
- What's the Difference Between Categories and Tags?
- How Can You Add Categories and Tags in WordPress?
- How Many WordPress Categories Should You Have?
- Using Categories in Your Post URLs
- Can I Assign One Post to Multiple Categories?
- Is There a Limit to How Many Tags a Post Can Have?
- Categories vs Tags: What's Better for SEO?
- Can You Control How Categories and Tags Look in Search Results?
- Expert Guides on Categorizing WordPress Content
例えば、WPBeginnerのこのブログ投稿は、カテゴリー’初心者ガイド’にあります。ナビゲーションメニューのBlog ” Beginners Guideをクリックすると、このカテゴリーにあるすべての投稿を見ることができます。

また、投稿 ” カテゴリーと 投稿 ” タグから新しいカテゴリーやタグを追加することもできます。

サイトによっては、パーマリンク(投稿URL)にカテゴリー名を使用している場合がありますが、これは設定 ” パーマリンクで設定できます。

.../レシピ/グルテンフリー/グルテンフリーパンケーキ/ …/レシピ/グルテンフリー/グルテンフリーパンケーキ
短い答えは “ノー “だ。
市場で最高のWordPress SEOプラグインであるAll In One SEO (AIOSEO)を使用することで、検索エンジンの検索結果ページにカテゴリーやタグが表示される方法をカスタマイズすることができます。
まず、All In One SEO PremiumまたはAIOSEO無料プラグインのいずれかをインストールして有効化します。詳しくは、WordPressプラグインのインストール方法のステップバイステップガイドをご覧ください。
有効化した後、All In One SEO ” 検索外観に移動し、「タクソノミー」タブをクリックしてカテゴリーとタグの検索外観を設定する必要があります。



- WordPressページにカテゴリーとタグを追加する方法
- WordPressメディアライブラリにカテゴリーとタグを追加する方法
- WordPressでカテゴリーとタグを統合して一括編集する方法
- WordPressでカテゴリーとサブカテゴリーを追加する方法
- WordPressでカテゴリーを表示/非表示にする方法(究極ガイド)
- WordPressでカテゴリー名を正しく変更する方法(初心者ガイド)
- WordPressのカテゴリーを適切に変更、移動、削除する方法
- WordPressの投稿に自動的にタグを付けて時間を節約する方法
- WordPressで人気タグを表示する方法
- WordPress投稿にタグの最大数を設定する方法
- WordPressでカスタムタクソノミーを作成する方法
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Dennis Muthomi
I find tags super helpful for connecting related content and helping users discover more of my posts
but I have a question about tags:- is there a way to track which tags are getting clicked the most?
WPBeginner Support
If you are using an analytics plugin on your site, that would give you that information
Hi, in the article you mentioned all of your new “websites use the modern ‘Post name’ URL structure.”
But it isn’t stated why.
Do you have troubles with analyzing performance when both pages and post content is off the root domain?
WPBeginner Support
The main reason is to make it easier for users to remember your URLs. It would depend on the organization of the site for how difficult analytics would become.
mohadese esmaeeli
with this simplicity, I’ve grasped the concept of tags and categories. In reality, categories serve for content differentiation, and tags are considered internal classifications within the site.
WPBeginner Support
That is one way to separate them certainly
mohadese esmaeeli
With tags, you can create more detailed internal categorizations. For example, consider that the WordPress installation tutorial is placed in the WordPress tutorials category, and the Joomla installation tutorial is placed in the Joomla tutorials category. What is the commonality between these two? Both are content management systems. So, you can assign a tag called “CMS” or “Content Management System” to both. Someone looking for various content management systems can click on this tag to access tutorials on installing content management systems.
Jiří Vaněk
I would like to ask. I have categories and sometimes I have a label that has the same category name. For example WordPress category and WorPress tag. For each label and category with the same name, I also have the same labels. But Yoast SEO already pointed out to me that it is not good from SEO point of view to use the same keywords. So is it better to target slightly different keywords and use different labels for both? And the second question, is it good to index categories and tags or not?
WPBeginner Support
Indexing categories and tags is good for SEO, it is normally best to have different words for your tags and categories.
Jiří Vaněk
Thanks for reply. I wil try to make some changes in description of both. I thought that it could be the same, but it is true that this way both the tag and the category can find use under slightly different keywords.
Categories and tags are what is helping me in my blog search filter. Without them it couldn’t have been that easier. They are all important
I’ve considered naming my post categories as post formats (articles, podcasts, videos, etc.). Is that a clever idea, or should I stick to the website’s topics/subtopics?
WPBeginner Support
It would heavily depend on your specific site and its content.
where is your tags?
WPBeginner Support
At the moment we do not have tags visible to be searched.
thanks for information
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome
Thanks for the great article, very helpful!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful!
Vinny Hguen
Excellent article! I love how you explained these two abstract terms in simple languages along with relatable examples.
Keep up the good work!
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found our guide helpful
Sue Davies
I have a parent category “Jewellery”, which has a sub category “Earrings”. Many of my products are earrings, so they are listed in the Earrings Category. I have tagged them all with “earrings”. Is this OK, or should I avoid doing that? I have optimised the Earrings Category in SEO, but not sure what to do with the orphaned tags for “earrings”, “blue”, “crystal”, “sapphire”, etc.
What I’m curious about is if a URL has the parent category/subcategory/post structure if the parent has no content in it, but it simply used to create a primary category is BAD for SEO? I’m setting up a bunch of tutorials but want all sub cats to be under “Documents” as the parent, then all sub cats will have the posts.
Kagai wa Kamau
I have 2 queries on SEO impact
1. if i have one post under 2 categories , is that duplicate content?
2. can one use many tags in one post and use the same tags on another post?
Kind Regards
WPBeginner Support
If you have a post under two categories, it would normally be better to look at if you can make the post fit under a single category or reorganize your categories if it is a consistent issue.
The same tags can be used on different posts.
So if I understand it correctly I can delete any category and redirect those categories to other categories, right?
WPBeginner Support
Hi, what should I do, if I have too many categories that I don’t use? What should I do? Should I delete and redirect them to other categories?
WPBeginner Support
If you are not using categories and have no plans to it would normally be best to create those redirects and remove your unused categories. If you have not added any posts to those categories then there likely isn’t any post that needs to be redirected.
Aditya Mondal
This post was really helpful to me.Thanks
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful
yomer gaytano
In a single post, only one category, is that right?
Because I do use more than one category in each of my post. What would be the problem with this?
WPBeginner Support
As we state in the article, that can cause duplicate content issues.
Is putting content in multiple categories really bad for the site?
WPBeginner Support
It is not bad in general but if you are only adding a post to categories trying to improve SEO, then it would be bad for your SEO.
But do I HAVE to use categories or can I just use pages? For example, I want to create a dessert website. If I have the button Recipes in my menu and then under that I have Basic recipes for example, can this just be a page and from there I link to different posts? or does it have to be a category from which I link to the different recipe posts?
WPBeginner Support
You would not need the category in the short term but the more recipes you add, the harder it would be to keep all of them in your menu. By adding the posts to a category, you can add the category to your menu for WordPress to create the list of posts for you.
Hi, I noticed that each category and tag automatically gets it’s own page. Most independent SEO tools/audits tell me these pages are not optimized well because of low word count, etc. – but is this really an issue? From a user perspective, I don’t want random text cluttering up my site just to meet a word count. How do search engines take this into account? Is it fine not to include any tag/category description? Would it be bad to ask search engines not to index my tag pages? I don’t really understand these pages, as it seems like user experience and SEO are at odds on this issue…
WPBeginner Support
Those tools normally see all pages as content pages, you shouldn’t need to worry about the category and tag pages even if the tools don’t read them properly.
Sam Onuegbu
Your articles and videos have always been of immense help.
One question…
You recommended 5 – 10 max categories in your expert opinion.
Is there also a recommended limit for subcategories or as much as is necessary?
WPBeginner Support
Glad our articles have been helpful, we would recommend limiting subcategories as well unless you are sending out a massive amount of content.
Julie Scott
I am using WordPress and Yoast. Is it necessary to write a 300 word description for each tag?
WPBeginner Support
It is not necessary and can sometimes be helpful for SEO should a user find the tag in a search result for your site.
Shivam Gumber
I was making my wordpress notes and your posts are very helpful thank u very much.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you found our article helpful
Kuldeep Singh
Great Post, I have one question.
Can I Post Same article on 2 Category.
Thank you.
WPBeginner Support
If you wanted to you certainly could but if that becomes common you may want to think about restructuring your categories.
Rana Abrar
I have a question. In my word press “add new post” page there is no category table. What to do?
WPBeginner Support
You would want to check in the screen options in the top-right of the page to ensure that section was not hidden. For the block editor, you would want to ensure you are looking at the document settings
Tag One Word or Two?
WPBeginner Support
That choice would be up to you
Hamza Bashir
I have a question. I have seen some websites that add extra tags. These tags have nothing to do with sorting of posts rather they do keyword stuffing in multiple tags. What is your take on this. Like I have seen such posts with 30 tags and all of them were keywords not tags. Does it help in SEO?
WPBeginner Support
We would only recommend using tags for organization at this time.
Hi, above you said that having a single post in multiple categories can lead to duplicate content, but what about tags, assigning multiple tags to a single post, doesn’t that too lead to duplicate contents? Because, tags do have a URL right? Will it effect the SEO?
WPBeginner Support
While tags could run into that issue, it is unlikely to cause an SEO issue with how tags are handled.
Rob Kenyon
No such thing as ‘Document Settings’ on the right hand of my page.
No sign of Tags or Categories anywhere.
WPBeginner Support
If you are using a page builder or on WordPress.com your interface may look different, if you are on WordPress.com we cover the difference between that and WordPress.org in our article below:
Rupam Sarmah
I have almost 10 category and almost 50 sub category in my lyrics website ..but I am not using any tag..is there any issue in seo
WPBeginner Support
There should not be.
Richard Martin
Like!! Great article post.Really thank you!
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our guide was helpful
Is there anything wrong with having sub-sub-categories? I do think this helps my users find posts on my site, and it fits the hierarchy, but maybe they should be tags instead
WPBeginner Support
If it works for how you are organizing content then it is fine unless you think of a better way to organize your content
can we use this instructions for wocommerce and products as well ?
WPBeginner Support
You can if you would like
I have a page on my site (not category or tag) and the topic is “France tour”, and I also have a category name “France tour”, is it correct? how can I show google that my landing page is Target and the category is different?
WPBeginner Support
That type of markup would naturally be handled by your SEO plugin if you are using one on your site.
I maintain a web site created using WP that has no blogs/posts i.e. its web pages only. Iam concerned that search engines find the site/right page but I do not know if catagories and tags are relevant to the site. Is their any guidance on this?
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on how much content you have but pages don’t have categories by default.
Itivere Desmond
I love this article, it answed ALL of my questions.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide was helpful
Would the same apply for pages?
WPBeginner Support
Pages don’t use categories by default.
Adeel Sami
Always feel great to land on the wisdom shared by you guys!
For me, I always keep ‘NoIndex’ the tags and ‘Index’ the categories; is it wise to do so?
I feel like there would be too much of the URLs getting indexed in the search engines coming up with the duplicate/same content.
Lastly, always the great wokr!
WPBeginner Support
That would be personal preference, you should not need to noindex the tags
I think you can describe more about index and no indexing of tags and categories. There is lot of confusion about this. Also category and tag sitemaps should be submitted to google search console or not?
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for your request, for the Search Console, you would want to take a look at our article below:
Thank you very much for this insightful article. I’m really blessed reading this piece.
WPBeginner Support
Glad you found our guide helpful
Pls i created a music and news blog I have about six categories no tag and for my music I use two categories which is trending categories and music categories will I have any issues with that
WPBeginner Support
You should not have an issue with that.
Great article, very helpful. My only question that I have been unable to find an answer to is this: Should I noIndex Category pages?
While I think a user that landed my category page would find value, I have read that it can hurt SEO as your category page is essentially competing with your posts under that same category.
WPBeginner Support
You would want to reread the section ‘Is it okay to assign one post to multiple categories?’ for our opinion on category pages. Normally, there is no need to noindex category pages.
Devin Egger
GREAT content and SUPER HELPFUL article, but TONS of typos. : D
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for your feedback on our article
Marlene Permin
thank you for the article, i understand the difference a little better now, but i have a question.
we have a magazine, and use wordpress, to have our site.
we have over 800 articles in a lot off different topics and a lot off them have different tags on them,
with means we now have over 600 different tags on our site.
(i have taken over running the site from a former coworker) and tags where always entered when she added our new articles.
should i remove the tags from our site or should i leave them?
i dont want to hurt our Seo.
WPBeginner Support
That would be a personal choice question but you may want to reduce the number of tags you have over time so more posts are under a tag.
Thank you for helping me to be a better novice site builder for my small corner of the web! Let me not forget to mention that thought this is my first “comment” here, I have watched your YouTube for years and am grateful for your wealth of knowledge. Happy 2020!
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our recommendations were able to help you
Thanks for this (and the site in general).
As someone who has worked on many websites, I’m comfortable with the categories/taxonomy, but being new to WordPress the tags are trickier to get my head around.
I actually think the key point is in your last paragraph – tags can be across multiple categories, while sub-categories should only sit under the one category.
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad you like our site and our content
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I finally understand the difference and how to use them now!
WPBeginner Support
You’re welcome, glad our guide could help
Zahid H
I am starting a WP site on phones. I don’t have any posts and everything is under custom post types or static texts in a page. It’s meant to be a website rather than a blog, are categories and tags still needed? Thabks
WPBeginner Support
While not required, they can be helpful for grouping similar products
Oty Emmanuel
Thanks very much for this writeup. I have lots of irrelevant tags littered all over my site. Will it hurt my site if i delete them?
WPBeginner Support
You would likely want to create redirects for the deleted tags to prevent 404 pages, other than that you can feel free to remove them.