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What New Features Are Coming in WordPress 3.7

It was just two months ago when WordPress 3.6 was released, and we already have WordPress 3.7 almost ready to go. It is scheduled to be released on October 14th, 2013. There are some important changes coming your way. WordPress 3.7 will be mainly focused… Read More »

How to Manage Multiple WordPress Sites Using InfiniteWP

Are you looking to manage multiple WordPress sites? You could benefit from using InfiniteWP. InfiniteWP is a powerful web application that lets you manage multiple WordPress sites from a single dashboard. With this tool, you can perform regular plugin or theme updates, create backups, write… Read More »

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WordPress 3.6.1 Maintenance and Security Release

Just when you think that the day was about to be over, we started seeing an update bar in our dashboard. Turns out that the WordPress has released WordPress 3.6.1, maintenance and security update. In this release, the WordPress security and maintenance team fixed three… Read More »