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Cómo pasar correctamente de Weebly a WordPress (paso a paso)

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¿Quieres cambiar de Weebly a WordPress?

Sí, es posible migrar todo tu contenido de Weebly a WordPress sin contratar a un desarrollador o saber cómo codificar. Hemos creado una herramienta gratuita de importación de Weebly a WordPress que lo hace todo por ti.

En este artículo, le mostraremos cómo pasar correctamente de Weebly a WordPress (paso a paso).

Weebly to WordPress

Según nuestra experiencia, la mayoría de la gente no elige la mejor plataforma de blogs cuando empieza. Lo más probable es que opten por una de las muchas soluciones de alojamiento, como Weebly, porque han oído hablar de su facilidad y gratuidad.

Desgraciadamente, WordPress a veces tiene mala reputación y existen muchos mitos acerca de él que simplemente no son ciertos.

Una vez que te metes más en el blog y aprendes acerca de SEO, monetización, personalización, etc, entonces tienes ese momento de ¡Vaya! porque te das cuenta de que tomaste la decisión equivocada.

Descubrirá que WordPress es el mejor sistema de gestión de contenidos que existe.

Y es entonces cuando te entra el pánico porque no quieres que tu duro trabajo se eche a perder.

No te preocupes, no lo hará. Hemos ayudado a cientos de personas a cambiar de Weebly a WordPress. No, no tienes que saber nada de código. Si puedes seguir las instrucciones y apuntar y hacer clic, entonces puedes mover tu sitio Weebly a WordPress.

Sí, te llevará aproximadamente una hora migrar correctamente de Weebly a WordPress, pero merece completamente la pena.

Oferta adicional gratuita: Ya que muchos de ustedes nos lo pidieron, ahora estamos ofreciendo un servicio gratuito de migración de Weebly a WordPress como parte de nuestro servicio gratuito de instalación de blogs en WordPress. Esto significa que uno de los miembros de nuestro equipo de expertos hará toda la migración para usted (100% gratis). Sí, puedes cambiar literalmente de Weebly a WordPress sin ningún riesgo.

Sin embargo, si te gusta aprender y hacer las cosas por ti mismo, puedes seguir nuestro tutorial paso a paso.

¿Preparados? Primeros pasos.

Tutorial en vídeo de Weebly a WordPress

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Paso 1: Primeros pasos

Para crear un blog en WordPress, necesitas dos cosas:

  • Un nombre de dominio (el nombre de tu blog, por ejemplo,
  • Una cuenta de alojamiento web (aquí es donde su sitio web vive en Internet).

Aunque WordPress en sí es gratuito, tanto el dominio como el alojamiento web tienen un coste (14,99 $ / año para el dominio y 7,99 $ / mes para el alojamiento web).

Afortunadamente, Bluehost, un proveedor de alojamiento oficial recomendado por WordPress, ha accedido a ofrecer a nuestros usuarios un nombre de dominio gratuito y más de un 73% de descuento en alojamiento web.

Si, por alguna razón, desea otras opciones, puede consultar nuestro anuncio / catálogo / ficha de las mejores empresas de alojamiento de WordPress.

Una vez que hayas establecido tu dominio y alojamiento, el siguiente paso es instalar WordPress. Tenemos una guía paso a paso sobre cómo instalar WordPress.

Cuando hayas terminado de instalar WordPress, estarás listo para pasar al siguiente paso, que es trasladar tu contenido de Weebly a WordPress.

Paso 2: Exporta el contenido de tu sitio web Weebly

En el pasado, era muy difícil para los usuarios pasar de Weebly a WordPress porque no era fácil exportar datos desde Weebly.

Decidimos resolver este problema y desarrollamos un importador gratuito de Weebly a WordPress.

Es una herramienta online gratuita que importa tu contenido de Weebly y lo convierte en un formato de importación compatible con WordPress. No realiza ningún cambio en tu sitio Weebly existente, por lo que su uso es perfectamente seguro.

Dirígete al sitio web del Importador de Weebly a WordPress e introduce la URL de tu sitio web Weebly.

Weebly to WordPress Importer

Se le pedirá que indique su nombre, dirección de correo electrónico y que seleccione un formato de exportación.

La opción por defecto es el formato WXR, y no debería cambiarlo a menos que se encuentre con un problema / conflicto / incidencia más adelante.

A continuación, tienes que elegir si quieres incluir páginas en tu archivo de exportación. La opción por defecto es ‘Sí’, y tampoco necesitas cambiarla a menos que realmente no quieras exportar páginas de Weebly.

Después, tienes que hacer clic en el botón ‘Exportar mi sitio web Weebly’.

El Importador de Weebly a WordPress recuperará el contenido de tu sitio web Weebly y lo convertirá en un archivo de exportación compatible con WordPress.

Download your Weebly export file

Verás un botón para descargar tu archivo de exportación de Weebly. Tienes que hacer clic con el botón derecho y seleccionar ‘Guardar enlace como’ en el menú.

Esto descargará el archivo export.xml en su ordenador.

Paso 3: Importar contenido de Weebly a WordPress

Ahora que tienes tu contenido de Weebly en un formato compatible con WordPress, es el momento de importarlo a WordPress.

Acceda a su área de administrador y diríjase a la página Herramientas ” Importar.

Verás un anuncio / catálogo / ficha de importadores disponibles para diferentes plataformas. Debes desplazarte hasta WordPress y enlazar el enlace “Instalar ahora”.

Install WordPress importer

WordPress buscará ahora el plugin importador y lo instalará en su sitio WordPress sin recargar la página.

Una vez instalado, haga clic en “Ejecutar importador” para iniciarlo.

Run WordPress importer

Esto te llevará a la página del importador de WordPress. Siga adelante y haga clic en el botón “Elegir archivo” para seleccionar el archivo export.xml que descargó anteriormente.

A continuación, haga clic en el botón “Subir archivo e importar” para continuar.

El importador de WordPress subirá tu archivo de exportación y lo analizará. En la siguiente pantalla, le pedirá que asigne autores.

Import authors and media attachments

Puedes importar un autor desde tu sitio web Weebly, crear un nuevo autor o asignar todo el contenido a tu usuario WordPress existente.

No olvides marcar la casilla siguiente a la opción “Descargar e importar archivos adjuntos”. Esta opción cargará las imágenes de tu sitio web Weebly en la biblioteca de medios de WordPress para que puedas utilizarlas más tarde.

Ahora puede hacer clic en el botón “Enviar” para ejecutar el importador. WordPress importará el contenido del archivo de exportación a tu base de datos de WordPress. También intentará recuperar las imágenes enlazadas en las entradas y páginas de tu blog Weebly.

Al finalizar, verá un mensaje de correcto.

Successfully imported Weebly data into WordPress

Enhorabuena, has importado correctamente el contenido de tu blog Weebly a WordPress. Ahora puedes ir a entradas, páginas y categorías en el área de administrador de WordPress para ver si todo tu contenido está allí. Además, marca / comprueba la biblioteca de medios para ver las imágenes importadas desde tu sitio Weebly.

Si el proceso de importación falla a medio camino, siempre puede volver a ejecutarlo. El importador es lo suficientemente inteligente como para detectar contenido duplicado y omitirlo. Solo importará el contenido que no se importó correctamente en el intento anterior.

Paso 4: Establecer redireccionamientos

Si estabas usando un dominio personalizado en tu sitio Weebly (como, entonces necesitas apuntarlo a tu proveedor de alojamiento WordPress.

En primer lugar, debes acceder a tu cuenta Weebly e ir a la página Dominios. Haz clic en el nombre de dominio que quieras editar y, a continuación, en la página de ajustes de dominio, haz clic en el botón “Cambiar” situado junto a la opción Servidores de nombres.

En la siguiente pantalla, debe introducir los servidores de nombres de su nuevo alojamiento de WordPress. En el caso de Bluehost, son y

Changing name servers

Haz clic en el botón “Guardar” para establecer los ajustes.

Los cambios de servidor de nombres pueden tardar un poco en propagarse por Internet. Una vez que los cambios surtan efecto, los visitantes empezarán a ver su sitio de WordPress.

Si estuviera usando una URL de subdominio en su sitio Weebly (como, entonces así es como configuraría la redirección.

Accede / accede a tu Escritorio Weebly y edita tu sitio web. A continuación, tienes que hacer clic en Ajustes y luego en la pestaña SEO.

Subdomain redirect

Ahora, desplácese hasta la opción de código de cabecera y añada esta línea de código:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=">

Sustituya por el nombre de dominio de su nuevo sitio WordPress.

No olvides hacer clic en los botones “Guardar” y “Publicar” para guardar los cambios.

Ahora puedes visitar tu sitio web Weebly, y se actualizará y redirigirá a tu sitio web WordPress.

Paso 5: Establecer Enlaces permanentes

Su sitio web Weebly puede tener una estructura de URL diferente para entradas de blog y páginas. Por lo general, es algo como esto:

Para entradas de blog:
Para páginas:

Si estabas usando un dominio personalizado en tu sitio Weebly, entonces los usuarios que visiten una entrada de tu antiguo blog Weebly verán un error 404.

A continuación se explica cómo asegurarse de que los usuarios son redirigidos a la entrada correcta.

Deberá visitar la página Ajustes ” Enlaces permanentes. Desplácese hacia abajo y seleccione la opción “Estructura personalizada” y, a continuación, añada /blog/%postname% en el campo de texto situado a su lado.


No olvide hacer clic en el botón “Guardar cambios” para actualizar sus enlaces permanentes.

Ahora, debe añadir .html al final de las URL de sus páginas de WordPress.

Tendrás que instalar y activar el plugin Add Any Extension to Pages. Para más detalles, consulta nuestra guía paso a paso sobre cómo instalar un plugin de WordPress.

Una vez activado, debe visitar Ajustes ” Añadir cualquier extensión a las páginas. Simplemente introduzca .html en los ajustes del plugin y haga clic en el botón “Actualizar ajustes”.

Add .html to pages in WordPress

Ahora debe visitar la página Ajustes ” Enlaces permanentes y hacer clic en el botón guardar cambios para actualizar su estructura de enlaces permanentes.

Paso 6: Diagnosticar problemas

Aquí tienes algunas cosas que puedes necesitar después de transferir tu sitio de Weebly a WordPress.

1. Importar o sustituir imágenes

WordPress intentará importar las imágenes de tu sitio web Weebly a WordPress durante la importación. Sin embargo, si tus imágenes no se descargan en la biblioteca de medios, tendrás que importarlas. Consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo importar imágenes externas en WordPress para obtener instrucciones detalladas paso a paso.

2. Corrección de errores en WordPress

Si aparecen errores en su sitio de WordPress después de la transferencia, consulte nuestra guía definitiva sobre los errores más comunes de WordPress y cómo corregirlos.

3. Qué hacer después de instalar WordPress

Si todo va bien, ya estará listo para personalizar su nuevo sitio web y aprovechar la enorme flexibilidad de WordPress. Consulte nuestra lista de cosas importantes que debe hacer después de instalar WordPress.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a migrar de Weebly a WordPress. También puedes consultar nuestra lista de plugins de WordPress imprescindibles para sitios web de empresas y nuestra guía WordPress vs. Weebly.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

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Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
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    • WPBeginner Support says

      Please reach out to us using our contact us page at the bottom of the page to elaborate on your issue.


  2. Kelly says

    Hi I am just beginning this process and understand I transfer the nameservers as the final step, but I can’t seem to find on my weebly

    ‘Click on the domain name that you want to edit and then on domain settings page click on the change button next to nameservers option’

    I go into the weebly site I want to move over, click on settings and within those no options for nameservers, am I looking in the right place?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Did you purchase your domain name from another location? That could be why the option is not in Weebly


  3. Noelle says

    Hi, I am wanting to transfer my weebly posts to WordPress. I am interested in following this information to transfer my weebly site to WordPress but I am lacking tech and coding skills. If I go through with the import do I then crest more content through weebly or WordPress? Does it completely get rid of weebly. I purchased my domain through weebly I believe

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you wanted to transfer the site then you would create your new content on the new WordPress site after following the tutorial. This guide will redirect users to your new site using WordPress but you will still have access to the Weebly content from your admin end.


  4. Susan says

    Hi, this may be a basic question but I like the look of my website on Weebly. Does the transfer keep the framework and look of the website? Or does it mean I have to find a new wordpress template to display the content.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would need to find a new theme for your site as it does not transfer the look of your site. There are page builder plugins you can use to recreate your current design if you wanted.


  5. Chris says

    Hi, great article. Do you have a tool like this but for migrations other than Weebly? I built a landing page on a third-party service, but would now like to duplicate it in my wordpress site. It’s just one page. Ideas?

  6. Sakthi says

    I need to import my website which has nearly 400 blog post. Your tools is loading and throwing an error at the end as technical difficulties.

    Please, i need the wxr file for all my blog post.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      For larger sites please reach out to us using our contact form for us to be able to assist.


  7. admin says

    We used your tool to export blog data from Weebly and then import into WordPress. It seemed to work fine but with one major exception: the blog titles did not import.

    Do you have advice on a fix? Should we try to import again (over existing blog data) or manually enter all the titles to each blog post (about 120 blog posts)?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You may want to try recreating the export file to ensure it didn’t have a hiccup and then reimporting.


  8. Bill says

    So, what if the Weebly site is one of the ones that are offered through HostGator and the WordPress I want to use is also on HostGator. Will the tool work in that instance?

  9. Chris says

    I read through the article, and noticed you hadn’t addressed comments. Do the comments also get imported, through the Weebly default comment box. Or is that one of the things the importer doesn’t do?

    It’s important for me to know, as I recently signed up with Weebly and didn’t realise how lame their comments section for blogs were. I’m deciding whether I should use Disqus instead of the default – as it seems to have more options, as far as commenting goes. But I wouldn’t switch, if I knew the WP importer, could only import my default comments. If at all???

  10. Sam Morgan says

    Hi there. I first want to say that I used this guide successfully to move from weebly to wordpress (after disabling ssl to export weebly data), so thanks!
    I have a domain related question.

    I told bluehost that I own my domian, though Im building my wordpress site on a temp domain given by bluehost.

    Am I right in saying that after I have finish building my WP site, all I need to do is change my weebly nameservers to bluehost? Do I then just go to bluehost and press “transfer to bluehost”?

    Is there a way to do this so that the site doesn’t go down?

    Thanks for all your help!

  11. Carlos says

    I’m having issues downloading the WXR version of my Weebly site. I’m getting the “Could not find any content in your Weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?” Message.

    Am I missing something? It’s a full website I want to migrate, no blog attached to it. Could that be the reason I’m getting an error? I’m looking to move a few sites any insight would great.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      That message can happen when you attempt to export a very large site but if you run into that error please reach out to us using our contact form for us to take a look :)


  12. Denise says

    If I already have a Weebly site with a domain through Bluehost, is switching it to WordPress easier? At one point my website was giving a large error and the site was unaccesible because both Weebly and WordPress were trying to work on the website at the same time. We changed to Weebly for simplicity, but now I would really like to move us to WordPress so that we have the ability to customize far more than what we have right now.


  13. Emilia Amaro says

    Hi there! Thanks for the informative post!

    I’m trying to use the weeblytowp for my client’s site but the result keeps saying “there is no content on this website”.

    I’m confused because there is over 4 years of blog posts I’m trying to transfer over.

    Can you help?

  14. Sophie says

    Hi there! What if I have bought my domain through Weebly and I want to keep this same domain with my new wordpress site? I’m not whether or not to tell bluehost I “have a domain” already or not, because I no longer want to be affiliated with Weebly at all, but I want my same domain name and it’s through them. Completely lost at how I should go about this. Thanks for the help!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would let BlueHost know you already have a domain and then you would transfer your domain to BlueHost once you are ready :)


    • WPBeginner Support says

      It would be for if you have pages, posts to not end in .html but any pages you had on Weebly would need the .html added to prevent errors with redirection.


  15. Jacky says

    Thank you for this great tutorial. When I click on Domains, I don’t see the screen Edit Nameservers. Is it because my domain is with GoDaddy? In that case, would I have to edit that on GoDaddy? Thank you so much!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Jacky,

      Correct, if you purchased your domain through another registrar such as GoDaddy then you would need to edit the nameservers through them rather than Weebly :)


      • Jacky says

        Thank you! I have my blog with weebly using my .com domain. When you say transfer files, does that deactivate the weebly site or is it just just a copy of the files? I mean I want to copy the weebly files to wp, but i want to leave my weebly site live while i build the new wp. Once i finish building it, then i’ll move my domain to wp.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      We will certainly take a look for any errors that could be causing this with the exporter.


    • WPBeginner Support says

      With any domain registrar, you would need to wait 60 days from when it is first purchased. After that, you would need to reach out to Weebly for their specifics


  16. Jessica says

    This did nothing for me. After importing to wordpress, nothing has changed on it. Stock site still in effect.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Jessica,

      When you are logged into WordPress admin dashboard, can you see your imported content under posts or pages? If you cannot then this mean that importer didn’t run or it didn’t find any content to import.


  17. Carissa says

    After clicking the ‘Export my Weebly Website’ button, it changes to ‘Generating Export File’. On the bottom left side of my screen ways it says, ‘Waiting for’. After a few minutes, I get a message that says ‘504 Gateway Time-Out’. Is this because my Weebly site is too large? Or do you think this could be a technical difficulty?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Carissa,

      This could be due to a large site. You can try again in a few mins. If it still doesn’t work then try to save some of your Weebly content as Drafts and then try to export.


      • Carissa says

        That’s what I was afraid you were going to say. Unfortunately, the bulk of the content are pages which you can’t put into draft mode on Weebly (that I’m aware of). Do you have a link that I can pay someone to do this for me? I don’t care about making it pretty (I can do that), I just need to download the Weebly site. I hope this question makes sense? :-)

  18. Ashley says

    Thanks for the guide and tool. I’m trying to export a Weebly blog and am getting the ‘no content’ error message. I’ve disabled SSL in the Weebly editor which seems to have taken a while to take place, but I am now able to access the site via http only. However still no luck exporting the site. Any suggestions would be gratefully received!

  19. LR says

    I spoke with Weebly today and asked them if it was possible to transfer a site to WP, just in case we wanted to switch down the road….. They said no :-P haha

  20. Rachel says

    I have a domain that I purchased through Weebly, and I have designed a new site with and now I can’t figure out how to use my weebly domain for my wordpress site. The Weebly people said I need the DNS… I don’t know what that is

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Rachel,

      Your new host where you are hosting will provide you DNS server details. They usually look like this:

      Once you know what DNS servers are used by your host, you can edit your domain settings in Weebly and point it to your new host.


  21. David McKinney says

    I have been trying to transfer my Weebly blog to WordPress. I keep getting the error message “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?” I have retried the transfer at least 100 times in the past day and a half. Still no luck. Any suggestions?

  22. Emily S. says

    I am trying to follow the video, but my Bluehost dashboard doesn’t look anything like the one pictured. I can’t figure out how to install WordPress! Do you have any suggestions? I can’t seem to go any further because I can’t figure out how to do that step.

  23. Lerissa Patrick says

    WOW! I was dreading the prospect of recreating my Weebly website in WordPress … and now I don’t have to do it! Thank you so much for this nifty little tool. After a couple of false starts, it ripped right through its tasks, and I’m done! So very cool …

  24. Jo says

    Hey, so I built my site, free in Weebly, and have my bluehost account. I tried using your importer but the URL Weebly provided is HTTPS not HTTP…. is that because I didn’t purchase anything from Weebly? When I run the importer tool it says that it can’t find any content on the weebly URL.

    So appreciate your advice on this!

  25. Karin says

    Hi, I am extracting my weebly site from ipage, which seemed to work, then imported it to wordpress following the instructions, but I can’t see it to see what it looks like. The home button at the top of the dashboard says ss_site_title when I click on it, it goes to the weebly site, how do I see what the wordpress looks like before I make it live?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Karin,

      We are not sure what you mean. If you have successfully imported your Weebly content in WordPress, you will see it under ‘Posts’. It is possible that your domain name is still pointing to your Weebly website. In that case, you will need to change your domain name settings from your Weebly account and point it to your iPage hosting account by changing the DNS server settings.


  26. Kylen says

    Hey there! I’m working on moving a client from Weebly to WordPress but i’m running into an issue with the Weebly to WordPress importer. I’m getting an error from the converter that is saying no blog content was found. The blog in question has 13 posts and the URL is correct. tried with both the root url and the blog extension but it can’t seem to find any posts. Are there any troubleshooting options to figure out why the converter isn’t finding the posts?

    • Reka says

      Hi Kylen,

      try to disable the SSL certification under Weebly settings and republish the site. After that the URL will start with http instead of https. Run the converter on the http URL. It worked for me, it might do so for you as well.

  27. Lee Ann says

    Hi, I’ve been wanting to move my website from Weebly to WP for a while but have been scared about the whole process! How does this solution impact my WP theme choice? Does it create a custom theme, or write over a default? Trying to understand the process. Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Jerry,

      If you followed this tutorial, then your original Weebly content should be safe and you can still manually copy and paste it. You can also run the importer again, it is smart enough not to fetch duplicate content.


  28. Chloe says

    Hi, I have a weebly site but not a weebly domain name, it is not a blog but a website…can I convert it to WordPress just as easily?

  29. Pat S says

    If I export my Weebly blog to WordPress does it remove my content from Weebly? I would like to copy my blog to WordPress to print the blog into a book but I do not want lose my Weebly blog formatting and content.

  30. Shawn Williams says

    I am also getting the “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export” error. Does this exporter still function?

      • Shawn Williams says

        A comment on this thread indicates that the exporter will only work if the domain is also registered on Weebly, is this the case, and if so is there a workaround?

        • WPBeginner Support says

          Hi Shawn,

          We don’t understand. Actually the importer would work whether you have a Weebly branded domain, a custom domain registered with Weebly, or a custom domain registered elsewhere.

  31. Aaron says

    Hey there,

    For some reason when I try to export my Weebly site, it is saying “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?”

    I have made sure the URL is correct and tried many times. What can I do to fix this?

    • Alberto says

      I’m getting the same error as Aaron.
      I’ve tried several times but always get the same message: “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?”

      Is there a way to fix this?


        • Alberto says

          Hello and thanks for replying.
          I’ve tried several times but I always get the same message.
          BTW, do you have to enter the username and email address used in Weebly to do the import at fields Name and Email?

  32. Linda says

    Hello – I am so happy to see this! Although I am a little worried about losing my content when moving from weebly to WP. Does it transfer everything across including blog and photos? Do you provide a service where you can do it for me? Please le me know. Thank you!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Linda,

      Sorry, we do not offer blog transfer service for Weebly. We think you will be able to do that on your own, there may be a few hiccups but eventually you will succeed. Let us know if you run into any issues during the process and we will be glad to help.


  33. Petrina says


    Is there a way to import products from my Weebly e-commerce shop to Woocommerce (WordPress) using this tool? I am very desperate as I have over 400 digital products that I need to transfer. I am hoping there is a way to do this. Any help would be much appreciated.

  34. Phil says

    The exporter tool at weeblytowp doesn’t seem to be working. I just tried it on 2 different Weekly sites and it results in:

    “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL? Go Back”

    • Chloe Marrable says

      I had the same issue, please can you help? I checked the URL…is it because my weebly site is not a blog?

  35. sarah brechner says

    This is brilliant! Thanks so much. Everything transferred except for some images. I can deal with those.
    NAME SERVERS: My only problem came when I tried your instructions for domain name servers. These instructions are only for those who have bought domains through Weebly. If you haven’t bought your domain through Weebly, you will not see any domains page on your account. This is important! Apparently, you must go to your outside domains registrar and make the name server changes there. I was told this by Weebly. Note: I haven’t made the name server changes to my domain registrar yet.
    *So can you confirm this procedure? Many people purchase their domains elsewhere, and these instructions won’t work for us, because we don’t have a domains page in Weebly.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Sarah,

      For users who purchased their domain elsewhere, they will need to login to their account on their domain registrar website to change nameserver and other settings.


  36. Finn McLennan-Elliott says

    Every time I download the export.xml file, it tells me that it is too big, its always 2.17 or 2.27 MB and it needs to be less than 2MB. If i don’t select pages its still too big. and if i choose RSS option it won’t let me upload it because its not a WXR into wordpress.
    how do i make it smaller? i am unsure how to draft or unpublish parts of my site without doing it manually.

  37. Petrina says


    Is there a way to import products from my Weebly e-commerce shop to Woocommerce (WordPress) using this tool? I am very desperate as I have over 400 digital products that I need to transfer. I am hoping there is a way to do this. Any help would be much appreciated.

  38. Becky says

    Oh, how I wish this had worked. but like most people in this thread, I too received the error message “Could not find any content in your weebly blog to export. Did you enter the correct URL?” Yes, the website content is online, active and working. I had been using Chrme to attempt this with no results, so I tried it in Firefox as well, which also gave no results, the same error message and took even longer. Too bad; this would be really valuable if it just did what was designed to do.

  39. Kathleen says

    This tutorial is fantastic, but I’ve hit a bump in the road. When I click to “Export my Weebly website” i’m directed to a blank page. Not sure what I could be doing wrong. Thanks for making this video.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Kathleen,

      Once you are redirected, you need to wait while the script runs in the background and prepares the export file. Once ready, it will be automatically begin downloading.


  40. Boka Mark Szasz says

    I did everything as suggested but not all pages came through and – most important – the visual layout didn’t came through.

    I tried to import my weebly CSS to WP but I get the error :

    “The package could not be installed. The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet.”

    And it’s true :)

    It only has a “main_style.css” and if I try to rename it to “style.css” I get another error:

    “The package could not be installed. The style.css stylesheet doesn’t contain a valid theme header.”

  41. Elizabeth Gruss says

    I recently switched from Weebly to WordPress using the instructions above. I’ve tried a few different wordpress themes, and most (including the first I tried) has, what I think was my old menu on weebly, as static links in the header, running over the regular stuff, and won’t go away no matter what I change in the theme settings. I have no idea how to fix this!

  42. Cindy says

    I also had trouble getting my website to transfer, but once we disabled the SSL, (a security measure to protect the site), published the site without SSL (the s in https was removed), and then used the new URL, the importer worked fine.
    Now my issue is trying to change my domain host. When I go to the Domains page on my Weebly account, I don’t see a domain name to click on. I see only “Transfer a Domain” (to Weebly) or “Register a Domain.” Since I already have my own domain name that I want to keep, I don’t know how to proceed. The choice I need is not there. Can you help?

    • sarah brechner says

      I had the same problem and found out via Weebly chat that I had to do this with my domain registrar, not Weebly. So directions in this tutorial are only for those who bought domains with Weebly.

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