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Comment ajouter un Link Read More à un texte copié dans WordPress

Note éditoriale : Nous percevons une commission sur les liens des partenaires sur WPBeginner. Les commissions n'affectent pas les opinions ou les évaluations de nos rédacteurs. En savoir plus sur Processus éditorial.

Vous avez peut-être remarqué que certains sites populaires (comme eHow, etc.) ajoutent un lien « Lire la suite » à tout texte copié sur leur site. C’est un excellent moyen d’attirer de nouvelles utilisatrices/utilisateurs. Souvent, les gens copient et collent du texte provenant de sites dans leurs e-mails. Certains l’utilisent pour enregistrer l’information pour plus tard, tandis que d’autres la partagent simplement avec leurs amis, leur famille et leurs collègues. Dans cet article, nous allons vous afficher comment vous pouvez facilement ajouter un lien « lire plus » à n’importe quel texte copié depuis votre blog WordPress, afin que vous puissiez obtenir du trafic supplémentaire.

Note : Pour voir ceci en action, copiez n’importe quoi sur cette publication et collez-la dans votre e-mail ou votre bloc-notes.

La première chose à faire est de copier le code suivant dans le fichier functions.php de votre thème ou dans une extension spécifique à votre site:

function add_copyright_text() {
	if (is_single()) { ?>

<script type='text/javascript'>
function addLink() {
	if (
document.getElementsByClassName('entry-content')[0], true)) {
    var body_element = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
    var selection;
    selection = window.getSelection();
	var oldselection = selection
    var pagelink = "<br /><br /> Read more at WPBeginner: <?php the_title(); ?> <a href='<?php echo wp_get_shortlink(get_the_ID()); ?>'><?php echo wp_get_shortlink(get_the_ID()); ?></a>"; //Change this if you like
    var copy_text = selection + pagelink;
    var new_div = document.createElement('div');'-99999px';'absolute';

    body_element.appendChild(new_div );
    new_div.innerHTML = copy_text ;
    selection.selectAllChildren(new_div );
    window.setTimeout(function() {
        body_element.removeChild(new_div );

document.oncopy = addLink;


add_action( 'wp_head', 'add_copyright_text');

Désormais, chaque fois que quelqu’un viendra sur votre site et essaiera de copier votre contenu, un lien « Lire la suite » sera inclus avec celui-ci. N’oubliez pas de modifier le texte du copyright et d’y ajouter le titre de votre propre site.

Modifications : Au départ, nous prenions l’URL de la fenêtre, mais l’un de nos utilisateurs/utilisatrices nous a fait remarquer que cela donnait une impression de lourdeur aux URL. Nous avons mis à jour le code pour l’afficher uniquement sur les pages de publication unique, et utiliser wp_shortlink. Il faudrait donc utiliser quelque chose comme ceci : Si vous utilisez un lien court personnalisé comme nous le faisons :, alors il affichera le lien court de la marque.

Divulgation : Notre contenu est soutenu par les lecteurs. Cela signifie que si vous cliquez sur certains de nos liens, nous pouvons gagner une commission. Consultez comment WPBeginner est financé, pourquoi cela compte et comment vous pouvez nous soutenir. Voici notre processus éditorial.


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
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    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Bee says

    this code does not seem to work, neither on your website here nor on my website using your snippet (WP 6.2). Could you please check this? Thank you.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      The code is still working for us, we would recommend trying to disable any plugins and/or using an incognito browser to prevent addons to see if one may be causing a conflict.


  3. Junuk says

    Hi, Thank you for your good information!

    I applied the code you have told me with BItly plugin to my website, but it works sometimes and doesn’t work sometimes.

    Does this code have relation with Cache plug-in? Can you tell me where in my website I should take a look?

  4. Pierre says


    Thanks, it’s work fine on article on 2019, but it’s possible to make it work on custom post type?

    I have Eventon and WP News and Scrolling Widgets.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would need to modify the is_single to is_singular and add the name of your custom post type


  5. Will says

    Do you have any advice on how to add Google tracking parameters to the end of each URL? Considering you’re already using ?p= for the post name at the end.

  6. Jasmine says

    Thanks for this, it works great for posts but when text is copied from events it doesn’t pull the URL of the page through – any advice? Thanks.

    • Michele says

      This is awesome. Thanks. When it says class – entry content, that meant it didn’t work for about 90% of the text on my site because my text didn’t use that class name. So if anyone else encounters this problem, you can change « entry content » to « body ». That’s what I did.
      var body_element = document.getElementsByTagName(‘body’)[0]; (line 13)
      Now it works everywhere.

  7. Dave says

    Thank you very much, all the text formatting were changed and pasted as a single line. But I need the text formatting as it is. So please help me in getting this.

  8. Jens | Sir Apfelot says

    Just added the script into my wordpress blog, but I dont get an appendix at the clipbiards end…

    Any ideas? I am not sure, if its because I am working on a mac… but I guess the javascript should work on Firefox on a mac too… :-(

  9. Yash Jhade says

    While pasting it to blogger following error comes
    Error parsing XML, line 2237, column 96: The value of attribute « href » associated with an element type « a » must not contain the ‘<' character.
    Any Solutions ?

  10. matt says

    this feature makes copying and pasting more frustrating. For instance, if I copy and paste a headline for editing Wikipedia it can mess up formatting if I’m not careful and requires extra work.

  11. Alyson says

    Unfortunately, the code does not work with WP 3.8

    I have tested it on a fresh install. Please feel free to confirm this. Do you have any plans to update the code to make it function?

    • Roselle says


      At first, I could not get this to work. But upon close examination, I figured out the culprit:

      On the 8th line of the code, you’ll see this:
      document.getElementsByClassName(‘entry-content’)[0], true))

      This is the line that tells the code, « hey, if anyone copies text from text with this class name, then put a read more link »

      All you need to do is use Firebug to figure out what class name your post content is under.

      I have a child theme that I’ve edited over and over again, so mine wasn’t the default, « entry-content ». I suspect your class name is different from that also.

      Good luck,

  12. Gabriel says


    Many thanks for this great article, but I have a problem. I would like to get the permalink and not the shorthen link. Anyone can tell me how can I do that?


    • Editorial Staff says

      Yes it is possible. Change the selector tag from body to a div ID or what not. I have put the request in. Our developers will let me know, so I can update the article.


      • Lorenzo Solís says

        Thanks. I’ve just tried with var div = document.getElementById(‘copyright’); in the line number 6 and adding de id= »copyright » to the div content, but I get the same result as with your code. Sorry, I am not a programmer.

  13. Lisa says

    Interesting and useful; however, I was surprised that the copy test did not work (for me at least) when composing an email in Gmail — nothing showed after pasting the copied text, and the body text area in the compose email window just froze. Testing a copied bit in Notepad worked just fine, so I don’t know what the issue might be with Gmail.

    Thanks for the tip!

  14. Albert Albs says

    That is good option Syed. Thanks for sharing. But if we can able to print short URL of the post means, that is even better for website owners.

    Currently it is printing long URL. If I came here by Feedburner newsletter subscription, the UTM tracking url also coming.

    Hope you understand. Is it possible?

      • Albert Albs says

        That is fast and smart.

        One Question: Why you removed Author URL in the comment form? Always, I’m seeing, many of the WordPress powered blogs will give credit to the comment author at URL field with NoFollow attribute.

        Is there any specific reason for removing Author URI field? Or are there any experiments for Penguin update?

        Between, I’m not getting any comment notification, even after selecting the “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail” option.

  15. Gabe Diaz says

    Wow, now this is a great tip! Makes it easy to quote and show attribution as well as drops a link for those who skim and steal content. Very cool!

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