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Adding a link in WordPress posts and pages



Add link URL



Find and link to internal posts and pages



Open link in new tab





Creating a Link Using the WordPress Classic Editor






Paste Your Link Directly Into Your Content




内部リンクの管理を簡単にするために、AIOSEOプラグインを使用しています。このプラグインは、300万以上のサイトで使用されている最高のWordPress SEOプラグインです。



プラグインをインストールしたら、WordPressダッシュボードのAll In One SEO ” Link Assistantにアクセスしてください。


AIOSEO Link assistant dashboard



AIOSEO internal link assistant example






外観 ” ウィジェットページに行き、左上の青い「+ブロックインサーター」アイコンをクリックします。その後、Paragraphウィジェットをサイドバーやその他のウィジェットエリアにドラッグしてください。

Insert link in a widget

投稿やページにウィジェットを追加するときと同じように、テキストを投稿タイプし、リンクを追加することができます。本当に〜してもよいですか? ‘更新’ボタンをクリックして、新しいウィジェット設定を保存してください。






フルサイト編集が可能なブロックテーマを使用している場合は、外観 ” エディターページに移動し、編集したいナビゲーションメニューをクリックするだけです。

Add link to navigation menus in Site Editor



Edit link site editor



外観 ” メニューのページに移動してください。メニューがすでに設定されていない場合は、メニュー名を入力して作成することができます。さらに詳しく知りたい方は、WordPressでナビゲーションメニューを追加する方法の初心者ガイドをご覧ください。


Adding an Internal Link to Your Navigation Menu





Adding a Custom Link to Your Navigation Menu




A Link With a Title





WordPress用の無料プラグインAll In One SEO (AIOSEO)を使えば、リンクにタイトル、nofollow、スポンサー、UGC属性を追加することができる。


All in One SEO Title and Nofollow in Block Editor


All in One SEO Title and Nofollow in Classic Editor





Switching to the HTML View of a Block in the WordPress Block Editor


Switching to the Text View of a Post in the WordPress Classic Editor


<a href="URL">ANCHOR TEXT</a>


<a href="URL" title="TITLE" rel="nofollow">ANCHOR TEXT</a>


<p>According to a study conducted by <a href="" title="ACME Inc Study on Roadrunner and Coyote" rel="nofollow">ACME Inc</a>, roadrunners are 80% smarter than coyotes.</p>

タイトルは好きなものに変更できる。nofollow属性は常にrel="nofollow "でなければなりません。タイトルとnofollowを囲むダブルクォーテーションを忘れないでください。




リンクのナビゲーションラベルの下にある「Link Relationship (XFN)」フィールドに「nofollow」と入力する必要があります。

Type nofollow in Link Relationship


Check Link Relationships and Link Target in Screen Options





Add a Link Button in the Block Editor







Embedding a Tweet by Pasting in the Link


Get the URL to Your Chosen YouTube Video



Embedding a YouTube Video Into Your Post






アフィリエイトリンクを追加・管理する最善の方法は、アフィリエイト管理プラグインを使用することです。Pretty Linksか Thirsty Affiliatesの使用をお勧めします。


プラグインは、WordPressメニューにアフィリエイトリンクを追加できる新しいオプションを追加します。ThirstyAffiliatesの使い方は以下の通りです。あなたは、特別なアフィリエイトリンクをコピー&ペーストして、’Destination URL’ボックスに貼り付けるだけです。

Adding a Link in ThirstyAffiliates



Setting the Options for Your Affiliate Link with ThirstyAffiliates



Adding an Affiliate Link to Your Post


この例では、”Our Affiliate Partner “です。

Finding Your Affiliate Link by Search



ダッシュボードのThirstyAffiliatesまたはPretty Linksページでリンクを一度変更するだけです。投稿のリンクは以前と同じままですが、アフィリエイトリンクが使用されるすべての場所で新しいアフィリエイトリンクにリダイレクトされます。






Adding a Custom HTML Block to Your Post or Page


<a href="">Text</a>


The HTML Code to Create a Link


Previewing How the HTML Will Display in the Post or Page


先ほど行ったように、リンクにタイトルを追加したいかもしれない。このようなコードが必要で、「This is the title」を好きなものに変更できます。

<a href="" title="This is the title">Text</a>

リンクを新しいタブで開きたい場合は、次のようにHTMLコードにtarget="_blank "を追加するだけです:

<a href="" target="_blank">Text</a>

リンクをnofollowにしたい場合は、次のようにrel="nofollow "を追加します:

<a href="" rel="nofollow">Text</a>


<a href="" title="This is the title" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">Text</a>




Anchor link preview





Social Share Links



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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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Reader Interactions

79件のコメントLeave a Reply

  1. Obert Mukuka

    Thanks, I have learnt a lot here. Now how can I hide URL external link under title e. g,
    hiding URL under title:
    Bluehost plans and pricing

    instead of showing my visitors then replace it with a smart title only, Pliz help

    • WPBeginner Support

      The title of the page should automatically link to the page itself if you mean a headings then it is the same as adding a link to a post or page.


  2. Jiří Vaněk

    May I ask, what mean, at HTML code inside of link the aria label. It could be set in Elementor, but I dont know, for what I can use it.

    • WPBeginner Support

      The aria label is a tool to help with screen readers to help them understand what an HTML element is.


  3. Jiří Vaněk

    Is it a big problem from the SEO point of view to give a URL as a link? I mean that the link text itself will be given the URL. I read somewhere that from the SEO point of view it is better to put text related to the link as keywords and clicking the url itself is not suitable?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It is not a big problem, it is mainly recommended to help users and search engines understand what the link is there for and what the link should be about.


      • Jiří Vaněk

        Thank you for the clarification. I just read the opinion that the URL link should not be written in the article just as a URL link, but always write, for example, the name of the website or another description in the article and only then make it a link. Thank you for your opinion. I appreciate him very much.

  4. Fujio Okino

    “How to Add Links in WP navigation Menus” article is a great help!!
    Could you possibly explain or instruct the same by using FSE ? Not a classic editor. I do not know how to open “Menus” page. In Non-FSE, eg: appearance > menus comes up
    Thank you

    • WPBeginner Support

      We will look to include that in the future :)


  5. satta matka

    Not all external links are created equal. They come in two flavours – dofollow and nofollow. These links look the same to the visitor, but they have different code and look different to Google.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Correct, for most links we recommend setting nofollow.


  6. Abbey

    Is there a way to make an icon an internal link without it being in a menu? We have trophy icons on our safety page of our website and I am wanting you to be able to click the trophy icon and it direct you to a seperate page discussing the specific project, but it is not letting me hyperlink the icon

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on how you are adding the images but you should be able to add a hyperlink to an image block that is an internal link on your site.


  7. Greg

    How can I insert an anchor half way down a long List (made with the List Block). The anchor appears to direct links only to the top of the block.

    • WPBeginner Support

      You would need to add the ID using HTML to the specific list item instead of the list itself to link to one item in your list.


  8. Samuel adekunle

    I find it difficult to add a link on my WordPress website, but thanks to these helpful guidelines.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Glad our guide was able to simplify the process for you :)


  9. John Dodge

    How do I link to an article on another website, but instead of linking just to that particular page, have the link jump to a certain part of that article?

  10. Andrea

    I am adding links to the text of posts and it is automatically separating the link to the next line (so it’s all by itself). Why is this happening and how can I stop it? It makes it impossible to put links into a paragraph.

  11. Mandy Kong

    Great wordpress tutorials. So easy to understand.

    Is it possible to anchor a particular place on another linked page?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Yes, you would follow the same steps as you would with other anchor links, and even when you place them on another page they should work the same.


  12. Shawn L

    Thanks for the information. For some reason a space is added to the front and back of a word/phrase that I turn into a link. Would you happen to know why this is happening? I will open up settings of the link and remove the spaces, but they show back up when I save/update.


  13. Jawad Fiaz

    Hello this is awesome Blog site

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you :)


  14. Franki Robinson

    I have used the “old method” for years to post blogs for our golf course website. Now I have oodles of posts, so “they” want me to use a permaliks- I am totally lost!

  15. David Tarus

    Your tutorials are very nice and very interesting.I love them.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you :)


  16. Ted

    I have links at the bottom of my webpage and the list is getting a bit long. Is there any way to make them appear in two columns rather than a single long column?

    • WPBeginner Support

      It would depend on how you’re adding the links and your specific theme. If you reach out to your theme’s support there may be a design for your theme for two widgets in the footer rather than one if that’s how you’re adding the links.


  17. Ken James

    I can’t seem to find a way to make links a specific color. I had heard you should select Theme Options from the Appearance category in the Dashboard, but there is no Theme Option. I also cannot find it in the Custom area. Where is it? thank you.

  18. Neshad khan

    how simple and clear the way you teach i cou
    ldn’t imagine that..

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thanks, glad our articles are clear :)


  19. Toksfashion

    I am currently working in WordPress, and I cannot find the link button on the menu in the dashboard.
    Please tell me has the ink button been taken out of the WordPress dashboard menu.
    it used to be in this order
    Users …….

    There is no link button on the 4.9.8 version of my WordPress.

  20. Margo

    This was so helpful and clear! Thank you!

  21. David

    Hi is it possible if I have a link to add it to a blog post or page as the actual page and not the link?

    So instead of a signup page as usual. When they open the page it goes directly to the sales page?

    ty in advance

  22. Awais Habib

    How to link a category to page url ???

  23. Linda Shoaf

    Directions for simple link to blog seems to be outdated. Have used for years, but current option does not show “add link” just a list of former blogs. What happened?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Linda,

      Yes, you are right. We will be updating this article soon. Meanwhile you can still find the insert link button in the post editor. You can also use CTRL+K (Command+K on Mac) to insert link address.


  24. hossam elbadry

    I have a problem when adding a link and making a link to the text begins to place the link in the appearance and disappear many times

  25. Mathukutty P.V.

    What is the correct method of internal link? domain/post name OR just /post name? I have used /post name and that is working fine on site, but yoast not identifying as internal link. Kindly advise.

      • Mathukutty P. V.

        Thanks for the quick reply. I learned a lot and still reading blogs of wpbeginner and shoutmeloud.

  26. Mark Abahi

    Wp begginer is the best way to learn WordPress thank allow, I have fined exactly post am looking for.

  27. Michael

    I have a website when I first got it about 3 months ago everything was fine. Now all of a sudden I can’t make any new post or pages. Also I can’t update anything in website configuration settings. I get a message something like wp-admin php index page not found or this page contains a unknown code. Any feedback on this problem will be greatly appreciated. I also can’t hyper link anything. Even if I could it wouldn’t do any good because I can’t publish anything. Can someone please help me I will recommend you on my website. Thanks!

  28. Kara

    HELP!!! I am not a coder, and blogging just for pleasure, but I cannot get a link to work. I had my theme professionally installed and have not messed with the code any. The url works but the link text does not show up. I am left with blank spaces in my writing. If you know that something is there you can click on it, and it will re-direct you appropriately, but I do not know how to address the text not appearing. Any advice?

    Here is a copy of a paragraph from a post:

    In edit mode it looks fine, but if you view it live you can see the blank spot.

    Thanks so much for any help.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hey Kara,

      It seems like the color settings for links in your theme are set to use white color for link text. You can check your theme’s settings by visiting Appearance » Customize and look for colors section. There you need to look for links color option it would be set to white. You will need to choose a darker color and then save and publish your changes.

      If you cannot find the colors option in your theme settings, then you can go to Appearance » Customize and then click on the ‘Additional CSS’ tab.

      This will show you a text box. At the end of this text box, add the following custom CSS:

      .entry-content a {
          color: #000;

      See our article on how to add custom CSS in WordPress for more detailed instructions.


  29. aimee fauci

    Since the last WP update, I am no longer able to add links. Any ideas on how to fix this?

  30. Briona


    I would like to add a link in the Primary Navigation that will jump down to a certain part of the homepage. Is that possible?

  31. Niall


    I want to add an internal link to a home page description.

    I have a responsive theme and can’t see anywheee where I can input the link as in a post

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Niall,

      You can use plain HTML in the description to add a link. Like this:

      <a href="">WPBeginner</a>

      See our guide on how to add a link in WordPress to learn how to add links in different areas of your WordPress site.


  32. Shadi M

    thanks thanks thanks

  33. Marie Gilbert

    I am the senior writer for Biff Bam Pop. com and also have my own wordpress blog gilbert speaks and on both sites, the link button will not work for me. This problem began a month ago and nothing I or the administrator for BBP have done has worked. I do reviews of television and film and also interviews for Biff Bam Pop and not having a link button is very stressful. Would you be willing to walk me through this frustrating matter over the phone?

  34. dee

    I am still having problems adding links. I am now getting some links happening but not others even within the same post? What is going on? It can’t be any plugin issue because some links work and others wont. I’m following the same process! Help. Feeling VERY frustrated!

  35. Vickie

    I am having the same problem as Tara above. Only I can link some and when I look on the preview some of the links will be highlighted but not all. I am doing it the same exact way for all the links. What is causing this?

    • dee

      It seems I’m having a similar problem to you Vickie. Have you had any luck fixing it?

  36. Dee

    I have tried to insert a link and it all seems to work until I update the blog post. It just appears as normal text in the post and is not a link! Any suggestions?
    I’ve done it before in other posts and have not added any new plug ins.

  37. Renee Walstad

    I am trying to add a link to amazon associates page in a post. when I click on link it takes me to a blank page site. But in the widgets it works and takes me to the amazon product. Am I missing something.

  38. Peter Anderson

    Great article!

    I have a problem that is when I click “Add Link” button in the editor I do not get a selector for the articles/pages I have. Thus, I have to enter the URL manually

    Any ideas how to resolve that?

    • WPBeginner Support

      You need to click on the text that says ‘Or link to existing content’, it will expand the Insert Link popup and will show a search field. Type something from the post/page title that you want to link to and it will start showing it in the result. Please see the Gif animation in the article.

      If you do not see the ‘Or link to existing content’ text or your it does not work, then this could mean that a plugin or your theme is causing conflict. Try after disabling all your WordPress plugins temporarily. If it works, then enable plugins one by one and retest until you find the one causing the conflict.


  39. Tara

    So, I’ve successfully entered a hyperlink using the “Insert/Edit Link” button, but when I preview my blog page, the link does not show up (it’s a blank white space) until I hover my mouse of the space and then it shows up red. How can I get the link to display without hovering my mouse over the link?

    • WPBeginner Support

      This is a CSS issue in your theme’s style sheet or may be a plugin is causing the issue. You can try these steps:

      1. Deactivate all your WordPress plugins and then see if the link color returns back to normal. If it does, then activate plugins one by one until you find the culprit.

      2. If it is not a plugin, then it could be a change you made to your theme. You can try installing a fresh copy of your WordPress theme but we will warn you that if you made any changes to theme code, then you will lose them.

      3. Your theme may be using a dark color as background which you changed to a lighter background?


  40. J Ireri

    Best beginner’s tutorial on WordPress. Thank you! All other ”tutorials” read like physics lectures.

  41. Patty

    Thank you for this valuable information.
    I get your WordPress weekly tips.
    I was able to fix a web link with your widget instructions.
    I really like the Forget Short Code Plugin. I was able to add in new boxes, etc. to enhance my site.

  42. Bridgitte

    My blog is a free blog. I promote books so I have pages for each book. How do I include an image with every tweet that is sent. Every one would have to be different for each page. I don’t know what you call this so I don’t know what to search for. I have noticed there is an image, sometimes, but not always.
    Thanks for the help!

  43. Howard Lieberman

    I don’t know how I made this mistake, but….after I put in link (between 2 pages) when I click on either one I get “WordPress cannot find this page”. If I erase and start over here, I get the same one. What did I do the is incorrect? website: ; jake361denis. category: A Thing Compendium. Post: Dromedary Dreams.
    How avoid this?

  44. Rogers

    Hi Syed,

    Great complete presentation.

    I have already learnt alto about compress in less than a month. Am satisfied I subscribed to

    Keep up educating the world.


  45. Jeremy Gordon

    Thanks for the tips. I have a question about the amount of plugins that are appropriate. I’ve heard that too many plugins (as in more than 15) slows down a page and is unnecessary. What are your thoughts?

  46. dinesh pandey

    I think it’s a very illustrative and very useful guidelines!

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