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O WP Engine é uma hospedagem VIP para WordPress. Sua hospedagem descomplicada oferece servidores rápidos e robustos que podem lidar com qualquer coisa. Seu site é praticamente à prova de hackers, e o atendimento ao cliente é incrível, fazendo você se sentir como um rei. Eles oferecem atualizações automáticas de segurança, backups diários, pontos de restauração com um clique, cache automático, segurança de alto nível, área de preparação com um clique e muito mais. O WP Engine é como ter um exército de especialistas em WordPress ao seu lado para assistência. Marcas como HTC, FourSquare, SoundCloud, Balsamiq e muitas outras usam o WP Engine para a hospedagem do WordPress (só para constar). Se você é uma empresa que não quer lidar com a parte técnica da administração do seu blog, então o WP Engine é a solução para você. Bônus: agora você recebe todos os mais de 36 temas premium do StudioPress e a estrutura Genesis gratuitamente em todas as contas do WP Engine.


  • Tempo de carregamento rápido
  • Suporte especializado em WordPress
  • Ferramentas de segurança avançadas
  • Instalação do WordPress com um clique
  • SSL, CDN e backups de site gratuitos
  • Ferramentas de preparação fáceis
  • Mais de 10 temas premium


  • Sem domínio gratuito

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Avaliação do WP Engine por nossos especialistas

A WP Engine é especializada em hospedagem gerenciada de WordPress. Como pioneiros no setor de hospedagem gerenciada do WordPress, eles possuem uma lista impressionante de clientes, incluindo AMD, National Geographic, Dropbox, SoundCloud, HelloFresh, Texas A&M e muito mais. O WP Engine é ideal para quem procura uma hospedagem WordPress premium sem complicações. Leia nossa análise especializada do WP Engine para ver se ele é a escolha certa para você.

Esta será uma análise detalhada do WP Engine, que dará uma olhada aprofundada em seus serviços. Se você não quiser ler tudo, aqui está um resumo rápido da pontuação da nossa avaliação do WP Engine.

WP Engine Review Summary
Performance gradeA+
Average load time656 ms
Average response time123 ms
Free domainNo
Free SSLYes
1-click WordPressYes
SupportPhone / Live Chat / Knowledge base
Start with WP Engine

Conclusão: Em nossa análise da hospedagem WP Engine, descobrimos que eles são um dos melhores provedores de hospedagem WordPress gerenciada. Eles oferecem a melhor plataforma, com servidores mais rápidos, segurança e a tranquilidade de que os usuários precisam em um host gerenciado de WordPress.

Dito isso, vamos entrar em detalhes e examinar como chegamos a essa conclusão.

Sobre o WP Engine

Fundada em 2010, a WP Engine é hoje uma das principais empresas de hospedagem gerenciada de WordPress. O empreendedor em série Jason Cohen criou a WP Engine quando percebeu a necessidade de uma hospedagem especializada em WordPress devido à sua crescente popularidade.

A WP Engine tem sede em Austin, Texas, com escritórios em San Antonio (Texas), Londres (Inglaterra), Limerick (Irlanda), Brisbane (Austrália) e Cracóvia (Polônia).

A empresa ganhou vários prêmios Best Place to Work em Austin e contribui consistentemente para o núcleo e a comunidade do WordPress.

WP Engine website

Planos de hospedagem do WP Engine

O WP Engine oferece apenas hospedagem gerenciada do WordPress. Seus planos gerenciados para WordPress têm as seguintes opções de hospedagem:

  • Hospedagem gerenciada do WordPress – Ambiente de hospedagem totalmente gerenciado, adequado para pequenas empresas e blogs
  • Managed WooCommerce HostingHospedagem WooCommerce com pesquisa avançada de lojas, modelos de comércio eletrônico e muito mais
  • Hospedagem segura – Camadas de segurança adicionais com firewall de site e proteção contra DDoS
  • Soluções personalizadas (Enterprise Hosting) – Plano premium para clientes corporativos com recursos dedicados, integração de luvas brancas, segurança avançada e muito mais.

Os clientes podem escolher um nível de plano com base no número de sites, largura de banda, espaço em disco e outros recursos que utilizam.

Os planos do WP Engine variam de acordo com:

  • O número de instalações do WordPress
  • Volume de tráfego (visitantes mensais ou número de visitas por mês)
  • Quantidade de armazenamento em disco
  • Requisitos de largura de banda

Cada plano do WP Engine tem limites definidos para o número de visitas que sua conta de hospedagem pode receber. Se sua conta exceder esses limites, você poderá ser cobrado pelo preço excedente das visitas extras.

O WP Engine inclui alguns recursos exclusivos para usuários do WordPress que a maioria dos hosts não oferece ou cobra a mais por eles. Esses recursos especiais incluem:

  • Controle de versãoGit
  • Ambiente de preparação: sites de preparação instantânea para testes
  • Fácil transferência da instalação do WordPress de contas gratuitas para contas pagas
  • Certificados SSL e acesso SSHgratuitos
  • Tecnologias de ponta, incluindo a versão mais recente do PHP

Nossa análise constatou que a WP Engine oferece os recursos mais avançados e abrangentes de hospedagem gerenciada do WordPress.

Recursos avançados de segurança

O WP Engine também oferece vários recursos de segurança premium. O núcleo do WordPress é atualizado automaticamente para a versão mais recente para você.

O WP Engine testa minuciosamente todas as principais atualizações principais antes de fazer o upgrade de seus clientes. Eles têm um sistema proprietário de detecção e prevenção de intrusões para bloquear qualquer ataque DDoS, ataques de força bruta, malware, ataques de injeção de JavaScript/SQL e muito mais.

Eles também fazem parcerias com empresas de segurança terceirizadas para realizar revisões regulares de código e auditorias de segurança.

Sua segurança é garantida, portanto, se você for hackeado, o WP Engine corrigirá o problema gratuitamente.

Suporte e serviço ao cliente

WP Engine support

A WP Engine tem uma equipe de suporte dedicada de especialistas em WordPress. Eles se orgulham de ter mais de 97% de satisfação do cliente, com milhares de interações diárias.

O suporte está disponível 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, via chat ao vivo para todos os clientes e 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, via telefone para todos os planos, exceto o plano “Startup”. Se um problema não puder ser resolvido imediatamente por chat ou telefone, a equipe de suporte criará um tíquete de suporte interno para você.

Os clientes Enterprise têm acesso ao suporte por ticket 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, por e-mail. Os clientes Premium e Enterprise também recebem uma experiência de integração individual e consultiva.

A WP Engine também tem uma equipe dedicada de Operações de Experiência do Cliente que trabalha para melhorar continuamente a experiência do cliente.

Além disso, eles têm uma extensa biblioteca de artigos baseados em conhecimento, guias de instruções e tutoriais para os usuários que desejam consertar suas próprias coisas.

CDN para carregamento ainda mais rápido

O WP Engine oferece uma CDN(rede de distribuição de conteúdo) usando a Edge Network da Cloudflare. Essa rede de nuvem inovadora tem uma rede global de servidores.

Cloudflare Edge netwrok

Com baixa latência, velocidade extremamente rápida e segurança integrada, essa rede CDN garante o bom desempenho do seu site, independentemente da origem dos clientes.

Mais de 36 temas premium para WordPress

A WP Engine adquiriu a popular empresa de temas premium do WordPress, a StudioPress.

Agora, todos os temas premium do StudioPress e a famosa estrutura Genesis estão disponíveis gratuitamente para todos os clientes do WP Engine.

StudioPress themes and Genesis framework

Todos os temas do StudioPress têm sua base de código otimizada para acelerar o tempo de carregamento da página sem comprometer a funcionalidade.

Sim, você obtém todos esses temas de excelente aparência e bem codificados sem nenhum custo adicional, ou seja, mais de US$ 2.000 em valor adicional gratuito!

Garantia de devolução do dinheiro

O WP Engine oferece uma generosa garantia de reembolso de 60 dias. Se não estiver satisfeito com o serviço, você poderá cancelar sua conta nos primeiros 60 dias e receber um reembolso total.

A garantia se aplica somente aos planos de faturamento anual.

Prós e contras do WP Engine

A WP Engine é uma empresa popular de hospedagem na Web, mas pode não ser adequada para todos. Antes de escolher um plano, considere estes prós e contras.

Prós de escolher o WP Engine

  • Segurança – O WP Engine protege seu site com muitos recursos avançados que outros hosts não oferecem.
  • Tempos de carregamento rápidos – A tecnologia Evercache do WP Engine otimiza os servidores para WordPress, garantindo que seu site seja carregado rapidamente. Além disso, você tem acesso à CDN, o que aumenta ainda mais o desempenho.
  • Confiabilidade – O sistema de camadas de front-end proprietário do WP Engine pode lidar facilmente com picos de tráfego sem reduzir a velocidade do seu site.
  • Suporte especializado em WordPress – A equipe de suporte do WP Engine é formada por especialistas treinados em WordPress.
  • Críticas elogiosas – O WP Engine é um host incrivelmente popular, com ótimas críticas de muitos clientes por sua confiabilidade e excelente atendimento ao cliente.

Contras de escolher o WP Engine

  • Plug-ins não permitidos – O WP Engine não permite que você instale determinados plug-ins do WordPress em seu site, porque eles entram em conflito ou duplicam os recursos do WP Engine ou causam uma alta carga no servidor. Isso inclui muitos plug-ins de cache, backup, postagem relacionada e outros. Você pode ver a lista completa de plug-ins não permitidos aqui.
  • Sem registros de domínio – O WP Engine oferece apenas serviços de hospedagem, não registros de nomes de domínio. Isso significa que você terá que registrar seus domínios em outra empresa, o que pode ser inconveniente para alguns usuários.
  • Custos mais altos – Quando comparado à hospedagem compartilhada, o WP Engine é mais caro, mas os serviços que oferece valem o investimento.

Testes de desempenho do WP Engine

Os usuários do WPBeginner confiam em nossas avaliações porque recomendamos apenas produtos e serviços que nós mesmos utilizamos. Nós nos inscrevemos em cada uma das principais empresas de hospedagem WordPress para testar minuciosamente suas afirmações com nossos próprios testes padrão do setor.

Para esta análise, criamos um site WordPress no WP Engine. Usando o tema padrão, preenchemos o site com dados fictícios, incluindo mídia e imagens. Dessa forma, nosso site de teste parecia e se comportava como um site WordPress médio real.

Resultados do teste de velocidade do WP Engine

Depois de configurar nosso site de teste, primeiro fizemos o teste de velocidade. Usando a ferramenta Pingdom, testamos nosso site de amostra nos servidores do WP Engine.

Aqui estão os resultados:

WP Engine speed test result

Nosso site de teste foi carregado em menos de um segundo. Esse resultado é muito bom, considerando que não foi necessário instalar nenhuma otimização de desempenho.

Teste de estresse do WP Engine

Em seguida, queríamos verificar como os servidores do WP Engine respondem sob pico de tráfego. Para medir isso, usamos uma ferramenta chamada K6 da Grafana Labs. Aumentamos gradualmente até 50 visitantes únicos para ver como o servidor lidaria com o aumento de solicitações de várias conexões ao mesmo tempo.

Aqui estão os resultados:

WP Engine stress test results

A linha verde-clara representa o tempo de resposta e a linha cinza representa o número de usuários no site. Como você pode ver, nosso site de teste teve um bom desempenho com pequenos picos. Ele manteve uma taxa de resposta incrível durante todo o teste.

O tempo de atividade permaneceu estável, sem nenhum tempo de inatividade registrado durante o teste de estresse.

WP Engine uptime

Tempo de resposta do servidor do WP Engine

Em seguida, testamos o tempo de resposta do servidor de diferentes regiões geográficas usando uma ferramenta chamada Bitcatcha.

Aqui estão os resultados do tempo de resposta do servidor do WP Engine:

WP Engine response time test

Como você pode ver na captura de tela, o tempo de resposta do servidor do WP Engine permaneceu inferior a meio segundo em todas as localizações geográficas. Isso foi particularmente significativo nos Estados Unidos.

O WP Engine é ideal para você?

Agora que você leu toda a nossa análise do WP Engine e examinou as pontuações de desempenho, deve estar se perguntando se o WP Engine é o host certo para você.

Depois de analisar detalhadamente os serviços da WP Engine, concedemos a ela o título de “Melhor hospedagem gerenciada de WordPress”.

O WP Engine é a opção ideal se você estiver procurando um host totalmente descomplicado para o seu site WordPress.

O WP Engine é perfeito para iniciantes, blogueiros e empresas que querem parar de perder tempo com detalhes técnicos e encontrar um host WordPress que simplesmente funcione.

Os desenvolvedores e freelancers descobrirão que os recursos avançados do WP Engine economizam seu tempo ao desenvolver sites WordPress para os clientes.

E as empresas em crescimento encontrarão muito espaço para ampliar sua hospedagem à medida que seu tráfego aumentar.

Pronto para começar a usar o WP Engine? Clique aqui para selecionar seu plano do WP Engine hoje mesmo.

Cupom WP Engine

Os usuários do WPBeginner recebem um desconto exclusivo de 20% nos três primeiros meses com nosso código de cupom do WP Engine: wpbeginner20

Além disso, você também receberá dois meses gratuitos, o que efetivamente lhe dá um desconto de 40% no plano anual.

Tudo o que você precisa fazer é clicar neste link para comprar. O desconto será aplicado automaticamente.

Perguntas frequentes sobre o WP Engine

Há muito tempo, respondemos às perguntas dos leitores sobre serviços de hospedagem WordPress. Aqui estão algumas das perguntas mais frequentes sobre o WP Engine que ouvimos de nossos usuários.

1. A WP Engine é uma empresa de hospedagem compartilhada?

Não, a WP Engine não é uma empresa de hospedagem compartilhada e não oferece serviços semelhantes aos planos de hospedagem compartilhada. A WP Engine é uma empresa de hospedagem gerenciada para WordPress que oferece soluções de hospedagem específicas para WordPress.

2. O que é hospedagem gerenciada do WordPress?

A hospedagem gerenciada do WordPress é como um serviço de concierge para seu site WordPress. O WordPress é um poderoso sistema de gerenciamento de conteúdo e construtor de sites. As empresas de hospedagem gerenciada oferecem uma solução otimizada em que cuidam de atualizações, segurança, backups, armazenamento em cache e muito mais. Com isso, você tem tempo para dedicar ao crescimento de seus negócios.

A hospedagem gerenciada do WordPress é um pouco mais cara do que os planos de hospedagem compartilhada.

3. O WP Engine vale seu dinheiro?

Sim, o WP Engine vale o seu dinheiro. Especialmente se sua empresa ultrapassou as limitações dos serviços de hospedagem compartilhada e dos planos VPS compartilhados, o WP Engine é a melhor opção de upgrade escalável.

Ele permite que você gerencie facilmente as atualizações e a segurança e dimensione seu site à medida que sua empresa cresce.

4. Por que o WP Engine é tão caro?

O WP Engine é mais caro do que os planos de hospedagem compartilhada porque oferece desempenho premium, segurança avançada e suporte especializado. Esses recursos custam dinheiro, mas melhoram a experiência dos clientes.

5. Onde estão localizados os servidores do WP Engine?

O WP Engine usa servidores do Google Cloud e Amazon Web Servers como seus centros de dados. Isso permite que você selecione centros de dados na América do Norte, Europa e Ásia/Pacífico.

6. Como o WP Engine se compara a outros hosts?

Muitas vezes nos perguntam como o WP Engine se compara a outras melhores empresas de hospedagem WordPress.

Quando se trata de hospedagem gerenciada do WordPress, o WP Engine tem uma ligeira vantagem sobre concorrentes como Kinsta, Flywheel e outras opções, principalmente devido à melhor tecnologia, experiência do usuário e suporte ao cliente.

O preço do WP Engine é mais caro do que o de provedores de hospedagem compartilhada como Bluehost, Hostinger, HostGator, GoDaddy, InMotion Hosting, DreamHost e SiteGround.

Para obter mais informações, consulte nossa comparação detalhada entre SiteGround vs. Bluehost vs. WP Engine.

6. O WP Engine oferece suporte ao WordPress multisite?

O WP Engine oferece suporte ao WordPress multisite como um complemento pago para os planos Growth e Scale, mas não oferece suporte para os planos Startup. Ele também está incluído nos planos “Personalizados” para agências e clientes corporativos.

7. Posso cancelar a hospedagem do WP Engine e obter um reembolso?

Você pode cancelar o serviço de hospedagem do WP Engine a qualquer momento no painel de controle da sua conta/portal do usuário.

Eles oferecem um reembolso total durante os primeiros 60 dias de hospedagem para usuários com preços anuais pré-pagos.

8. Qual plano de hospedagem do WP Engine é o ideal para mim?

Se estiver hospedando um único site, você pode se inscrever no plano Startup. No entanto, se você tiver um site mais movimentado ou precisar gerenciar várias instalações, poderá escolher os planos Growth ou Scale.

A WP Engine está oferecendo um desconto de 20% aos usuários do WPBeginner. Clique aqui para começar a usar o WP Engine.

Os usuários do WPBeginner recebem um desconto exclusivo de 40% e SSL gratuito!

Reader Interactions

67 Mecanismo WP Avaliações de usuáriosDeixe uma avaliação

  1. Syed Balkhi

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!


    Although WP Engine does not provide free domain it is one of the best wordpress hosting I have seen.
    They have experience customer support and good performance as well.

  3. Ralitza

    Incredibly kind and professional service by Matt Dewhurst from solutions team and Jennifer P from billing team. Both went above and beyond everything that I was expecting and helped me resolve urgently my problem even though it was not directly related to their work. I am so grateful!

  4. Vincent Rio Serviad

    What you pay what you get. WP Engine works well for me. Plus StudioPress theme is awesome.

  5. Niall Flynn

    WPE servers are great, support is a little off the mark. Longer wait times than I like for what you pay. Support is slow too, these guys are doing 3-4 tickets at once. No ticketing system really so issues need to be watched, you sit on chat till its solved. Not ideal imo. They try but seems like a lot of red tape etc. Simple things like SSL take a long time.

  6. Shane Clark

    I live WPEngine for the “drama free” existence I get. Any other host I step away from a computer and a site, break they are waiting for me to get back to fix it. I have trained many project / office manager to full revert back a site. In most cases it’s “chat to WPE, I promise they will fix.

  7. Alanna Risse

    As a developer and manager of my company’s custom wordpress site, I can’t say enough good things about WP Engine’s chat support. I’ve needed help with technical questions and troubleshooting several times since taking over the site and the chat tech support specialists are always excellent. I get really clear answers in a very timely manner and they often think of things I haven’t even thought of yet. All of my experiences at WP Engine have been great! I often recommend them to others as a fantastic service with superior customer support.

  8. Cameron

    Easily the best host I’ve ever used!

    Its worth it just for access to their support team. They’re all WP experts – and not just with regards to WP Engine. I’ve had support team members help me fix issues with my theme, plugins etc. They’ve probably saved me thousands in outsourced developers!

    I can’t recommend them highly enough (and I’m not the kind of person who normally says this!)

  9. Joan

    WP Engine is great. It’s one of the best Managed WordPress out there. It is pricey but you get what you pay for. They offer the best support, WP features like staging and caching, and easy backup/restore.

    The only downside is that they don’t offer IonCube on their new PHP 7. This should be the basics and something they should have considered when they installed PHP 7 on their site.

  10. Manoj M S

    I have been working for our client and for the last one and half years also being a part of WP engine. WP engine sounds really awesome for me. 24/7 support, Daily Backups, Best Restore points, Free SSL Certificate, Inbuilt Security Checkups and etc etc etc. In all the way, i will suggest WP Engine to anyone who prefer to host WP sites.

  11. agaub

    I found WP Engine exceedingly expensive, its staff very unresponsive to resolving technical issues and , when you point this out to them, they force you to terminate hosting contract in 1 week, in total breach of their own T&Cs. WP Engine is highly unprofessional, techically unskilled and unlawfall, not to mention their ourageously high cost. Stay away

    • Rafael

      Interesting. I have never had an issues like that with them. Out of curiosity, which hosting would you recommend?

      • Sue Davis

        I have had used almost all the major hosting, hostgator, 1 and 1, green geeks, dream host ….many of the hosting sites are all one big conglomerate…
        But I have found 1 that is smaller, US based, and their technical people are on top of everything, immediately….We use vps and most of our clients eventually transfer to them. MD Hosting…truly their support is in a class of their own. Privately owned and very competetive pricing. We have been on their hosting for over 2 years…its what hosting should be.

    • Jacqueline Oby-Ikocha

      I’ve had a wonderful relationship with them so far and find no reason to complain yet. I have actually recommended it to several people.

  12. Rafael

    WP Engine is exceptional. We operate an online news website and we have been with many service providers on both VPS and Dedicated hosting environments. For a site that generates over 20k visitors per day, WP Engine has never failed us in any area. Exceptional staff treat you like you are family.

  13. Mahbuber Rahman

    Not too easy to get approved affiliate account and may be better wp hosting. Pretty much fees for hosting.

  14. Michael Cohen

    The team at WP Engine is exceptionally responsive. We switched from because expert support, in WordPress, was and IS a top priority. Five stars, no doubt!

  15. David Stroud

    I have to say that ‘DAMN’ your support and customer service is good! No, really! I don’t know if you guy’s are spoiling me or that every other hosting service that I have used in 15 years were BAD! The difference so far has been like chalk and cheese.

    • David Stroud

      I just stumbled across this review I gave for WPE back in 2012.

      I can’t remember posting it here but have to say, 5 years on and still feel the same way about WPE – Great speed, service and support across all my sites.

  16. Martin

    Any serious WordPress site needs four things: security, speed, scalability, and service. Usually you can find a company that gives you one or two of these. Occasionally three, almost never four. WP Engine excels at all four. They are not just a hosting company, they are your partners in success. I’m always raving about them and give them my absolute best recommendation. On a scale of one to ten, I give them an eleven!

  17. David V

    My site was under attack from a Distributed Denial of Service attack on my old shared host. I was getting 1.5 million requests per hour that took my site down and 20 other sites who were also hosting on the same server. It took the old host three days to identify the problem, and even then offered no real solution. I switched to WP Engine and within hours the DDOS was dealt with *and* my website was loading about four times faster. I definitely recommend WP Engine!

  18. Brad

    WP Engine knows how to optimize for WordPress and it shows everyday!

  19. Joe King

    The WP Engine support has been excellent. I now see the difference between paying $5 or $10 per month for hosting vs a group that charges $29+ but specializes in WordPress and delivers fast, reliable support. Well worth my investment.

  20. Ivan Blatter

    WP Engine is not only a good hosting provider but has also a great and fast support!

  21. JB Sauer

    It’s nice to concern ourselves with the content and growth of our blog rather than trying to be our own IT department

  22. Asher Parducci

    We had an expensive server that we had to maintain because we needed plugins and scalability. WP Engine let us leave that box, keep our plugins and still scale.

  23. Rob Berns

    WP Engine support rocks. Ultimately, you get what you pay for. I know first hand their support rocks, they’ve have tolerated me all this time.

  24. Asham

    I self-hosted WordPress for years until I started experiencing crashes every time a post made it to the first page of Hacker News. I switched to WP Engine right before speaking at a major event. Not only did my blog survive the traffic spike, but I’ve doubled the number of subscribers since then and haven’t experienced a single outage yet. It’s nice to pay someone to handle all the hosting BS that we’re no good at. They’re WordPress Pros.

  25. Eric B

    WP Engine has amazing customer support, and if you contact these guys for anything. They will respond quickly and friendly. One of WP Engine’s philosophies is, “Kicking ass at your job is the only salesforce we need,” and I think WP Engine exemplifies that.” After all is said and done, WP Engine is a solid host, and now my host of choice for any new web development projects I have

  26. L. MacPherson

    After using upwards of 7 different hosting companies plus experiencing many other hosting environments with our clients I can say that for hosting WordPress websites, WP Engine is second to none. All the team are extremely passionate and they are doing amazing things, I’m really keep to see where they are headed.

  27. Brian

    Had a client with 100k+ monthly views migrate to @wpengine from shared hosting. Everything went great and they are happy

  28. Mark Smatch

    I sure do love working with @wpengine for WordPress hosting. super responsive on customer support. great when you have no in-house staff!

  29. Mason

    I knew from the start that the #1 single most important decision would be the hosting provider. There’s loads of options out there and my business partner and I tested several of the key players in the market. Ultimately we went with WP Engine…while not the cheapest option out there, they offer the most impressive list of features. Add to that the quick responses we get from WP Engine’s support team and you’ve got a solid win.

  30. M. Johnson

    Today, I am running 100% of this site on WP Engine’s WordPress hosting…and I love it. I seriously can’t rave about these guys enough. If you are in the market for the absolute best WordPress hosting available, then you need to take a look at these guys. They simply offer the best WordPress hosting I know of.

  31. Paul Tyson

    I’ve signed up and been blown away by the site speed. Been running WP site for over 3 years with well over 20 sites (although culling this soon) and I’ve never had a better host. The difference in speed alone makes switching to you worthwhile but I know you do a lot more.I first heard of WPE via Woo Themes after the nasty attack they had and they were singing your praises. Very impressed so far.

  32. Nick N

    Traditional Hosts: Beware of this new breed of hosting. WP Engine removes the need for a caching plugin. They’re faster than 97% of all websites tested by Pingdom. WP Engine enables your site to be as fast without the optimization tricks. Their support has earned an A+ in my book. The WP Engine staging area is a favorite of my development team, no more developing on a live platform. That gives them a hat trick.

  33. Aaron M

    After switching to WP Engine we saw site response times improve drastically from an average of 2100 milliseconds to 210 ms. Our previous host experienced regular outages, but since moving over to WP Engine we’ve seen reliability improve to 99.99% up-time. We would recommend them to any businesses or WordPress users looking for a scalable, responsive and secure hosting solution.

  34. Felix B

    We moved to WPEngine because of downtime/sluggish performance that we experienced with the previous hosting provider. Not only do we now have top notch performance, but Google DOUBLED crawl rate, instantly!

  35. Ryan

    In a world where milliseconds matter, WPEngine’s unmatched technology delivers WordPress sites at incredible speeds with incredible value. By bringing high technology to the masses, WPEngine is truly a pioneer in the WordPress industry

  36. Mark D

    Nothing but positive things for WP Engine. Honestly, it is refreshing to see a service that does deliver on what it promises. There is a reason that we list this service atop our rankings right now! The experiences here have been nothing but positive and there is no beating the lightning speeds that you get here.

  37. Jerry L

    I have no doubt that WP Engine is one of the best WordPress hosts in market. Personally I think the recent updates – of not charging on bot visits and increasing support team size, are very positive.

  38. Nicole

    We have run many clients on Wordpress Engine and have had mixed reviews with our last experience ranging in the “awful” category. DO NOT go to them if you run a high profile client. Use Linode or similar. They use Rackspace for their hosting (which sucks) so any large scale sites will need to go to a better host since they don’t actually manage their own servers. Here are some issues we’ve run into:

    1) Can’t get a db over 700MB or posts records > 50k rows
    2) Cron jobs – forget about it
    3) Any server to server needed to use ssh2 instead of ssh or command line tools

    Just know what you’re getting into.

  39. Brendan Tully

    Big fan of WPEngine, we have 100s of client sites running on our WPE environment.

    Pros – high uptime, high performance (sites can handle 100s of visitors at once without nose diving performance), patches are taken care of, CDN is awesome, snapshot and staging site saves our developers 100s of hours of time, site migration plugin makes moving sites easy, support is responsive and 24/7 (a few years ago it wasn’t some there are conflicting things around the web on this)

    Cons – some quirks around SEO which are easily fixable, some plugins not allowed but that’s the price pay for security vs convenience, some quirks around caching if you’re using session cookies on the front end, eg if you’re using woocommerce

    • Dano Manion

      I’ve seen this comment about SEO in a few other places, but no direct example of what it is. What are the issues with SEO so that I can be better informed on how to fix them?

    • David Green

      “some plugins not allowed” That’s something that wouldn’t have occurred to me; do you know which plug-ins? is there a list somewhere to find out what they currently are?

  40. Robby

    WP Engine is ok. They have different ways of doing things and are a bit limiting. e.g. will not allow certain plugins. The support is responsive and they will work to resolve your problems. I found them nice for the most part.

    They make things seem easier than they are at times, to sell people on their service. e.g. the idea of instant transfer to them as if DNS delay does not exist. They have some poor recommendations at times. e.g. CName instead of A-Records. This sort of thing benefits them but is not best practice as you cant assign an apex domain to a CName. I found this sort of thing would happen often… they really sell people on the idea that their way is easier and better than everyone else, but going so far as ignoring best practices. This is noticable in their caching as well, which is how they get such great numbers in regards to speed, however it is not best practice to cache so aggressively.

    Overall, they are decent. I did not find support any better than other places and was often just thrown a link to a website page when I was searching for answers that intended to dig a bit deeper. The speeds are a bit of an illusion. All said, the pricing is a bit high when you get down to reality.

    • Greg

      WPE is over-rated. They have a lot of issues that people not in the know are unaware of. The canonical name wpengine.c causes double indexing on google and DESTROYS SEO. If you try to point the name back to your domain you run into issues with looping. They also force a no index in robots.txt without alerting anyone of doing so. This disallow gets copied over to the live site causing your site to not be indexed by google. Again DESTROYING your SEO. They added this disallow to solve the problem of double indexing, which does not work anyway because google still indexes it (the correct way is to use htaccess). So in the end the site winds up not being indexed and gets points against it from google.

      If you approach them with any issue, they blame it on the developer. This is so they can sell you developer services, getting your current developer fired. Imagine your coding a website for someone and someone comes in when you are not looking and puts a disallow on the site. You know the default is to only disallow the admin panel and you never created a robots.txt file, nor do you even have access to the robots.txt file from the sftp. As far as you are concerned it does not exist. You then get a call from your client screaming saying that they spoke with WPE who says it is a common mistake by a rookie developer. As far as I am concerned the only person responsible for the disallow is the person who puts it there. You cant force code and not take responsibility. What other code has been forced that the developer will get blamed for?

      We have slower speeds with WPE in comparison to a cheaper route with a collo or digitalocean. Also if you run ads on your site, they have no solution for you. You still need to find a host for your ads, in which case you might as well host wp there as well. Its that or allow yourself to be a part of the game where WPE steals clients with shady business practices that hurt not just the developers but also their own customers.

      The site I worked on had great SEO until switching to WPE. The site speeds slow to a crawl at certain points of the day. Not surprising since you are sharing the server with many other sites and they are tightly managing your percentage of that server. Any large spike that happens and you cant serve those requests. They just cant get to it fast enough. They were honest about this from the beginning so kudos to them for not hiding this.

      Overall, I do not have all the answers to why we experienced such a large SEO hit. We came from a very fast server and a noticeable slowdown can be seen on analytics once we switched to WPE. This along with the canonical name issue and forced disallow done behind the developers back has definitely not been good for us.

      All this said, for someone starting out with less than 80k views a month, WPE may work just fine. If you have high traffic and want to have control over your sites SEO, rather than being grouped into decisions made for hundreds of thousands of sites which may not be right for you, look elsewhere.

      • Tinelle Louis

        Thank you for this review. I have always been curious, but never used it on any of my clients site’s because I wasn’t sure. I do believe some people have liked it, but it depends on what they’re needs are. Based on your comment I will pass.

      • Catherine

        My experience is similar to Greg’s. I think WPE is great for people who don’t really “get” WP, but WPE actually refuses to support the file system customization I usually do. You *must* use wp-content to use their system, if you change your content directory, they won’t support it. I wonder how people using skeleton work with them?

        And yeah, they like to blame the “rookie developer”. I don’t think 9 years of almost exclusively WP custom plugin and theme development makes me a “rookie”, but hey, what do I know…I want to change my directory structure. I must be insane.

  41. Neil Patel

    Wpengine has its own benefits as well as cons. I used it and it worked pretty well for me.

    • Chris

      What are you using now, Neil?

    • Jon

      Neil… somewhat surprised to see your comment here :), i see your site is hosted by wpengine. i switched my site see how it goes. so far customer svc has been a mix.

  42. John

    Following are some cons that I experienced with WPengine
    I am pretty experience in WordPress, and have tons of experience on Hosting companies… wpengine is just not right hosting company for experience users.

    – slow ftp upload speed (i am using 11mbps internet upload speed ISP, so i know)
    – site migration (nightmare and confusing)
    – not 24/7 customer support
    – limited control and options in dashboard.
    – display their ads on people ‘s website without permission…

  43. Jack Venturi

    I have used quite a few big name hosting companies through the years but they were all the hosting companies that sell their service by price and with the 99.9% uptime promise which is usually pure BS. After years of issues with downtime over an hour at a time slow speed spells and tech support totally denying there was a problem, I switched my main WordPress site which is a life insurance website to WP Engine. The change was like going from driving a Pinto to a Mercedes Benz. I now have consistent super speed, great security which is a major factor for a WordPress site and a team of people that handle all of the updates and actually maintain the website. They even keep track of everyones plugins to make sure none of the plugins are prone to problems that consume heavy resources or become security risks. The only thing I can say is you get what you pay for. I wish I new about these people years ago. It could have saved me a ton of aggravation. When you think of the thousands of dollars you can invest into website design, it only makes good sense to use good hosting. A hosting company can either make or break a nice website.

  44. Rebecca

    WP Engine seriously has the best support out there. They are always professional and get back to you quickly. I host a couple of ecommerce sites with them and it is well worth the money for the peace of mind. Having the staging site is so helpful and easy to use instead of having to set up and maintain a separate dev site myself. The daily restore points and being able to make manual restore points has helped me out tremendously when I’ve accidentally broken things lol It really does feel like having an army of WordPress experts at your side. I highly recommend them!

    • Keith Brenner

      I am thinking of using them for a client who uses woocommerce for his ecommerce site. What ecom program are you using and could you please provided a link to your sites. I want to see how fast they are?

      Thank you,


  45. Steve

    WP Engine is awesome.

    I have a number of sites hosted with them.

    Super fast, easy backup/restore, staging area to play with changes, and fantastic support.

    Hosting is definitely an area where you tend to get what you pay for.

    If you have a site that you really care about or that you’re trying to actually make money with, then WP Engine is a no-brainer and absolutely worth it.

  46. Greg Turner

    I would be careful about saying that WPEngine makes a site practically hacker proof. Because the user has to do their part, too. And if they don’t, like using an easy password into admin, well, the site can be hacked. And WPEngine can not prevent that. Other than that, I love WPEngine.

    • Editorial Staff

      Agreed which is why we used the word practically. Theoretically all websites can be hacked :) But WPEngine does monitor and prevent a lot of server related hacks.


    • Mike

      WPEngine requires users to use a strong password. You can’t even set up a user with a “medium” strength password. Just saying :)

  47. Shalom

    I switched to WPEngine, they are professional, when I call they answer the phone (even on their cell), and I feel they listen to their customers. The only thing they promise is to work hard, and I think they’ve kept their word.

  48. Thomas

    WP engine and its support staff have been the best in the industry and I can say this as a user of Pagely, web synthesis and Zippy kid so I do know what good support is and I will tell anybody that wants to know is that WPEngine has the best support.

  49. Jean

    I highly recommend WP Engine’s managed WordPress hosting services. Uptime has been excellent, and the guys at support have always gone out of their way to help me whenever I had any questions or trouble with the site.

  50. Mason

    I spent the first 6 months of this year researching WP Engine,, and ZippyKid as potential hosting providers for build my service platform at WP Valet. After 6 months, I ultimately went with WP Engine

  51. Tim

    I’ve worked with various hosting providers over the years and WPEngine has provided, by miles, the best support ever. They helped us improve the management and quality of our site massively, particularly through the suggestions surrounding management of staging environments, spam signups/rogue traffic reduction and general maintenance. Furthermore, our site is running smoother than ever, despite continuing to grow in size.

    – Tim

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