Você quer mudar do Weebly para o WordPress?
Sim, é possível migrar todo o seu conteúdo do Weebly para o WordPress sem contratar um desenvolvedor ou saber programar. Criamos uma ferramenta gratuita de importação do Weebly para o WordPress que faz tudo isso para você.
Neste artigo, mostraremos a você como migrar corretamente do Weebly para o WordPress (passo a passo).
Por que migrar do Weebly para o WordPress?
Escolher o WordPress em vez do Weebly realmente se resume a flexibilidade e controle.
O WordPress é como o tipo de plataforma da Web “faça tudo”. É de código aberto, o que significa que uma enorme comunidade de desenvolvedores aprimora constantemente seus recursos.
Você tem acesso a milhares de temas e plug-ins, o que lhe permite dimensionar e personalizar seu site como quiser. Não importa se você está configurando um blog simples ou um site de comércio eletrônico complexo, o WordPress dá conta de tudo.
O Weebly é fácil de usar e é ótimo se você quiser criar um site rapidamente e com o mínimo de esforço. No entanto, ele é limitado em termos de recursos de personalização e não tem todos os recursos de SEO que o WordPress oferece.
De acordo com nossa experiência, a maioria das pessoas não escolhe a melhor plataforma de blog quando começa. Em vez disso, é mais provável que você opte por uma das muitas soluções hospedadas, como o Weebly, porque ouviu falar que era fácil e gratuito.
Infelizmente, às vezes o WordPress é mal visto, e há muitos mitos sobre ele que simplesmente não são verdadeiros.
Quando você se dedica mais aos blogs e aprende sobre SEO, monetização, personalização, etc., tem aquele momento de ” ops”, pois percebe que fez a escolha errada.
Você descobre que o WordPress é de fato o melhor sistema de gerenciamento de conteúdo que existe.
E é aí que você começa a entrar em pânico, pois não quer que seu trabalho árduo seja desperdiçado.
Não se preocupe, isso não acontecerá. Já ajudamos centenas de pessoas a mudar do Weebly para o WordPress. Não, você não precisa saber nenhum código. Se conseguir seguir as instruções e apontar e clicar, você poderá transferir seu site do Weebly para o WordPress.
Sim, você levará cerca de uma hora para migrar adequadamente do Weebly para o WordPress, mas vale muito a pena.
Oferta gratuita de bônus: Como muitos de vocês pediram isso, agora estamos oferecendo o serviço gratuito de migração do Weebly para o WordPress como parte do nosso serviço gratuito de configuração de blog do WordPress. Isso significa que um dos membros da nossa equipe de especialistas fará toda a migração para você (100% grátis). Sim, você pode literalmente mudar do Weebly para o WordPress sem nenhum risco.
No entanto, se você gosta de aprender e fazer as coisas por conta própria, pode seguir nosso tutorial passo a passo abaixo.
Pronto? Vamos começar.
Tutorial em vídeo do Weebly para WordPress
Se você não gosta de tutoriais em vídeo ou deseja seguir seu próprio ritmo, continue lendo as instruções abaixo.
Etapa 1: Primeiros passos
Para iniciar um blog no WordPress, você precisa de duas coisas:
- Um nome de domínio (esse é o nome de seu blog, ou seja, wpbeginner.com)
- Uma conta de hospedagem na Web (é onde seu site fica na Internet)
Embora o WordPress em si seja gratuito, o domínio e a hospedagem na Web têm um custo (US$ 14,99 / ano para o domínio e US$ 7,99 / mês para a hospedagem na Web).
Felizmente, a Bluehost, um provedor de hospedagem oficial recomendado pelo WordPress, concordou em oferecer aos nossos usuários um nome de domínio gratuito e mais de 73% de desconto em hospedagem na Web.
Se, por algum motivo, você quiser outras opções, consulte nossa lista das melhores empresas de hospedagem WordPress.
Depois de configurar seu domínio e hospedagem, a próxima etapa é instalar o WordPress. Temos um guia passo a passo sobre como instalar o WordPress.
Depois de concluir a instalação do WordPress, você estará pronto para passar para a próxima etapa, que é transferir o conteúdo do Weebly para o WordPress.
Etapa 2: Exportar conteúdo de seu site da Weebly
No passado, era muito difícil para os usuários migrarem do Weebly para o WordPress porque não era fácil exportar dados do Weebly.
Decidimos resolver esse problema e desenvolvemos um importador gratuito do Weebly para o WordPress.
É uma ferramenta on-line gratuita que importa seu conteúdo do Weebly e o converte em um formato de importação compatível com o WordPress. Ela não faz nenhuma alteração em seu site existente do Weebly, portanto, é perfeitamente segura de usar.
Acesse o site do importador do Weebly para WordPress e insira o URL do seu site do Weebly.
Você será solicitado a fornecer seu nome e endereço de e-mail e a selecionar um formato de exportação.
A opção padrão é o formato WXR, e você não deve alterá-la, a menos que tenha um problema mais tarde.
Em seguida, você precisa escolher se deseja incluir páginas em seu arquivo de exportação. A opção padrão é “Yes” (Sim), e você não precisa alterar isso, a menos que realmente não queira exportar as páginas do Weebly.
Depois disso, você precisa clicar no botão “Export my Weebly Website”.
O importador do Weebly para WordPress agora buscará o conteúdo do seu site do Weebly e o converterá em um arquivo de exportação compatível com o WordPress.
Você verá um botão para baixar seu arquivo de exportação do Weebly. Você precisa clicar com o botão direito do mouse nele e selecionar “Salvar link como” no menu.
Isso fará o download do arquivo export.xml para seu computador.
Etapa 3: Importar o conteúdo do Weebly para o WordPress
Agora que você tem o conteúdo do Weebly em um formato compatível com o WordPress, é hora de importá-lo para o WordPress.
Faça login na sua área de administração e vá para a página Ferramentas ” Importar.
Você verá uma lista de importadores disponíveis para diferentes plataformas. Você precisa rolar para baixo até o WordPress e clicar no link “Install Now” (Instalar agora).
O WordPress agora buscará o plug-in do importador e o instalará em seu site WordPress sem recarregar a página.
Depois de instalado, você precisa clicar em “Run Importer” (Executar importador) para iniciá-lo.
Isso o levará à página do importador do WordPress. Vá em frente e clique no botão “Choose file” (Escolher arquivo) para selecionar o arquivo export.xml que você baixou anteriormente.
Em seguida, clique no botão “Upload file and import” (Carregar arquivo e importar) para continuar.
O importador do WordPress fará o upload e analisará seu arquivo de exportação. Na próxima tela, ele solicitará que você atribua autores.
Você pode importar um autor do seu site do Weebly, criar um novo autor ou atribuir todo o conteúdo ao seu usuário existente do WordPress.
Não se esqueça de marcar a caixa ao lado da opção “Baixar e importar anexos de arquivos”. Ela buscará imagens do seu site do Weebly na biblioteca de mídia do WordPress para que você possa usá-las posteriormente.
Agora você pode clicar no botão “Submit” (Enviar) para executar o importador. O WordPress agora importará o conteúdo do arquivo de exportação para o banco de dados do WordPress. Ele também tentará buscar imagens vinculadas aos posts e páginas do seu blog no Weebly.
Após a conclusão, você verá uma mensagem de sucesso.
Parabéns, você importou com êxito o conteúdo do seu blog do Weebly para o WordPress. Agora você pode acessar posts, páginas e categorias na área de administração do WordPress para ver se todo o seu conteúdo está lá. Além disso, verifique a biblioteca de mídia para ver as imagens importadas do seu site do Weebly.
Se o processo de importação falhar no meio, você sempre poderá executá-lo novamente. O importador é inteligente o suficiente para detectar conteúdo duplicado e ignorá-lo. Ele importará somente o conteúdo que não foi importado com êxito na tentativa anterior.
Etapa 4: Configuração de redirecionamentos
Se você estava usando um domínio personalizado em seu site do Weebly (como yoursite.com), precisará apontá-lo para o seu provedor de hospedagem do WordPress.
Primeiro, você precisa fazer login na sua conta do Weebly e ir para a página Domínios. Clique no nome de domínio que você deseja editar e, na página Domain Settings (Configurações do domínio), clique no botão “Change” (Alterar) ao lado da opção Nameservers (Servidores de nomes).
Na próxima tela, você precisa inserir os servidores de nomes do seu novo host do WordPress. No caso da Bluehost, esses são ns1.bluehost.com e ns2.bluehost.com.
Clique no botão “Save” (Salvar) para armazenar suas configurações.
As alterações no servidor de nomes podem levar algum tempo para se propagar pela Internet. Quando as alterações entrarem em vigor, os visitantes começarão a ver seu site WordPress.
Se você estiver usando um URL de subdomínio no seu site do Weebly (como http://example.weebly.com), veja como configurar o redirecionamento.
Faça login no painel de controle do Weebly e edite seu site. Em seguida, você precisa clicar em Settings (Configurações) e depois na guia SEO.
Agora, role para baixo até a opção de código de cabeçalho e adicione esta linha de código:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.yourdomain.com/">
Substitua yourdomain.com pelo nome de domínio de seu novo site WordPress.
Não se esqueça de clicar nos botões “Salvar” e “Publicar” para salvar suas alterações.
Agora você pode visitar seu site do Weebly, que será atualizado e redirecionado para seu site do WordPress.
Etapa 5: Configuração de Permalinks
Seu site do Weebly pode ter uma estrutura de URL diferente para posts e páginas de blog. Normalmente, é algo parecido com isto:
Para postagens de blog: http://example.com/blog/your-post-title/
Para páginas: http://example.com/page-title.html
Se você estava usando um domínio personalizado no seu site do Weebly, os usuários que visitarem uma postagem no seu antigo blog do Weebly verão um erro 404.
Veja como você pode garantir que os usuários sejam redirecionados para a publicação correta.
Você precisará acessar a página Configurações ” Permalinks. Role a tela para baixo e selecione a opção “Estrutura personalizada” e, em seguida, adicione /blog/%postname%
no campo de texto ao lado.
Não se esqueça de clicar no botão “Salvar alterações” para atualizar seus permalinks.
Agora, você precisa adicionar .html no final dos URLs de suas páginas do WordPress.
Você precisará instalar e ativar o plug-in Add Any Extension to Pages. Para obter mais detalhes, consulte nosso guia passo a passo sobre como instalar um plug-in do WordPress.
Após a ativação, você precisa acessar Settings ” Add Any Extension to Pages. Basta digitar .html nas configurações do plug-in e clicar no botão “Update Settings” (Atualizar configurações).
Agora, você precisa visitar a página Configurações ” Permalinks e clicar no botão salvar alterações para atualizar sua estrutura de permalink.
Etapa 6: Solução de problemas
Aqui estão algumas coisas que você pode precisar depois de transferir seu site do Weebly para o WordPress.
1. Importação ou substituição de imagens
O WordPress tentará importar imagens do seu site do Weebly para o WordPress durante a importação. No entanto, se suas imagens não forem baixadas para a biblioteca de mídia, será necessário importá-las. Consulte nosso guia sobre como importar imagens externas no WordPress para obter instruções detalhadas passo a passo.
2. Correção de erros no WordPress
Se estiver vendo alguns erros no seu site WordPress após a transferência, consulte nosso guia definitivo sobre erros comuns do WordPress e como corrigi-los.
3. Coisas a fazer após a instalação do WordPress
Se tudo correr bem, você estará pronto para personalizar seu novo site e aproveitar a enorme flexibilidade do WordPress. Veja nossa lista de coisas importantes a fazer após a instalação do WordPress.
Esperamos que este artigo tenha ajudado você a migrar adequadamente do Weebly para o WordPress. Talvez você também queira ver nossa lista dos plug-ins obrigatórios do WordPress para sites de negócios e nosso guia sobre WordPress vs. Weebly.
Se você gostou deste artigo, inscreva-se em nosso canal do YouTube para receber tutoriais em vídeo sobre o WordPress. Você também pode nos encontrar no Twitter e no Facebook.
Syed Balkhi says
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Nicole says
Thank you so much for this tutorial – it was much needed help!
Now, after struggling quite a bit to get my Weebly content migrated to WordPress (“no content found”) I finally managed to get it sorted by trying Firefox instead of Chrome. I do however have a problem; all of my blog posts were transferred, but despite checking the boxes (as said in the video tutorial) it seems that non of my categories nor comments where migrated along with the rest of the Weebly content. Why is that? Is there something I can do to fix this?
Thank you!
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Nicole,
You can try regenerating another export file and then import it. WordPress importer is smart enough to not avoid duplicate content, this way you would be able to import any content that didn’t import earlier.
Missy Zane says
Wow! Thank you! I thought I was going to have to rebuild a 77-page website on WordPress. You saved me a lot of time and work!
Mike Trapp says
I keep trying to use this tool but tells me no content, we have 500+ blogs.
Any pointers to give that I can try?
Jason says
You need to turn off SSL in Weebly before the export program will work.
Mike trapp says
I am trying to export our 500_ blogs from weebly to WP
The site is venturethewild.com.
The tool says no content found.
But when I try the tool on
which is just a dummy test site I made it works.
Any ideas?
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Mike,
We are not sure and we are looking into it. Meanwhile can you please try again later. Try adding your URL with and without www or try exporting in RSS format.
Mike Trapp says
I have tried all those suggestions, no luck.
I can get a RSS feed file saved, but its in the “atom” format and WP wont read it in, plus it only gives 10 blog posts.
Marissa says
I’m having the same issue
WPBeginner Support says
Thank you for letting us know, we are continuing to look into possible causes and solutions for this issue
Morgan says
Hello team,
I’m always stuck when I try to generate the exporting file. It always fails. Is it because the website file on weebly is too big? Is there another way to do this? I tried to import using RSS and it still doesn’t work.
Thank you very much!
Madison says
Hey there! I have tried giving it hours and even days between trying to use the import tool… I’m still getting the same error that there is no content. I’ve even tried different browsers on three different IP addresses. Still no luck…
Reka says
Hi Madison,
I kept running into the same problem (with all browsers possible).
Then I realized that I have SSL certification enabled on my Weebly website which might be causing the trouble, so I disabled it, republished the site without SSL. I’ve tried weeblytowp converter with the Weebly site republished without SSL (please, note that it means that your URL will start with http instead of https this way), and it worked immediately.
If it applies to you it’s worth giving it a shot.
Linda says
Hello! I paid for my domain name through Weebly but now I want to use it for a WordPress blog. I don’t need to import any content (it wasn’t a blog before), but I don’t want to pay two hosts for the same domain name.
Can I just link my paid domain name into WordPress?
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Linda,
You can keep your domain name on Weebly and still point it to your WordPress blog. You can also transfer your domain registration from Weebly to your new hosting provider. See our guide on the difference between domain names and hosting for more information.
Leanne says
Thank you so much for creating this tool! I have a question about the export file. In your information above you refer to the export file being a .WXR format, but we keep receiving a .XML option only. Are we doing something incorrectly?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Madison says
Hey there! I have tried giving it hours and even a whole day… I’m still getting the same error. I’ve even tried different browsers on three different IP addresses. Still no luck…
Madison says
It says there is no content to export. I’m entering in the correct URL. Copied it straight from my weebly site… I keep trying but get the same result. HELP?!
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Madison,
Please retry after few hours. Sometimes due to memory issues it can give you this error.
Madison says
Hey there! I have tried giving it hours and even a whole day… I’m still getting the same error. I’ve even tried different browsers on three different IP addresses. Still no luck…
Nadja says
Hi there,
I was following the video but the bluehost and all looks different to me and I didn’t have to install wordpress. Do you know if that is new?
Btw super thanks for all your great guides
Richard says
Great article and 95% of it has worked like a charm!!
The last 5% is the domain hosting.
What if you didn’t buy or transfer your custom domain name to weebly?
My domain name is hosted by a local company and just points to weebly.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Richard,
In that case, you just need to change DNS settings and point them to your new hosting provider.
Tatjana says
It is saying I have an invalid URL which is simply not true. The webpage I am trying to move is:
Please advise why this is not working.
Many thanks!
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Tatjana,
We were able to generate an export file for the URL you provided. May be the service was temporarily down. Can you please give it another try?
arfa saira says
This is brilliant – thank you! Just one question though…my weebly site is a specific domain name which also has an associated gmail account with it (using the actual domain name) and my main concern is losing that email address or it not working any longer. What’s the best way to move this all over? I did consider creating a new website with a new domain and simply creating a re-direct on it…but don’t really fancy paying for two lots of everything. What’s the best way to proceed?
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Arfa,
We assume that the Gmail account uses your domain name like usename@example.com. This means you are using Gsuite or Google Apps for Work. Please contact their support directly and they will be able to guide you better.
Tatjana says
Thank you for the tutorial, I am willing to try it out but am a bit confused on how to proceed. I have my website and blog on weebly under a custom domain and I want to keep this name also on my new wordpress site. This would mean I do not want to purchase a new domain. I just want to change the hosting to bluehost and then create my new WP site and use the domain name that I am currently using with weebly. Is it possible at all? Of course I need my old site to go on functioning for as long as the new WP one is not ready.
Is it possible? Or I need to necessarily purchase a new domain? Mmh… I’m just at a loss and hope you can help!
I’d also be happy to pay for someone to guide me through this procedure. Thank you for any tips you can give!
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Tatjana,
You can signup for Bluehost and they will allow you to use a temporary address for your website. You can use it to build your WordPress site. Once you are ready to move, you can go a head and change the domain name settings ‘Name Servers’ and point them to Bluehost’s nameservers. This will ensure minimum downtime for your visitors.
However, once you have changed name servers you will need to update WordPress URLs because they will still be using the temporary address. Go to Settings > General and add your domain name in WordPress Address and Site Address fields. You will also need to update URLs in posts and pages using the Velvet Blues Update URLs plugin.
Dee says
Thank you for this tutorial. I have wanted to move my Weebly site for months. I have a relatively small site with lots of images, and the folks over at Upwork told me it would take 40 hours and hundreds of dollars to move my site. Seemed unreasonable to me.
Can’t wait to try this out.
QUESTION? I have a custom domain name in weebly, and will be moving to a completely new site name on wordpress. Presume my custom site name will work with the weeblytowp.com tool.
QUESTION? I have several private pages that are only accessible with a member login. Do I need to make these pages public in order for them to move over? I am just trying to think this through before I start the process? If they have to be public, then maybe I can copy them in Weebly and just name them something obsure and hide the navigation. This could be a temporary solution.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Dee,
Yes, you can use your custom domain name on your new WordPress website.
Yes, you will need to make those pages public before you run the importer tool. You can make them private again once you have downloaded your export file.
Mary says
I have the page in weebly and it is very well positioned in google, if I change to make a new page in wordpress can affect my positioning in the search engines? is it possible to import just the blog articles from weebly to a new wordpress?
Miguel says
hi first of all thanks for this tool.
i have a problem:
weeblytowp tells me to enter a valid URL in the weebly website URL box, im using a custom domain what can i do?
Joel Levine says
How about if you want to migrate a store website? Thanks
Jace Reese says
I got my website to transfer, however it only transferred 11 out of my 15 blog posts. Any suggestions?
H. Baker says
I keep receiving the following error when I input information into the transfer form:
“The weeblytowp.com page isn’t working
weeblytowp.com is currently unable to handle this request.
Please let me know what I can do to remedy this.
WPBeginner Support says
This error may appear if you have an unusually large Weebly site. To solve this you can put half content on your Weebly site into draft mode, and then try again. If you succeed, then download your XML file. Now go back to Weebly and put the other half of your content to draft, and publish the other half. Try to export it again with.
You will now have two files to import in WordPress. You can import them one by one.
Donal says
Hi Guys,
I want to move from Weebly to a completely new WordPress install with a different hosting company.
I’m using a “proper” domain name (just like “mysite.com”) on Weebly and I want to continue to use this domain name on my new website.
When I sing up to my new hosting account what domain name should I use until I move my Weebly Content?
Will I be able to enter “mysite.com” as the domain name when I create the hosting account?
If “mysite.com” is pointing to my Weebly website how will I be able to access the WordPress dashboard in my new hosting account?
I know that’s a lot of questions, but I’m a bit confused…
Casey says
I am getting the same error – that there is “no content” in my weebly blog to be found. I am wondering if this is built to only export recent articles perhaps? Like within the last 30 days (like some RSS feeds), and maybe that is the problem?
I hope you can provide insight, as I was really hinging my new WordPress site on being able to export the old site. Thank you.
Haleema says
That’s a very useful guide.
However, I am stuck at the stage where I tried to transfer the weebly content to WordPress. I have followed all the steps to the point. I got an error message saying: “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export”.
How do I go about this?
Santosh says
I am trying to export the Weebly content but it keeps on saying there is no content on your weebly blog. Are you entering the right website url.
But everything is correct while requesting to export the file. Can you please help ?
Thank You.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Santosh,
Can you please try again after while. If it still doesn’t work, then please leave another comment here with your Weebly site’s URL and we will check it out.
Santosh says
Thank you for giving your time.
Unfortunately the tool still not working. Here is the website for which i am trying to export data to xml for WordPress Purpose.
One more thing : In my case the WordPress domain and the weebly domain is same when importing and exporting it to new self hosted server. So in this case do i import first, change the domain to point to new host and export the file in WordPress ? Please Confirm.
Looking forward to your response.
Thank you
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Santosh,
The issue should have been fixed. Please try again, let us know if you come across any issues.
Casey says
I am getting the same issue as Santosh. Suggestions?
WPBeginner Support says
Hey Case,
Can you please try again, let us know if you continue facing the issue.
Santosh says
I am waiting for your response. It seems most of the users getting same error and all were looking for help. Can you please reply back with solution so that we can move forward over to the next step ?
Thank you.
Eric Lavelanet says
I currently am using the same domain name for my weebly site as I’m trying to set up with bluehost. How do I set up my wordpress website before cancelling my weebly site?
mike porter says
I tried numerous times to use the tool, but it constantly errors out
This page isn’t working
weeblytowp.com is currently unable to handle this request.
Weebly site has 235 pages, I paid a contracter to move this a year ago, and they failed to move anything but the blog post. So far your tool is not doing anything but crashing.
WPBeginner Support says
Hey Mike,
It is working fine at our end at the moment. Can you please retry and let us know if you still see the error?
Dariusz says
It seems your importer only imported blog pages. M
But nmajority of my site is in html pages and are not imported.
Your import file is only around 5 MB and ny zip archive file taken from Weebly 121 MB.
So, it seems that your importer do not import regular html pages. Pity.
Maybe HTML Import 2 plugin can help? But this plugin do not import th content, i think.
Hopeless matter in case, only weebly html pages to import.
Mallory says
Is the importer still working? I just get an error message every time
WPBeginner Support says
Hey Mallory,
What error message do you see?
Mallory says
“This page isn’t working
weeblytowp.com is currently unable to handle this request.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Mallory,
It is working fine at our end, please give it another try.
Mallory says
I have gotten nothing but error messages for months. “Internal Server Error”
I’m at a loss
Clayton says
Thanks for the walkthrough.
One question, i have a custom domain name through GoDaddy, that url is where my weebly site was, now i have built a wordpress site. I want to point my domain to my new wordpress site thats hosted on bluehost (like you suggested). My question is, when i put in the header code on the weebly settings, is the domain going to be the domain that i used for weebly, or is it going to be the one i used to build the new wordpress site, i would like the weebly domain to now be my wordpress site’s domain.
thanks for your help.
WPBeginner Support says
Hey Clayton,
If you already have a custom domain, then you can point to Bluehost and use the same domain on your Bluehost site.
Laurie Krieg says
Will Facebook “likes” on posts transfer?
WPBeginner Support says
If you are using a custom domain name, then yes.
WPBeginner Support says
If you were using a custom domain name on Weebly, then yes.
Will says
Okay so I tried to do this and I ran into a problem.
The problem is on my Weebly site, most of my content wasn’t posted in “blog” form. In other words, I posted the vast majority of my blog-like content as its own page. This was a creative choice I made at the time that I still think I kind of prefer, but none of this content migrated from Weebly to WordPress, I assume because it’s not technically in “blog form.”
To illustrate what I’m talking about, you can see that all of the articles listed here didn’t make it, when you look at my current version of the WordPress site.
I do have some content that crossed over that is in blog form as you can see on the WordPress site, but not only is that all that has crossed over, but WordPress combined two separate blogs from my Weebly site.
I’m just not sure where to go from here. Do I have to copy and paste everything else?
Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
WPBeginner Support says
Hey Will,
The plugin can import your pages too. Please click on the pages in WordPress admin area to see if the missing content is already there.
If it isn’t, then we will advise you to get a new export file from Weebly2WP and then run the importer again. It is smart enough not import duplicate content so you can safely run it again on the same WordPress install.
WPBeginner Support says
Hey Will,
We can now confirm that the import was successful and your pages are there. Now you would need to follow the instructions mentioned at Step 5 in the article to add .html extension to your pages.
Will Penney says
Forgive me if this gets mentioned and I didn’t see it, but my question is this: Once this is done, it doesn’t remove your content from Weebly, right? I’d like to give this a shot, but don’t want to risk losing my site as it currently is to do so.
WPBeginner Support says
Hey Will,
No, it does not delete anything from Weebly.
Mallory says
Thanks for this step-by-step guide! I’m trying to use your tool to transfer everything, but I’m getting an error message:
“The weeblytowp.com page isn’t working
weeblytowp.com is currently unable to handle this request.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Mallory,
Please try again in a few minutes. Let us know if you still the error.
Sarah says
Thank you for this detailed tutorial. I have a question though. I have a weebly site that uses weebly’s membership feature. Members have to log in to assess certain pages of my site. Will I be able to move this over to wordpress? How does it work? Will members still be able to log in to the new wordpress pages using their current login username and password?
WPBeginner Support says
Hey Sarah,
Unfortunately this will not work. The tool can only import content using the sitemap and can import users it finds as authors for the content. It will import all publicly accessible posts, pages, and comments.
Matt says
My posts from my Weebly site imported okay, but is there a way to make sure that if say someone clicked on the post from a Facebook page, that it would redirect to the new post on WordPress? Also, I had different pagelinks at the top of my Weebly site, how do I reconnect them on WordPress? Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
WPBeginner Support says
Hey Matt,
If you were using a custom domain then all users will be redirected to your new WordPress site. For links you will need to setup navigation menus.
Barb says
With the first step being getting a domain name, I’d like to keep the one I use on Weebly, which is myname.com. Can I use that? Or in the transfer process, will I get an error message about that one not being available? And my Weebly site includes a drop-down portfolio where I created strings of samples by company name. Will those transfer just fine? Thank you!
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Barb you can keep your domain name and point it to your WordPress website. You will be able to import content like post and pages, images, comments, etc.
Cliff says
Hi This looks really useful – not seen this question asked so will ask now – can you use this tool to export a weebly site – posts and pages plus media and then import those pages into an already existing WordPress site with its own pages and Posts?
Will the existing WordPress pages and posts be left intact and will the timestamp of the Weebly posts and pages be preserved so that they are slotted into the existing WordPress site correctly?
Scenario is a school has two seperate websites one on WordPress and one on Weebly and they want to merge to two on the WP one.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Cliff,
Yes, it will do that. However, you should always backup your existing WordPress site just to be safe.
Marcie says
This looks really doable! I’m wanting to switch my blog from Weebly to WordPress. Will the comments on my blog transfer too? I can’t tell from this post.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Marcie,
Yes, it will import comments as well.
Erich says
I just used this tool and it’s fantastic ! I’m a WordPress beginner and it was pretty easy ! One question though – my Weebly websdite had many YouTube videos and when they transferred over, the size of the video screen was a lot smaller. I made a new post to the WordPress version with a new YouTube video and that one is a lot bigger. Is there a way of making the imported ones larger ? Thanks again for this great tool !
PenName says
With this free tool (which sounds like a great idea) to make migrating a weebly site to WP easy, how can I be certain that nobody else can use the url for my weebly site and steal the content and integrate it’s contents to their own WP site?
Erich says
I currently run about 5 Weebly websites. It’s getting expensive to pay the renewal costs. I also have several WP websites that were built for me. I’m a WP beginner, so will this work for me ? Can a beginner do it ? Also, all of my Weebly websites have a page with an Amazon store and other pages with ads from Commission Junction and several YouTube videos along with past blog posts. Will all of these items also transfer to the new WP site ? Thanks for any help you can give me !
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Enrich,
Yes, as a beginner you can do it on your own. All your Weebly pages will transfer and your YouTube videos should work too.
Erich says
Thanks for the quick reply ! Appreciate that. So sll of my CJ ad code will transfer over as well ? I just wwnt to make sure. This is a free tool ?
Szilvia says
I get this message during using the importer:
“Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?”
The url was correct. How can I import my blog?
Thank you
Szilvia says
Finally I could use the tool with Firefox, but I could not with Chrome. Thank you
WPBeginner Support says
Glad to hear that
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Szilvia,
Can you please share your Weebly site’s URL?
Szilvia says
Thank you very much, It is really big help for me!
If I use your code in weebly seo settings to redirect my free mydomain.weebly.com subdomain to my new wp domain, than what will happen to the previous seo work, Google rankings, backlinks, pagerank, etc? Will my rankings change? Thank you
WPBeginner Support says
Since you are transferring from Weebly subdomain, your SEO rankings will not transfer. However, since your content is not available on your old site, search engines may eventually start ranking your new site for those keywords.
Szilvia says
Thank you very much.
Norine says
I was quite pleased to discover this post and tool as I have a client who has asked me to move their weebly site to WordPress.
However I tried it just now and it says:
“Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?…”
Which is very odd because the weebly site really is there.
Am I doing something wrong? I have googled the problem but haven’t found anyone with a similar issue. Is there a support forum in which I could post this?
Any help appreciated. Thanks.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Norine,
This error could appear if your Weebly site’s sitemap is empty. Please use our contact form to send your Weebly site’s URL so that we can take a look.
Norine says
On its way. Thanks very much!
samsul arifin says
I’m having the same problem, how to fix it?
Lisa says
Hello! Thank you so much for this tutorial it was really helpful! But on my website I have a page called “Blog” and that is where I want to post all of my old blog posts from Weebly. How should I manage to place the content there?
Carla says
WOW!!! Thanks so much for providing this tutorial. I had been stressing about making this move complete. I had NO idea that it would be this EASY to do and for the last month I’ve had both my weebly (with the bulk of my content) and my newly created wordpress (with very little content) blogs going. Thanks to you as of today they are officially MERGED :-). I did it i less than 30 minutes since I already had some of the steps completed. Anyway needless to say – I am ecstatic about all of this. THANKS again!!!
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Carla,
We are glad you found it helpful
Julia says
Ah, I wish this had been around a year or so ago when I moved my site from Weebly to WordPress. I lost all my comments as I was told there was no way to move them across, and I had to copy and paste all my blog posts and backdate them. It’s good to see that the hole’s been filled for others now though.
Rajendra Zore says
Hey Guys,
Firstly, thank you for weebly-to-wp tool. This will definitely expedite the process of exporting WXR File now.
Those new to such kind of migration, please know that there are less/no free tools available to export your Weebly site and convert it into WordPress (WXR). So, once again thanks to folks at WPBeginner.
Just 2 days back I did the Weebly to WP migration for one of my client. Lucky she was not interested in Comments & Pages but Posts & Images.
I did that thru RSS Format. By the way, Weebly feeds use the ATOM format rather than RSS. I have used one Tool to convert that to RSS Format.
Finally, have managed to migrate Posts. But…for Images, I have exported entire Weebly Blog & Uploaded the “uploads” folder into Root Directory as the Images were getting fetched via domainname.com/uploads/… in Weebly & can be set easily on Self-hosted WP w/o altering the internal links (if domain is same; Find-Replace, otherwise) or Need any plugin to import external links!
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Rajendra,
Thanks for your sharing your Weebly to WordPress migration story. It was quite difficult even for experienced users to safely transfer their content to WordPress. Now with our free Weebly to WordPress Importer this process will become a lot easier.
Rajendra Zore says
Amazing Work, thank you once again
Yakubu says