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WordPress 3.0.3 – Yet Another Security Update

Not too long ago, there was a security bug found in WordPress 3.0.1, so the awesome development team released a patch right away WordPress 3.0.2. Well, yesterday they announced yet another security update with the release of WordPress 3.0.3. This release fix issues in the XML-RPC remote publishing interface which under certain circumstances allowed Author- and Contributor-level users to improperly edit, publish or delete posts.

Black Friday 2010 WordPress Deals – Big Savings

Those of you who are familiar with American Thanksgiving Tradition, then you have probably heard of a crazy shopping day known as Black Friday. This concept is being adapted by numerous online products as well. We understand that additional WordPress themes, plugins, books, and other… Read More »

How to Hide Your Posts from Some Users in WordPress

Because WordPress is a publishing platform, there are options for content visibility that most beginners overlook. Have you ever thought about creating a blog post that you don’t want everyone to read? Maybe just for family members or close friends? Or maybe just very special… Read More »

Featured WordPress Plugins
RafflePress - WordPress Giveaway and Contest Plugin
Giveaway and Contest Plugin for WordPress. View this plugin

What’s Coming in WordPress 3.1 (Features)

Not too long ago, we were talking about WordPress 3.0, but from the looks of the development track, we are on our way to WordPress 3.1. From the scope, it looks like the new version will be out sometime in mid December 2010. There are some very exciting features that will be added, so lets get right on it.