- What Is a Database, and How Does WordPress Use it?
- What Is phpMyAdmin?
- How to Access phpMyAdmin
- Understanding WordPress Database Tables
- Managing the WordPress Database Using phpMyAdmin
- Creating a WordPress Database Backup Using phpMyAdmin
- Creating a WordPress Backup Using a Plugin
- Importing a WordPress Database Backup via phpMyAdmin
- Optimizing Your WordPress Database in phpMyAdmin
- Fixing WordPress Issues Using phpMyAdmin
- Reset WordPress Password Using phpMyAdmin
- Adding a New Admin User to WordPress Using phpMyAdmin
- Change a WordPress Username via phpMyAdmin
- Other Useful phpMyAdmin Tricks
- Securing Your WordPress Database
インストーラ後、WordPressはこのデータベースにクエリーを実行し、サイトや ブログのHTMLページを動的に生成します。
phpMyAdminはウェブベースのソフトウェアで、ウェブブラウザを使ってMySQLデータベースを管理することができます。使いやすいインターフェースで、MySQL コマンドやデータベース操作を実行することができます。
- wp_commentmeta :このテーブルには、WordPressサイトに投稿したコメントのメタ情報が格納される。テーブルには4つのフィールドがある:meta_id、comment_id、meta_key、meta_value。それぞれのmeta_idはcomment_idと関連している。保存されるコメントのメタ情報の一例は、コメントする状態(承認、保留、ゴミ箱)です。
- wp_comments :その名の通り、このテーブルにはWordPressのコメントが格納されている。コメント投稿者の名前、URL、メール、コメントなどが含まれる。
- wp_links :WordPressの以前のバージョンやLink Managerプラグインで作成されたブログロールを管理する。
- wp_options :このテーブルには、サイトのURL、管理者のメール、初期カテゴリー、ページごとの投稿、投稿フォーマットなど、WordPressのサイト全体の設定のほとんどが格納されています。オプションテーブルはまた、プラグイン設定を保存するために多くのWordPressプラグインによって使用されます。
- wp_postmeta :このテーブルには、WordPressの投稿、ページ、カスタム投稿タイプに関するメタ情報が格納されています。投稿メタ情報の例としては、ページを表示するために使用されるテンプレート、カスタムフィールドなどがあります。WordPressのSEO情報など、プラグインのデータを格納するためにこのテーブルを使用するプラグインもあります。
- wp_posts :名前には投稿とありますが、実際には、このテーブルにはすべての投稿タイプ、あるいはコンテンツ・タイプが含まれます。このテーブルには、すべての投稿、ページ、リビジョン、カスタム投稿タイプが含まれます。
- wp_termmeta :このテーブルを使うことで、開発者はカスタムのタクソノミーの下にあるキーワードのカスタムメタデータを保存することができます。たとえば、WooCommerceは商品属性とカテゴリーのメタデータを保存するためにこのテーブルを使います。
- wp_terms :WordPressには強力なタクソノミーシステムがあり、コンテンツを整理することができます。個々のタクソノミー項目はキーワードと呼ばれ、このテーブルに格納される。例えば、WordPressのカテゴリーとタグはタクソノミーであり、その中の各カテゴリー/タグはキーワードである。
- wp_term_relationships :このテーブルはWordPressの投稿タイプとwp_termsテーブルのキーワードの関係を管理する。例えば、投稿XがYカテゴリーに属するかどうかをWordPressが判断するためのテーブルである。
- wp_term_taxonomy :このテーブルは、wp_termsテーブルで定義されたキーワードのタクソノミーを定義します。例えば、「WordPressチュートリアル」というキーワードがある場合、このテーブルには、それがカテゴリーというタクソノミーに関連付けられているというデータが格納されている。つまり、このテーブルには、WordPressがどのキーワードがカテゴリーで、どのキーワードがタグなのかなどを区別するためのデータが格納されています。
- wp_usermeta :サイトに登録されたユーザーに関するメタ情報を含みます。
- wp_users :ユーザー名、パスワード、ユーザーメールなどのユーザー情報が含まれます。
注: WP EngineのようなマネージドWordPressホスティングサービスを使用している場合、毎日バックアップが作成されます。
WP Engineを使用していない大多数の人は、WordPressバックアッププラグインを使用して、サイトにWordPressの自動バックアップを設定する必要があります。
次の画面で「Choose file」ボタンをクリックし、先ほどダウンロードしたデータベースバックアップファイルを選択します。
表の下にある「すべてチェック」をクリックする。その横に “With Selected “ドロップダウンがある。それをクリックして「テーブルの最適化」を選択する必要がある。
旧バージョンでは、WordPressはMD5ハッシュを使ってパスワードを暗号化していました。WordPress 2.5以降、より強力な暗号化技術を使用するようになりました。しかし、WordPressは後方互換性を提供するためにMD5をまだ認識しています。
- ID– 自動的にジェネレータが生成されるので、これは無視してよい。
- user_login– ログインに使用するWordPressユーザー名です。
- user_pass– WordPressのパスワードです。パスワードを入力し、機能のカラムでMD5を選択する必要があります。
- user_nicename – ログイン時に使用するURLフレンドリーなユーザー名です。
- user_email– 正しいメールアドレスを入力してください。パスワードリセットやWordPressの通知メールを受信するために必要な場合があります。
- user_url– あなたのサイトのURLを追加するか、空白のままにしておきます。
- user_registered– ここに現在時刻を自動的にインサートするには、機能カラムでCURRENT_TIMEを選択する必要があります。
- user_activation_key– このフィールドは空白のままでもかまいません。ユーザー登録の承認に使用されます。
- user_status– このフィールドは空白のままでも構いません。
- display_name– 投稿に表示したいユーザーのフルネームを入力できます。空白のままにしておくこともできます。
- umeta_id– 自動的に入力されるので、空白のままにしておく必要がある。
- user_id– 先ほどコピーしたユーザーIDを入力します。
- meta_key– このフィールドには’wp_capabilities’を入力する必要があります。ただし、WordPressのテーブル名が異なる接頭辞を使用している場合は、wp_を置き換える必要があるかもしれません。
- meta_value– 以下のシリアル化された値を入力する必要があります:
a:1:{s:13: “管理者”;s:1: “1”;}。
- umeta_id– 自動的に入力されるので、空白のままにしておく必要がある。
- user_id– 新規に追加するユーザーのユーザーIDを入力します。
- meta_key– このフィールドには「wp_user_level」を入力する必要があります。ただし、WordPressのテーブル名が異なる接頭辞を使用している場合は、wp_を置き換える必要があるかもしれません。
- meta_value – ここでは、ユーザー・レベルの値として「10」を入力する必要があります。
注: WordPressのユーザー名をプラグインを使って簡単に変更する方法があります。
- WordPressのプラグインをすべて無効化する。
- phpMyAdminでWordPressテーマを変更する。
- phpMyAdminでWordPressデータベースを複製します。
- WordPressデータベース内のテキストの検索と置換
このガイドがWordPressのデータベース管理とphpMyAdminの使い方を学ぶのにお役に立てば幸いです。WordPress データベースを修復する方法や、WordPress ダッシュボードに FTP のようなファイルマネージャーを追加する方法についてのガイドもお読みください。
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
Syed Balkhi says
Hey WPBeginner readers,
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Jiří Vaněk says
Wow, this is a great article, I have saved it to my favorites. I actually knew some of the tricks in phpmyadmin, but definitely not all of them, and here it’s all beautifully described, including pictures. This article is a goldmine for working with databases and WordPress.
WPBeginner Support says
Glad you liked our article
Nadine says
Thanks you so much for this tutorial!!! it was really help full!
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our guide was helpful
Abdul says
Article is well explanatory and concise. Thank you.
WPBeginner Support says
You’re welcome
Kelvin says
Am having problem with the login pageusername how it connect with database
WPBeginner Support says
For any issues with your database, you would want to reach out to your hosting provider and they should be able to assist.
Kevin says
A good introduction thank you.
I have several WP sites and several databases.
How can I tell which database belongs to which site?
WPBeginner Support says
The wp-config file for each site and that would specify which database they are using. You can see our guide on the wp-config file below:
Salman says
Perfect… I want to learn
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our article can be a good starting point
Pam Sheets says
Awesome! Very well explained quick and to the point.
Thank you,
WPBeginner Support says
You’re welcome, glad you liked our article
Dubravka says
Very clear and really good article.
WPBeginner Support says
Thank you
Aviral says
Very nice article
WPBeginner Support says
Thank you
Vimal Rathod says
You write well I learned a lot from this blog. My question was answered but I also got the information I needed
WPBeginner Support says
Glad our content has been helpful
ajay says
I have two totally separate WP websites setup. Different domains, different databases. I manage both of them and they are both hosted on a dedicated server. I am trying to include some basic content that requires just a tad more than an RSS feed. I need to pull data from SITE-1 and display it on SITE-2
WPBeginner Support says
If it is a post or page you can go under Tools>Export on the site with the content to select the specific content you want to be transferred and then use Tools>Import on the site to bring in the content
Dr Eddy says
I need more help how to create, a website via word press and how to Host it
Any help..
WPBeginner Support says
We have a guide you can follow here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/guides/
Wadhi says
do i need to learn back end development if i use WordPress. I mean aren’t there some plugins which can help me create a website with front-end and back end system. I want a food delivery website
WPBeginner Support says
You do not need to learn development to run a WordPress site. Some plugins will give you that kind of editing power but not all of those plugins are needed.
George says
when i clink on new post, this is what i see; Sorry, that didn’t work.
Please try again or come back later.
504 Error. Gateway Timeout.
please help
WPBeginner Support says
For the 504 error, you would want to take a look at our article here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-the-504-gateway-timeout-error-in-wordpress/
Steve Hanzek says
I’m looking to create a website that would allow bands and venues to maintain their schedules, and a visitor to select a date and see all the bands playing on that date, and all the venues with bands playing on that date.
I’m proficient with the SQL (mySQL) needed to do the querying, just want to find out if WordPress will let me create custom pages based on the results of a query?
WPBeginner Support says
WordPress will allow that, for an example plugin that already allows you to search you can take a look at our article here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-let-users-filter-posts-and-pages-in-wordpress/
Kelsei says
I am new at a job and just taking over the website. However, I am reaching the Error Establishing Database Connection on the website itself and the login page. The email they used to originally sign up for the website has been deactivated due to her no longer working here. I have searched the files and cannot find the WP files I am seeing being mentioned above. I am unsure what my next steps should be. Any ideas?
WPBeginner Support says
For the error establishing database connection, you would want to take a look at our article here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-the-error-establishing-a-database-connection-in-wordpress/
If you reach out to your hosting provider they should be able to assist with swapping the email address to your new email
Sharwari says
Hi my database is automatically created! Can I Rename the database?
WPBeginner Support says
Yes, you can, you would want to follow our guide on how to do this here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-change-the-wordpress-database-prefix-to-improve-security/
Yinka says
I recently moved by hosting and it affected the frontend of my website which displays “Error Establishing a Database Connection”. So I created a database.
The website contents are in the public_html folder in my cPanel File Manager.
How and where do I move these contents to the database in order to display my actual website?
WPBeginner Support says
Rather than moving your content, you would want to take a look at solving the error using our article here: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-fix-the-error-establishing-a-database-connection-in-wordpress/
Kerrie Taylor says
Hi, I cannot get WordPress to reset my password. How would I go about doing it using this way?
WPBeginner Support says
You would log in to your hosting provider to find your phpMyAdmin, depending on the host there are a few places it could be located.
Miza says
Hi, I need help on this.
I’m planning to utilize database to create a system that can be accessed only by our company staff in wordpress.
May I know from where i should started ?
WPBeginner Support says
If you’re wanting to create an intranet you could take a look at: https://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-create-a-wordpress-intranet-for-your-organization/
Miza says
How about for existing wordpress? just want to implement system that can be used by our staff only. i mean i want to create a page (basically a service report in our company website – wordpress) that can only be accessed by our staff
WPBeginner Support says
If it is only one page you could use the method in: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-share-private-posts-with-user-groups-in-wordpress/
Mich says
I recently created a few WordPress sites and I did it through one click WordPress installation in cPanel. What I wanted to know is, “Should I change my WordPress database name and database user name?” Is it something easily hackable if I’m already using a free security plugin like Wordfence?
WPBeginner Support says
Most hosting providers’ one-click installations change the database prefix for you to help with that. It is not something that by default is easily hackable and security plugins help even more
Joachim says
This is great. But what if i create a custom site on wordpress and input a form validation input. Is the data going to be automatically stored in the wp_database?
WPBeginner Support says
You would need to set up in your form to store the information, it would not be automatic.
John Certalic says
Is it possible to get this information in an email rather than a tweet? It would be more easily accessible for me in an email for future reference. I appreciate all you do for newbies like me. Thank you.
WPBeginner Support says
While we don’t have the entire article in our newsletter emails, we’ll be sure to take a look into possibilities.
polo says
Hello Sir, I have hosted my website with someone which has not given me inbuild features of myphp admin.So how to download it on my desktop plz guide .is there othere software required with myphp to download it.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Polo,
You can access phpMyAdmin from your web hosting account. If you have access to your web hosting account, then you can login there and under the databases section you’ll find phpMyAdmin icon.
Rajat Pandey says
Very Informative Thank You
Ayush singh says
i have a result table in database and i want to fetch the result of the student by registration number.
i m not getting solution to where to code in the wordpress site….and how to see result of the student by registration number.
Prakash says
Use wp_user table
Zziwa Daniel says
Thank you so much for the tutorial, its powerful
however I have a question;
I have a database that I have created with workbench and I have imported it to phpmyadmin. however I want to connect with wordpress so that when I submit data through wordpress I can be able to view it in phpmyadmin and I can view it again in wordpress interface that I have created
Ibrahim says
Your tutorials has been helpful.
based on a previous tutorial on installing wordpress on PC, I followed the tutorial and it was successful. i developed a website for diabetes association of Nigeria which iam a member too. But my challenge now is how to add registration form for new members to register online and how to get donation online in the website. i need your help please.
WPBeginner Support says
Hi Ibrahim,
Please see our tutorial on how to create a custom user registration form in WordPress. As for donations, we are not sure which payment providers you will be using to collect donations. Here is our tutorial on how to accept online donations in WordPress
Hemant says
Is it possible to migrate WordPress database to newly developed web applications?
Jiří Vaněk says
If you mean exporting certain tables, then it is possible. In phpmyadmin, the entire database does not have to be exported, but individual tables can be exported as well. E.g. tables with posts that you can then export to another database. Specifically with the contribution, it is also necessary to remember that images and audiovisual content are not stored in the database and are stored on FTP.
Ian de Guzman says
Where can i upload the website I made and that can be accessed offline. Thank you in advance.
WPBeginner Support says
hi Ian,
If it is a WordPress website, then see our guide on how to move a local site to a live server. You will need a WordPress hosting account for that.
FirdausShukor says
To make your wordpress website can be accessed offline you can use xampp as a local server and you can install wordpress inside htdocs folder in xampp installation folder.
Siva says
Thanks a lot.it gave me some clear vision.
Andreas says
What if i want to import wordpress menus? Where in the database are the menus stored?
Pooja Raval says
thanks…it helps a lot to understand it a bit better..
Laura Panait says
Very helpful tutorial, thank you, it actually worked.
Divo says
Please where does wordpress store page information. How can I change a page title from the database?
Prerna Rathod says
I use contact form 7 for feedback purposes and i store that data in database but now i want that particular data by URL like (abc.com/feedback/5) so it will show the data of id no 5 how i do this in wordpress?
Mirjana says
I`m planing to make some wp website with registration for specific users ( I have a non profit organisation that has more than 2000 members.) Now, I have the list of them (members) in my Access db with all informations needed. My question is, is it possible to connect this access db with wp db? If yes, how to do that?
Also, every member has a unique ID in my db, which is also a number for the membership card they have. If before mentioned is possible, could I make a field in registration form, beside Username&Pass, that would request that ID number which would be checked from db and if correct, make a registration, if false, deny it?
Hope you understand me cause my englesh is not so grate…
Thanks in advance
Ayomide says
I’m having the same problem, please did you figure out a solution?? If you did please, get back to me.
Matthew says
Hello, I am preparing to launch my first wordpress blog site under my first website. Testing and learning the blog setup I am wondering how the email stuff is working. I created a comment in response to a post and ticked the email me a notification when posts are done option. And when I made another post I received an email notification. Looking in the tables using phpmyadmin I can see the email address I entered with the comment stored in wp1_comments but cannot see where/how the fact is stored that an email should be sent to that address when a new post is made.
Thank you
Saud Khan says
Can you please help me that how can I view my blog database because they are not visible anywhere.
snaps attached
Murali says
I run Certification Services like food certificate, ISI Certificate and etc.,.
I have simple wordpress website (self hosted),
Now, I plan to create Page for my clients to get current status about their Application.
Once they enter (1) Application No. (2) Date of Birth / Mobile number, if match details it will display application status else show error message (like not match given details).
Kindly suggest me which plugin / method suite for my requirement.
Tom says
I need some help, because I don’t understand something:
I register a WP website… and install WooCommerce in it. (I use XAMPP localhost on C partition)
So I have a clear WP+WooCommerce site which I’d like to use to create other WP sites too.
So I copy all the WP files from C… to another partition, let’s say D partition
and I also export its database by phpMyAdmin. Now I have a copy of the WP site and its database on D partition.
But what if I’d like to use the copied WP+WooCommerce site (pattern) I’ve created?
It is still contains the same e-mail address and password I used when I registrated on the official site of WP right? So how can I modify that?
I’d like to create a new website (with different admin e-mail and password) but using the same WP+WooCommerce site (pattern) I’ve created before.
Penelope says
When I did a database backup and followed the custom options. (following these steps: )
When I hit GO, a file goes to my downloads folder and does nothing. the file is empty. What could I be doing wrong?
Richard says
Thank you for the great explanation of how WordPress interfaces to MySQL. Question: We have some blogs our site that are displaying a blank page. The blogs with blank pages have the same information as those that are working properly. I’ve used phpMyadmin to examine the tables and all looks well. Which table does WordPress use to begin the page generation?
WPBeginner Support says
It seems like a plugin or theme issue. To find out what’s causing the issue, deactivate all plugins on your site and then switch to a default theme like Twenty Sixteen.
roj says
The video was a little superfluous to the more descriptive written explanation of this article AND, as with many of your videos the narrator speaks too quickly and is thus difficult to understand if you don’t speak American. – even to me as a native English speaker!
Anik says
how should i connect the in-build search form with my database to see the search results…
WPBeginner Staff says
In wp_comments table you will find comment_author_email and comment_author_IP fields. Note that the wp_ prefix in the comments table may differ in your database.
You can also find comment author email and IP information inside WordPress admin area.
IdolHanz says
Which part of the database management system in phpMyAdmin shows a commenter’s IP address and email address?
WPBeginner Staff says
phpMyAdmin is not a database management system. It is a utility that allows you to manage your database in a web based graphical user interface.
Your actual database resides on your MySQL database server. Any utility that wants to manage, backup, or make changes to your database will need your database username and password to do so.
BackupBuddy works as a WordPress plugin and your database username and password are already stored in your WordPress configuration file. So it can automatically connect to your database without explicitly asking for your username and password.
Nazim says
Is it necessary for any plugin/ tool to access to myphpadmin to backup database.. If not then how backupbuddy creates database backups…
Is backupbuddy require username and password of myphpadmin to access to database…
I am newbie and confused. If you know then please let me know…
Bernhardt Le Mechant says
I just wanted to say…thanks…good article! (i was wondering how all this worked).