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How to add a Google Calendar in WordPress (Step by step)




An example of an events calendar



An example of a Google Calendar events


Googleカレンダーを使って、ウェビナーや オンライン説教のようなバーチャルイベントをスケジュールすることもできます。イベントの説明には、電話会議へのリンクを追加することができます(無料イベントの場合)。



WordPressサイトにカレンダーを追加する最良の方法は、Pretty Google Calendarプラグインを使用することです。WordPressのカレンダープラグインの中でもトップクラスで、公開カレンダーのイベントをモバイル対応のレイアウトで表示することができます。


Embedding a Google Calendar in a WordPress website

まず最初に行う必要があるのは、Pretty Google Calendarプラグインをインストールして有効化することです。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。

有効化した後、設定 ” Pretty Google Calendar Settingsにアクセスしてください。

The Pretty Google Calendar WordPress plugin

ここで、Google APIキーを入力する必要があります。

ステップ 2: Google API キーの作成

Google APIキーを作成するには、Google Cloud Consoleにアクセスする。コンソールに初めてアクセスする場合は、利用規約に同意し、更新メールを受け取るかどうかを選択する必要があります。


The Google Cloud Console

Google Cloud Consoleに移動します。

Google Calendar API用の新規プロジェクトを作成するので、「プロジェクトを選択」をクリックする。

Creating a new project in the Google Cloud Console



この画面では、API キーにオプションの組織を追加したり、Google Cloud Console がプロジェクトを作成する場所を変更したりすることもできます。

Creating a Google Calendar API key for WordPress


その後、左側のメニューから「Enabled APIs & Services」を選択し、「Enable APIs and Services」をクリックする。

Enabling the Google Calendar API

この画面では、有効化できるすべてのAPIが表示されます。例えば、YouTubeチャンネルの最新動画を表示したい場合は、YouTube Data APIを有効化する必要があります。

WordPressにGoogleカレンダーを追加したいので、「Google Workspace」セクションまでスクロールし、「Google Calendar API」をクリックする。

Enabling the Google Calendar API



Activating the Google Calendar API

これでGoogle Calendar APIキーの作成は完了です。

左側のメニューで’Credentials’をクリックし、’Create Credentials’を選択する。表示されるドロップダウンで、’API key’ オプションをクリックする必要があります。

Creating credentials in the Google Cloud Console


初期設定では、Google Calendar APIキーは無制限になっています。他の人にAPIキーを使われないようにするには、ポップアップ内の「APIキーを編集」リンクをクリックして、APIキーを制限するのがスマートです。

Creating a Google Calendar API key for your WordPress website

Google APIキーがすべて表示された画面が開きます。先ほど作成したキーを見つけてクリックするだけです。


Restricting access to the Google Calendar API key



Restricting access to the Google Maps API key

Add Website」フィールドに、あなたのサイトのアドレスを入力します。


Restricting a Google Maps API key



Restricting access to a Google API key

ドロップダウンで、’Google Calendar APIs’の隣のボックスをチェックします。


Google Calendar API


これでWordPressサイトにGoogle Calendar APIキーを追加する準備ができました。WordPressのダッシュボードに戻り、「Google API」フィールドにAPIキーを追加します。

Adding a Google API key to your WordPress website





The Google Calendar settings



Changing the calendar settings in Google Drive



Making a Google Calendar public



How to make a Google Calendar public



Getting a Google Calendar ID






Adding a Google Calendar to WordPress using shortcode


[pretty_google_calendar gcal= "calendar-id"].




Example of what the Pretty Google Calendar looks like




A Google Calendar, embedded in a WordPress sidebar

Googleカレンダーをサイドバーなどに追加するには、左メニューの外観 ウィジェットにアクセスします。


Adding a calendar to your WordPress website



Adding a shortblock block to the WordPress sidebar


その後、Pretty Google CalendarショートコードとカレンダーIDをブロックに貼り付けます。この情報は、上記と同じ手順で取得できます。



始めるには、WordPressダッシュボードの外観 ” エディターへ向かいます。

Opening the WordPress full-site editor (FSE)



Editing a WordPress full-site editor template



Adding a Google Calendar to WordPress using the full-site editor


ステップ 5: イベントまたは予約フォームの追加









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情報開示 私たちのコンテンツは読者支援型です。これは、あなたが私たちのリンクの一部をクリックした場合、私たちはコミッションを得ることができることを意味します。 WPBeginnerの資金源 をご覧ください。3$編集プロセスをご覧ください。


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.


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Reader Interactions


  1. Mrteesurez

    I want to implement this but having questions:
    1) Is the calendar conneted to my own calendar attached to my Google account or just a google calendar ?
    2) Concerning the events, where am I or users going to add it ?
    3) Or is it only for just an online calendar ?

  2. Simon Adams

    *Please note – error in instructions*

    Hi All

    I hope I can save people the many hours I have spent trying to get this to work. In the instructions it talks about restricting the API to “Google Cloud APIs”. If you do that you don’t get any calendar entries coming through.

    The answer is obvious and I thought it strange at the time (but assumed the instructions were right! Instead you should restrict the API to “Google Calendar API”.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Thank you for sharing this, we’ll look into instructions as well and update them as needed!


  3. Mike McNamara

    I’m confused, is this for pages or for pages?

  4. Elizabeth

    Instructions were clear and I was able to get my calendar into my website but no events are showing up on the website calendar that i enter into my google calendar. I’ve made the calendar public. any suggestions?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If the events are not appearing we would recommend reaching out to the plugin’s support and they can look into and assist with those errors. You may also want to try disabling your other plugins to check if there is a conflict with one of your other plugins.


      • Elizabeth

        Thanks, I’ll give that a try.

  5. Adriana

    hi, thanks for giving this guide! i successfully added this to my website. my question, Is it possible to give people the option to sync our calendar to theirs?

    thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless we hear otherwise, not the entire calendar at the moment but if you check with the plugin’s support and they can look to add that feature :)


  6. Anna

    Is there a way to create Event Schema for this calendar?
    Thanks in advance

    • WPBeginner Support

      Not at the moment, the plugin’s developer may look to add this markup in the future.


  7. Lindsay Braud

    The plugin for Simple Calendar has not been updated in 9 months and has not been tested on the last three major WordPress updates. Are you sure this is still the best option? Would doing an embed be better?

  8. Vik

    Can you disable the “See more details” for individual events?
    I tried deleting the short code [link newwindow=”yes”]See more details[/link] and saving the calendar but it doesn’t work.
    Do I need to recreate a new calendar, remove the above short code and publish it from scratch?

    • WPBeginner Support

      If there are no changes then you would want to ensure your cache is not the root of the issue as well as check with the plugin’s support to see if how you are wanting to set it up is supported or if it would need custom code.


  9. April

    For anyone who, like me, needed this article’s instructions but found Google has updated their Cloud Platform and this article isn’t updated to match, here’s how I got it to work (11/8/2021):

    Follow the article instructions through: “Here, you need to click the ‘Enable APIs and Services’ option.”

    Next: Scroll down until you see “Google Calendar API” under Google Workspace and enable it.

    – You should be on the overview page, and there will be a button on the right side that says “create credentials.” Click it.

    – Which API are you using? > Google Calendar API
    – What data will you be accessing? > Application data (if you, like me, are trying to make visible a public Google Calendar and aren’t collecting any user information)

    – Are you planning to use this API with Compute Engine, Kubernetes Engine, App Engine, or Cloud Functions? > Yes.

    – Click next (it’ll say you don’t need anything else), then done.

    – You’ll be on your credentials page and there will be a new API key. Name it whatever you want. Then click the pencil/edit icon on the far right of it (hover text: Edit API Key).

    – Application restrictions > None

    – API restrictions > Don’t restrict key

    – Submit and you’ll be sent back to your credentials page. Click the “copy API key” button to copy to clipboard.

    – Continue following the instructions on this page from: “You need to copy this and paste it into your favorite text editor.”

    Hope that helps save you the time it took me trying to figure it out!

  10. Joelene Mills

    Would there be an updated tutorial for this widget/plugin? I tried following along but Google has changed SO much – I was unable to figure it out.

    • WPBeginner Support

      We work on keeping our content as up to date as we can, we’ll be sure to look at updating this article as we are able :)


  11. Leonie

    I can’t find the Simple Calender – Google calender plugin. Which plugin can be used to sync my google Calender with my WordPress site

    • WPBeginner Support

      This is an older article but we link in the article itself where you can download the plugin where we mention the Simple Calendar plugin.


  12. Wanda Lancaster

    My Google calendar no longer displays on my website. It displays on the back end but, not on the website. Is there Plugin other than, the Simple Calendar, that I can use to display my client’s Google calender?

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless I hear otherwise, we do not have a recommended alternative at the moment but we will keep an eye out for alternatives we would recommend.


  13. Annie Sloan

    Is there a way to import multiple Google calendars for use on different pages? I am looking at this plugin to use for a school who has separate calendars that need to be displayed on different pages. Please let me know if that’s possible. Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support

      Unless I hear otherwise, you should be able to embed multiple calendars with this.


  14. Kathleen Mathieu

    I’ve added Simple Google calendar to my web site on the SideBar. All works okay except each item shows a bullet and then the item on the next line. Multiple events on the same day show a bullet, line break & description for each event. If I put it on the Footer widget, the bullets don’t appear. How can I get rid of the bullets to make it more compact?

    • WPBeginner Support

      That sounds like there may be a styling issue either from your theme or the plugin itself. If you reach out to the plugin’s support they should be able to let you know how to remove those.


  15. Alberto

    Hello, the Google API configuration is totally different now. Can you update the guide?

    • WPBeginner Support

      We will certainly take a look at updating the article :)


  16. carlos


    I need a plugin that let’s the users (using a form) to choose a date to do a meeting in the availables dates in my calendar.

    Do you know something like that?

  17. Rachel

    Is there a way to add a search function to the Simple Calendar on my WordPress site? I read something about a search query function, but did not see how I can add this function.

    • Marie

      Did you ever get any feedback on this? I am also interested in learning how to add a search in wordpress for my google calendar.

  18. Fay

    I am not able to navigate back to view previous months on the calendar. Is there a setting i can change to allow this?

  19. Abrahim

    My Simple Calendar just stopped synchronizing some time ago. I can’t get it to work anymore.
    Any suggestions?

  20. Youssef


    Is there a way to add an event directly from the WordPress back office (with syncing with Google Calendar) or should I add all the events in Google Calendar? Thank you.

  21. Javier

    It doesnt work. Any suggestion?

    Error calling GET (...) (400) Bad Request

    Please ensure that both your Google Calendar ID and API Key are valid and that the Google Calendar you want to display is public.

    • Laura

      I am not sure why it isn’t working. The instructions seem so easy. i WISH it was that easy… Frustrating!!!

  22. Kelly

    I’ve got the calendar set up on my web page and it looks great. The only problem is that I can’t scroll to another month. When I click on the arrows, nothing happens. I’m assuming this is a simple button click in my settings that I’m missing?

    • Tina

      I have everything set up for the google calendar and it shows on my website. When I add a new event on my google calendar it doesn’t update on the website. What am I missing?

  23. Julian Cleak

    I have installed the Calendar with no problem but I am trying to attach a file from Google Drive. The calendar is public and the file.pdf is visible but when I click on it I am requested to sign into my google account. I am trying to make this file public and have set everything to share to public but it doesn’t seem to work. any advice would be appreciated.

  24. Richard Moore

    I added the google calendar properly, tested it and looks good, i copied the short-code on the last step to a new page as instructed and it only says ” Calendar Placeholder”

    • Richard Moore

      I’m not sure what I did wrong or how to fix it. I doubled check and the calendar is set to public.

    • WPBeginner Support

      Hi Richard,

      Please check to make sure that the calendar you are trying to add is public.


  25. Fernando

    Everything’s installed and working, except my bubbles don’t consistently work. If I toggle between list/grid view I can get them to work for in preview mode but not when I go to the web page.

  26. Tom Rodeck

    Awesome tutorial! Made this very easy to install!

  27. Lisa

    I have implemented the Simple Calendar and it works great. However, I would like to pull from more than one calendar at a time. Is there a way to show calendar events from more than one calendar within the same page/widget?

  28. Lin Sakai

    I have followed the set up instructions more than once, but the “Calendar ID” field does not appear after I click on “Google Calendar” in calendar settings . Help! Thanks!

  29. Nathalie

    I have google’s simple calendar plug in working. How do I synchronize it w/ my Google Calendar, and also the appearance of the calendar in my wordpress site is way too small. How do I make it bigger?

  30. Lauren H

    I have successfully added the google calendar to my wordpress website, wahoo! However, the font is really small on the actual calander… any way to make the font bigger or change the color?

    • Stuart

      Add this to your stylesheet

      .simcal-default-calendar-grid ul.simcal-events {
      font-size: 1em;

  31. Jen

    Seemed easy enough but I am getting this error.

    Error calling GET …

    I double checked that my calendar is public and created a new APi and I get the same thing.

    :( Any suggestions?

  32. Brooke Jackson

    Very informative! However, I do not have a plug-in icon on my left tab when in my dashboard. In fact, I can’t find the Plug-in option anywhere under my admin log-in.


  33. Barry Goldstein

    I installed the app, and of course in the beginning it did not run. For the calendar’s id I had installed the URL – without the double quotes. But that’s wrong! I was being too technical when all it needed was the over all name – in our case

    The page, looks great – vastly superior to inserting the HTML code from Google’s calendar.

    This will give the client a great start. Later on I’m sure they’ll upgrade to the pro version. Many thanks

  34. Judy

    Is there a way to eliminate the ‘created by’ field when printing the agenda view from an embedded Google Calendar?

  35. Maggie

    I did all the steps and it worked perfeclty, but the events are shown uber tinny, almost ilegibles. Is there a way to change this? Thanks!

  36. jane

    cant access g google calandar under settings

  37. Heather

    Some of my events are showing on the wrong day/time on my website even though they are correct on google.

  38. Kami

    I added the plugin and set up the Google calendar following these directions. I don’t think I’ve missed anything. Still the events added on the public Google calendar don’t show up on my web page. Any suggestions?

    • Paul Appleby

      Kami, it’s probably a cache issue. Have a look at the “Why the event I just added on a Google Calendar doesn’t show up in Simple Calendar?” page at:

      So any events you add or edit will not show up in the Simple Calendar until the amount of time in the plugin’s cache setting has elapsed.

      Hope that helps.

  39. Samuel

    helped a lot, thank you!

    btw if anyone can tell me how to change the calendar start day from Monday to Sunday that would be great!

    • Steven Sanchez

      Not sure if you found the answer but I had the same problem. On your dashboard if you go to settings-general-scroll down to the bottom and you will see “week starts on” then you can change it to sunday or whatever you like. I thought it was in the plugin settings but it’s in the WP general settings.

  40. stephie

    Your tutorial helps me but I just one step left to complete to share to my readers!
    Couldn’t get the “add calendar” button at the page :(

    • Same Problem

      Just ran into the same problem. I found the fix though! On the main menu go to Calendars->Settings->’Calendars’ Tab -> Attach Calendars. Select ‘Pages’ and the button will magically appear as described in this tutorial.

      • Niki

        Thank you so much for the work around! I was about to give up in despair after I got everything else to work! So glad I thought to check the comments!

  41. Malak

    How to add the event to the user local calender?

  42. Carlos

    I really wanted to use this app as I maintain a full Google calendar.
    But every time I try to activate it gives me a server error and I am no longer able to access my plugins pages in dashboard. If I go into cpanel and remove plugin it fixes things but I have no clue why this would do this…

