El problema ‘Error too many redirects’ es un error de WordPress que puede estar causado por un plugin o por ajustes incorrectos. De hecho, es uno de los errores más comunes entre nuestros lectores y otros usuarios de WordPress.
Este error puede incluso bloquear su sitio web, por lo que es un poco difícil de corregir. Por suerte, hemos diagnosticado el problema de demasiadas redirecciones varias veces, así que sabemos exactamente qué hacer.
En este artículo, le mostraremos cómo corregir fácilmente el problema ‘Error demasiadas redirecciones’ en WordPress. También veremos cómo recuperar el acceso a tu sitio web y diagnosticar el error.

Consejo de experto: ¿Prefiere dejar que los profesionales se encarguen de diagnosticar los problemas? Nuestros servicios de soporte de WordPress pueden corregir tu error en un abrir y cerrar de ojos y hacer que tu sitio vuelva a funcionar. Además, ofrecemos correcciones puntuales, por lo que no tendrás que preocuparte por contratos en vigor.
¿Cuál es la causa del problema “Demasiadas redirecciones de error” en WordPress?
‘Error too many redirects’ está causado por un problema / conflicto / incidencia de redirección mal configurada en WordPress.
Como ya sabrás, WordPress tiene una característica de estructura de URL SEO-friendly que utiliza la función de redirección. Del mismo modo, muchos plugins populares de WordPress utilizan esta característica para establecer redirecciones temporales, crear redirecciones 301 permanentes y corregir errores 404.
Si está utilizando un plugin para corregir el problema de contenido inseguro SSL o un plugin de caché de WordPress, entonces también puede afectar a las redirecciones y causar el error ‘demasiadas redirecciones’.
Este es el aspecto del mensaje “ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS” en Google Chrome.

Sin embargo, este error no le indica qué está causando el conflicto y forzando el bucle de redirección en WordPress.
Así es como se ve el error en Firefox con el mensaje ‘La página no está redirigiendo correctamente’.

Dicho esto, echemos un vistazo a cómo corregir el problema de demasiadas redirecciones en WordPress.
Le guiaremos paso a paso para diagnosticar el error, obtener acceso a su sitio de WordPress y evitar que vuelva a producirse.
1. Vaciar cookies y caché del navegador
Una causa común del error podrían ser las cookies de su navegador / explorador web. Prueba a acceder a tu sitio web con otro navegador / explorador, como Firefox, Safari, Opera o Microsoft Edge.
Si puede acceder a su sitio web con normalidad utilizando otro navegador, deberá vaciar las cookies y la memoria caché de su navegador habitual.

Tenemos una guía detallada sobre cómo vaciar la caché de tu navegador / explorador en los principales navegadores que te ayudará a hacerlo.
Por otra parte, si el cambio de navegador no corrige el problema, puede pasar al siguiente paso.
2. Desactivar todos los plugins de WordPress
La causa más común de los bucles de redirección de WordPress o ‘ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS’ es un conflicto de plugins. Un plugin de WordPress tratando de establecer una redirección de una manera que entre en conflicto con las redirecciones por defecto de WordPress puede causar este mensaje de error.
Para corregir esto, es necesario desactivar todos los plugins de WordPress en su sitio web. Normalmente, basta con ir a la página Plugins ” Todos los plugins en el área de administrador de WordPress y desactivar los plugins desde allí.

Sin embargo, suponemos que debido al error de redirección, es posible que no se haya podido acceder al área de administrador de WordPress.
En ese caso, tendrá que desactivar los plugins de WordPress utilizando un cliente FTP como FileZilla o la aplicación Administrador de archivos de su panel de control de alojamiento de WordPress.
Simplemente conéctese a su sitio web utilizando un cliente FTP y vaya a la carpeta /wp-content/

Allí encontrará la carpeta plugins
, que deberá renombrar a ‘plugins.deactivate’.
Esto desactivará todos los plugins de WordPress de su sitio.

Básicamente, WordPress busca una carpeta llamada plugins
para cargar los archivos de los plugins. Cuando no encuentra la carpeta, automáticamente desactiva los plugins activos en la base de datos.
Ahora, puede intentar visitar su sitio web de WordPress. Si ahora puede acceder al área de administrador de WordPress, significa que uno de los plugins estaba causando el error.
Para averiguar qué plugin es el culpable, tienes que volver al cliente FTP o a la aplicación de gestión de archivos y cambiar el nombre de la carpeta plugins.deactivate
a ‘plugins’.
Después de eso, cambie al área de administrador de WordPress de su sitio web y vaya a la página Plugins ” Todos los plugins. Desde aquí, puedes activar tus plugins uno a uno y luego visitar tu sitio web para ver si puedes reproducir el error.
Una vez que encuentre el plugin que está causando el error, puede encontrar una alternativa a ese plugin o informar del problema en el foro de soporte de WordPress del plugin.
3. Corrección de URL de WordPress
Otra causa importante de este error es una mala configuración en los ajustes de URL de WordPress. Normalmente, puede ver estas opciones en la página Ajustes ” General.

En la mayoría de los sitios web, las URL de los campos “Dirección de WordPress” y “Dirección del sitio” deben ser iguales. Sin embargo, algunos usuarios pueden acabar utilizando “www” en una URL y una URL que no sea www en la otra.
Dado que es posible que no tenga acceso al área de administración de WordPress, es posible que tenga que corregir las URL de WordPress utilizando un cliente FTP o la aplicación Administrador de archivos.
Simplemente conéctese a su sitio WordPress utilizando un cliente FTP y vaya a /wp-content/themes/your-theme-folder/

A partir de aquí, tienes que encontrar el archivo functions.php y editarlo usando un editor de texto plano como Notepad o TextEdit.
A continuación, tienes que añadir el siguiente código en la parte inferior:
update_option( 'siteurl', 'https://example.com' );
update_option( 'home', 'https://example.com' );
No olvide sustituir “https://example.com” por las URL de su sitio. Ahora puede guardar los cambios y volver a subir el archivo a su sitio web.
Después de eso, intente visitar su sitio web para ver si esto resuelve el error.
Para más métodos, consulte nuestro tutorial sobre cómo cambiar fácilmente las URL de WordPress.
4. Restablecer el archivo .htaccess de WordPress
El archivo .htaccess es un archivo especial que utiliza el servidor del sitio web para gestionar las redirecciones y otros ajustes del servidor. WordPress también utiliza este archivo para las URL SEO-friendly y otras redirecciones.
A veces, los plugins de WordPress pueden realizar cambios en el archivo .htaccess de su sitio web, lo que puede desencadenar este error. También es posible que la desactivación de un plugin no quite esos cambios de su archivo .htaccess.
En ese caso, tendrá que restablecer manualmente su archivo .htaccess de WordPress.
Una vez más, tendrá que acceder a su sitio web mediante un cliente FTP o la aplicación Administrador de archivos del panel de control de su alojamiento. Una vez conectado, verá el archivo .htaccess en la carpeta raíz de su sitio web.

Nota: Si no puede encontrar su archivo .htaccess, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo encontrar el archivo .htaccess en WordPress.
En primer lugar, debe descargar una copia de su archivo .htaccess a su ordenador como copia de seguridad. Después de eso, usted puede seguir adelante y borrar el archivo de su sitio web.
Ahora puede intentar visitar su blog de WordPress. Si todo funciona con normalidad, significa que su archivo .htaccess estaba causando el error de redirección.
Ahora, como hemos borrado el archivo .htaccess, tendrá que volver a crearlo. Normalmente, tu sitio web WordPress puede hacerlo por sí mismo. Para asegurarte, sólo tienes que ir a la página de Ajustes ” Enlaces permanentes y hacer clic en el botón “Guardar cambios” en la parte inferior.

5. Prevención de errores demasiados redireccionamientos en WordPress
Esperamos que los pasos que acabamos de dar hayan corregido el problema / conflicto / incidencia en su sitio web. Si no se corrigió el problema, entonces es posible que tenga que hablar con su empresa de alojamiento de WordPress para asegurarse de que no hay un problema de servidor.
Una vez corregido el problema en su sitio, también debería poder averiguar la causa.
Si se trata de un plugin, debes informar de la incidencia en el foro de soporte del plugin. Consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo solicitar soporte de WordPress. Sin embargo, si no se ha podido obtener ayuda, siempre se puede encontrar un plugin alternativo que haga lo mismo.
Si el error fue causado por una mala configuración del sitio de WordPress, entonces puede tomar nota de ello y asegurarse de que los ajustes de su sitio están correctamente establecidos.
Para obtener más consejos, consulte nuestro tutorial detallado sobre cómo diagnosticar problemas de WordPress por su cuenta como un profesional.
Tutorial en vídeo
Si no te gustan las instrucciones escritas, puedes seguir nuestro tutorial en vídeo:
Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a resolver el problema / conflicto / incidencia ‘error too many redirects’ en tu sitio web. También puede marcar como favorito nuestro manual definitivo de errores comunes de WordPress y ver cómo ponerse en contacto con el soporte de WordPress.
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
I tried all the solutions given above, still getting the same error “redirected you too many times.”.
It will be really helpful if I can get any SPOC from WordPress or any other solution which can be tried.
WPBeginner Support
If none of the methods from our article were able to solve the issue, we would recommend reaching out to your hosting provider to ensure nothing from their end could be the cause of the error and they should be able to help find the reason for the problem.
If you’re using CloudFlare or something like that, especially with GoDaddy, that often causes a redirect loop as well. Update the DNS / Nameservers.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for sharing what solved it for you!
Kingsley Chukwuemeka
In my case, the issue affects only some blog posts and I am wondering if this same process will work.
WPBeginner Support
It should still work even if it is only a few posts.
Thank you, 3. Fix WordPress URLs – this one helped!
WPBeginner Support
Happy to hear our recommendation helped!
Thank you! Removing the plugin that caused the conflict helped.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our recommendations were helpful!
Thank you! Nothing was working for me, changing this SSL setting helped!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide could help!
Thank you so much, deleting the ht.access file worked for me
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide could help
Alex Froitzheim
Thanks so much for the article! In my case, the problem turned out to be a different one: My domain contained an umlaut (ü). I had to convert my domain name to Punycode and change my wordpress address and site address to the resulting URL.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing this for anyone who may also have this issue with an umlaut!
Brad Vickers
If none of the above works and you are using Cloudflare for DNS, check your SSL settings in Cloudflare. If you have an SSL installed on your hosting server, you need to change the SSL mode to Full (strict) in Cloudflare.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing what worked for you for this issue.
Jonathan Engelsma
This Cloudflare setting seems to have been my prob… after days of digging around. Thanks man!
Chethan Kumar
Thank you so much, it helped me a lot… My WP site is struck at page loading, i deleted .htaccess file from server after this working fine… you saved my time… loved it
Thanks a lot for the content. Removing the .htaccess file which I created manually and letting WordPress create the .htaccess file automatically resolved my issue.
Thanks again.
Mark Lidster
Man, you just saved me a whole heap of time as I’d created a url redirect from within the admin panel then couldn’t obviously get back in. Thought I was going to have to restore an old backup and lose all my work, but your simple addition to the config file via ftp saved all of that. Thank you so much
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful
I tried to add the www. in general settings in wordpress as you suggested, only now i cannot acces my wordpress domain anymore… it says it does not recognize my login username and/or password, any suggestions?
WPBeginner Support
You can check your username and password using our guide below:
Good day,
I have tried all these and nothing seems to be working.
WPBeginner Support
If none of these recommendations are working for you, we would recommend reaching out to your hosting provider for assistance
Jay Wulf
Hi, I was struggling with this issue for a while and it took me a great degree of research to actually find the solution.
If you are experiencing “Too many redirects” problem with WordPress
In my situation, the new website was behind a reverse proxy (NGINX).
You need to add this to the fix list above.
Modify wp-config.php add the text
* Handle SSL reverse proxy
if ($_SERVER[‘HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO’] == ‘https’)
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for sharing for those on NGINX servers
It solved my problem!
I was on HTTPS behind an nginx proxy and I had a redirect loop. Editing the wp-config did the trick!
Thank you so much, this fixed my problem on AWS (using Apache)
It also solve my redirect problem!
Hello, my problem is not getting solved. My homepage is working fine but the wp-admin has this redirect problem
WPBeginner Support
You would want to go through some of our recommendations in our article below:
To help find the issue
Jack Mwangi
I cannot be able to express my gratitude but I realy thank you very much for your assistance. The last method really worked for me.. Thanks a lot again.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful
Jim Biancolo
There’s a fix in the WP is_ssl() docs that worked for me
Mohammed Alshami
at my site i did all the mentioned steps and i still don’t get any thing i don’t know how to fix it anyone can help ?
WPBeginner Support
If none of our recommendations were able to assist, we would recommend reaching out to your hosting provider for them to take a look.
Jasmin Jai
Wonderful content and very informative! It took awhile but we were able to fix our WordPress issue online on our website because of your helpful article here! Thanks again.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful
Jim Biancolo
I was tearing my hair out over this and found another thing to check. If you’re behind a load balancer this can cause the WordPress is_ssl() function to return incorrect values, which can put you into a redirect loop as it tries to redirect to a secure URL even though you’re already at a secure URL.
Mohammed Alshami
how did you fix it ?
Hello. I have tried every recommendation that you have given: plugin, htaccess, wp-config.php but none of them works for me. Please help!!! Thanks
WPBeginner Support
If none of these recommendations were able to help you, then we would recommend reaching out to your hosting provider for them to take a look
Thank you for this article. Very informative and the way you explained things was so helpful.
I understand the issue when it is happening over the entire website. My problem is that one category of pages (registration pages for my memberships) is being affected by this issue. Any idea why the error would be specific to a category?
Every other page on my site is working.
WPBeginner Support
You would first want to go through the steps in this article. If it still continues you would want to ensure you don’t have any plugins possibly creating redirects.
Hi, Please what should i do?
i followed the steps involved in removing the /wp in my siteurl. then immediately i altered the wordpress and siteurl and saved changes, i have been unable to login into the wp-admin. the following is the error message i received.
“The document has moved here.
Additionally, a 302 Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.”
thank you
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on which of the methods you used from our article below for removing WordPress from your URL:
Solomon Daniels
Hi! I cloned my site to a new URL using GoDaddy’s Installatron feature, and now when I try to access the cloned site using the new URL, it says ‘too many redirects.’ This means I can’t even access the WordPress back end. Is there a way to try disabling plugins without that access? Do I just temporarily move them to a new folder? Or do you have any suggestions?
WPBeginner Support
We have a guide for how to disable plugins that you can follow here:
May God bless you, the author of this article!!!!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our article was helpful
Thanks a lot, solved a big issue for me here!
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our article was helpful
That’s Why I Love wpbeginner, only one minute to solve. Thanx Syed balkhi sir And Team.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was able to help you
Gofar ahmad
Thanks for all. I love wpbeginner. the best content.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you like our content
How did you know my service provider wouldnt take any blame….its like you new there feed back exactly
Thanks for saving the day
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our article could help you solve the issue
Ben Jamir
Beautiful…so nicely explained..this solved my problem
Thank you for such a detailed post.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you found our post helpful
Daniel Cervantes
Well, our website was working just fine then all of a sudden our site went down,
I did all the steps above.
what else can we do?
WPBeginner Support
If the methods in this article aren’t working and you’re seeing the too many redirects error, you would want to reach out to your hosting provider to ensure this isn’t an error from their end.
Teja T. Diay
I tried with deleting the www. and now I can’t even log in in to the wp-admin anymore, I just get a page with info saying that my page is not working due to too many redirects.
How can I fix this, I need to continue developing my website.
“This page isn’t working redirected you too many times.
Try clearing your cookies.
WPBeginner Support
You would want to bring back the www to your site, to do that you would edit the options table similar to our guide here:
Once you do, for removing www you can follow our guide here:
Randy King
Here is a totally bizarre solution. The infinite login loop just started happening with no change in plugins, etc. I did everything – changed my theme, replaced the .htaccess file, etc. Here’s what I finally ended up doing that seems to have fixed everything: I rebooted my laptop and waited for several hours (in case it was a hosting problem). When I came back in, it all worked.
I tried clearing browser cache and did everything I could find, but nothing worked. I suspect there was something wacky going on that a reboot cleared up for me. And this is not the first time that this happened. Totally bizarre.
WPBeginner Support
That is an odd solution but thanks for sharing it, you may want to check with your hosting provider to see if they see the error as well if it continues.
I’m facing a problem with my multisite network. Its created in local host. Everytime I try to access the new site it shows an error saying “The page isn’t redirecting properly”. If you can help that’d be great! Thanks
WPBeginner Support
You would want to start with the steps in this article to see if that resolves the issue
i have problem for accessing my wordpress dashboard, when i try to access my wp- admin area it shows me your password is incorrect although my password is correct so if any one can help that kind of problem reply me. thanks.
WPBeginner Support
You could try force resetting your password using: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-reset-a-wordpress-password-from-phpmyadmin/
awesome, it works. thanks
WPBeginner Support
Glad our recommendation could help
Thanks for the article. I was able to fix my “too many redirects” problem by changing the http to https.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing the solution that worked for you
David Najman
I had this error on the product tag page. I tried all the possible repairs mantioned above with no luck.
Finally, I had to rename slug for tags not to be numbers, eg. 2016, so I renamed it to r2016 and it started to work!
It must have been caused by some wordpress update, because it have been working few years before with tags named as numbers.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing what worked for you, if your product page is created by a plugin you may want to try reaching out to the plugin’s support to let them know about that issue
Yavan Kumar
My whole website is running properly, but the homepage is redirected too many times and same issue with the wp-admin page too. I tried all the methods you mentioned but nothing worked for me.
Please advice me if there is any another solution for that.
Thanks in advance…
WPBeginner Support
If none of the methods from the article worked, you would want to reach out to your hosting provider for them to see if there are any issues they can see on their end.
John Zoetebier
My web site is a Bitnami WordPress deployment on Google Cloud Platform.
When I use:
define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘http:/example.cloud’);
the home page gets redirected to itself and browsers error message.
I now use the original Bitnami setting and it works great !
define(‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘http://’ . $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] . ‘/’);
WPBeginner Support
You are missing a slash next to your http in the first define statement but thank you for sharing your workaround.
I had to desactivate a plugin and it worked back fine. I identified the plugin to desactivate by looking into my URL where I was getting a redirect error. The plugin name was written there.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing how you found the error for others trying to solve this problem
Nirav Patel
Thanks you bro for information of wp error
WPBeginner Support
Glad our article could help
yeah, you know,,, i searching for it,,,,, and then mys wordpress site working again, thanksfull
Thans buddy , really helps
I’ve tried all the steps here with no luck today. Luckily my website is functioning ok but I can’t log into the wp-admin dashboard for anything.
What are the other options? There must be other ways I can figure out what’s causing it?
I’m having the same. My site works fine for visitors, but I only get the redirect error for the backend, my WP dashboard.
It’s a new site and I don’t even have any plugins installed yet. I’m stumped.
Bryant Thomas
Holy Cow That worked, I’ve done many websites migrations and never ran into this issue. Thank you the define(‘WP_HOME’,’http://example.com’);
define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’http://example.com’); worked with the www.
Rutvi Trivedi
Hi, My problem is when I go to my site’s dashboard(/wp-admin) it is giving me this error I tried this solution and unfortunately it is not working. Please help me to solve this error.
I just want to say thank you so much for sharing this knowledge, you wouldn’t understand how much this has helped me, something as minor is adding www or leaving the forward slash at the end has caused so many headaches, thank you so much.
Awesome! Only took 5 minutes and fixed!!!