La schermata bianca della morte può essere il peggior incubo del proprietario di un sito web. Questo frustrante errore di WordPress vi lascia a fissare una pagina vuota, senza alcun indizio su chi siamo.
Come se non bastasse, questo comune errore di WordPress può talvolta interessare parti specifiche del sito web, come l’area di amministrazione o le singole pubblicazioni.
Ad esempio, abbiamo visto la schermata bianca della morte all’interno dell’area di amministrazione di WordPress mentre tutto il resto funzionava in corso. In altri casi, l’abbiamo visto solo quando abbiamo visualizzato una specifica pubblicazione.
Comprendere le cause di questo errore è il primo passo per trovare una soluzione. Questa guida illustra alcune soluzioni per la correzione della schermata bianca della morte e fornisce i passi da compiere per ripristinare la funzionalità del sito web.

Nota: prima di apportare qualsiasi modifica al vostro sito, assicuratevi di avere un backup del vostro sito WordPress. Se non avete accesso all’area di amministrazione, consultate la nostra guida su come creare manualmente un backup del database di WordPress.
Perché si vede la schermata bianca della morte in WordPress?
Nella maggior parte dei casi, quando si vede una schermata bianca della morte quando si cerca di visitare il proprio sito WordPress, significa che uno script sul sito ha esaurito il limite di memoria.
Lo script che non risponde viene ucciso dal server di hosting WordPress o semplicemente va in timeout. Per questo motivo non viene generato un vero e proprio messaggio di errore, ma si vede solo una schermata bianca.

Tuttavia, a volte può essere visualizzato un messaggio di errore.
Ad esempio, si potrebbe visualizzare un messaggio di errore critico invece di una pagina vuota.

Che si tratti di una schermata vuota o del messaggio “Si è verificato un errore critico sul tuo sito web”, l’errore è lo stesso.
Questo errore può verificarsi anche a causa di un tema o di un plugin mal codificato installato sul sito. A volte può accadere se c’è un problema con il server di web hosting.
Poiché l’errore dello schermo bianco può essere causato da diversi fattori, per risolverlo è necessaria una risoluzione metodica dei problemi. Ecco i passaggi da provare:
- Check Whether the Problem Happens on Your Other Sites
- Fix the White Screen Error With WordPress Recovery Mode
- Increase the Memory Limit
- Fix the White Screen Error by Disabling All Plugins
- Activate the Default Theme
- Enable Debug Mode to Catch Errors in WordPress
- Clear the WordPress Cache
- Fix the White Screen Error for Longer Articles
Video tutorial
Se preferite le istruzioni scritte, continuate a leggere.
1. Verificare se il problema si verifica anche su altri siti.
Se avete altri siti WordPress installati sullo stesso account di hosting, allora dovete iniziare a verificare se il problema si verifica anche su altri siti.
Se è così, è un forte indicatore che qualcosa non va nel vostro servizio di hosting WordPress. Potrebbe trattarsi di un problema temporaneo che riguarda il loro servizio e dovete contattare il loro supporto per ottenere maggiore assistenza.
D’altra parte, se il problema si verifica solo con un sito web o con una parte specifica di esso, allora si sa che il problema riguarda quel sito in particolare.
2. Risolvere l’errore della schermata bianca con la modalità di ripristino di WordPress
Se l’errore della schermata bianca della morte è causato da un plugin o da un tema di WordPress, quest’ultimo potrebbe essere in grado di individuarlo.
La nuova funzione di protezione dagli errori fatali introdotta in WordPress 5.2 a volte riesce a cogliere l’errore, per cui è possibile che non venga visualizzata una schermata bianca. Si vedrà invece un messaggio che segnala che il sito sta incontrando difficoltà tecniche.

WordPress invierà anche un’e-mail sul problema all’indirizzo e-mail dell’amministratore.
L’e-mail avrà come oggetto “Il vostro sito ha un problema tecnico”.

Questo messaggio e-mail indicherà il plugin o il tema che ha causato l’errore e conterrà anche un link speciale.
Questo link vi permetterà di accedere alla modalità di recupero di WordPress e di disattivare il plugin difettoso.

Tuttavia, se viene visualizzata la schermata bianca di morte senza opzione di e-mail o modalità di ripristino, è necessario risolvere manualmente l’errore.
3. Aumentare il limite di memoria
Di solito, questo errore si verifica perché uno script ha esaurito la memoria del server web ed è uscito nel mezzo.
Per risolvere questo problema, è necessario aumentare la memoria PHP disponibile per WordPress. Ciò consentirà allo script di utilizzare più memoria per portare a termine il lavoro che doveva svolgere.
È necessario modificare il file wp-config.php sul sito WordPress o utilizzare un plugin di snippet di codice come WPCode.
Potete seguire le istruzioni del nostro tutorial su come aumentare la memoria PHP in WordPress.
4. Risolvere l’errore della schermata bianca disattivando tutti i plugin
Se l’aumento del limite di memoria di PHP non è stato d’aiuto o se il limite di memoria è elevato, come 256M o 512M, è necessario iniziare la risoluzione dei problemi.
Nella nostra esperienza di risoluzione di questo problema, abbiamo sempre riscontrato che il problema è dovuto a un plugin specifico o a un tema. Procediamo con la disattivazione di tutti i plugin.
Se riuscite ad accedere alla dashboard di amministrazione di WordPress, potete semplicemente andare alla pagina Plugin ” Plugin installati. Selezionate tutti i plugin installati e poi selezionate “Disattiva” nel menu a tendina “Azioni massicce”.

Tuttavia, se non avete accesso all’area di amministrazione di WordPress, dovrete disattivare tutti i plugin tramite FTP.
Per prima cosa, collegatevi al vostro sito WordPress utilizzando un client FTP o il file manager del vostro provider di hosting. Una volta collegati, andate nella cartella wp-content
, dove troverete la cartella plugins
A questo punto, è necessario fare clic con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cartella dei plugin
e selezionare “Rinomina”. È possibile rinominare la cartella dei plugin in “plugins-deactivated”.

WordPress cerca una cartella denominata plugins
per caricare tutti i plugin. Se non trova la cartella, disattiva semplicemente tutti i plugin.
Se questo risolve il problema, attivare un plugin alla volta per individuare la causa del problema. Una volta individuato il plugin che causa il problema, è possibile sostituirlo con un altro o segnalare il problema agli autori del plugin.
5. Attivare il tema predefinito
Se la risoluzione dei problemi del plugin non risolve il problema, si dovrebbe provare a sostituire il tema attivo con un tema predefinito.
Per prima cosa, collegarsi al proprio sito web utilizzando un client FTP e accedere alla cartella /wp-content/themes/
. Essa contiene tutti i temi installati sul vostro sito web.
Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse per selezionare il tema WordPress corrente e scaricarlo sul computer come backup.

Successivamente, è necessario eliminare il tema attuale dal sito web.
È sufficiente fare clic con il tasto destro del mouse sulla cartella del tema e selezionare “Elimina”. Il vostro client FTP eliminerà il tema dal vostro sito web.

Ora, se sul vostro sito web è installato un tema predefinito di WordPress come (Twenty Twenty-Two o Twenty Twenty-Three), WordPress inizierà automaticamente a utilizzarlo come tema predefinito.
Tuttavia, se non è stato installato un tema predefinito, è necessario installarlo manualmente tramite FTP.
Se questo risolve il problema, è necessario controllare il file functions.php
del tema. Se ci sono spazi extra in fondo al file, è necessario rimuoverli e a volte questo risolve il problema.
Se si utilizza una funzione mal codificata nel file functions.php
del tema, anche questa può causare l’errore della schermata bianca della morte.
Considerate la possibilità di scaricare una copia fresca del vostro tema dalla fonte e di installarlo manualmente tramite FTP.
6. Abilitare la modalità Debug per catturare gli errori in WordPress
Se finora non è servito a nulla, il passo successivo è attivare il debug in WordPress. In questo modo, i registri degli errori permettono di vedere che tipo di errori vengono visualizzati.
È sufficiente aggiungere il seguente codice al filewp-config.php
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true);
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
Una volta aggiunto, la schermata vuota presenterà errori, avvertenze e avvisi. Questi possono aiutare a determinare la causa principale.
Se non si riscontrano errori, si consiglia di controllare il registro di debug.
È sufficiente visitare la cartella wp-content
del vostro sito web utilizzando un client FTP. Lì troverete un nuovo file debug.log
contenente un registro di tutti gli errori, gli avvisi e le avvertenze.

7. Cancellare la cache di WordPress
A volte è possibile accedere al backend, ma il front-end del sito presenta la schermata bianca della morte.
Questo può accadere a causa di un plugin di caching. In questo caso, è sufficiente svuotare la cache di WordPress.
Per istruzioni dettagliate, potete consultare la nostra guida su come cancellare la cache in WordPress.
8. Correggere l’errore della schermata bianca per gli articoli più lunghi
Se la schermata bianca della morte si verifica solo su un post o una pagina molto lunghi, questo metodo potrebbe funzionare.
Questo trucco aumenta sostanzialmente la capacità di elaborazione del testo di PHP, aumentando il limite di ricorsione e di backtrack. È possibile incollare il seguente codice nel file wp-config.php
/** Trick for long posts */
Comprendiamo che si tratta di un errore molto frustrante e speriamo che uno dei trucchi di cui sopra abbia risolto il problema.
Si consiglia di consultare anche la nostra guida alla risoluzione dei problemi di WordPress, che illustra i passaggi da seguire per individuare e risolvere i problemi di WordPress da soli, o il nostro elenco dei problemi più comuni dell’editor a blocchi di WordPress e di come correggerli.
Se questo articolo vi è piaciuto, iscrivetevi al nostro canale YouTube per le esercitazioni video su WordPress. Potete trovarci anche su Twitter e Facebook.
Robert Thompson
My entire WordPress site is a black screen. I only have three pages on my website and they all are black. But when I go to my editor everything is fine. I’m going to try your advice and deactivate all of my plugins. Hopefully this will work.
WPBeginner Support
We hope that solves the issue for you, if you continue to have trouble you can always feel free to reach out to our support!
mohadese esmaeeli
I have encountered this page several times, and in most cases, my issue was resolved by changing the PHP version of the hosting. However, sometimes the presence of an incompatible plugin can disrupt everything and result in this frustrating white screen!
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for sharing what worked for you
Jiří Vaněk
Very often, the issue with a white screen is a compromised website. Many people have their WordPress sites infected, leading to precisely this error. That’s why it’s crucial to have a backup. Additionally, many people suffer from downloading plugins from unverified sources to save money. In the end, it costs more than a paid plugin. Unfortunately, it’s true. Sad, but true.
WPBeginner Support
While it could be a compromised site, there are many possible reasons so only having a white screen of death does not automatically mean that a site was hacked.
Does this method helps with my situation?
Sometimes I update few plugins one by one on 1 side of the screen and do something else on second half. It happens i refresh wordpress admin panel during updating plugin and it gives me this white page where I can’t do anything. My hosting makes backups every 6 hours so i just email them to use the freshest one but I want to move to the cheaper one and will not have this option.
WPBeginner Support
It should be helpful when you run into the white screen, from the sound of it you would want to reach out to your hosting provider to see if you are hitting a resource or memory limit in their system.
I did not think about memory limit, thank you for letting me know. I will contact them to confirm this.
The memory limit increase fixed it for me. (This issue rarely happens in WordPress, but the client’s hosting company is a smaller brand that may have contributed to the error.)
WPBeginner Support
Glad to hear you could resolve the issue!
I get the white screen of death when i log in, i don’t get it when logged out though
WPBeginner Support
You may be seeing the cached page when logged out. If you do see the white screen of death, we would recommend going through the troubleshooting steps in this guide.
After I cleared my cache, it fixed. Why wasn’t this put into the article?
Thinking I was going to have to get into code when it was a simple fix is silly.
Please clear your browser cache first before you try anything else.
WPBeginner Support
It is very rare that your caching would cause that specific issue but we’re glad that clearing the cache worked for you.
Hamza shah
Finally after changing the name of the faulty plugin via FTP i got the access to my wordpress dashboard but not the website… now what do i do to get my website back to normally working?
WPBeginner Support
If you are still having trouble with the site, we would recommend taking a look at our guide below to help find and resolve the issue:
Akindele Afeez
Hello, please i am currently experiencing a red screen while uploading from local to live server. Kindly help me out.
WPBeginner Support
That would depend on if there is an error message when you see that screen or not. If there are no error messages, you would still want to follow the recommendations in this article.
Sandi Purinton
You saved my behind twice today. Thanks for your tutorials. They are amazing!
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guides were helpful
I suspected a new plug-in was the problem, locking me out of the WordPress dashboard, but it wasn’t. I then searched and found your article. After reading it, I checked my functions.php file and found it had spaces at the end. I deleted the spaces and I was back in. Thank you.
You’ve saved me from a lot of frustration.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our guide could help solve the issue
Thank you Robin – Your answer fixed my issue! Had been stressing out all day.
Your article says deactivate plugins then goes on to talk about FTP – you don’t say what to do after I’ve deactivated the plugins… unless I missed it.
WPBeginner Support
If the error disappears once the plugins are disabled, you would then know that the error is caused by a plugin and you would need to find the specific plugin.
Thanks, DEBUG options helped. Error was due to having a blank line space in my functions file.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our recommendation could help
Hi, I got white screen problem ..and get result from my site is” briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance.check back in minute.”
WPBeginner Support
For the message you’re receiving, you would want to take a look at our article here:
I got the white screen. I had just made changes to my child theme functions php, so I knew what the problem was. I followed your steps to my wp-content /themes, Then I did this…and it was easy. Right click on child theme, topen, then functions php file, deleted what I did. Saved changes. Checked if I could enter wp-admin, and all was good. I did not have to hassle with changing themes or plugins on/off. I use your site often, and I hope you test this option, and put it as a simple solution.
Thanks for your helpful site.
WPBeginner Support
Thank you for your recommendation to be included in the article, for those editing the code of their site it is a good option to try removing recently added code.
Thanks! It was the plugins.
WPBeginner Support
Glad our recommendations could help
Hello there! My website based on WordPress has been working properly since Marc 2003. It needs maintenance and upgrading professionally. What do you suggestion me?
WPBeginner Support
For updating your site if you wanted to do it yourself you could follow our guide here:
Or if you wanted to hire a developer to update your site for you, you can take a look at our recommended list here:
i can’t even logout from my admin panel.
in all condition it is just show only the “WHITE SCREEN” with the error
WPBeginner Support
If you have an error message then it isn’t the white screen of death, to start troubleshooting you may want to take a look at our troubleshooting guide here:
I had this issue several months ago and found a temp work around. Click next to your url and hit your enter key. It always reloaded for me. The permanent fix is as one of your great suggestions. I increase the php memory and it hasn’t plagued me since.
WPBeginner Support
Thanks for sharing what worked for you
Your site has been so informative. Sadly though it hasn’t fixed my fatal error. I am unable to open the wp_admin/Dashboard. the below message is displayed. I have tried your plugins and this advice using my PHPAdmin to no luck.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_is_recovery_mode() in /home/huhu5715/public_html/wp-admin/includes/update.php on line 840
WPBeginner Support
You may want to try manually updating your WordPress files using FTP, we have a guide on how to do that here:
Jasmine, have you tried to replace the WordPress core files?
Rahul sharma
I added my three websites on hostinger Premium plan. today I’m facing this problem. when I log in my admin panel it’s just loading and after that, it shows an error. all my three sites is not working. what should I do?
WPBeginner Support
It would depend on the error but you may first want to reach out to your hosting provider for them to ensure it is not an error on their end.
There may be a common plugin.
I am facing the the wordpress white screen of death, after login I am facing the issue. And if I open the website in another tab then the options are visible but I am not able to access those options as when I click on the icons agter redirecting again I am facing white screen of death.
WPBeginner Support
You would likely want to enable error reporting in the Other Fixes section to see if it will give you an error message.
Hello, I use to have a white screen whenever someone comments on a post on my site. Pls I need help on this.
WPBeginner Support
You may want to enable wp debug to see if there is a specific error that is happening:
which would give more information on possible reasons for that issue.
Sam Chung
Hi I got the white screen of death.
Tried to log in with FileZilla but no. says ID doesn’t exist.
Can’t talk to anyone/chat at WordPress without being logged in.
So how can I proceed? Please help.
WPBeginner Support
If your site is hosted on we are unable to assist sadly. If your site is not on then you could try the steps in:
my initial message is “child” theme deleted, but them I can’t install a new theme, because I get “installation failed: could not create directory”…help!
Thank you,
WPBeginner Support
You may want to check your file/folder permissions using our article here:
Freeman Phiri
i upgraded from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 last night now am getting a WSOD if i try to open the admin page i get plain text. tried all the steps you mentioned but nothing happened. i am on localhost
WPBeginner Support
Look for updates and package conflicts using the default package manager or Synaptic.
work for me after disabling some plugins . Great job
re-installing wordpress fixed it for me. Might be worth trying this first – could save a lot of hassle
In my case, the security plugin had temporarily blocked me because I entered the password incorrectly too many times… I forgot I changed it. I was seeing a white screen with the word “error” in the upper left hand corner.
To resolve this, I logged into the database and removed myself from the lockout table.
I’ve been trying to access my admin page through an FTP client as recommended and the connection keeps timing out (internet connection is fine, already ran a diagnostic on it) so I’m still locked out and can’t try to solve the WSOD problem. How do I proceed from here?
WPBeginner Support
Hi Meghan,
Please try steps in our WordPress troubleshooting guide, it will help you figure out what’s causing the issue.
Had a client who had deleted their theme and this caused the white screen.. I had to look in the database in wp_options > stylesheet to find the the name of the theme and re download it. This fixed the problem for me
Thank you for this helpful article. Removing the space at the end of my functions.php did the job !
I had the WSOD when I imported content from another site. The homepage would load but the rest of the links were not working. Turns out the problem was with the Permalinks. I sent to Settings > Permalinks and changed it to only post name and everything started working again.
Hope that helps someone.
We are two administrators, and the white screen of death is only affecting one of us — and not all the time. Any suggestions for this? Thanks.
I am having a similar problem where I have had this problem reported by other users, but I do not experience it myself. I am an Administrator, but the people reporting the problem are not. I made a new account set up as Admin for someone who had this issue, and the WSOD did not affect them when using their new account. Because the problem is not universal and seems to be resolvable by changing the profile admin level, it makes me think that it is not the plugins or theme that is causing the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Liam,
Many themes and plugins and trigger different functions based on user roles. Here is how you can test.
1. Create a new user account with a user account that usually sees the WOD.
2. Disable all your plugins.
3. Visit your website with that user account in a different browser
4. Reactivate your WordPress plugins one by one until the user account is able to see the WOD again.
This way you will be able to figure out exactly which pluhgin is causing the issue. For checking your theme switch to a default theme and see if this solves the issue.
Hi there,
Thanks for the response and the suggestions. It sounds like a good way to start.
Just to clarify, with Step 1. are you saying that I should duplicate an account that currently experiences this problem OR that I should use an account that sees the WSOD to make a new account for testing?
Can’t see why it would be the second option, but I just thought I’d check as the wording was a bit confusing.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Liam,
You should create a new user account with the same user role as the one seeing WOD on your site. For example, if a user account with author user role is seeing the error, then create a new dummy user account with author user role for testing.
shubahm sharma
yesterday I started my new WordPress blog and for the first time today I log in to my WordPress admin account. after that, I click on visit blog. but I continue shows blank and whenever I tried to take a demo of my any theme available in WordPress store, in the demo it is again showing blank. it’s like every time any demo doesn’t show. how to fix it.
Conny Lundberg
Hello there!
I have a wordpress blog and have had my first experience of the famous White Screen of Death or at least I think so since the screen is white with only the WP logo. This started when I tried to approve a comment and the button didn´t respond after which I realized that I couldn´t access my admin controls, my stats or any personal controls.
Since I have no experience what so ever of programming or coding and can´t even access the ordinary support pages without seeing this wsod, I am helpless and would soo appreciate if anyone of you computing wizards could help in any way?
I just update my WordPress core to the last version via FTP and my website is working again.
I just tried to update the WP to the latest one 4.9. It took a while and got stuck in the maintenance mode. So I deleted the .maintenance file in the htdocs directory and now I can only see the while screen, nothing else.
Please let me know how to fix it.
WPBeginner Support
Hi Marek,
Most likely your WordPress update was interrupted which may have caused some files to be not updated. You can try to manually upgrade WordPress by uploading files via FTP.
i installed an fresh wordpress ver but got blank page after click on submit comment’s button , can anyone guide me how can i solve this issue /?
alex mwailu
very helpful, just go to root folder, plugins and delete the most recent plugin or theme/the one that you have just installed
This is really very helpful. Thank you very much. My blogsite just went blank after I updated some of the plugins. I followed your advised and deactivated all the plugins and activating them one by one. It did fix the issue! Thank you!
Prosper Noah
Hi Wpbeginner,
Thanks for this wonderful post.
Well, I was able to fix mine renaming the wp plugins folder to pluginss
Great tutorial once more.
Do have a nice day!
1- Changed to PHP 5.3
My problem was due to htaccess file. Worked just fine after modifying it. Thanks for the great post.
Thanks a lot. This helped me at disabling plugins. God bless you!
Great guide…. I’ve lost my site for 3 days now. Strange thing is that its only lost on iOS mobile (white screen), desktop works fine. W3 Super Cache caused the issue but i’m struggling to get it back up on mobile now….
Thanks for your help on this! Was a dang plug-in causing the issue. Removed it and things worked again
I have had the ‘white screen of death’ for for weeks. I’ve had to store all of my what-would-be blog posts as notes in my device until I could find the solution. Nothing worked. I was about to create new blogs elsewhere when something struck me. I always browse in private mode. This never bothered wordpress in the past (years), but it occasionally will be the cause on other websites.
After all this time… I turned off private browsing cleaned cookies for safe measure, and…. logged in just fine.
Akshay Ambarte
I created company website on WordPress the whole web pages are working fine but when I add blog post then I am unable to see that post simply white screen is appearing without any warning.
Had the WSOD problem when I updated my website theme. I had no website or admin login tried numerous fixes but to no avail.
The solution that worked for me was to download the latest version of my theme. I renamed previous non functioning theme to themename_old and then uploaded via ftp the replacement theme zip file and extracted the contents and it worked.
The above will work if you have access to cpanel or support at your serverhost can set up and supply you the ftp username, password.
Good luck