
Widget Optionsを使用すると、特定のページでウィジェットを簡単に非表示または表示できます。ページ、投稿、端末ごとにウィジェットを割り当てたり制限したりできる、完全なウィジェット管理プラグインです。
注 :ブロックテーマを使用している場合、Widgetオプションはブロックベースのウィジェットエリアをクラシックウィジェットエリアに変換します。その後、プラグインを使用してサイト全体にウィジェットを表示/非表示できるようになります。
開始するには、まずWidget Optionsプラグインをインストールして有効化する必要があります。詳細については、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。
有効化した後、WordPress管理サイドバーから設定 ” ウィジェットオプションに向かうことができます。その後、プラグインがウィジェットをカスタマイズするために提供する様々なオプションを見つけるでしょう。



WordPress管理画面のサイドバーから、外観 ” ウィジェットにアクセスします。そして、表示または非表示にしたいウィジェットをクリックしてください。ウィジェットの設定が拡大され、ウィジェットの表示オプションが表示されます。




これらの非アクティブなウィジェットは、サイトを乱雑にする可能性がある。これを行うには、WordPressダッシュボードの外観 ” ウィジェットに移動し、’非アクティブウィジェット’セクションまでスクロールダウンします。

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This widget doesn’t work at all. It doesn’t change the widget options or anything.
WPBeginner Support
The plugin has not been updated for the new widget block editor, you can disable it to use the classic widget editor to see the options following our guide below:
Ian Hanson
After hours of perusing all my WP Theme options (why it takes me this long to solve problems I’ll never know) I Googled how to show widgets on certain pages and not others…and found your post.
It’s SO easy now. How I lived without it before I’ll never know. Actually, I don’t think I was living. Thanks!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide could help
This is an awesome free plugin. Worked like a charm. THank you.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our recommendation could help
Jim Gersetich
The plugin referenced does not work. I installed Widget Context and activated it. However, the Appearance | Widgets page still only shows the defaults (Blog Sidebar, Footer 1, and Footer 2.) The dialog box you show does not appear, even after closing the browser and reentering.
WPBeginner Support
The section should be on individual widgets. If they are not appearing you may need to reach out to the plugin’s support to see possible issues.
Vikram Bheel
Sir, I bought the Business 5 theme from the instamajo on October 3, 2018. I have 2 problems in customizing this theme.
1. Apperiance >> Customize >> Widget
Sidebar 1 is not visible here in place of widget and a message is visible
Your theme has 1 other widget area, but this particular page does not display it.
You can navigate to other pages on your site while using the Customizer to view and edit the widgets on those pages.
How to solve this problem
2. The option of logging in footer area of this theme is also coming, how to remove it
Please request to the Wpbeginner team to resolve these issues.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Vikram,
Your theme does not display widgets on the page you are viewing in the customizer. An easier way to add widgets is by going to Appearance > Widgets page instead.
Total Awesomeness! Thank you so much!!! I’m finally going to have a great looking site!
Hello, I don’t know to get my subscribe widget to show on every page. Right now it shows on every page on my computer but only shows on my “About Me” Page for others. I have selected for it to appear everywhere. Can you help?
So I am totally new to this whole thing. I managed to get the TopConsult theme installed and now Widget Context but unless I am being a dumb blonde it’t not working. When I click on a widget the only option I have is to add or cancel. As well as there are “default widgets” built into the theme one of which is a smart slider that I only want to appear on the home page! And it doesn’t look like I can edit those at all? Can anybody help me?!
Widget Context clashes with Site Origin Widgets and disallows access to the Widgets.php file.
Julie Spears
I am trying to use the visibility option on my Text widget to hide the sidebar from a specific page. But it isn’t working. The widget still shows up on that page. Any ideas?
Gary McGeown
super, one more small job completed.
The “popular posts” widget isn’t visible to the public. How can this be adjusted?
I am sorry but widget context does not have the ability to display on every page? If I click the setting that says show widget everywhere it does not display my slider widget on every page. If I click on show widget on selected and enter a custom URL (the URL to one of the pages on my site) it still does not show the slider widget on that page. I am not sure why or how to fix this but help would be appreciated.
have a similar issue as John..
Even i have similar issue.
Debabrata Mondal
Thank you! That was really helpful!
Awesome work! very easy to use plugin
thank you very much.
David Norwood
Thank you for your reply. I need a plugin like Display Widget, as I have it set up to show menus on the sidebar in specific categories . Maybe I am doing it incorrectly, but it seems to be more global?
David Norwood
Thank you for the plug-in suggestion. I need a replacement for Display Widget
however, widget context Untested with your version of WordPress, which is the most recent .
Do you if it will be updated anytime soon?
WPBeginner Support
Hi David,
We tested it with the latest WordPress version and it works well.
David Law
Display Widgets Plugin v2.6.3.1 has been removed from the repo due to hacking code:
David Law
WPBeginner Support
Hi David,
Thanks for the heads up. We have removed the plugin mention and replaced it with a new plugin.
David Norwood
which plugin did you replace Display Widget with. I have not been able to get Widget options to work yet.
Hi All, it seems this plugin has been removed. Anyone know of another plugin that operates in the same way – showing certain widgets on certain pages and hiding sidebar (show full width page) on pages you do not want the widgets to appear on – similar to what Display Widgets did?
Joel Newcomer
Widget Options is the best alternative that I’ve been able to find.
Unfortunately, it looks like the latest WordPress update broke editing the widgets. The settings I had set for my widgets before the update remain, but I can’t change them or add settings to future widgets. Does anyone have a fix for this?
This all works great, however, there is one situation where it does NOT work and that is for a specific URL that is part of a third party integration, like aMember.
The aMember page do not appear as any of the normal taxonomy, so you would need to somehow add the specific URL to the widget. So far I do not see that functionality.
Wondering if there is another way to hide widgets you want to shown on the rest of the site, but not on these third party integration pages. Any ideas?
Took me only a few minutes to figure this one out, here’s the solution:
For any pages that reside outside of the WordPress taxonomy, you can use the logic setting. Click the gear symbol, then open the “logic” tab.
In my case, simply entering the conditional: is_page( $page = ‘/member/*.php’ )
hides the widgets on all pages associated with my WP integrated third party membership scripts.
Mark Saffell
Thank you! This was the perfect video. It made my life easy. Great job.
Michael J Ming
Almost too easy. I used Display Widget for the first time and it did exactly want I wanted it too.
The widget is only showing up on categories, not on pages. I have tried all different combinations and none but categories are working. Please help.
Uninstall it. It’s generating spam. Try the one suggested above.
I’m using the Divi theme and the widget isn’t showing on the pages I checked. I have updated to the latest version of the theme and WordPress. Help!
will this allow me to use controversial content without being banned by google adsense
Shaun Taylor
This is great and just what I’m looking for, however Is there a way, instead of showing or hiding on different pages, to show and hide in different sections?
For example if my site structure is:
So rather than me having to choose all of the sub pages in the service section, can I just choose everything under example.com/services/ will show or hide a certain widget?
Any help would be appreciated!
Gaurav Kumar
I have removed text widget from blog, still it is loading when I am opening the site.
Please tell me what should I do.
WPBeginner Support
You are probably seeing a cached version of your blog. Purge your cache and revisit the page.
Gaurav Kumar
Thank you but even now it is showing widget in Older post pages.
Is there a plugin to stop it showing in older pages like page no 2 page 3 page 4 etc.
Hey, does this work with WP 4.5.4 or later? Because I have installed it and shows no difference. Im trying to hide a widget from a page.
I am having exactly the same problem, it used to work for me but has stopped working recently
It will work 100% on some themes.
But in other themes when you will hide widget, a message will display instead of widget.
I have a trick for second type of themes.
Add only text widget, inside the text widget, text will be nothing.
I have used this trick in my sites. for example I have used in my own site.
Thanks for the post, i’ve been trying to figure this out for quite some time
I don´t think it works with WP 4.5?
WPBeginner Support
We checked, it works.
really? on mine it doesn’t
WPBeginner Support
Please contact plugin author for support. They would be able to help you better.
It’s not working for me, WordPress 4.5.3.
Does this plugin also work with posts rather than pages?
Yes! Also u can also filter by page/post id
Mujahid Rasul
I installed and used Widgets Display plugin. why hidden widgets are still occupying space in the site pages. I mean the there should be left only one column showing the text on the whole screen. Now the widgets are not showing but space is empty. please provide solution of this problem
I am having this problem as well. Have you found a solution?
Bob Clinton
Installed on WP 4.3 and WP 3.5.1 Just get a blank text area field under the words “Widget logic: ”
What am I missing???
WPBeginner Support
Update your WordPress plugins.
Anurag Singh
very nice i am very thank full to you wondering from last month for this.
now it’s done
i used to use widget logic before this.
is_page(); is_single(23,454,53,1,); used to use code based taxonomies
@Ynotwebdesigns Yes it is because we tried it
Is this plugin compatible with the latest WP version?