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Cómo añadir un salto de línea en WordPress (Nuevo interlineado)

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Recientemente, un usuario nos ha preguntado si existe alguna forma de añadir un salto de línea en WordPress o de ajustar el interlineado entre bloques.

En la mayoría de los procesadores de texto, puedes añadir fácilmente espacios en blanco pulsando varias veces la tecla Intro. También puede crear líneas a doble espacio después de los párrafos desde las opciones de formato. Sin embargo, el editor de bloques de WordPress no tiene esos botones.

En este artículo, le mostraremos cómo añadir fácilmente un salto de línea en WordPress.

How to Add a Line Break in WordPress

Antes de empezar, es importante saber que el espaciado entre líneas está controlado por el tema de WordPress que utilice.

Le mostraremos cómo añadir espacio entre bloques en el editor de bloques, y luego veremos cómo cambiar el interlineado en su tema si no está satisfecho con los resultados.

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Añadir espacio de doble línea entre bloques

Cuando pulsa la tecla Enter para Windows o la tecla Return para Mac en su teclado para añadir un salto de línea, WordPress lo considera como un nuevo párrafo.

Esto significa que añadirá automáticamente el doble espacio entre líneas, siempre que su tema disponga del estilo necesario para ello (todos los buenos temas de WordPress lo tienen).

Adding double line spacing in WordPress

Basta con ir al editor de contenidos, pulsar la tecla Intro o Retorno después de la línea y escribir otra cosa en la línea siguiente.

Simplemente haciendo eso, basado en el estilo de tu tema, deberías ver una vaciada distinción entre párrafos.

Double line space added to create paragraph in WordPress

Añadir espacio de una línea

Ahora bien, si está escribiendo algo como una dirección, probablemente querrá que aparezca a espacio sencillo en lugar de a doble espacio en su sitio de WordPress.

Single Space Preview

En este caso, tienes que pulsar la tecla SHIFT + ENTER en Windows o la tecla SHIFT + RETURN en Mac.

Esto le dirá a WordPress que quiere empezar una nueva línea dentro de un párrafo existente. Por lo tanto, necesita interlineado sencillo frente a interlineado doble.

Modificación de la altura y el espaciado de las líneas

A veces, aunque añadas el interlineado adecuado en el editor, no se muestra como quieres en tu tema.

Hay dos formas de corregirlo:

  1. Utilizar un plugin (de forma sencilla)
  2. Manualmente con código CSS (más avanzado)

Veamos primero el método fácil.

Añadir interlineado con un plugin

Si quieres hacer cambios de estilo en tu tema sin tener que aprender código, usar un plugin como CSS Hero es la mejor manera de hacerlo.

CSS Hero hace que sea fácil cambiar el diseño de su sitio de WordPress sin saber ningún código.

Add paragraph spacing in WordPress with CSS Hero

Puedes ver más detalles en nuestra reseña / valoración completa de CSS Hero.

Si quieres hacer cambios más grandes en tu tema, como mover una barra lateral o añadir un pie de página, entonces un plugin editor de arrastrar y soltar sería una mejor opción. Un plugin maquetador de páginas también te permitiría hacer pequeños retoques como cambiar los colores de las fuentes o añadir saltos de línea en WordPress.

¿No quieres usar un plugin, o sólo necesitas hacer este cambio? Entonces, la opción de código CSS manual puede ser la mejor para ti.

Cómo cambiar manualmente el espaciado entre párrafos con código CSS

Para añadir saltos de línea manualmente sin un plugin, necesitas añadir algo de CSS a tu tema.

CSS es básicamente como la característica de formato de Microsoft Word. En lugar de hacer clic en los botones, escribirá código CSS sin formato. No es tan aterrador como algunos principiantes pueden pensar. CSS es muy fácil de entender si sólo sigues las instrucciones.

Para añadir CSS personalizado a tu tema, necesitas visitar la página Apariencia ” Personalizar. Esto iniciará el Personalizador de temas de WordPress, donde debe hacer clic en la pestaña “CSS personalizado” de la columna de la izquierda.

Si no puedes ver estas opciones de menú, es posible que estés utilizando un tema de bloque. Consulta nuestro artículo sobre cómo corregir la falta de personalizador de temas en el administrador de WordPress.

Adding your custom CSS

En el cuadro CSS personalizado, debe añadir el siguiente código CSS:

.post p{line-height: 1.5em;}

La regla CSS mostrada arriba cambiará el interlineado del contenido del párrafo a 1,5em. Em es una unidad de anchura para tipografía.

Estamos utilizando la clase .post, que WordPress añade automáticamente al área de contenido de todas las entradas para asegurarse de que solo afecta a las entradas y no a los párrafos utilizados en otros lugares.

Adding custom CSS to increase line height

Ahora bien, esto solo cambia el espaciado de interlineado simple.

Si desea cambiar el espaciado entre párrafos en WordPress (es decir, doble espaciado), entonces tendría que añadir relleno.

.post p { 
line-height: 1.5em;
padding-bottom: 15px;

No dudes en ajustar los números a tus necesidades y añadir doble espacio en HTML.

También puedes añadir CSS personalizado a tu sitio utilizando el plugin WPCode. El plugin hace que sea muy fácil de insertar y gestionar el código en su sitio.

Para más detalles, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo añadir CSS personalizado a su sitio de WordPress.

Esperamos que este artículo te haya ayudado a añadir un salto de línea en WordPress. Puede que también quieras ver nuestra guía sobre cómo usar el patrón de bloques de WordPress y los mejores temas de WordPress compatibles con Gutenberg.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

Descargo: Nuestro contenido está apoyado por los lectores. Esto significa que si hace clic en algunos de nuestros enlaces, podemos ganar una comisión. Vea cómo se financia WPBeginner , por qué es importante, y cómo puede apoyarnos. Aquí está nuestro proceso editorial .


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Ralph says

    This was huge problem back in old creator. I never knew how it will look like and had to hit preview every couple of lines but i think with gutenberg it is way easier and i learnd to just use shift+enter. I do this automatically and almost without consciousness. Don’t know why but some websites don’t allow shift+enter only enter or not and then I’m like “WHY it is not working”!

  3. Colleen Cochran says

    I finally figured out the shift-enter thing for poetry single space lines, but when the post is published and emailed to followers, it loses formatting and all the lines run together. How do I fix that?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to check with the tool being used to send the notification for the styling for fixing that issue.


  4. jan van den hoed says

    Thanks for the explanation. One question though. How can i do the same thing on a smartphone. I’m editing my blog on the way and do not have a laptop available. i tried to do shift enter but that did not work

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you’re using a page builder plugin they may have a different method for the single/double line spacing. Otherwise, it could be a plugin/theme conflict where you would need to disable your plugins and/or swap your theme to check


  5. Tim G says

    I would like to reduce the spacing between normal paragraph lines — IMHO, there is too much white space by default. I’d also like to add a half line at the end of a paragraph, rather than a full line: WordPress by default seems to just do the equivalent of a double carriage return which is rather twentieth century and doesn’t emulate what Word can do. Any ideas?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to reach out to the support for your specific theme and they should be able to tell you what CSS needs to be added to reduce your line spacing :)


  6. Jen says

    God bless you! I’m so grateful for you posting this with the CSS! Who knew that’s all it took for me to change the spacing! I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time! Thank you so much!

  7. Kathy says

    I am using the “shift” enter method but it does not allow for different size font when I do. Is there a work around?

  8. phil rooksby says

    I don’t have Additional CSS. I’ve tried all sorts of other ways to alter the paragraph spacing but nothing works, looks a real mess. Help please!!!

  9. Norm says

    Thank you for the help. I have been looking all over the place, and wanted to do it with a plug-in. You made it so easy. Again, thank you very much.

  10. Maria says

    Hello! I want to have a simple spacing between my paragraphs and even after pressing enter (for the double space), when I preview the draft nothing has changed (it’s still all one paragraph). Could anyone help?

  11. Rashmi says

    I would like to modifying the Line height and Spacing. However there is no ‘editor’ icon ( Appearance » Editor) from theme’s CSS file.
    So, what can I do?
    Thank you for your reply!

  12. Donna says

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    I was in another html editor and could not figure out how to do single spacing.

    You saved the day! :)

  13. Gerard says

    Brilliant and what an eternal lifesaver.

    I was struggling with spacing on one of my client sites and absolutely amazing that you had the exact answer almost at your finger tips. I am now becoming a permanent subscriber

  14. LR says

    I am using the Pilcrow theme and I have no idea how to make the double space between paragraphs happen. Sometimes it happens in my posts but sometimes it doesn’t. When I look in the HTML file I don’t see any post p or padding. I only see the end result of what the post will look like and thats when I know the double spacing didnt work. Can I still go back and re-edit and fix it? Last but not least where you say to go from the appearance to editor menus i dont have those options.
    I have under appearance the following options: themes, customize, widgets, menus, header, background, AMP, Theme Options, Mobile.
    Please help.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hey LR,

      You can add the CSS by visting Appearance->Customize and then clicking on the Additional CSS tab in customizer. See our guide on how to add custom CSS in WordPress.

      If you believe it to be a theme issue, then try temporarily switching to a default WordPress theme. If the issue disappears, then you can ask your theme developer for support.


  15. Derek Cummings says

    My theme is broken, as in it doesn’t have the double spacing by default. The theme is stuck on the shift+enter mode in other words. So in relation to the following code:

    .post p {
    line-height: 1.5em;
    padding-bottom: 15px;

    Is 15px a normal default double space? How many pixels should it be by default? Also doesn’t it matter where I put this code? Thanx!

  16. Femi says

    Thank you for the tip on the shift + enter. I never knew this for years. Your site has always been a rescue when I get stuck.

  17. Lyn says

    Hello: How do you get custom line spacing (say, 1.5em) for one instance on one page instead of changing the entire theme CSS? I see two other people have asked the same thing with no response, at least not that I found. Thanks!

  18. Cat says

    How about simply adding some text and changing the text colour to white (if the background is white)? This should make it possible to create and customise line spaces much easier (unless, of course, the background is a picture of something that cannot be matched with font colour).

  19. Michael Rich says

    Hi WPBeginner staff,

    I have a different question. I use Visual Composer and have added many Separator with Text dividers between my section headings on my homepage. I would like to make those text headings also be a link to that section.
    However everytime I add the link I lose the section identifying text that I had in the separator and it’s magically replaced with the default text saying “TITLE”.

    To try to make it a link I am adding a the linking code inside this bracket:
    [vc_text_separator title=”1950s CARS”]

    I am scratching my head so hard that I think I’m bald. Any help will get you a lifetime of gratitude!!!


  20. Anthony Cooper says

    I am using the WordPress ‘Divi’ theme and found that if you press enter (or shift + enter) twice, in order to create a larger space, it is ignored. To get round this press enter once, type a character on the line, (it does not matter what), highlight it and change the font colour of the character to white and then press enter again; this results in the desired space between lines without having to edit the theme. The same applies to extra spaces in a line; enter as many characters as desired, highlight them and change their font colour to white and then carry on in the desired font colour.

  21. Christy says

    THANK YOU!! I Love you guys! So glad I found this site! I’ve almost literally been banging my head against the wall. If I knew how to insert emojis, this post would be covered with hearts and smiley faces. :-)

  22. Linda Paul says

    Oh yeah! You have just helped me solve a problem (forced single space paragraphs) that has vexed me for years!

  23. David M. Ebersole Sr. says

    I am a subscriber to WP Beginner.
    I had a question concerning entering Engineering data for my product on my site. Spacing in the tables appeared too large on the page. I searched WordPress support and all I saw was snippy responses to the question of single line spacing.

    Your the first to answer the question, and it obviously was correct. Thank You.



  24. Mark says

    What about on Android. The latest update has forced a double spacing (new paragraph). Not very good for poetry writers. Is there any way to revert it back to single?

  25. Cheryl says

    I use Omega Theme and the control/enter does not work. Is there something else I can do. I cannot find post.p in the CSS file.

  26. Tina Gleisner says

    Thanks for the “shift” and enter for single line spacing as I’ve wanted to figure this out for years … and never got around to finding the solution.

  27. A. Lougheed says

    I’m searching everywhere for an answer … when I add a in the text editor, it is removed in the visual editor. Drives me crazy. Does wpbeginner have a recommendation?

    Should I add a plug-in to stop this?

    I tried a plugin years ago, but I had to go back and re-format every post.

    Any link with tutorial or advice is greatly appreciated!

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