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No Self Ping – Evita que WordPress envíe pings a su propio sitio

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Todo el mundo sabe que enlazar internamente es bueno para el SEO. También es bueno para la experiencia del usuario porque le ayuda a relacionarse con lo que se está hablando en un artículo específico. Desde que WordPress 3. 1 introdujo el enlazado interno, como muchos otros nos hemos encontrado enlazando a nuestras entradas anteriores mucho más de lo que solíamos. No pensarías que esto se convertiría en un problema hasta que adviertes un montón de auto pings a tu propio sitio. A algunas personas les gusta mucho esta característica por defecto de WordPress porque permite a sus usuarios hacer un seguimiento de las entradas relacionadas en el comentario. Para otros, como nosotros, esto se convierte en un problema porque creemos que desordena nuestra área de comentarios.

Uno pensaría que esto tendría una corrección muy difícil, pero es muy sencillo. Todo lo que tienes que hacer es descargar e instalar el plugin No Self Pings.

A diferencia de otros plugins, este plugin NO tiene un panel de ajustes súper complejo. De hecho, no tiene ningún panel de ajustes. Está construido para hacer una cosa y solo una cosa. Evitar que WordPress envíe pings a su propio sitio. Plugins como estos son el tipo ideal porque trabajan silenciosamente en segundo plano sin tener ningún impacto en el tiempo de carga de su sitio, o en su actividad diaria.

¿Estás cansado de los auto-pings? Entonces desactívalo ahora con el plugin No Self Pings.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
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  2. dutchmichael says

    The reason the plugin “No Self Pings” has not been upgraded in in the past 6 years, and is only compatible up to WordPress version 3.0.5 is because no self pings was added to WordPress core with File 5224.patch, 1.0 KB (added by Viper007Bond, 9 years ago)
    Remove self-pings via a filter (literal copy/paste of the plugin).


  3. KonaGirl says

    Sorry I just read another post where someone had asked the same question. So am I understanding this right? I install the plugin and then I don’t need to untick the link notification in settings so that we will send pings to other sites?

  4. KonaGirl says

    I wonder what the difference is between using this plugin and going to “settings” > “discussion” and unticking “Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks)”?

  5. Nafisul Islam says

    thanks for this post, when i searched for “best ping site” i found a post saying that huge pinging may cause trouble. is it true?

  6. Wamiq Ali says

    This is something I was looking for my site, as it gets really annoying when WordPress starts to ping back own published posts. Thankyou! But I hope that this outdated plugin may not have any security issues

  7. Sue Kearney says

    I’m late the party here, and I have a questions. No Self Pings shows compatibility only up to WP 3.0.5 and hasn’t been updated in over two years, a danger sign for me. Does it still work for you?

    What about the suggestion above in the comments: “In WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Discussion Settings. Uncheck the first option – Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article. Then it’ll not ping any blog. I think this is best solution. Am I right?”

    What do you recommend to get rid of those pesky self-pings currently?

    Thanks so much!

    Love and light,

    • Editorial Staff says

      We still have the plugin active on our site. Often the authors forget to update the plugin (using the logic… if nothing is broken, then why update?). From our understanding unchecking the discussion setting, it should do it as long as you are ok with the fact that you would not send ping to other sites.


  8. Mustapha says


    Thank you for the useful tip! I installed the plugin but the linked posts still appear in the comment section. What can I do about that?


  9. Troy C says

    kinda trolling your site, lol.. But we did install this as I think I’m going to get caught back up on your info. Thanks guys.

  10. Gautam Doddamani says

    i always link my about page and guest page and i wanted to get rid of self pinging which was enabled by default in using this plugin thanks ;D

  11. namaserajesh says

    In WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Discussion Settings. Uncheck the first option – Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article. Then it’ll not ping any blog. I think this is best solution. Am I right?

  12. uncommonchick says

    Thank you, I have looking for something to stop the internal pinging…it’s very annoying! I’m going to install this plugin right now :-)

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