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Perché non riesco ad aggiungere o installare plugin in WordPress? (5 motivi)

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Una delle domande più frequenti che i nostri lettori ci pongono è: “Perché non posso aggiungere plugin in WordPress?”.

Questa situazione si verifica di solito quando l’utente vede un messaggio di aggiornamento o l’area di amministrazione non ha il menu dei plugin. Se state affrontando questo problema, siete nel posto giusto.

In questo articolo spiegheremo perché non è possibile aggiungere o installare plugin in WordPress.

Why Can't I Add or Install Plugins in WordPress

In questa guida sono elencati 5 dei principali motivi per cui non è possibile aggiungere o installare plugin in WordPress. Sentitevi liberi di usare i collegamenti rapidi qui sotto per passare all’argomento specifico che si applica alla vostra situazione:

1. Siete su è un servizio di hosting per blog che offre una versione limitata del popolare software WordPress self-hosted. Per maggiori dettagli, consultate la nostra guida sulla differenza tra e

Gli utenti di non possono installare plugin a meno che non effettuino l’aggiornamento al piano Creator o superiore, che parte da chi è a 25 dollari al mese. Se siete su un piano Gratuito, Principiante o Explorer, non potete installare plugin di terze parti.

Trying to install a plugin in

Se non volete pagare questa cifra, potete spostare il vostro blog da a

Se avete bisogno di aiuto per farlo, potete utilizzare il nostro servizio gratuito di configurazione del blog WordPress. Basta indicare che volete che trasferiamo il vostro sito e lo faremo gratuitamente.

Suggerimento professionale: Volete creare un sito web su senza problemi? I nostri servizi WPBeginner Pro possono aiutarvi a dare il via alla vostra presenza online e a costruire un bel sito senza alcuno sforzo.

2. Esistono limitazioni di ruolo per gli utenti

WordPress ha un sistema integrato di gestione dei ruoli degli utenti che assegna diversi livelli di accesso agli utenti del sito web.

Gliamministratori sono il ruolo più alto dell’utente e hanno pieno accesso a tutte le funzionalità del sito WordPress, compresa l’aggiunta, l’installazione e l’attivazione di plugin.

D’altra parte, gli Editori, gli Autori, i Collaboratori e gli Abbonati non possono installare plugin.

Administrator vs Editor dashboard in WordPress

Se state elaborando in corso un sito web ma non vedete il menu “Plugin”, è possibile che non abbiate l’accesso come amministratore.

In questo caso, se vi fidate della persona che gestisce il sito web (ad esempio, uno sviluppatore o un webmaster), potete chiedere gentilmente di concedervi le autorizzazioni di amministratore per installare i plugin di cui avete bisogno.

3. Problema di limite di memoria

Il secondo scenario più comune è quello in cui è possibile vedere e accedere alla pagina dei plugin, ma non è possibile installarli. Quando si tenta di installare i plugin, viene visualizzato un messaggio di errore.

Questo errore è solitamente causato dal limite di memoria di PHP. WordPress è scritto utilizzando il linguaggio di scripting PHP e ogni script PHP utilizza una certa quantità di memoria.

Ci sono impostazioni nel vostro hosting WordPress e nel nucleo di WordPress che definiscono la quantità di memoria che uno script PHP può utilizzare.

Quando un processo raggiunge questo limite, viene terminato o mostra un errore come questo sul vostro sito WordPress:

Errore irreversibile: La dimensione di memoria consentita di 67108864 byte è esaurita.

La soluzione rapida a questo problema è aumentare il limite di memoria di PHP. È possibile farlo aggiungendo questa riga al file wp-config.php:

define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

Per istruzioni più dettagliate, consultate la nostra guida su come risolvere l’errore di esaurimento della memoria di WordPress.

Si noti che, sebbene l’aumento del limite di memoria di PHP possa talvolta correggere il problema e consentire l’installazione dei plugin, è importante capire che non è sempre la soluzione ideale.

Il codice dannoso potrebbe sfruttare un limite di memoria elevato per consumare più risorse del previsto, con un potenziale impatto sulla sicurezza del sito WordPress.

Prima di modificare il limite di memoria, si consiglia di consultare il proprio fornitore di hosting WordPress. Questi può analizzare le esigenze specifiche del vostro sito web e consigliarvi un aumento sicuro e appropriato del limite di memoria, se necessario.

Per saperne di più, potete leggere il nostro articolo su come richiedere correttamente l’assistenza di WordPress.

4. Siete su una rete multisito

Un’altra possibile ragione per cui non si riesce a vedere il menu dei plugin in WordPress è se il sito fa parte di un network o di una rete di WordPress multisito.

Un network multisito di WordPress consente di gestire più siti web da un’unica installazione di WordPress. Può essere utile in situazioni in cui è necessario gestire un network o una rete di siti web simili.

Tuttavia, una differenza fondamentale tra un network o una rete di multisiti e una tipica installazione di WordPress è che l’amministratore della rete ha un maggiore controllo sui singoli siti.

In alcuni casi, l’amministratore della rete potrebbe disabilitare il menu dei plugin per singoli siti all’interno della rete per mantenere la coerenza o garantire la stabilità di tutti i siti.

Installing plugins on multisite network

Per risolvere questo problema, potete chiedere al vostro amministratore di rete di installare i plugin per voi.

Per saperne di più su questo argomento, consultate la nostra guida sul perché non si vedono tutti i plugin nelle installazioni multisito di WordPress.

5. Avete caricato il file del plugin sbagliato

Supponiamo di voler caricare un file di plugin di terze parti, ma WordPress continua a mostrare un messaggio di errore come quello riportato di seguito:

Example of plugin upload error

In questo caso, si potrebbe verificare se si sta caricando il file giusto. I file dei plugin sono solitamente contenuti in un pacchetto .zip, il che significa che utilizzano il formato .zip.

Si consiglia inoltre di controllare se i file di contenuto zip scaricati sono compatibili. Non tutti i plugin di terze parti provengono da fonti affidabili e questo potrebbe essere il motivo per cui non vengono caricati correttamente.

Per ulteriori informazioni sull’installazione dei plugin, consultate le nostre guide qui sotto:

Inoltre, per ridurre al minimo i rischi per la sicurezza, consigliamo di installare solo plugin provenienti da fonti affidabili, come la directory dei plugin di La directory di ha un processo di revisione e tende a offrire plugin di sviluppatori affidabili.

Ecco alcuni suggerimenti aggiuntivi per la scelta di plugin sicuri:

  • Cercate plugin con uno sviluppo attivo e buone valutazioni da parte degli utenti.
  • Selezionate la data di aggiornamento per assicurarvi che il plugin sia compatibile con la vostra versione di WordPress.
  • Leggete la descrizione e le recensioni del plugin per capire le sue caratteristiche e i potenziali problemi di compatibilità.

Speriamo che questo articolo vi abbia aiutato a capire perché non è possibile aggiungere o installare plugin in WordPress. Potreste anche consultare il nostro elenco dei plugin WordPress indispensabili e la nostra guida sugli errori comuni di WordPress e su come risolverli.

Se questo articolo vi è piaciuto, iscrivetevi al nostro canale YouTube per le esercitazioni video su WordPress. Potete trovarci anche su Twitter e Facebook.

Divulgazione: I nostri contenuti sono sostenuti dai lettori. Ciò significa che se cliccate su alcuni dei nostri link, potremmo guadagnare una commissione. Vedi come WPBeginner è finanziato , perché è importante e come puoi sostenerci. Ecco il nostro processo editoriale .


Editorial Staff at WPBeginner is a team of WordPress experts led by Syed Balkhi with over 16 years of experience in WordPress, Web Hosting, eCommerce, SEO, and Marketing. Started in 2009, WPBeginner is now the largest free WordPress resource site in the industry and is often referred to as the Wikipedia for WordPress.

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109 commentiLascia una risposta

  1. Syed Balkhi says

    Hey WPBeginner readers,
    Did you know you can win exciting prizes by commenting on WPBeginner?
    Every month, our top blog commenters will win HUGE rewards, including premium WordPress plugin licenses and cash prizes.
    You can get more details about the contest from here.
    Start sharing your thoughts below to stand a chance to win!

  2. Evan Cleary says

    I set up a WordPress site in 2014 and was able to get plugins without going into a business plan. And I sent up another site a few years ago and it was also not any problem to add plugins. As far as I know, it was via and not – I downloaded a theme and editors that and used my own URL hosted by a hosting company. I’m quite confused now as no one seems to be saying that this policy of having to pay for a business plan is a new thing. Is it a new thing?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If your site is on a hosting provider and not the website then it is a site. Having to purchase the business plan on for access to plugins is not something new.


  3. karan says

    I had one site of mine that had the issue of no option for adding or updating plugins. For some reason define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_MODS’,true); was in my wp-config file.

    Once I deleted that line, my plugin options were restored. It took me a while to find this solution. I hope this helps people find this solution.

  4. Heide says

    Thanks for the good article! I am bit confused, because I am super administrator and can’t install any new plugins. I can activate and deactivate plugins for sites or the whole network. But I don’t have the page for plugin installtion. Do you have any suggestions in this case? Thanks!

    • WPBeginner Support says

      If you’re using a multisite like it sounds like you are, you would need to install the plugin in the network admin area rather than on the individual sites.


  5. anis says

    when i try to install a pluging it shows the following:
    Installation failed: Abort class-pclzip.php : Missing zlib extensions
    what should i do

    • WPBeginner Support says

      For that error, you would want to first reach out to your hosting provider and they should be able to assist.


  6. Amy Skea says

    I can’t download I get this message. I have tried various plugins and get the same.
    Thank you

    Installation failed: Could not copy file. wp-fastest-cache/wpFastestCache.php

  7. santosh says

    hey i cant upload and install pluginsin my wordpress website.
    its shows just the blank page.please help me

  8. Amarnath says

    Hey, I am troubling to install wordpress.
    “The MySQL Connection could not be established.”
    It is written like this what should I do?

    • WPBeginner Support says

      You would want to ensure your username and password in your wp-config file are the correct ones, you may also want to check with your hosting provider’s support if this is a new error and they should be able to assist.


  9. May says

    How Can I transfer my blog from to to get the benefits of the second one ?

  10. Zeeshan says

    i am install pulgin but faild.
    and ERROR IS

    Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in G:\xampp\htdocs\Ecommrace\wp-includes\Requests\Transport\cURL.php on line 462

  11. Ale Sants says

    Hello! Same problem here. Cannot ADD plugins.

    More details of my site:

    WordPress 5.2.2 running Bridge theme, so no .com

    Hostgator for hosting

    I am an admin and no one else has ever done any work on the site, so I am the only admin for sure.

    Please help and thanks in advance!

  12. Rishabh Jain says

    I want to install WP super cache plugin but when I search it in plugin dialog box, on right top corner it shows ‘Not Available’ Why is it so? Is there any problem with my blog. Please help me out…

  13. Mazie says

    Don’t know what I’m doing wrong with new blog (true newbie). My menu doesn’t look like those above. All I see are the following 7 options, all are listed on the left: Site Identity, Colors & Backgrounds, Fonts, Header Image, Menus, CSS and Widgets. I guess my question is, is this as it should be for the free (.com) site? Is it from this menu that I will create and complete my free blog?

    Sorry to be so ignorant about this. I think I’m missing something as I don’t imagine it’s supposed to seem so confusing.

    Thank you!


    • WPBeginner Support says

      Sadly, our tutorials are for rather than which is what you’re using would be part of the confusion. If you go to the wp-admin area of your site the admin area will look similar but you will still have the limitations.


  14. Sasha says

    Deactivate WordPress Plugin: WP Editor and you will be able to see list of your hidden plugin. WP Editor not tested/comparable with new WP version and php 7.

  15. chris says

    I am trying to install a plug-in on a website that a company designed for me but I don’t have the plugin option in my administrator menu (made sure I was an admin not just a editor). My admin bar is also Red with “PRODUCTION SERVER” next to my name. Are these too related? How to I add plug-ins if I don’t have the the plug-in tab?

  16. Nalin Puri says

    I am using InstantWP Named automated wordpress local server.If i buy my hosting service can i shift my blog from instant vp to that hosting server of GoDaddy

  17. sajilesh kurup says


    on wordpress website i am able to see pulgin menu, however as i hover mouse pointer over it not displaying option menu of add new

  18. anh tuan says

    please help me! i’m a admin on my website but i can’t see any plugins on plugin dashboard, in my hostin, it still no problem??

    • WPBeginner Support says


      You may not have an admin account or someone you hired to work on your website has disabled your access to plugins area. Sometimes developers do this to make sure that their customers don’t accidentally break their websites.


  19. Judy Adams says

    I tried adding the plug in contact form 7 add-on now I get a white a screen after activating or trying to activate. I cannot go to my dashboard or anything in word press now. When trying to FTP in to deactivate plugin I am not sure what login and password to use. Can you please help me? I don’t want to lose my whole website I created because I cant get in now.

  20. Riazvic says

    I am having an e-commerce website, unfortunately, I am having a theme which came with a premium plugin which I have purchased. their plugin section is available but widget section is not available how can I put google translate code into that theme where should use that code in the theme files?
    I hope to get an answer here.
    thanks in advance for your support.

  21. David says

    Hello.I have the same issue of can not add new plugin in wordpress plugin panel.

    1. No “add new” plugin options
    2.No “trash” plugin options
    3.Other issue is I can not find the “editor” in appearance panel

    Would you like to let me know how can i fix this?

    • Rizqi says

      I have same issues, it also can’t update existing plugins, because the link is gone. Have got the solutions?

  22. Jacqueline says

    Hi. I purchased the Divi theme and plug in file. The theme uploaded fine but when I go to upload the plug in file it fails. Anything I can do? Thank you for your support on this matter.

  23. Aziz Nazarov says


    Thank you for sharing such a valuable info.
    Maybe this’s a bit off topic question.
    I’m having a small issue at the moment with adding a new submenu page.
    So basically I got an Astra Theme (not a pro version) with Beaver Builder.
    I add the page as usual then add to the menu under sub-item, all looks good.
    But when I click on the sub menu page it doesn’t take me there. It basically takes me to a home page.
    What could be an issue? Could you help me please?
    Thank you

  24. candy says

    I cannot activated and install my plugin.

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_FUNCTION, expecting ‘)’ in E:\AppServ\www\shopify\wp-content\plugins\ninja-fb-private-reply\src\Facebook\autoload.php on line 45

    please help me fix this .

  25. Mark says

    Hi, I cant log on to my wordpress account. It says “ERROR: There is no user registered with that email address.” I know for a fact that that is the correct email address associated with the account.. Please help!!! I dont have any of the other information required to reset the account (such as transaction ID) HELP!!!!

  26. mark says

    should I switch to wix or weebly? this is stupid. I have to sit here for hours googling to not be able to do the stupidest simplest things. I don’t want to learn wordpress I just want a simple ecommerce site that wont be like a college course to get set up.


  27. lokesh says

    I’m getting this message while installing the plugins.

    An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.

    How to solve please help

  28. Yeboah Martin says

    I had this message when trying to upload a plugin:

    POST Content-Length of 11688443 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0

  29. Jitendra Mahato says

    I have migrated my blog yesterday. All the things are good but the error in the plugin. I have deleted all the plugins. After then, while i am starting to install the plugin, then No, any plugin is adding..
    While adding….
    Messages lke this…
    Could not create directory. /home/danfeh5/public_html/

  30. Angelo says

    Hi.Why is it my comment section is closed?Even if i downloaded comment plugin it seems nothing changed

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hi Angelo,

      If comments are closed on all your articles, then go to Settings » Discussion page inside WordPress admin area and check the box next to ‘Allow people to post comments on new articles’ option. Any new article you now add will have comments enabled by default.

      For your older article you will have to edit them and then on the post edit screen click on the Screen Options button at the top right corner of the screen. Check the box next to Discussion option. Now scroll down below the post editing area and you will see a Discussion meta box where you need to check the option ‘Allow Comment’ option.


  31. Lisa says

    Hi I got this when trying to install jetpack and its not on my list of plugins and I am not sure what to do Installing Plugin from uploaded file:
    Unpacking the package…

    Installing the plugin…

    Destination folder already exists. /home/content/p3pnexwpnas02_data01/46/2075146/html/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/

    Plugin install failed.

    Return to Plugin Installer

    • WPBeginner Support says

      Hey Lisa,

      Your website already has a folder called jetpack. You need to connect to your website using an FTP client or File manager in Cpanel and delete that folder to install the plugin from the zip file.


  32. Omar says

    Hi, I can see and add plugins in “my” installation (its not a multisite) of wordpress but suddenly there’s no option for activate/delete under the plugin name, but I still can do this trough the bulk actions option… did someone know why this happens?

  33. Rafael says

    I was added as ‘admin’ in a multisite WordPress so I couldn’t see the Plugins. Asked for the ‘network admin’ to enable Plugins in ‘Network Configurations’ but looks like that just allows me to see the Plugins, still not able to install new plugins.

  34. zork says

    awesome man: define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);

    this solved my problem after a migration from local to production

    thank you so much!

  35. Ankur Sharma says

    i have installed wordpress on pc with xampp. when i install ULTIMATE MEMBER plugin it shows an error and when i upload the plugin it shows the memory limit problem..
    i have already added that line you mentioned i.e.
    define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ’64M’);

    and also i have changed a line in php.ini file in xampp

    ; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.

    nothing is working .. please help me ..

  36. Nicole says

    I have I have admin rights and i still have no options for adding new plugins. Any suggestions?

  37. Ali Shair says

    if i Host my site on Hostgator or go daddy then it is possible to upload themes or plugins

  38. Tim McCoy says

    I get the following message when I try to download any plugins:

    Downloading install package from ….
    Download failed. Could not open handle for fopen() to /home/content/95/9132095/tmp/seo-wizard-BrHIzr.tmp

  39. Leah says

    I was sure I had a site, but I have access to plugins like Jetpack and Discuz. Has this changed since this article was published, or do I have

  40. Nadya says

    I am trying to get rid of dates on my wordpress blog but everywhere I look seems to be suggesting downloading a plug-in but from your post we are not able to install plug-ins…. So does this mean we are not able to delete dates in regular

  41. ahmad says

    hi i have this warning when i want to install plugin or them that is happended to me when i moved wordpress from loaclhost to livesite
    Downloading install package from
    Warning: unlink(/home/fanousmd/public_html//home/fanousmd/public_html/tmp/contact-form-builder.1.0.39-iYKOjV.tmp): No such file or directory in /home/fanousmd/public_html/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 481

    Download failed. Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable.

    Return to Plugin Installer

  42. Denise says

    Is there a way to add a booking calendar to a site considering it does not take plugins. Is there a non-plugin option? What are the options other than switching?

  43. Joey Ayoub says

    This really ruins the WordPress experience for me. All I wanted was to be able to write my own meta descriptions and now I’m told I have to pay even more to do just that? For goodness’ sake.

    • WPBeginner Support says

      if you are using, then yes you can not install plugins or modify themes on your own. However, using a self-hosted WordPress site you can make all these changes using free plugins and themes.


  44. Ryan Naylor says

    I was having this problem yesterday. I wanted to install the Gravity Forms Directory plugin, which I did and activated. Yet, I couldn’t find it within my dashboard and even following the plugin directions, was not able to follow. My only conclusion is that I need to actually purchase Gravity Form in order to install and use the G.F. directory plugin.?

  45. Ignacio says

    One more (happened to me today):

    I forgot that I wrote this on wp-config:


    That will disable plugins install, updates…

    • FourteenG says

      I had one site of mine that had the issue of no option for adding or updating plugins. For some reason define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_MODS’,true); was in my wp-config file.

      Once I deleted that line, my plugin options were restored. It took me a while to find this solution. I hope this helps people find this solution.

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