profile timeline from their API.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for letting us know, we’ll be sure to take a look at this article :)


  11. Daniel


    I tried using IFTTT but it kept telling me invalid WordPress URL. after numerous crosschecks i could see that the URL is correct.

    Please, what can i do about this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Daniel,

      Make sure XML-RPC is enabled on your website. It is a WordPress feature that allows third-party services like IFTTT to connect. Some WordPress security plugins may disable it. See your security plugin settings.


  12. Charlie

    Can I use the ITTT method to link WordPress to more than one of my facebook pages??

  13. Mariano

    How can I include the post updates on ifttt? Because when is new post the notification send normal. But when is a post update it don’t send anything.

    • waynedpj

      i am also looking for a way to update the corresponding Facebook post when an update is made to the original post on WordPress. unfortunately most options seem to only allow new posts as triggers. did you ever find a solution?


  14. Kylie

    When I follow the steps for AccessPress Facebook Autopost (which I’ve successfully used before), and I click the box ‘Public’ to make the review public, I now get a dialogue box that asks for a Privacy Policy URL. I’ve only found sites for privacy policy URL development that cost. Is there something general that can be added for free?

    • Stefan

      There’s now an option in WordPress for “Privacy policy”. You can find it in the administrator panel in the “Settings” submenu and than “Privacy”.

  15. Joe

    I was able to use IFTTT to share my post to Facebook. But the new issue with this, is that Facebook shows description of website, instead of the post description.

    Facebook also used another image thumbnail, instead of the image I used for the post. Please how can I resolve this??

  16. Francois

    This didn’t work. When I click authorize I get this error below, even after I added my domain and page where I do my posts to the App Domain.

    Can’t Load URL: The domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.

  17. Samuel

    Is there a way that when someone comments on our post that we share to facebook, it displays on our site.

    I know we can have a facebook comment plugin that allows users to comment on post using their facebook account.

    What i don’t know is, If we share our post to facebook, and someone comments on that post on facebook, how can we display that comment on our site

  18. Nikhil

    Hi. is there any plugin that uploads the posts automatically to different fb pages according to different categories . for eg: if a particular post is of category tech then it should be shared on fb tech page and if its category is of health that post should be shared on fb page corresponding to it

  19. Sue

    I have gone through the setup and posted my blog, but it’s not showing up on f.b. Just wondering what I did wrong, or is there a delay to it posting. I posted about 10 minutes ago. Thanks!

    • Ed

      If it’s your very first post using IFTTT it will take UP TO an hour. This is stated in small print on the applet.

  20. teslim

    i am trying to use the facebook App method by i am finding it difficult to authorize my account, facebook says (Can’t Load URL: The domain of this URL isn’t included in the app’s domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.). please help soonest thanks..

  21. Daniel

    How do you change the post on Facebook that says…

    “John Doe published an article on WordPress”

    so that ‘WordPress” says something else, like your site’s URL or name?

  22. Karen

    Hello. I followed the directions to the “T” using the WordPress Plug-In method and see absolutely no postings to my FB page. I even updated a post (thinking any previous posts may not appear), and that didn’t work either. I went to my timeline and feed areas of my FB page and don’t see anything.

    Please assist or I will have no other option but to deactivate this plug-in and start over. :(

    Thank you.

  23. isah

    hey nice article i just tried this now on my site using the IFTTT method and it works like a charm. thanks for the tip

  24. naresh

    Thank a lot for creating such a very useful post.

  25. JM Koh

    Thanks for the tutorial. Does anyone know of a way to post to both the FB profile and FB page (that is joined to 1 FB account as required by FB)? Noted that the IFTTT method requires you to choose to post either to the profile or page, which is the same as Jetpack. Thanks!

  26. Miso

    on plugin there is now an error and the account can not be authorized.
    Someone told me that giving admin credentials to website is not so good idea,
    so the user which posts website can not be administrator.

  27. Sandra K

    Do any of these methods work for Facebook Groups? I’m the administrator for a Closed Facebook Group and I want automate postings news and events on our website to our Facebook Group. Is that do-able?

  28. Lori

    So what is the BEST one to choose?

      • Marc

        However, IFTTT posts a link, not the entire post text including image, right?

        • WPBeginner Support

          Yes, Facebook does the rest and automatically fetches a thumbnail, post title, and a short description of your post. Users will still have to visit your website to read the complete article.

  29. iostar

    Hi! I am using Zapier to post automatically on facebook and another social media based on RSS technology.
    Hope it helps.

  30. Claudio

    When I try and enter my hosted wordpress info, it prompts me that I need to enable XML-RPC under my wordpress “Settings/Writing”, but I don’t see a checkbox for this.

  31. Sufyan

    thank u so much for this wonderful tutorial

  32. Pankaj Dhawan

    People talk about using Buffer more and it is very famous. Never used any such technique since I am not getting enough time so I suppose IFTTT for someone like me would be ideal.
    I wasnt aware of this before so, thank you for sharing this useful info.

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