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How to create a custom page in WordPress










ただ、これらの方法はThemeIsle Hestia ProやTwenty Twenty-Threeのようなブロックベースのテーマでしか使えないことに注意してください。ブロックベースのテーマを持っていない場合は、代わりにページビルダーを使用することをお勧めします。


How to create a custom theme using the built-in WordPress template


表示されたポップアップで、「Add Template」アイコンをクリックします。

How to create a custom WordPress template



Creating a new template in the WordPress block editor



Editing a WordPress template using the block-based editor




A selection of patterns in the WordPress editor




Changing the WordPress template





ページを作成するには、ページ 新規追加 をクリックします。タイトルを入力し、カテゴリーとタグを追加し、アイキャッチ画像をアップロードし、その他の変更を加えることができます。

基本的なページに満足したら、変更を保存し、外観 エディターに移動します。

Opening the WordPress full-site editor (FSE)



Editing a page layout using the full-site editor (FSE)



Create a custom page design using the full-site editor (FSE)



Create a custom page design using the block-based editor



Create a custom page design using the block-based editor


方法3. SeedProdを使ってWordPressにカスタムページを作成する(推奨)




より多くのコンバージョンを獲得するためにカスタムページを使用している場合、SeedProdはコンバージョンを獲得するために既に使用している多くの人気のあるサードパーティツールと連動します。これには、トップクラスのEメールマーケティングサービス、WooCommerce、Google アナリティクスなどが含まれます。


注: SeedProdには無料版もあり、予算に関係なくカスタムページを作成することができます。しかし、このガイドではSeedProd Proを使用します。SeedProd Proはより多くのテンプレートがあり、すべて最高のメールマーケティングサービスと統合されているからです。


SeedProd license key

この情報は、SeedProdサイトの自分のアカウントの下にあります。キーを入力した後、「Verify Key」ボタンをクリックしてください。


それができたら、SeedProd ” ランディングページに行き、’新規ランディングページを追加’ボタンをクリックします。

SeedProd's page design templates



The SeedProd template library



Previewing a ready-made template





Creating a custom page for your WordPress website




The SeedProd courses template



Editing the headline for your custom page



Editing images in a custom page design



Removing a block from a SeedProd custom page



Adding a social sharing block to WordPress

また、SeedProdには「セクション」という行やブロックのテンプレートが用意されており、カスタマイザーのページを素早く作成することができます。例えば、Google広告のランディングページをデザインする場合、SeedProdのHero、Call To Action、Featuresセクションを使用することができます。


SeedProd's ready-made sections



Adding a section to a custom page




The SeedProd global settings bar



Previewing a custom page on mobile



Publishing a custom page


カスタムページを編集したい場合は、WordPressダッシュボードのSeedProd ” ランディングページにアクセスしてください。変更したいページを見つけて、「編集」リンクをクリックしてください。

Fine-tuning a custom page in WordPress


方法4.Thrive Architectを使ってWordPressでカスタマイザーページを作成する

Thrive Architectを使ってカスタムページを作成することもできます。Thrive ArchitectもWordPressで人気のドラッグアンドドロップページビルダーです。


Custom page example built with Thrive Architect

まず、Thrive Architectプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化したら、WordPress管理ダッシュボードのページ ” 新規追加にアクセスしてカスタムページを作成します。次に、’Launch Thrive Architect’ボタンをクリックします。

Launch Thrive Architect



Choose the Pre-built Landing Page option in Thrive Architect


以下の画像では、「Smart Landing Page Sets」を選択しています。

Pick a template for your custom page in Thrive Architect



Apply Thrive Architect template

これでThrive Architectエディターでテンプレートが開きます。ここから、ブログ、サイト、オンラインストアに一致するようにページテンプレートを簡単にカスタマイズできます。


Customize page elements in Thrive Architect



Customize page settings in Thrive Architect

SeedProdのブロックと同様に、Thrive Architectにはカスタムページに追加できる多くのビルトインエレメントがあらかじめ用意されています。


Click the Add Element button



Drag and drop elements onto your page



Save custom page in Thrive Architect



Publish custom page


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Reader Interactions

232件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Rajee Pandi

    awesome. I think it is not free. Thank you so much.

    • WPBeginner Support

      There is a paid option but 1 and 2 are free options :)


  2. Moinuddin Waheed

    Using seedprod for making a custom page is promising as it takes less efforts and makes awesome looking design in no time.
    Thanks for this guide, I have been already using seedprod to many of my websites and utilising this feature.

  3. Brend

    Thanks for the great article. I often use your site for assistance with WordPress.
    I followed your tutorial to manually create a new template file. When selecting the template there is no CSS attached to the page. Did I miss something?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on the specific theme you’re using, if you check with your theme’s support they should be able to let you know why their CSS is not being applied to your page properly.


  4. Muhammed

    Perfect article.
    I have a q
    can i make a custom page and then make it the main website page or Home page?
    I don’t like to have too much content in my firs page and i want to make every thing in the main home page by my own ( i mean with HTML, CSS, JS ).
    is there any way to do that?

    • WPBeginner Support

      For customizing everything in that manner you would want to look at the method for manually creating a page template :)


  5. Patricia Reed

    Is there a way to use an existing page (including all its content and images) and use this plugin to remove the menu and title link?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We show two plugins in this guide, you can certainly recreate a page using them for what it sounds like you want.


  6. Teresa Cuervo

    Excellent Article!
    Just one question. After you finish the landing page do you still need the plugin in the plugin folder or is it safe to delete after you create the page.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, if you used the plugin method you would want to keep the plugin.


  7. Edmond


    Thank you for the easy tutorial. It worked so well.

    I have one question though. How do you make the custom page you create have its own separate sitemap on the website´s sitemap.xml? Like for example in´s sitemap the /hosting-sitemap.xml etc. is it a custom page?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It is a category for our custom post type which is why it has that page.


  8. Jorge

    I´ve already done this before and it worked, I know that many things can remove the file from where it was but my problem is that it doesn´t allow me to do it again. When I upload the custom page to the server it doesn´t appear on the template options when editing the page. Does someone knows how to solve this?

    • WPBeginner Support

      The most common reason you would want to check is that you haven’t used the same template name and that you’ve uploaded the file to the correct location.



    How do we change header path, as I have 2 different headers, so in my custom template I want to use other header, please let me know, how to call or bring header

    • WPBeginner Support

      That would depend on your specific theme and would require some coding knowledge that would not be beginner-friendly.


  10. Lance

    Beginner? seriously! No beginner could use this blog to get started.

  11. Bas

    What happens to your custom templates when you update your theme? Since you’re creating that new template within the theme folder. Will the new template be gone?

  12. Vivek kushwaha

    Really Helpful for me

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad we could be helpful :)


  13. Zack


    I can’t seem to find page.php in wordpress twentytwenty. Any idea where the template file?


  14. AmecuxDEV

    I really appreciate your help that’s really exactly what I was looking for, thanks so much!

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful :)


  15. ammar


    Great article ! I already create the page template and now I want to make this page only page that does’nt have sidebar when i use this page template. How? Can you help me?

    Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on your current theme, if you reach out to your theme’s support they should be able to assist


  16. Pete Zajonc


    So close. I have zipped my php file created in notpad++. The contents are the 1 line of code at the top of this article. I click add new theme and upload the zip file. When I click install it starts ok but ends in error. Can you suggest a fix? How do I add the style.css stylesheet? (Sorry, I’m a newbie!)

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would want to go through the article again, this guide is for creating a new page for your current theme not an entirely new theme :)


  17. Faby

    Hi, thanks for the article. Is there a way to associate a CSS file to a custom page? Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to target the page ID in your custom CSS


  18. Brendan

    exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide could help you :)


  19. Okoji

    Thanks for this. It was helpful.

    I want to know if there is a way to remove the wordpress header without messing up the page.

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on your specific theme for any issues that would cause. You would likely want to test on a local installation or on a staging environment to see if it would break anything.


  20. manoj

    why we use page templates insted of page edit screens

    • WPBeginner Support

      Page templates control the area around the content, the editor under Pages>Add New is for the content on the page.


    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you :)


  21. terry

    Thanks for this tutorial! Is it possible to edit the custom page with Elementor? I get an error “The preview cannot be loaded.”

    • WPBeginner Support

      You may need to recreate the custom page template with Elementor or reach out to Elementor’s support and they should be able to assist :)


  22. Val

    Hi – my problem is the template dropdown menu does not display. The theme displays only: Page attributes / parent / order — whereas I need it to display: Page attributes / parent / Template / order. Do you know how I can get the templates dropdown to display?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Your theme may not have page templates by default as otherwise, they would be under the Page Attributes section.


  23. Adrian

    Thanks for this wonderful tutorial :)

    • WPBeginner Support

      You’re welcome :)


  24. shadab awan

    thank you admin for always writing great articles on WordPress and SEO.i have a question to ask i hope you help me.

    Can we use PHP, Osclass Or Other themes in a WordPress Created classified website?


    • WPBeginner Support

      You can use almost any theme to create a site even a classifieds website


  25. Ramsey

    Please, i need your assistance, i have my website build myself but i am having issues which i know you can help me cause i built my site watching all your videos and article. i want to create the home page then use the home on my MENU on my website so that when people finish reading an article and they want to return home they can easily click on home and return to the home page. please, i need your help on this.

  26. Steven

    I don’t see the Template drop-down in the page attributes?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If you’re using the block editor then you would want to ensure you’re editing the document. If it is not displaying correctly then you would want to double check the file name and that the file was correctly added to your files.


  27. Sara

    thank you very much. you saved my day.
    god bless you.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our article could help :)


  28. Marie

    Hi, maybe a stupid question but do I have to create a child theme for this? Or is it protected from theme updates because it is a separately built page?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would be best to use a child theme for this as it would be a file not found in the most recent version of the theme when you’re updating


  29. Mannan Afzal

    Really Helpful for me

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad it was helpful :)


  30. rina

    Is it possible to add my php template to Elementor?

  31. Pedro

    Hi! And thanks for your incredibly helpful and resourceful page! I’ve read lots of articles and learned a lot around your site :)

    Using your guide I created my custom page for my “blog” section (page with the most recent posts that doesn’t have the slider or other features that the Home page has).

    My website is bilingual, so I’d like to translate this custom page to my second language… and I can’t find the way to do it.

    Your help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

  32. Khalil

    very simple and clear post

  33. nidhi bhatt

    hi i want to add html page not php page as a custom template can it be possible ?

    • Andrew

      You can add an HTML page to the website but I wont be a part of the theme. It has to be a .PHP to be part of the theme.

  34. Catherine

    I had the same problem. Try another theme, and make sure you upload the file in the right directory. You can see the directory on top when you add a sample page.

  35. OuadiI

    please how can i do that when default template option isn’t appearing in dashbord?

    • kartik rawal

      at the top you see screen options just click on it and check the box says page attributes and now you can see template option

  36. Venky

    Thank you for the detailed explanation.

  37. Rakesh Roy

    Nice and helpful instructions, but i want to load template from my plugin, when i add the .php file inside my plugin wordpress not showing the drop down .

  38. Isabelle Hunter

    Thank you!!! This is so clear and simple and straight forward. I was able to set up a new page temple in under 5 min. I really appreciate what you guys do – and whoever did this video has a great voice and speaks very well for instructions.

  39. Edgar Mlowe

    Thanks a lot for this, this post helped while i was creating a custom them which needed me to create a number of custom pages. thumbs up for this!

  40. Jens Eckervogt

    Great tutorial!

    I love to see how do you have to create custom pages :) Like table ( flex-wrap with div or about page.

    I already made AboutMe-Page with css-embedded picture and more custom pages. That is really excellent! WordPress makes us rich, right?

    WordPress is like darling / sweetheart :P Because we want make our blog-websites with money from internet.

    And how do I fix contactform of WPForm? Why does WPForm not send e-mail to my google mail. I want try if it works.

    Thanks for nice explanations with your nice videos. I am really happy because you save my life and make me reality.

    Best kind regards,

    Jens Eckervogt

  41. Dave

    Are plugins compatible with custom page templates?

    For example, if I were to add custom content directly to my page template via a text editor, then upload and select it for the appropriate page (say contact page), how would a plugin (say a contact form), be placed into the custom page?


    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Dave,

      Yes they are. Often if you have to add something to a page template, you can do so by using the shortcode or template tags provided by the plugin.


  42. Erica

    Very helpful! Thankyou!

  43. Vandana

    Hi I’m converting HTML template to WORDPRESS,in the i have nave menu like Home,About Us,Courses,Gallery etc,i’m not getting anything when i click on these pages,please help me out

    • Guatham

      You are not getting anything because you should add default navigation links to your website.

  44. Shihab k

    i have a custom template page but i can’t connect with menu in normal html menu

  45. Paddy O

    Hey.. I needed this to create a page with no header and footer etc different to my template and with a little tweaking it worked perfeclty. Great. Thanks, P

  46. Manpreet Kaur

    Hello, Thanks Wpbeginner for all the tutorials. With your tutorials I build a website for the very first time by myself and its going great. I learned so much from you guys.

  47. Jason

    Hey i want to make a WordPress page that goes like this :

    I cant do that by edditing the permalink, any advice?

  48. Juned

    Thank You Very MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!

  49. Jessika

    Hi i have create a wordpress theme from scratch I create a new template call custom template it’s work but when I create a new page in admin panel the content of text does not show but it dispay only the header and footer of my new page.

    Any idea please.

    Thank you!

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