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Blog comments are written reactions that readers can add to your blog posts. Leaving a comment on a blog post is an easy way for your visitors to communicate with you and other readers. Comments usually appear on your site right after the blog post… Read More »


cPanel is a web hosting control panel that lets users manage all types of website and server tasks from their hosting accounts. These include checking their web server resources (like bandwidth), managing domain names, organizing website files, creating email accounts, and so on. cPanel is… Read More »


Cookies are small text files that temporarily save website-related data on a user’s computer. They are widely used on the web for storing information and providing a personalized browsing experience to users. Most WordPress websites set cookies, such as when a user logs in or… Read More »

Custom Headers

In WordPress, a custom header is a theme feature that allows you to make changes to your site’s header and header image. This feature has been available since WordPress 3.0. Your website header appears at the top of each page on your WordPress site and… Read More »


chmod (change mode) is a Linux command that is used to control access to files and folders on your web hosting server. Imagine your WordPress website as a building with different rooms. chmod acts like a keycard system, allowing you to decide who can enter… Read More »

Custom Fields

Custom fields in WordPress are additional information you can add to your posts, pages, or custom post types. By default, WordPress gives you fields to fill in the title, the main content of your post, and a featured image. But if you want to add… Read More »

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In, a contributor is a user who can create blog posts on your website without full access to all of the backend dashboard settings. The contributor role is handy for WordPress multisite or multi-author blogs. It allows you to invite third-party writers to create… Read More »

Custom Backgrounds

Custom Backgrounds is a theme feature in WordPress which allows theme developers to enable support for background color and image customization. If custom backgrounds support is enabled in a theme, then the users can upload their own background images to use with the theme, or… Read More »


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a language with a set of rules that define how the elements on your website look. These rules control your website’s design elements, such as the font size and color, the background color of your site, and how much space… Read More »

Child Theme

A child theme in WordPress is a sub theme that inherits all the functionality, features, and style of its parent theme. Child themes are a safe way to modify a WordPress theme without actually making any changes to the parent theme’s files. When the parent… Read More »