例えば、あなたのライブチャットが特定の時間に動作し、あなたの地理的な場所で何時であるかをカスタマイザーに表示したい場合。または、カウントダウン タイマー キャンペーンを実行しており、より強い FOMO 効果を作成するために現在の日付を表示したい場合。
<?php echo date(get_option('date_format')); ?>
このコードは、WordPressの設定で設定されている日付フォーマットを使って現在の日付を表示します。日付の書式は、設定 ” 一般ページで変更できます。
<?php echo date('F j, Y'); ?>
有効化したら、WordPressダッシュボードのCode Snippets ” + Add Snippetに移動します。これでサイトに新しいコードスニペットを追加できます。
function wpb_date_today( $atts, $content = null ) {
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
'format' => '',
), $atts );
$date_time = '';
if ( $atts['format'] == '' ) {
$date_time .= date( get_option( 'date_format' ) );
} else {
$date_time .= date( $atts['format'] );
return $date_time;
add_shortcode( 'date-today', 'wpb_date_today' );
最後に、コードタイプドロップダウンメニューから「PHP Snippet」を選択し、有効化トグルを「On」の位置に切り替えます。
[date-today format='F j, Y']。
- WordPressで日付と時刻の書式を変更する方法
- WordPressテーマでブログ投稿のメタ情報を表示する方法
- WordPressで相対日付を表示する方法
- カテゴリー:WordPressで投稿の最終更新日を表示する方法
- WordPressフッターに動的な著作権日を追加する方法
- WordPressのコメントから日付と時刻を削除する方法
- WordPressのURLから日付を削除する方法
- WordPressでGoogleカレンダーを追加する方法(ステップバイステップ)
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Syed Balkhi says
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Dennis Muthomi says
hi, I got a question for the time display:- what if my website has visitors from different time zones? will the date and time displayed be adjusted to their local time, or will it always show the time based on the website’s settings?
WPBeginner Comments says
These method in this guide will show the date and time for the timezone from the website.
Mrteesurez says
Thanks for sharing.
The time is not showing, only the date is showed. I want to show both date and time beside each other on the top for all visitorsb to see including the admins.
WPBeginner Support says
For that you would need to change the format in the shortcode to: format=’F j, Y h:i’
WPBeginner Comments says
The easiest option would likely be to use this plugin: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/display-time-according-wordpress-blog-admin-bar/
Be sure to check out the second section for a guide on how to add the time to the site and not just the admin bar.
Please note that this is the time using the timezone for the blog, not for the site visitor.
ducmu says
how to display include time?
your code is only date
Bert Hennephof says
Code doesn’t work anymore after upgrade from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.2
WPCode indicates error in line:
if ($atts[‘format’] == ”) {
WPBeginner Support says
From testing the snippet on our end it currently is working in php 8.2, it would depend on the specific error message you are seeing on the line.
Ihtisham Z says
Thank you for the great article.
Just wanted to note here that, if the format attribute is not provided by the user then the shortcode will fail resulting in a critical error (parsing the attribute as string) and breaking the page. So, we need to convert the string to an array.
function wpb_date_today($atts, $content = null) {
if ( ! is_array( $atts ) ) {
$atts = [];
// rest of the code…
Chris Colotti says
Thanks for the code update!!! Snippet had been working for some time then broke as you indicated..
Generosus says
Useful Tip:
Method 2 (listed above) yields a date output in UTC format. To change the output to Local Time format, replace “date” with “wp_date” (2 places).
It would be great to make a notation in your above instructions.
You’re welcome
WPBeginner Support says
Thank you for sharing that and for your feedback
Kathy says
I really wanted to use this, however, after adding it to my functions file, I get this:
Warning: Illegal string offset ‘format’ in /XXXXXXXXXX/functions.php
It showed the date, however, the warning showed up too.
WPBeginner Support says
Thank you for letting us know, we will look into this and for the time being the second shortcode with the format specified will avoid that warning.
Sunday Samuel says
Thanks for this
Saved me from installing another plugin
I am grateful
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our guide was helpful!
hugo says
Hi, thank you for the code.
It’s possible to show the month in spanish and/or in number?
WPBeginner Support says
For adding the date as numbers if you are using the echo date method, you would change F j, Y to m/d/Y
Rebekah says
Is it possible to display a moving date? For instance, today’s date plus 7 days? I’d like to have something on my site that always displays the date one week from today.
Henry says
Adding this php code in the header file is OK but how can I control where I want to appear my date on the page?
Mark says
Use the shortcode
shiva says
very nice
anees says
thanks a lot !!
Jon says
Or with Javascript:
var dateToday = new Date(); var yearToday = dateToday.getFullYear(); document.write(yearToday);
Abiodun says
how do I change the color of this code?
it is in an arch colour and i want it in white
sameh says
How can i change the language of date format to arabic???? thanks advanced
morteza ahamadi says
i am realy beginner,
where should these codes be added?
123project says
how can I change the font and the color of this code?
WPBeginner Support says
Using CSS you can change the colors. To use css add the date template tag like this:
1-click Use in WordPress
Now in your theme’s style sheet you can add CSS, like this:
1-click Use in WordPress
Clare says
I’m beginning to discover that you can do anything with WP if you just take the time out to learn how – and most of it is so simple. 2011 is the year to ditch plugins and take the weight off my site!
Editorial Staff says
Good call
Petit Nuage says
Your suggestion is incorrect, since you’ve forgotten to take the local timezone into account as defined in the Dashboard.
Editorial Staff says
We mentioned two solutions. One where you can use the server’s setting, or two where you can use WordPress setting. If you have a third solution, then please share it with us rather than saying that we are wrong because both solutions above work.
andreeib says
I used to make this using a short code function in WordPress.
Chase Adams says
Why not just use Isn’t it a lot easier as a built in function where you can change the display type in Settings > General ?
Cheap Sites says
Yeah, that was really simple! Thank you for sharing =D