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How to Move WordPress From Local Server to Live Site (2 Methods)

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Many WordPress users prefer to work on their websites using a local server on their computer before transferring it to a live hosting server.

It allows you to work on your website privately before making those changes available online.

Eventually, you’ll need to move it to a live server to make it available for online visitors.

In this article, we will show you step-by-step instructions on how to move WordPress from a local server to a live site.

How to move WordPress from local server to live site (2 methods)

Why Move WordPress From a Local Server to a Live Site?

Building your WordPress blog on a local server is a safe way to test changes on your website without affecting visitors.

When you have finished perfecting your website, the next step is to move from your local server to a live site.

Let’s show you two ways to move your site from a local server to a live site.

The first method uses a WordPress migration plugin and is recommended for beginners.

In the second method, we will show you how to manually move WordPress from a local server to a live site.

You can choose the method that works best for you:

Before You Migrate Your WordPress Site

To migrate WordPress from a local server to a live server, you need to have a few things in place.

First, we are assuming that you have a WordPress site running on a local server (also called localhost) on your computer and you have full access to it.

Next, you’ll need to have a domain name and web hosting.

To make your decision easier, we recommend using Bluehost. They are an officially recommended WordPress hosting company, and they are giving WPBeginner users an exclusive discount + free domain and SSL.

Basically, you can get started for as little as $1.99 per month.

If you want a great Bluehost alternative, you can look at Hostinger. They are also offering an exclusive discount to WPBeginner users with a free domain name.

If you can afford to pay a little more, then check out SiteGround. They also have a special deal for WPBeginner readers.

If you need help setting up your website, then follow our step-by-step guide on how to make a website.

Finally, you will need an FTP program and know how to use FTP to upload your local server site to the live site.

Ready? Let’s begin migrating your WordPress site.

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If you’d prefer written instructions, then just keep reading.

Method 1: Transfer WordPress From The Local Server to Live Site Using a Migration Plugin (Recommended)

This method is easier and recommended for beginners. We will be using a WordPress migration plugin to move WordPress from localhost to a live site.

Step 1: Install and Set Up the Duplicator Plugin

First, you need to install and activate the Duplicator plugin on your local site. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Pro Tip: There is also a pro version of Duplicator that offers secure backups, cloud storage, easy site restore, and more.

Upon activation, you need to go to the Duplicator » Packages page and click on the ‘Create New’ button.

Create new package for migration

This brings you to a screen where you can give your backup a name.

Then, click the ‘Next’ button.

Name backup package

Duplicator will now run some tests to see if everything is in order.

If all items are marked ‘Good’, then click on the ‘Build’ button.

Build package

This process may take a few minutes, depending on the size of your website. You need to leave this tab open until the process is complete.

Once finished, you’ll see download options for ‘Installer’ and ‘Archive’ packages. You need to click on the ‘One-Click Download’ link to download both files to your computer.

Download package files

The ‘Archive’ file is a complete copy of your WordPress site. It includes all WordPress core files as well as your images, uploads, themes, plugins, and a backup of your WordPress database.

The ‘Installer’ file is a script that will automate the entire migration process by unpacking the archive file containing your website.

Step 2: Create a Database for Your Live WordPress Website

Before you can run the installer or upload the WordPress website from localhost to your hosting server, you need to create a MySQL database for your new live website.

If you have already created a MySQL database, then you can skip this step.

To create a database, you need to visit your hosting account’s cPanel dashboard. Then, locate the ‘Databases’ section and click on the ‘MySQL Database Wizard’ icon.

MySQL Database Wizard

On the next screen, there’s a field to create a new database.

Simply provide a name for your database and click on the ‘Create Database’ button.

Name new database

cPanel will now create a new database for you.

After that, you need to enter a username and password for your new user and then click the ‘Create User’ button.

Create new database user

Next, you need to add the user you just created to the database.

First, click the ‘All Privileges’ checkbox.

Check all privileges

Then, scroll down and click the ‘Make Changes’ button to save your changes.

Your database is now ready to be used with your WordPress site. Make sure to note down the database name, username, and password. You’ll need this information in the next step.

Step 3: Upload Files from Local Server to Live WordPress Website

Now, you need to upload the archive and installer files from your local site to your hosting account.

First, connect to your live site using an FTP client. Once connected, make sure that the root directory of your website is completely empty.

Normally, the root directory is the /home/public_html/ folder.

Some WordPress hosting companies automatically install WordPress when you sign up. If you have WordPress files there, then you need to delete them.

After that, you can upload the and installer.php files from Duplicator to your empty root directory.

Upload archive and installer files

Step 4: Running the Migration Script

After you have uploaded the migration files, you need to visit the following URL in your browser:

Don’t forget to replace ‘’ with your own domain name.

This will launch the Duplicator migration wizard.

The installer will run a few tests and will initialize the script.

Duplicator migration wizard step 1

Under the Setup section, you will be asked to enter your MySQL host, database name, username, and password.

Your host will likely be localhost. After that, you will enter the details of the database you created in the earlier step.

Then, click on the ‘Validate’ button to make sure the details you entered are correct.

Validate settings

After that, click on the ‘Next’ button to continue.

Duplicator will now import your WordPress database backup from the archive into your new database.

It will also update URLs pointing to the local site to your new live site.

You can now click on the ‘Admin Login’ button to enter the WordPress admin area of your live site.

Admin login

Once you log in to your live site, Duplicator will automatically clean up the installation files.

That’s all. You have successfully moved WordPress from the local server to your live site.

Method 2: Manually Transfer WordPress From the Local Server to the Live Site

In this method, we will show you how to manually move WordPress from the local server to your live site. It will be useful if the first method doesn’t work or if you prefer to do it manually.

Step 1: Export Local WordPress Database

The first thing you need to do is export your local WordPress database. We will be using phpMyAdmin to do that.

If you are unfamiliar with it, then you might want to take a look at our guide to WordPress database management using phpMyAdmin.

Simply go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ and click on your WordPress database. Next, click on the ‘Export’ button from the top menu bar.

Export from localhost

In the ‘Export method:’ option, you can choose ‘Quick’ or ‘Custom’. Custom will provide you with more options to export your database.

But we recommend choosing ‘Quick’ and then clicking the ‘Go’ button to download your database.

Export WordPress database using phpMyAdmin

Step 2: Upload WordPress Files to Live Site

Now, we will need to move all your website files to the live site.

To get started, go ahead and open your FTP client and connect to your web hosting account.

Once you are connected to your live site, make sure you upload the files in the right directory. For example, if you want the site to be hosted on ‘’, then you will want to upload all the files in your public_html directory.

Now select your local WordPress files and upload them to your live server.

Upload WordPress files FTP

Step 3: Create a MySQL Database on Your Live Site

While your FTP client is uploading your WordPress files, you can start importing your database to the live server.

Most WordPress hosting providers offer cPanel to manage your hosting account, so we will show you how to create a database using cPanel.

First, you need to log in to your cPanel dashboard and click on the ‘MySQL Database Wizard’ icon, which can be found in the ‘Databases’ section.

Select MySQL database wizard

On the next screen, you can create a new database.

You need to provide a name for your database, then click ‘Create Database’.

Name and create new database

cPanel will now automatically create a new database for you.

Next, you need to enter a username and password for your new user, and then click ‘Create User’.

Create new database user

After that, you need to add the user you just created to the database.

First, check the ‘All Privileges’ checkbox.

Check all privileges checkbox

Then, scroll down and click ‘Make Changes’ to save your changes.

You’ve successfully created a new database for your live WordPress site.

Step 4: Import WordPress Database to Live Site

The next step in the process is to import your WordPress database.

Go to your cPanel dashboard, scroll down to the ‘Databases’ section, and click on ‘phpMyAdmin’.

Click on phpMyAdmin

This will take you to phpMyAdmin, where you want to click on the database you just created above. phpMyAdmin will show your new database with no tables.

Next, click on the ‘Import’ tab in the top menu. On the import page, click on the ‘Choose File’ button and then select the database file from the local site you saved in the first step.

Import database via phpMyAdmin

After that, click the ‘Go’ button at the bottom of the page. Your database will automatically be imported to phpMyadmin.

Step 5: Change the Site URL

Now, you need to change the site URL in your database so that it will connect with your live WordPress site.

In phpMyAdmin, look for the wp_options table in your database that you just imported above.

If you changed your database prefix, then instead of wp_options, it might be {new_prefix}_options.

Next, click on the ‘Browse’ button next to wp_options. Or, click the link in the sidebar to open up the page that has a list of fields within the wp_options table.

Browse the wp options table

Then, in the options_name column, you need to look for the siteurl option.

Then, click the ‘Edit’ icon.

Edit siteurl in phpMyAdmin

This brings up a window where you can edit the field.

In the input box for option_value, you’ll see the URL of your local install, which will be something like http://localhost/test.

You need to insert your new site URL in this field, for example:

Then, you can save the field by clicking the ‘Go’ button.

edit the siteurl field

Next, you need to follow the same steps as above for the home option name. The wp_options menu can be a few pages long. Usually, the home option will be on the second page.

Then, update the home URL, so it’s the same as your live site URL.

Step 6: Set Up Your Live Site

Now that you’ve imported the database and uploaded your content, it’s time to configure WordPress.

At this time, your site should be showing an ‘Error establishing a database connection‘ error.

To fix this, connect to your website using an FTP client and open up the wp-config.php file.

You’ll be looking for the following lines of code:

// ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
/** The name of the database for WordPress */
define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );
/** MySQL database username */
define( 'DB_USER', 'username_here' );
/** MySQL database password */
define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'password_here' );
/** MySQL hostname */
define( 'DB_HOST', 'localhost' );

You will need to provide the database name, username, and password you created earlier.

Next, save the wp-config.php file and upload it back to your WordPress hosting server.

Now, when you visit your website, it should be live.

After that, you need to log in to your WordPress admin panel and go to the Settings » General. Then, without changing anything, scroll to the bottom and click the ‘Save Changes’ button.

Save general settings

This will make sure that your site URL is corrected anywhere else that it needs to be.

Once you’ve done that, go to Settings » Permalinks, then scroll down and click ‘Save Changes’ to ensure that all post links are working fine.

Save permalinks settings

Whenever you are moving a WordPress site from one domain to another or from a local server to a live site, you’ll face broken links and missing images.

A simple way to update the URLs is by using the following SQL query:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'localhost/test/', '');

Simply go to phpMyAdmin, click on your database, and then click on ‘SQL’ from the top menu and add the query above.

Make sure you change it to your own local site and live site URLs and click the ‘Go’ button.

Fixing WordPress images and broken URLs after moving to live site

That’s it. You have now successfully migrated WordPress from your local server to a live site.

Hopefully, your live website is up and running smoothly. If you notice any errors, then you can check out our guide to common WordPress errors for help with troubleshooting.

We hope this article helped you move WordPress from a local server to a live site. You may also want to see our guide on how to create an email newsletter the right way or see our comparison of the best GoDaddy hosting alternatives.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Disclosure: Our content is reader-supported. This means if you click on some of our links, then we may earn a commission. See how WPBeginner is funded, why it matters, and how you can support us. Here's our editorial process.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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  2. Lisa says

    On step 4, when I try to import the gzipped database I get this:
    SQL query:

    — Database: `testbtat`

    MySQL said: Documentation

    #1044 – Access denied for user ‘btatxcom’@’localhost’ to database ‘testbtat’

    • Bunty Gurung says

      @Lisa the import could be a .zip or plain text .sql file, does not matter. You are getting the error because name of the database you are trying to upload does not match with the name that you have created.

      In this case I assume that your username on the live site is ‘btatxcom’. So generally your database would be btatxcom_yourdb. If that is the case, go to localhost. Simply export your database as a .sql file – without using custom options. Save it on desktop. Rightclick open-with notepad++ (if you do not have it on pc, just download, it is very easy in usage eg. like notepad, just a bit more fancy).

      You will find this line CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS around line number 22 or else search for the term. Now there, the name of your database occurs twice, change it to match the name of database on your live site eg. someprefix_yourdb. Save it, go to your phpmyadmin -> your database -> browse and import the saved .sql file. That should do it. Hope this helps someone.

  3. Wanda Serros says

    Thank you for the tutorial. I followed all the steps correctly I believe. It worked like a charm until I went to look at my site. I get the following:

    Your server is running PHP version 4.4.9 but WordPress 3.8.1 requires at least 5.2.4.

    although when I go to my Cpanel it says: PHP version 5.3.26

    Also when I try to go to admin I get:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR in /home/drser3/public_html/wp-admin/index.php on line 103

    I appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks


    • Wanda Serros says

      My website is now up and running although I have some issues to correct. Just thought I’d report back for other user who might be using Lunarpages for webhosting. I had to go to control panel and choose PHP5, then a phpini file had to be added under my public_html directory with


      and lastly I had to add:

      suPHP_ConfigPath /home/username/public_html

      into my htaccess file.

  4. David says


    I can access the wp-admin after moving the database over but for some reason I get a whitescreen when I type my url in. It doesn’t seem to be finding the html / css for any of the pages. Its odd because It loads perfectly on the wamp localhost.

    Any ideas?


  5. Roanna says

    You do not know how much this article has helped me!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to write and post this!

  6. Janeth says

    Great tutorial, thank you very much.

    I guess it is the same process from a dev server to production server right?

  7. AM says

    Thank you so much for posting these instructions!! I could NOT have transferred my client’s site to the live site without this!! Just one note: Under Step 3, your instructions are missing the note about “hostname”. This took me a sec to figure out but I was able to add that in. In case anyone else has any problems with that part of the database creation. Thanks again!!

  8. abel kayode says

    Thanks for the educative article.
    I followed every step but I end up getting this error

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘DB_PASSWORD’ (T_STRING) in /home/swagphot/public_html/wp-config.php on line 26

    I checked my wp-config for typo but everything seems correct I need help, I don’t know how to
    Resolve this… Thanks

  9. Miriam says

    I am brand new to this and this explanation is by far the clearest explanation I have found but I am still having problems. I have transferred my files to my host server but am stuck on the database. I have a local installation of WordPress established with Bitnami. When I go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, I don’t see my database; I only see information_schema and test. I checked my wp-config.php and see ‘DB_NAME’, ‘bitnami_wordpress’. I am clueless as what to do or where to look next. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  10. Sisira says

    Awsome Tutorial………………..Very useful for a beginner……….I just tried and made my site live……………………..This is my first website……………Thank you so much………………. :)

  11. james Daly says

    Thank you so much for this article – It was easy to follow and worked out perfectly for me – thought it would be a daunting process but was pretty easy if you followed the steps correctly

  12. Bilal Ahmad says

    i done all theme steps.. after this i cannot acces to my dashboad. when ever i go to my admin pannel and enter the username and pass which is correct. But it cannot redirect me to my dashboad. its redirect me to my admin panel again and again. pls help

  13. Kirit Patel says

    This tutorial is very important for beginner, who doesn’t know how to move local wp site to live site. it is useful for me.
    Thanks a lots.

  14. mira says

    thanks for this useful article.
    bt i have an error like
    1044 access denied
    pls would u help me out from this database error?

    • jay says

      To solve the 1044 Access denied error. You should open the database file in your text editor and delete the following code.

      — Database: `XYZ`

      USE `XYZ`;

  15. Terry says

    Thanks for all your help with these tutorials! I am learning a lot. I have a problem that has been mentioned before but I am not getting a solution.
    I’m stuck on step 6, I keep getting Error establishing a database connection.
    I did change one thing in your procedure, in step 6 I edited wp-config.php to include define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘’);
    Anyway, I still can’t connect, and if there is anything you can do to point me in the right direction I would appreciate it!

    • charles says

      I had this problem as well but make sure there are no small typos when entering in the database name, username, password, and host. My problem was the aposhtrophe symbol were different (‘ symbol). When I started changing the name the apostrophe changed to a different symbol and it is really hard to tell if it changed. But i fixed this and it worked

    • rahul says

      U just needed to change the dbname and site cpanel username and password to the feild it is asked in wp-config.php

  16. Jody Hockley says

    Thanks for such an easy to follow and simple guide. Did it all in under 20mins. Has made my life so much easier. Much appreciated…

  17. Vivek says

    Followed the same steps.

    Website got live on server but facing the following problem.

    Menus are not appearing in Admin Panel.

    The settings are not saving if try to make any changes.

    Any idea?

  18. jeret says

    Hi, i have successfully upload all the files to the web server. I am able to view my wordpress site.
    The problem is when i try to access the admin page. Using the username and password which i created using the cpanel, is not working. it says invalid username. I have modified the wp-config.php file. I have made sure the new username and password are updated.

    What about this line in config file what do i change it to :
    /** MySQL hostname */
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);


  19. Miroslava Donchev says

    Thank you for the wonderful article! I am so grateful there’re people like you to share knowledge :)

    I transferred my local site to live hosted site and I got only one error so I want to share how I solved it. I got a black page on the the permalink options page and I found the following solution from DebbieV:

    “I edited wp-admin/includes/misc.php, forcing the value of $got_rewrite = true;”

    May be that can help somebody else as well.


  20. dhani says


    Is there any way to export from to without having to host the site and pay?

    I have my blog in but want it to go live without paying…just wondering if there are any options for this.

    Thank you.

  21. Jay says

    I followed all of the instructions except for exporting my database from localhost in gzipped because I tried importing on live server in phpMyadmin it gave me an error “#1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘?’ at line 1”. But it import the database when I use zipped compression but after waiting 7 hours to upload all my files from localhost to live server it asked me to install WordPress and when I install WordPress none of my posts are in there.

  22. soon hao ng says

    Thanks for your tutorials provided. It’s very helpful. I managed to move my wordpress from local server to live site. However, when I login to my admin panel. The error message was shown:

    Internal Server Error

    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

    Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    Could any experts here please advise how to fix this problem?


  23. tatiana says

    Hello,.I intend to upload a localhost to a server … I’ve done all the above steps MANY TIMES .. but this message always appears” You don’t have permission to access / on this server..

  24. Jose says

    Hi. Thanks this post is more useful than all the other stuff i found on youtube.
    However, I can´t seem to get my site up and running, even after following all the steps carefully.
    I can access my admin from my live website, and everything including plugins and themes, posts and pages seems to be up there on the dashboard. However the website, even accessing it from the dashboard itself shows a blank page. Any clue where the problem might be and what I might do to solve it?

      • Jose says

        Thank you!

        It turned out I was using a child theme. Switching to the original theme and making changes from the theme’s settings instead of the new stylesheet solved the white screen of death. Thank you for the clear, thorough and useful blog.


        • David says

          Your issue was exactly the same as my issue now. Only, I am not using a child theme, its a custom theme. Just can’t get it to work even though it works on my localhost.

          Can anyone advise me on this?


  25. Mai says

    Hi, I think I may have commented too soon. Everything works fine except for the recent comments section where it doesn’t display comments, but links to “localhost” blog entries.
    This is my blog:
    I’ve done all the steps including #7. Is there another step I need to do for the recent comments to display correctly?

  26. Jack Allen says

    Hi, Was just wondering if you had to change the DB Hostname in the wp-config file as ive still got error establishing database connection. Thanks Jack

  27. Beth says

    Thank you for this resource! Everything appears to be working properly with the migrated site, but we are unable to access the new site’s wp-admin to log into WordPress. We did not do a new install of wordpress, we simply transferred all files of the previous site to the new directory. Is a wordpress install necessary if a site is up an running on two different URLS?

  28. Verna says

    Just wanted to drop you a line to say THANK YOU !!!
    Your instructions worked perfectly for a first time user and your efforts are really, really appreciated.
    Bless You !

  29. annie says

    hello there,
    I’m planning to use this tutorial to transfer localhost for the first time.. (I haven’t read it all yet)

    but, I’ve noticed I need to use phpadmin and since I’ve first used WAMP I wasn’t able to use phpadmin and I’m not quite sure what’s wrong (I’m sorry if you mention this somewhere here please ignore my comment),…

    Is there any way I can transfer my site without phpadmin? i.e. by copying and pasting something?

    excuse me as I am completely new to this…

    thank you

  30. Hitesh says

    hey i did the same you mention here but still i cant change theme logo i import old site to new site

  31. Jeff Matt says

    Thank you so much! This worked perfectly for me and I no longer worry about developing in MAMP any more. Cheers!

    • ashish gupta says

      I really understand what you are actually saying, first time i also hung up on that situation and i did not know how to do that.

  32. Westy says

    Hi, thank you for a great tutorial.
    Everything seems to run smoothly for me except the appearance is completely messed up.
    I am using bp default theme with a child theme on the local server. After the import the bp default (parent) does not show in the Appearance>Themes setting which breaks my child theme. However all the folders etc for bp-default have been uploaded from local to live site, so I can not work out why the issue is occurring.
    Has anyone else had this problem and can help me fix it?
    Thank you for your time.

    • clare says

      Weary, just wondering if you solved your problem. And if so how?

      I’m currently having the opposite problem. My child theme worked great on the local server, but in migrating it to the live server, it’s now broken and it restored the parent theme . I’m hoping if you fixed your problem it would clue me in to what I am doing wrong.

  33. Heidi Anderson says

    Hello, I really need some help. I get to step4 and I find my new db that I created in the SQL server, it has no tables, I click on it, I hit import and I get the following in red, “The directory you set for upload work cannot be reached”. This is before I even try to upload my file. What did I do wrong?

  34. Samantha says

    Hi, I exported my database from localhost and im trying to do step 4. I got the error 1044 but seen on previous comments to delete a section and change to my live database name. I tried to import again and now I get the error

    #1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ‘– phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
    — version 4.0.4

    — Ho’ at line 1

    Can you help at all??

  35. Gwen says

    When I try to import my sql file into the new database, I get this error from phpMyAdmin:

    #1103 – Incorrect table name

    Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?

  36. Gwen says

    Hi there! I get this error from phpMyAdmin when I try to import my sql file into the new database on the live server:

    #1103 – Incorrect table name

    Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?

  37. Parisa says


    Thank you for the article. I went through the steps but when I go to the website I see “Index of/” and below that I see the files and folders uploaded on the website. When I click on the files I get “Error establishing a database connection” . Could you help me with it?


      • Jennifer says

        Actually, I don’t get the “Index of/” message or folder, just the “Error establishing a database connection” message.

        I’m using GoDaddy for my hosting account and they had a slightly different process for setting up users for the database (it’s an all-in-one step, where your database name is also your username). I’m wondering if that’s what’s causing the disconnect.

        I’m also putting my WordPress install in a subfolder, rather than the root directory. So I added that folder after my URL when I made my table edits. Could that be an issue?

      • AWASAE says

        i think you guys have your website files not immediately inside public_html directory! i think you have the in a folder inside public_html

        go inside the folder select all files and move them a step in the root directory

        WRONG: public_html/AFolderContainingAllFiles/{allfiles}
        RIGHT: public_html/{allfiles}

  38. Shawn says

    Correction to your mysql query:

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, ‘localhost/test/’, ‘’);

    should be..

    UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, ‘localhost/test/’, ‘’);

    (The forward slash was missing)

  39. Anna says


    I created a new WP site for an existing URL where the old site is currently active. I need to test the shopping cart/payment gateway of the new WP site using an SSL, which resides on the existing site. So I created a sub-folder and migrated the new WP site to this folder from MAMP. I can access the login page, but after logging in, I get a 404 “wp-login.php was not found on the server.” I checked via ftp access and it’s there in the folder. Seems I need to update something else. Or, can I copy the SSL folder to my MAMP so testing can happen locally? Thanks for any suggestions.


  40. swati says

    After doing same steps as per your article i am able to live only home page but with no images and slider..along with this my other pages are not live on localhost…it gives same error for all inside pages that not found on this server..plz help me…

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