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Beginners Guide

How to Password Protect a Page or Post in WordPress

Have you ever thought about creating a blog post just for close friends or family members? Or publish a post just for editors on your WordPress site? As a content publishing platform, WordPress comes with some basic content visibility options that most beginners overlook. In… Read More »

7 Essential Tips for Using Shortcodes in WordPress

Are you looking to use shortcodes the right way on your WordPress website? Shortcodes in WordPress allow you to add various functionality to posts, pages, and widgets without actually writing any code. Many WordPress plugins and some themes use shortcodes to add different elements, such… Read More »

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Thrive Themes
Suite of Growth and Conversion Tools for WordPress. View this plugin

How to Remove Numbers From WordPress URLs

Imagine sharing a blog post called “10 Tips for…” only to have the URL end in a string of meaningless numbers. That URL doesn’t tell users or search engines about the article’s contents. That’s why Google’s SEO starter guide encourages the use of simple, readable… Read More »