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Syed Balkhi

CEO Awesome Motive Inc.
Experiencia WordPressSEOBloggingContent Marketing


  • Founder and CEO of WPBeginner and Awesome Motive Inc, one of the most prominent WordPress software companies in the industry.

  • Over 25 million websites use WordPress plugins and software apps developed by Syed Balkhi and his team.

  • Started using WordPress in 2006 and has over 16 years of experience building websites with WordPress.

  • WordPress Core Contributor along with many other Open Source software contributions


Syed Balkhi is one of the most well-known WordPress experts in the world with over 16 years of experience. He graduated from University of Florida and have been building WordPress websites since 2006.

In 2009, Syed created WPBeginner as a free online resource to help beginners and non-techy small business owners learn WordPress. At the time, no other WordPress training resource existed for beginners, and this led to WPBeginner growing in popularity and becoming the Wikipedia for WordPress. 

Syed was recognized as the top 100 entrepreneur under the age of 30 by the United Nations, and his work is featured in top publications like Entrepreneur, Forbes, Inc, Business Insider, The Guardian, Wired Magazine, and more.

Over the years, Syed has been a featured speaker at highly reputed conferences all around the world including Traffic & Conversion Summit, Affiliate Summit, Marketing School Live, Blog World Expo, dozens of WordCamps, and more.

About WPBeginner

WPBeginner is the largest free WordPress resource for beginners to learn WordPress. We are part of the Awesome Motive family and reach over 100 million visitors every year. Our content is fact checked and reviewed by our Editorial team for accuracy and integrity. You can learn more about us and our editorial process.

La Guía Definitiva de Coronavirus para Pequeñas Empresas – WordPress + Herramientas para Crecer Online

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Anuncio del Fondo de Aceleración del Crecimiento WPBeginner

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