Quando tentamos fazer login em nossos próprios sites do WordPress, há ocasiões em que a página de login continua sendo atualizada e redirecionada, impedindo-nos de acessar a área de administração do WordPress.
Se você está passando por isso, não está sozinho. O problema de atualização e redirecionamento da página de login do WordPress é comum e frustra muitos proprietários de sites WordPress. Dito isso, testamos vários métodos testados e verdadeiros para resolver o problema.
Neste guia abrangente, mostraremos como corrigir o problema de atualização e redirecionamento da página de login do WordPress. Vamos mergulhar de cabeça e levá-lo de volta ao painel do WordPress para que você possa recuperar o controle do seu site!

O que causa o problema de atualização e redirecionamento da página de login no WordPress?
O erro de atualização e redirecionamento da página de login do WordPress (também chamado de loop de redirecionamento de login do WordPress) geralmente é causado por configurações incorretas de URL do WordPress ou falha na definição de cookies de login.
Normalmente, quando você faz login, o WordPress valida seu nome de usuário e senha e, em seguida, define um cookie de login no seu navegador. Depois disso, ele o redireciona para o painel do WordPress.
Se o WordPress não conseguir definir o cookie de login corretamente ou se o URL da área de administração do WordPress estiver incorreto, você será redirecionado para a tela de login em vez do painel de administração.

Os problemas de login também podem ser causados por diferentes erros do WordPress, como o erro ao estabelecer conexão com o banco de dados, erro interno do servidor ou a tela branca da morte.
Com isso em mente, vamos solucionar e corrigir o problema de redirecionamento e atualização da página de login do WordPress. Você pode usar esses links rápidos para ir para um método específico:
- Method 1: Clear Cookies to Resolve Login Issues
- Method 2: Update WordPress URL Settings
- Method 3: Delete .htaccess File in WordPress
- Method 4: Deactivate Your Plugins
- Method 5: Revert Back to the Default Theme
- Method 6: Reinstall WordPress Core
- Video Tutorial
- What to Do If You Can't Fix WordPress Login Redirect Issue
Observação: se você quiser experimentar as etapas avançadas deste tutorial do WordPress, crie primeiro um backup do seu site. Consulte nosso guia sobre como criar manualmente um backup do banco de dados do WordPress.
Método 1: Limpar cookies para resolver problemas de login
O WordPress usa cookies para autenticação de login, portanto, a primeira etapa na solução de problemas de login do WordPress é a mais simples. Você precisará limpar os cookies e o cache do navegador.
No Google Chrome, basta clicar no menu de configurações do navegador e selecionar Mais ferramentas ” Limpar dados de navegação.

Isso abrirá a página Configurações do Chrome com um pop-up “Limpar dados de navegação” exibido na tela.
A partir daí, você precisa selecionar as opções “Limpar cookies e outros dados do site” e “Imagens e arquivos armazenados em cache”.

Em seguida, clique no botão “Limpar dados”, e o Google Chrome limpará o cache do navegador.
Além disso, certifique-se de que seu navegador tenha os cookies ativados. Depois de fazer isso, reinicie o navegador e tente fazer login. Isso deve corrigir o problema para a maioria das pessoas.
Temos um guia completo com capturas de tela que mostram como limpar o cache e os cookies em todos os principais navegadores.
Método 2: Atualizar as configurações de URL do WordPress
O WordPress vem com configurações para a URL de seu site e a URL de sua instalação do WordPress.
Se você tiver acesso à área de administração do WordPress, poderá ver essa opção na página Configurações ” Geral.

Se esses URLs estiverem incorretos, o WordPress o redirecionará de volta para a página de login.
Como não é possível acessar a área de administração do WordPress, você precisará editar o arquivo wp-config.php para corrigir esse problema.
O arquivo wp-config.php é um arquivo especial no WordPress que contém suas configurações importantes do WordPress. Você pode acessá-lo usando um cliente FTP ou por meio do aplicativo File Manager no painel da sua conta de hospedagem do WordPress.

Você encontrará o arquivo wp-config.php na pasta raiz do seu site. Basta editar o arquivo e colar as seguintes linhas de código logo antes da linha que diz: "Isso é tudo, pare de editar! Feliz publicação"
Não se esqueça de substituir “example.com” por seu próprio nome de domínio.
Depois disso, salve as alterações e carregue o arquivo de volta em seu site.
Agora você pode visitar o site do WordPress e tentar fazer login. Esperamos que isso tenha resolvido o problema para você. Caso contrário, continue lendo para ver outras etapas de solução de problemas.
Método 3: Excluir o arquivo .htaccess no WordPress
Às vezes, o arquivo .htaccess pode ser corrompido, o que pode resultar em erros internos do servidor ou no erro de atualização da página de login.
Basta acessar seu site usando um cliente FTP ou por meio do aplicativo File Manager no painel do seu provedor de hospedagem.
Uma vez conectado, localize o arquivo .htaccess no diretório raiz do seu site e faça o download para o seu computador como um backup.
Se você não conseguir encontrar o arquivo .htaccess, este guia sobre por que o arquivo .htaccess pode estar ausente poderá ajudá-lo.

Depois disso, vá em frente e exclua o arquivo .htaccess de seu site.
Em seguida, abra o diretório wp-admin e, se houver um arquivo .htaccess lá, vá em frente e exclua-o também.
Agora você pode tentar fazer login no site do WordPress. Se conseguir, isso significa que o arquivo .htaccess estava impedindo que você fizesse login no WordPress.
Depois de fazer o login, basta acessar a página Configurações ” Permalinks no painel de administração do WordPress e clicar no botão “Salvar” sem fazer nenhuma alteração. Isso gerará um novo arquivo .htaccess para seu site.
Método 4: Desativar seus plug-ins
Às vezes, os plug-ins do WordPress podem causar esse problema, especialmente se houver um conflito entre dois plug-ins.
Para desativar facilmente todos os seus plug-ins do WordPress, conecte-se ao seu site usando um cliente FTP ou por meio do aplicativo Gerenciador de arquivos no painel da sua conta de hospedagem na Web.
Depois de conectado, vá para o diretório /wp-content/. Dentro dele, você verá uma pasta chamada “plugins”. É nessa pasta que o WordPress instala todos os seus plug-ins.

Basta renomear a pasta de plug-ins para “plugins_backup”. Isso desativará todos os plug-ins do WordPress instalados em seu site.
Também temos um tutorial detalhado sobre como desativar todos os plug-ins do WordPress quando o administrador do WordPress estiver inacessível.
Depois de desativar todos os plug-ins, tente fazer login no site do WordPress. Se tiver êxito, isso significa que um dos plug-ins estava causando o problema.
Método 5: Reverter para o tema padrão
Os temas do WordPress também podem causar conflitos após a atualização para uma versão mais recente do WordPress ou do próprio tema. Para descobrir se o problema está sendo causado pelo seu tema, será necessário desativá-lo.
O processo é semelhante ao da desativação de plug-ins. Conecte-se ao seu site usando um cliente FTP. Em seguida, vá para o diretório /wp-content/themes/ e renomeie o diretório do tema atual para “themes_backup”.
Depois de fazer isso, tente fazer login novamente. Se tiver sucesso, isso significa que seu tema estava causando o problema.
Agora você pode reinstalar uma nova cópia do tema para ver se isso resolve o problema. Se o problema reaparecer, será necessário entrar em contato com o suporte do seu tema ou mudar para um tema diferente do WordPress.
Método 6: Reinstalar o núcleo do WordPress
Em casos raros, o problema de atualização persistente da página de login pode ser causado por arquivos corrompidos do núcleo do WordPress.
Esses arquivos principais são a base do seu site WordPress e gerenciam as funcionalidades essenciais. Se esses arquivos forem danificados ou substituídos por códigos incorretos, isso pode levar a vários erros, inclusive problemas de login.
Primeiro, acesse o site WordPress.org e faça o download da versão mais recente do software. Após o download, descompacte o arquivo em seu computador. Isso criará uma pasta chamada “wordpress” que conterá todos os arquivos necessários para a reinstalação.

Em seguida, você precisará se conectar ao seu site usando um cliente FTP ou o gerenciador de arquivos fornecido pela empresa de hospedagem.
Depois de conectado, navegue até a pasta raiz de seu site. Esse é o diretório principal que contém pastas como wp-admin, wp-content e wp-includes.

Nesta etapa, pegue todos os arquivos da pasta “wordpress” em seu computador e carregue-os no diretório raiz do seu site.
Seu cliente FTP solicitará que você confirme a substituição de quaisquer arquivos principais existentes.
Como você está excluindo arquivos corrompidos do núcleo do WordPress e substituindo-os por novos, escolha “Overwrite” e selecione a opção “Always use this action” para evitar a necessidade de confirmar cada arquivo individualmente.

Por fim, clique em “OK” para iniciar o processo de upload. Seu cliente FTP substituirá os arquivos principais do WordPress em seu site pelos arquivos novos do seu computador.
Após a conclusão do upload, visite seu site para ver se o erro foi corrigido. Se o problema de login for causado por um arquivo principal corrompido ou por malware, a mensagem de erro deverá desaparecer e você poderá fazer login com êxito.
Tutorial em vídeo
Se você precisar de instruções visuais, assista ao vídeo abaixo.
O que fazer se você não conseguir corrigir o problema de redirecionamento de login do WordPress
Se você já tentou de tudo, desde a limpeza de cookies do navegador até a desativação de temas e plug-ins, mas o problema persiste, pode tentar solicitar suporte na comunidade do WordPress.
Os usuários de grupos como o grupo WPBeginner Engage no Facebook podem ter tido o mesmo problema que você e podem fornecer dicas sobre o que fazer para resolver os problemas da página de login.

Além disso, você pode entrar em contato com soluções de suporte para WordPress, como o WPBeginner Pro Services. Oferecemos suporte premium de emergência para WordPress, no qual os especialistas podem identificar o que está acontecendo com seu site e resolver a causa raiz do problema.
Você também pode contratar nossos serviços de manutenção do WordPress para evitar que problemas como malware, alto tempo de inatividade e WordPress desatualizado afetem seu site.

Sinta-se à vontade para marcar uma reunião com nossa equipe hoje mesmo para ver o que podemos fazer para corrigir seu site.
Saiba mais Soluções de solução de problemas do WordPress
Você está enfrentando outros erros comuns do WordPress e precisa encontrar uma maneira de corrigi-los? Aqui estão outros artigos que você pode conferir:
- Como corrigir o problema do erro “Too Many Redirects” no WordPress
- Como corrigir facilmente o erro This Site Can’t Be Reached no WordPress
- Como corrigir a mensagem “O site está enfrentando dificuldades técnicas” no WordPress
- Como corrigir o erro 404 dos posts do WordPress (passo a passo)
- Como corrigir o erro de conteúdo misto no WordPress (passo a passo)
- Como corrigir o erro de JSON inválido no WordPress (guia para iniciantes)
- Como localizar e acessar os registros de erros do WordPress (passo a passo)
- Como corrigir o problema de não envio de e-mail no WordPress
- Como corrigir o WordPress travado no modo de manutenção (a maneira fácil)
Esperamos que este artigo tenha ajudado você a resolver o problema de atualização e redirecionamento da página de login do WordPress. Talvez você também queira ver nosso guia completo de solução de problemas do WordPress ou conferir nossas principais opções dos melhores plug-ins e ferramentas do WordPress para expandir seu site.
Se você gostou deste artigo, inscreva-se em nosso canal do YouTube para receber tutoriais em vídeo sobre o WordPress. Você também pode nos encontrar no Twitter e no Facebook.
Warren Ganye
I first cleared the cache and cookies. Initially it didn’t work, i couldnt stop the log in loop. This was because i had redirected the url to a sub directory using .htaccess.
I then had to delete the .htaccess file i had updated and created a new copy of it.
After that i was able to log in my wp-admin. Then i went to settings to customise the permalinks settings tag base to the name of the subdirectory i had placed the wordpress installation so that my other pages besides the home page could work.
Hope it helps
I’m able to log into WP Admin and then go to visit site and edit and browse from there on Internet Explorer. However on both google chrome and Safari, when I hit “Visit Site” it just takes me back to the admin login page again.. and again etc. I’ve tried everything and I’m just not understanding why it’s letting me get on with life in Internet Explorer but not Google Chrome/Safari. If someone replies to this, thanks for thought and time in advance!
Andy V
Gavin —
Exactly problem i am having. What did you do to resolve it?
On my side, the limitation came from a MySQL limitation of 100 Mb in my formula (which I did not know). After having reduced it, I could have access again to WP-admin.
Titus Raj
All above did not work for me.
I migrated from 5.6 php to 5.4php hosting
I then changed the new hosting to 5.6php then did migrate again, it worked.
Hi. I tested every things but not worked for me.
I wanted to create a backup from DirectAdmin but it appears an error in between backing up. It says the wp_usermeta is crashed and repair is not helpful for it.
So I opened the SSH and after login to server, I writed:
cd /var/lib/mysql/[DATABASE NAME]
and then:
myisamchk -r -v -f wp_usermeta
So this table is fixed and my users can login after this.
If you haven’t access to SSH you should contact your hosting support.
I hope it will be useful
Hey there! I have an active theme named ‘church’ in which i’m customizing a website. When i install plugins and make changes over the website, it works pretty fine. but then when i logout to my wordpress account, the changes made are reverted back. Please help me out!
Thanks in advance
After entering my login details, wp will reload and it wont redirect me to my dashboard. I then read through your guidelines. I tried everything and it was not working for me. The worst is that when I got to the step of delete htaccess, i did it and i started receiving 404 Not Found error on my login page. Please assist
One-man-show, do it yourself-er here… non computer wiz, banging my head against the wall for 4 days trying to fix this problem. Tried everything on this list, messed with my .htaccess and wp-config files a hundred different ways (which deleting all the .htaccess files worked for a second, until I resaved by permalink settings). . Also of importance was that I had used been using cloudflare for CDN purposes. Lastly, my problems coincided with switching hosting. So after trying everything here and about 1.5 hours on the phone with tech support at my hosting, it ended up being that I had a conflict with the www CNAME record. I serve my site as www and apparently the CNAME record with my new (actually original) host was still pointing at cloud flare. I “paused” my site with cloud flare, and updated the www CNAME record in my web host’s cPanel’s Advanced DNS Zone Editor by removing the (mynamerserver.cloudflare) from the end of themysite.mynameserver.cloudflare.com. Now the www CNAME is simply named mysite.com. Viola! Logged back in and all is good. Phew! On to the next fire, which is now that some of my navigation links on my site are 404-ing…but that’s for another thread. Thanks for this page and the active nature of this site, has already helped me fix/learn a ton.
WPBeginner Support
Hey Jason,
Glad you solved it. For 404 errors, check out our guide on how to fix 404 error in WordPress.
Craig Hodge
I have read through the entire article, and every single comment, tried every idea that has been suggested, and about a dozen others, and nothing works. I am still unable to log in to wp-admin.
Peter Vukovic
Another possibility is that your disk space is full. WordPress login will fail silently if this is the case.
Vinny O'Hare
I had this issue and instead of going the ftp route I logged into my managewp account and logged in and resaved the permalinks and I was good to go.
I found that the file permissions were not correct (group had write access).
stephen miller
Since installing SSL 10 days ago we’re unable to log in to the WordPress blog (all the WP files sit in that directory). The login credentials are accepted but the login page redirects back to itself with fields empty, We’ve tried everything- including everything mentioned in this article:
(Below the last of recommended fixes. The ‘x’ means they were tried to no effect)
x Clear Cookies to Resolve Login Issues
x Deactivate All Plugins
(x*) Revert Back to the Default Theme (there was no problem following a theme change 2 months ago)
x Delete .htaccess File
x Update Site URL (add these to wp-config.php)
(Did those with no effect)
We’re at our wits end with this. Would really appreciate some help. Remember we can only access the ftp files, not the WP admin area.
If nothing else, can we make a new blog and transfer several years of critical posts to the new one? Or do a re-install of WP via FTP? Please help!
WPBeginner Support
Hi Stephen,
After successfully installing SSL, your WordPress site should be using https instead of http. Please try adding these lines to wp-config.php file
1-click Use in WordPress
after clicking the lost password in wordpress based my website still i am stuck over in the same page please help me with the same
Pat Parker
I increased the memory in wp-config and that worked.
define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘512M’);
didn’t work fpr me
Connor G
I have the same issue you outline in this post, however I’m also getting a “This site is not Secure” flag from Google which I was able to bypass through the ‘Advanced Options’ under the warning. I’ve tried all of the above with no luck. Even adjusting my website url in the PHPmyadmin tool hasn’t stopped me from being redirected.
Is there something else that has gone wrong here further than what you describe above, or is the Google security warning common with this issue?
Thanks a ton!
Hello there, I tried every trick and my wp-admin page still tell me “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.” I try loging in through wp-login.php and I see a login page but it redirects me to our homepage. I tried deactivating plugins, themes, and unblocking my IP through wp-config.php with no luck. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
We have same problem, but after a few minutes and keep trying to loging I can access my wp-admin and the dashboard running normally agan.
Janice Roth
Hi WordPress experts,
Would really appreciate a voice to calm my panic. My head is spinning. I am not a web expert, just a person setting up my own business site. My site is set up on WordPress, on a temp URL while I’m still building it. Using RT them 19. Been using it no problem for a while, but now I can’t access the site using my usual user name and password. Keeps saying not valid”
Also, above the log in area there are a whole lot of lines that look like this.
Only 1 looks like this
Warning: ksort() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given in /home/content/html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/core/template-functions.php on line 316
About 20 lines look like this
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/html/wp-content/plugins/bbpress/includes/core/template-functions.php:316) in /home/content/html/wp-login.php on line 394
WPBeginner Support
Hi Janice,
It seems like your theme or a plugin is causing this issue. Please take a look at our step by step WordPress troubleshooting guide to figure out what’s causing the issue.
i can’t log in. wordpress won’t accept my name, my password. won’t allow me to create a new reader account under a different address or name. i am completely locked out and have lost hundreds of feeds. i am NOT a blogger – only a follower, and wordpress seems only interested in bloggers, with little or no support for followers. i have tried changing my password several times and even when brand-new, it will not be accepted. i have called the phone number and have gotten either no answer or a message telling me that the number is no longer in service. i am so frustrated i just want my feeds back so i can export them to someplace else.
Sutapa Chatterjee
I am not being able to log in at all, how do I even change the URL settings ?
I did the last suggestion where you enter in
Took a bit to figure out how to do it but it worked perfectly. Thanks!
(BTW you can just do it through cpanel – file manager – and edit the code.)
I solved it by going to the php my admin and wp_users by changing the username to something else (same for nickname etc..) and saved. Logged in again with the new name and same password and it worked.
didn’t work for me
Nelson Mulama
I had the same problem on multiple migrated websites and none of the above stated solutions seemed to work.
My problem arises from the fact that each time I do the migration, I create a totally new Word Press users who don’t have any posts or pages assigned to them.
The thing with the wp-login.php (for my case) is it was redirecting me to the homepage as I didn’t have any content assigned to the user.
Solution, went to the wp-posts table and assigned one article to the new user using userID (you will find this in your wp-users table)
solved the problem
David Rawlins
Thanks very much. For me it was a plugin that messed things up. Now sorted
Angelo Saponaro
Hi, Can I ask you to come has Solved? Not one of the solutions above me I have helped.
Thank you
Munna Hossain
It is really a common error of WordPress. I also faced this problem. But now I am Ok. All these options have not Worked. Thanks for sharing.
Angelo Saponaro
Hi, Can I ask you to come has Solved? Not one of the solutions above me I have helped.
Thank you
The redirect problem occurred for me after the DNS DDoS attack on Oct 21, 2016.
I found a simple solution by including an admin page in the login path such as:
Login with this directed right to the menu panel.
After logout, I was able to login normally with just /wp-admin.
Don’t know why, but it worked!
Hey Peter, this happens to several of my websites as well. I normally go to wp-admin/theme-editor.php because it won’t let me login through wp-admin. When I click ‘Log In’, it just refreshes the login page.
and I’ve tried the options above, it still didn’t solve the issue.
Lynn Spivey
Thanks Peter!
Thanks so much for posting the link – my computer experience involves FaceBook and Amazon Prime, so I needed someone to tell me to type this and go here! Telling me to paste a code into something that I can’t even figure out how to access wasn’t working for me! I have spent a couple of days trying to log in and was just about to walk away for good! You saved the day, seriously. Hero! (:
Renee Blundon
THANK YOU! This finally finally finally resolved the login and logout issues with my site. I owe you guys big time!! What did the trick was editing the wp-config file with these two lines:
Thanks again, you guys are amazing!
Niall Guerin
You are a superstar. Was really getting frustrated with other tips and guides. I followed your tips, 1 by 1. Nothing worked until the last one using the 2 define statements. In my case, I did a DNS update 72 hours ago. The DNS propagated to most locations within 12-24 hours, but the wp-admin completely failed. I used md5/password update via phpadmin from your other blog tip (also excellently written and illustrated) and was still having no joy so followed this guide as second step. As soon as I did it, the password invalid message then displayed after a test login. Then the password reset link started working also which did not work after all prior error checks. The reset mail was received and worked fine and all stable again. Really really appreciate you putting this together as you just sorted me out big time. Thanks. Niall
WPBeginner Support
Hey Niall,
Glad you found it helpful
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for more WordPress tips and tutorials.
Adeolu Adeyemi
Non of the above solutions worked for me. I had to check the php error log, and I saw this
WordPress database error Duplicate entry ‘0’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ for query INSERT INTO `wp_usermeta` (`user_id`, `meta_key`, `meta_value`) VALUES (4, ‘session_tokens’, ‘a:1:{s:64:\”235054a04c368610fe278c9aa25e46f411483bbc6b9dd52fa4574b3ba4d5ecac\”;a:4:{s:10:\”expiration\”;i:1476532105;s:2:\”ip\”;s:3:\”::1\”;s:2:\”ua\”;s:109:\”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/52.0.2743.116 Safari/537.36\”;s:5:\”login\”;i:1476359305;}}’) made by wp_signon, wp_set_auth_cookie, WP_Session_Tokens->create, WP_Session_Tokens->update, WP_User_Meta_Session_Tokens->update_session, WP_User_Meta_Session_Tokens->update_sessions, update_user_meta, update_metadata, add_metadata
Querying the database to remove the umeta_id with id 0, did it for me.
you are right bro i have same problem too, but i didn’t get how resolve it u.u
Sommie Njoku
Yup. This did the trick for me!
Go to your database wp_usermeta and change the umeta_id 0 to something else.
Last one worked forme
I run around 10 websites and never came across this problem until today. I closed my WordPress site by mistakes whilst doing a long edit. Not sure if this was the issue but on opening Firefox again an trying to login to WordPress i kept being redirected. I noticed i still got an error for logging in incorrectly.
I set off to work to try and find a solution. Renamed theme folders plugins got rid of cache. Nothing worked. I decided this has to be a problem with the .htacess file. Now the problem you have is most sites that you go through a cpanel will not show this file. So grab something like filezilla. To find it. I re uploaded the exact same one to the server and it’s all back to normal must have been a brain fart…. just seems odd that exact same file has fixed the problem.
[edit sorry]
Great – had this problem for a few days where I sometimes couldn’t log-in, but mostly when I went to view site when I WAS logged in, I’d see the maintenance mode page, as if I wasn’t logged in! Defined the site in WP-Config and problem sorted.
My WordPress Dashboard => Home( Edit Page) still loading what we do?
if i check in view page it shows my website(no errors in this page).
can anyone Please Suggest me.
Richard Taylor
Deactivating Plugins worked for me … thank you so much
Deleting the .htaccess file solved my issue!
Thanks guys
Defining the site URL worked for me! Thanks a ton!
Tejpal Choudhary
Last one “update site URL” worked for me .
Thanks from the bottom of the heart.
I had this problem when a site was built a long time ago without using wordpress secret-keys in the wp-config.php file.
When I added the secret keys to wp-config.php as part of upgrading the site’s security I was not able to login (even after trying all of the above fixes) and it seemed that the login page was just refreshing instead of bringing me to the wordpress dashboard.
To solve the login-refreshing problem, I temporarily went back to my old wp-config.php file without the secret-keys and was able to log in.
Last method worked – BUT the Settings > General > WordPress URL and Website URL are greyed out/ impossible to change + if I remove those two lines from wp-config.php the problem returns.
ANY WAY to change the URL settings – and make them remain correct?
PS I also tried to edit the database’s options table (and enter the correct site url in the first line there), but no luck.
Kathy Porter
Chrome > Settings > Advanced > Reset Settings
Chrome finally works like it’s supposed to again! Yay!
Joana Ashford
Yay this worked for me
Most of the time it is the plugins that creates this problem.
I tried everything, too, and nothing worked. The problem only exists in Chrome for me.
Finally it’s fixed! I reset Chrome.
Julio Fermin
I trying everything and don’t work permanently. What I can do? I am using hostinger and a godaddy domain.
Sagun Khadka
The last method worked for me
Kingsley Iyke
Regarding wp-admin login not coming up, I have done all of the above suggestions but non could fix the problem. Can anyone help with new solution. I`ll appreciate. Kingsley Iyke
Van Hallman
I fixed my issue by removing the top 2 lines in my wpconfig.php which were referencing a non existent W# Total cache install.
Excellent tutorial. Easy to figure out and best of all, following the instructions enabled me to solve my problem quickly!
Turns out a plug-in was the culprit so by renaming the plugin folder I was able to deactivate them all and sign in. (Good thing to know for the future.) I then added them back one by one to determine which plugin was causing the problem.
One thing … please don’t laugh … you have to double click on the plugin folder name to change it. I was right clicking on it to try to rename it (as you do in Windows file explorer) … minor detail I forgot about.
Any tips if none of these work? Only have the redirect issue when trying to login to Admin. Site seems fine for viewing for everyone. Just the login issue to Dashboard.
Jepp, the same problem like before… I’ve tried all the tricks, but nothing works…
Please help…
All the other sites with the same WP version still running best – also the login. Only one of the sites (at another provider) doesn’t work (only the login, I mean).
Sorry for my poor english…
All the best
I’ve found the problem: One or more of three of my plugins caused an data-overflow of one of the fields in the database.
I’ve installed the problematic plugins:
– Simple login log
– Limit Login Attempts
– Rich Counter
The database has a total limit of 1024MB… but it used 1288MB and this caused the problem.
After erasing the content of the database-fields of all of the three plugins and reconfiguring the settings of them, the login was functioning till today…
Best Regards
Now of this works……. i suspect the database because when comparing it to default wp install AUTO_INCREMENT is missing from the “extra” column on my database
i mean NON work for me
Clearing the cache and cookies helped me. Thank you