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Introduction to Sass for New WordPress Theme Designers

As a new WordPress theme designer, you quickly learn the challenges of maintaining long CSS files while keeping them organized, scalable, and readable. Many designers and front-end developers recommend using a CSS preprocessor language like Sass or LESS to make the job easier. But what… Read More »

How to Add bbPress Forum to WordPress Posts as Comments

As the comments on WPBeginner grew, we tried different solutions, like Livefyre to improve discussions on our site. Many WordPress users want to make comments on their website more social. This is why people try Facebook comments, Disqus comments and now even Google+ comments. Recently… Read More »

Featured WordPress Plugins
Easy WordPress Stripe Payment Form Plugin. View this plugin

8 Best jQuery Tutorials for WordPress Beginners

jQuery helps you create interactive, user-friendly, and beautiful websites. For those with little CSS and HTML knowledge jQuery sounds complicated, but with easy to follow tutorials anyone can add fancy effects to their site. In this article, we will list some of the best jQuery… Read More »