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Best WordPress Plugins

Often beginners get confused when trying to pick the best WordPress plugins amongst so many that are available. We frequently get questions like what is the best WordPress plugin for SEO, Social Media, Performance, etc. Unlike other sites, WPBeginner test and review the best WordPress plugins and offer step by step installation guides to make your life easier. We know that everyone hates Top 10 WordPress plugins list, so we have taken a different approach. We do the research, so you don't have to.

How to Add Quicktags in WordPress Comment Forms

Do you want to add formatting quicktags to your WordPress comment forms? By default, the WordPress comment box lets your visitors use basic HTML tags such as bold and italic tags in their comments, as well as include hyperlinks. However, most visitors don’t know about… Read More »

How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress (Secure Method)

Do you want to disable XML-RPC on your WordPress site? XML-RPC is a core WordPress API that allows users to connect to their WordPress website using third-party apps, tools, and services. Unfortunately, in the past hackers have found ways to exploit XML-RPC to gain access to… Read More »

How to Prevent Imposter Comments in WordPress

One of the issues we started noticing on our site was a group of spammers were commenting using our registered user’s username and email. It’s fairly easy to find both specially if a person has exchanged emails with you. This allowed a random user to… Read More »

Featured WordPress Plugins
Improve website SEO rankings with AIOSEO plugin. View this plugin