WordPress supporta una sola immagine in evidenza per ogni pubblicazione, ma molti siti web moderni e strategie di contenuto richiedono una maggiore flessibilità visiva.
Nel corso degli anni, molti dei nostri lettori ci hanno chiesto come aggiungere più di un’immagine in evidenza alle loro pubblicazioni su WordPress.
Questa caratteristica può migliorare l’aspetto dei contenuti, soprattutto per i blog ricchi di immagini, le vetrine dei prodotti o gli articoli ricchi di contenuti multimediali.
In questa guida condivideremo come aggiungere più immagini in evidenza al vostro sito WordPress.

Perché aggiungere più immagini in evidenza in WordPress?
Leimmagini in evidenza sono una caratteristica predefinita di WordPress e si trovano in ogni tema WordPress.
Contribuiscono a dare vita ai contenuti e a rendere più engagement le pubblicazioni del blog. Inoltre, aiutano a catturare l’attenzione degli utenti e a farli cliccare sul vostro articolo.
Ci sono situazioni in cui potrebbe essere necessario aggiungere più immagini in evidenza della pubblicazione al vostro sito web WordPress. Forse un cliente ha una richiesta speciale di utilizzare più di una miniatura, oppure il design del vostro sito web richiede diverse immagini.
Ad esempio, sezioni come la homepage o le pagine di archivio (il blog e le categorie) richiedono immagini di dimensioni diverse. In questo caso, l’opzione di visualizzare più miniature è davvero utile.
Su WPBeginner, utilizziamo più immagini in evidenza per le pagine di archivio, i social media e le miniature che appaiono in un post del blog. Ecco una miniatura che appare nel post del blog:

D’altra parte, le immagini che appaiono sulle pagine di archivio sono diverse.
Ecco come appaiono le miniature nella sezione blog di WPBeginner:

Ora vi mostreremo come aggiungere più immagini di miniatura in WordPress, oltre a un suggerimento bonus. Ecco una rapida panoramica degli argomenti che tratteremo in questa guida:
Pronti? Iniziamo.
Aggiungere più immagini in evidenza in WordPress senza un plugin
Il modo più semplice per aggiungere più immagini in evidenza senza plugin è inserirle manualmente nel contenuto nell’editor di WordPress.
Innanzitutto, è possibile caricare la miniatura principale utilizzando l’opzione predefinita dell’immagine in evidenza nell’editor dei contenuti di WordPress.
È sufficiente cliccare sull’icona dell’ingranaggio in alto per aprire il pannello delle impostazioni sulla destra e andare alla sezione “Immagine in evidenza”.

Dopodiché, si può fare clic sull’area “Imposta immagine in evidenza” e si aprirà l’uploader dei media di WordPress.
Procedere con l’uploader della propria immagine o selezionare un’immagine dalla libreria dei media esistente.

Dopo aver selezionato un’immagine, è sufficiente cliccare sul pulsante “Imposta immagine in evidenza”.
Il passo successivo è aggiungere un blocco immagine in qualsiasi punto del contenuto per inserire un’altra immagine in evidenza.
A tale scopo, è necessario fare clic sul pulsante “+” e aggiungere un blocco immagine in cui visualizzare l’immagine in evidenza secondaria.

Una volta aggiunto il blocco immagine, è sufficiente caricare l’immagine in evidenza nella pubblicazione del blog.
In alternativa, è possibile selezionare un’immagine esistente dalla libreria dei media del sito web di WordPress o utilizzare l’opzione “Inserisci da URL”.

È anche possibile aggiungere un blocco galleria e mostrare più immagini in evidenza. Ciò è particolarmente utile se avete un negozio e-commerce o se avete bisogno di mostrare numerose immagini di prodotti di alta qualità.
Per maggiori dettagli, consultare la nostra guida su come creare una galleria di immagini in WordPress.
Ora è possibile visitare il sito web di WordPress per vedere più immagini in evidenza.

Come ottenere l’immagine in evidenza della categoria in WordPress
Se si desidera mostrare un’immagine in primo piano diversa per gli articoli di una particolare categoria, la soluzione migliore è utilizzare il plugin Category Featured Image.
Per prima cosa, è necessario installare e attivare il plugin Category Featured Image. Se avete bisogno di aiuto, potete consultare gratuitamente la nostra guida su come installare un plugin di WordPress.
Una volta attivato il plugin, è possibile andare su Pubblica ” Categorie dalla dashboard di WordPress. Ora vedrete una nuova opzione “Immagine in evidenza” quando aggiungete nuove categorie o sottocategorie.
È sufficiente cliccare sul pulsante “Aggiungi nuova immagine” per iniziare.

Facendo clic sul pulsante, si aprirà l’uploader dei media di WordPress.
È possibile caricare l’immagine dal disco locale del computer o selezionarne una dalla libreria dei media di WordPress. Dopodiché, è sufficiente fare clic sul pulsante “Imposta immagine in evidenza”.

È inoltre possibile modificare le categorie esistenti sul sito web e aggiungere un’immagine in evidenza.
A tale scopo, passare al passaggio del mouse su una categoria corrente e fare clic sull’opzione “Modifica”.

Dopodiché, scorrere giù fino alla sezione “Immagine in evidenza”.
Fare clic sul pulsante “Aggiungi nuova immagine” e caricare l’immagine in evidenza per la categoria.

Non dimenticate di fare clic sul pulsante “Aggiorna” quando avete finito.
Ora è possibile tornare alla pagina “Categorie” nel pannello di amministrazione di WordPress e vedere l’immagine in evidenza per ogni categoria.

Speriamo che questo articolo vi abbia aiutato a capire come aggiungere più immagini in evidenza in WordPress. Successivamente, potreste voler consultare la nostra guida su come effettuare l’editing di base delle immagini e su come creare overlay e passaggi del mouse in WordPress.
Se questo articolo vi è piaciuto, iscrivetevi al nostro canale YouTube per le esercitazioni video su WordPress. Potete trovarci anche su Twitter e Facebook.
Having multiple post thumbnails seemed like a complex task until I found this tutorial. Your explanation and recommended plugins made it straightforward. Thanks for simplifying the process!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful
Thodoros Athineos
This is very handy for many purposes that special images might be needed (eg mobile-image).
Is it possible for your future plans, to provide the ability of an array of images, instead of single?
For example, the developer might need to add an album-images instance, in order that user can select multiple images to be provided to an album.
WPBeginner Support
We will look into possibly adding that in the future but you may need to look into a plugin for that level of customization.
Robin Parker
hi, everything works down to this paragraph.
“Even though you can add a secondary featured image in your WordPress admin, it will not display on your site until you configure your theme. All you need to do is add the following code inside your post loop where you want to display it. This could be in your single.php (for single posts), archive.php (only for archive pages), etc.”
Can you explain a little more about where to place this part of the code within the theme? Thx!
WPBeginner Support
That would depend on your specific theme, normally it should have the code to display your content and you would place the code in that area, for understanding the loop you would want to take a look at the page: https://www.wpbeginner.com/glossary/loop/
For where to place the code for how you’re wanting it, you would want to reach out to your theme’s support.
I want to add two images; one as a thumbnail (in search engine, archives, homepage or any other place it showed) and another one as featured image (Reader will see this image only at the time of reading content).
Is there any solution for my problem?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reach out to the support for the theme you are using for that type of customization.
Hi. Could you possibly update older articles? This one uses a plugin that hasn’t been updated in over 2 years.
Just wondering.
Kashif Riaz
Hi, Please tell me how to access the second thumbnail. For example we can access the default featured image by “the_post_thumbnail()”.
Otaku Desu
please… can someone help me
i just want take the url image
how do that?
Why isn’t the “Multiple Post Thumbnails” updated? It said that it was last updated 2 years ago. It needs to be updated because some people cannot use plugins that wasn’t updated since 2-3 years ago…
I hope you can help me. Can you tell me if this plugin can do what I need?
I need to be able to add a second featured image to a post (or custom post type) that is in more than one category. On the archive page for one of the categories, I need for the second featured image thumbnail to show, and everywhere else on the site I need for the first featured image thumbnail to show.
Thanks for whatever you can tell me!
WPBeginner Support
Hey Leslie,
We are not sure this plugin can do that on its own. You will probably need to edit your theme files to achieve this.
Nick W
I use genesis and i cannot figure out where to paste this snippet so the 2nd featured image shows only as the thumbnail on the home and category pages. Please help.
Great Plugin! Could it be possible to make it so when there is a secondary image set, that only the secondary image shows?
yasir kham
it really help full for me Thank’s
Can you add it to just one page in the admin area. Like if i wanted to just add it to the front-page.php file in the admin area so if you go to edit another page it is not on it in the admin area?
how to get secoundry featured image id
Neil desucatan
Hi i’m new with wordpress and i hope you can help me
with this
i need to use this to my sidebar.php but now showing the secondary image
Anas Iqbal
Hi, I am using this plugin with NewsPaper WordPress theme but everytime it display the latest secondary image added in all post.
Like I display 6 posts in sidebar, and secondary image was added in just first 2 posts, but the same image will display in all 6 posts.
Please tell me how can I use this with NewsPaper WordPress theme.
this isn’t working for me, 2nd featured image is not showing in page editor.
Barrett Hemmings
Is there a way to use this method to assign a secondary featured image based on a category that is chosen? I am building a site for a reclaimed wood company that does all kinds of projects and some of the project photos have multiple categories within them. For instance, one project we did has items throughout the house that we did, and we included the category “Shelves” to a posting that the featured image doesn’t show any shelves. That project will be displayed within a page of shelves and have the featured image of a counter top. Is there any way to make it display one of the photos of the shelves when it is displayed in this category?
there is always an id for any post type so in your case if it is “shelves” then ‘post_type’ => ‘shelves’ will be in your code.
It’s really working on post. bt i wanna set it on custom post. How can i add multiple feature image in custom post?
Patrick Buntsma
It might be very easy, but I cannot seem to get it right…
How do I get it to show up in all my post types? The ‘post_type’ => ‘post’ only makes it available in WP Posts. I need it in ‘page’ and ‘event’ as well.
Please advice.
Abdul wahab
The 2nd feature image is not showing,how i can get the image ID?
How can i get the ID of the extra Thumbnail?
Anas Naqvi
for multiple feature images copy this code in your functions,php
if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) {
for($i=2; $i ‘Secondary Image-‘.$i,
‘id’ => ‘secondary-image-‘.$i,
‘post_type’ => ‘page’
In order to display your featured image paste this code in your loop of your single.php/page.php where you want to display the images.
if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) :
for($i=2; $i<=5; $i++)
MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), 'secondary-image-'.$i);
Rajith Gunawardena
this is a very useful tutorial.. So the admins doesn`t need to go to widgets as all items could be added at once ( if the items are unique to that post ./ page ) .. Does anyone of you guys know how we could have a similar one for featured text and extra text areas within the post ?
Rajith Gunawardena
this is very useful and i manage to get it to work without any issue. do you know how we could have a similer things with FEATURED TEXT and MULTiPLE FEATURED TEXT ?
What if somebody wants to show more than 2 featured images? say 10-12?
KyawNaing Tun
I solved it like this
// in function.php
if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) {
new MultiPostThumbnails(array(
‘label’ => ‘Secondary Image’,
‘id’ => ‘secondary-image’,
‘post_type’ => ‘product’
) );
new MultiPostThumbnails(array(
‘label’ => ‘Third Image’,
‘id’ => ‘third-image’,
‘post_type’ => ‘product’
) );
// in template
if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) :
MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), ‘secondary-image’);
if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) :
MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), ‘third-image’);
I solved it like this (based on code provided in this article, its comments and other sources):
MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), ‘secondary-image’, NULL, ‘medium’);
$mptId = MultiPostThumbnails::get_post_thumbnail_id(‘post’, ‘secondary-image’, $post->ID);
$p = get_post($mptId);
echo “”;
echo apply_filters(‘the_excerpt’,$p->post_excerpt);
echo “”;
I know you explained in another topic (https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-display-wordpress-post-thumbnails-with-captions/) how to get and show the caption (excerpt) for a thumbnail, but I don’t quite get how to do this in the context above. If someone could show what to add to the code sample to show the caption beneath the thumbnail, I would be very grateful.
Vinnie James
Is it possible to just return the image url without the tag when calling it up within the template file? Something similar to:
//Get the Thumbnail URL
$src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), array(320,240), false, ” );
echo $src[0];
EDIT: Yes, there is. Use this —
$custom = MultiPostThumbnails::get_post_thumbnail_id(‘post’, ‘secondary-image’, $post->ID); $custom=wp_get_attachment_image_src($custom,’post-secondary-image-thumbnail’); echo $custom[0];
KyawNaing Tun
Thanks @Vinnie James
Thank you for this article its very help full for bigner like me
hi, this perfect plugin.
but, can i create slider with this plugin..?
Hi, Thank you for your work
Using this plugin, can I add more than 1 additional Thumbnail image ??
Thank you.
WPBeginner Support
Yes you can.
Awesome! But it looks that from the back-office I can only add One secondary image. How can I achieve that ?
Thank you.
Sorry, this is how we can do it :
// To be Added in functions.php
// Multi-Thumbnails code
if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) {
for($i = 1; $i ‘Gallery Image’.$i,
‘id’ => ‘image-‘.$i,
‘post_type’ => ‘post’
Thank you.
Great article!
Just what I’ve been looking for.
But how I could make it work with a custom post type?
got it, just copy and past this function how many time you want feature images, and change id and label…:)
how to add upto 5 or 6 features images…?
What is different between default image and featured image in wordpress./////////////??????????
WPBeginner Support
The featured image is an image that you can attach to a post using the featured image box in the post edit area. If you want, you can set a default fallback image for your featured images. This default featured image will appear when there is no featured image set for a post.
I have created a plugin for displaying Page Title, Featured Image and the content.
Instead of displaying featured image, I need to display the secondary image that is uploaded via plugin.
How to accomplish this? I will share a small part of my plugin. Please go through it.
function widget($args, $instance) {
extract( $args );
$title = apply_filters(‘widget_title’, $instance[‘title’]);
$page_id = $instance[‘page_id’];
$featured_image = get_the_post_thumbnail($page_id);
$image = $instance[$featured_image];
echo $featured_image;
$content = strip_shortcodes($content);
$content = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $content);
echo $this->break_text($content, $page_id);
WPBeginner Support
Please use support tab on plugin’s page at WordPress.org also check out the FAQs there.
I cannot get the resize part to work for me.
I add image size in functions.php:
add_image_size(‘small-featured-image-size’, 250, 150);
I add my image:
if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) {
new MultiPostThumbnails(
‘label’ => ‘Small Featured Image’,
‘id’ => ‘smaller-featured-image’,
‘post_type’ => ‘product’
And then:
if( class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’) ) {
MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(‘product’, ‘smaller-featured-image’, NULL, ‘small-featured-image-size’);
The image keeps coming out on the page as its original size. Can anyone help me?
WPBeginner Support
Eoghan first you need to create ‘smaller-featured-image’ image size. Check out how to create additional image sizes in WordPress and then how to regenerate thumbnails.
I tried to get it to work by copying the code on this page and pasting it in my functions.php. It did not work until I realized that I was pasting smart apostrophes. Once I changed them it worked great. I think this is what happen to EOGHAN. Thank you for making this webpage. It really is helping my project.
Hey Thanks!!
I Have a cuestion.
can i display this on a slider on the single page?
WPBeginner Support
depends on what code or plugin you are using to add the slider.
Hey, I’m trying to figure out how to turn this block of code into an array that can be used outside of the loop (in a foreach loop thats after the post loop).
if (class_exists(‘MultiPostThumbnails’)) :
MultiPostThumbnails::the_post_thumbnail(get_post_type(), ‘secondary-image’);
How would you do this? Great tutorials by the way!
Please give me idea to add two featured images from front-end using code.
Aura Ide
Thank you for this article as I was looking for a long time, it turns out I found here. We will practice immediately. The tutorial is very clear, good luck!
Travis Pflanz
To improve on this idea, you could just use a custom meta box/fields plugin or create a custom repeatable field… To allow different number of “post thumbnails”